
The Deficit

Let’s think about the Sequester coming up and some facts about our government spending and many facts people don’t know or just refuse to believe. Some people are so stooped in their Democrat or Republican ideology they refuse to see the facts. If you are this way, please don’t ever vote again. If you will not take the time to figure out which politicians are liars and crooks, again please don’t vote. The idiots in Washington put us into this predicament and we the voters put them into the position to put us into this predicament; we are just as much at fault usually due to our greed. The Sequester is around 2% of our National budget and the administration (President Obama) could direct the cuts many places to prevent the people from getting hurt but refuses because, this is politics and he wants it to hurt to blame the other side. I am one of those who will be purposefully hurt by this white house and senate. I decided to see what was out there to cut which could keep me and everyone else in the cross hairs from being hurt and found close to 25% of the National budget wasted which turns my stomach. If we did these cuts and cleanups and ran our government as a business, we would be out of debt in 3-6 years.

I have said before that we need to have all the bills in Congress stand on their own and there is a very good reason. Politicians are masters at the art of lying; they can tell you they are spending money but it won’t cost a dime (I would like some of that money). Their trick is this; take the Defense bill for example and attach a lot crap to it which has nothing to do with Defense.  If anyone votes against it, they are against the military when the truth is they are against something other politicians have placed into the defense bill; as you can see this is where all the ear marks come from which is nothing but wasteful spending. When you make every bill stand on its own accord, you will know the true meaning of the bill and what are the politician’s true agendas.
Below are just a few examples of waste in our government which adds up close to $411 billion a year and isn’t by far everything. This was just some of the big and bizarre items; I have attached the links below for most. The US Government takes in around $2.2 trillion a year which means a quarter of our taxes are wasted; this would add up to $4,000 per every US household. If I was to take an educated guess, I would say around a third is wasted. I don’t care which side you vote for but a fiscal conservative, Democrat or Republican is a must or all he have will be gone.  

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $175 billion on empty building?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $123 billion on federal programs which were found to have no effect at all for what they were designed.

  1. Did you know the US government gives $83 billion to big banks every year; why? I think they are in the money business and can earn their own.

  1. More then 13 billion is waste or stolen each year.

  1. Did you know the US government wasted 4.5 billion in the food stamp program on illegal purchases?

  1. Did you know identity thieves milked the US government for $3.9 billion last year?

  1. Did you know the US government paid prisoners $3.2 billion last year?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $1.5 billion on free cell phones?

  1. Did you know the US government has not received $330 million in taxes by Medicaid Providers but is still paying them?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $268 million on Black Liquor loop holes?

  1. Did you know the US government pays $139+ Million a year to not work?

  1. Did you know the US government (Congress) spent $132 million for member, leadership, and committee offices?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $120 million paying dead federal employees?

  1. Did you know the US government spent $91 million for the NFL, NHL, and PGA who all classify themselves as non-profit organizations?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $38.8 million on an Alaska tourist Train?

  1. Did you know the US government paid $35 million to 118 Medicare clinics that didn’t exist?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $35 million on a trolley in St Louis no one wants or uses?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $30 million on Pakistani Mango farmers?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted 27 million on pottery classes?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $24 million on obsolete products like typewriters?

  1. Did you know the US government pays $17.8 million in gifts to China?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $10 million on Pakistani Sesame Street?

  1. Did you know the US government spent $3.3 million on a private tourist business?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsible?

  1. Did you know the US government (Census Bureau paid $2.5 million on commercials?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted 2 million as maintenance fees on grant accounts which were empty?

  1. Did you know the US government wasted $1.3 million on a privately owned companies drive way?

  1. Did you know the US government pays $800 thousand was spent on a study the impact of genital washing?

  1. Did you know the US government pays $742 thousand on a study Sheep Grazing for Controlling Weeds?

  1. Did you know the US government spent $441 thousand on former Speaker of the House liberal Republican Dennis Hastert office?

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