
Muslims and Jihadist Training Camps in America

Please comment on this article no matter where you are from; I want to hear your thoughts.

I have said in the past I have Muslim friends and they reflect the will and desires of Dr. Tashbin Sayyed. Mr. Tashbih Sayyed is founder of Muslim World Today newspaper and website. He contends that Muslim PR agents, e.g., CAIR and MPAC, mask a pro-Islamist, political initiative for Muslim terrorism and Sharia Law to replace democracy in Western countries. He received the "Profile in Courage" Award from the American Jewish Congress. He had received many death threats and stood up to fundamentalist Islamism every chance. Sadly he was one of a very small group of Muslims and passed in 2007, but he got what it is suppose to be like to be American. He is one of a very few Muslims who wanted to live in peace and harmony with the west both respecting each other. For those who want to condemn all Muslims, this shows not all Muslims are radicals. This being said, unfortunately the majority of Muslims do not want to live in peace with the west and would as soon kill us as look at us because to them we are infidels and unworthy to breath. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and at one time was an Arabic interpreter for the US government. I would listen to Muslims both abroad and in the US talk in the open about how to bring America to its knees under Sharia Law and watched our government do nothing when reported. The ones over seas I can understand not taking a stand against, it’s their country but not taking a stand in the US due to political correctness will lead to many Americans being murdered on our own soil like at Ft Hood and Boston. Many Muslims in the US cheered the FT Hood shooting and 9/11,

Do you have the right in the US to be free from anyone terrorizing you? Of course you do but not according to these two Muslims living inside the US, it is a commandment by Allah to terrorize anyone who isn’t Muslim. This is the problem! They praise terrorist attacks on US soil and their speech is so full of hate that it would make Satan himself proud and the authorities say they can do nothing. There is no outcry from the “Moderate Muslim Community” or Imams refuting what is said or rebutting “This is not true Islam” so they must agree with these home grown terrorist. These are just two out in the open trying to recruit for jihad in the US; isn’t this Treason and sedition? Under US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, § 2381, Treason: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. This is exactly what these two are preaching on the street; but what happens once they are recruited?

Once they are recruited they will be flown to some foreign country to receive training, right; No, there is actually according to the federal government, 35 Muslim jihadists training camps inside the US. I went looking for them but could only find 32 (shocking enough) but I’m sure there are more then the 35, the government either hasn’t found them or released any updated reports. 

What is worse, in 2008 an FBI report was given detailing many Muslim Domestic Terrorist Sites but a short three years later if you look to Robert S. Mueller, director of the FBI and his briefing in 2011 to the House Judiciary Committee, he doesn’t mention a thing about this to congress in his report; What has changed? I don’t know but we have been attacked more in the five years, 2008 to 2013 then the previous eight years. I wanted to know what the truth was about Domestic Islamic Terrorism in the US. The following is what I found.

Dr. Tashbin Sayyed was an inspiration for us all; unfortunately the other side of the coin is not that pretty. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who say they want peace is a supplier for terrorist groups like Hamas internationally and Muslim’s of America domestically. Known terrorist have said, “We Know the Founders of CAIR Are HAMAS Operatives”, CAIR wishes nothing more than the implementation of Sharia Law in America. You need to read Muslim’s Peaceful Religion, Atrocities, and Honor Killings to see what Sharia Law is all about. The FBI had cut events with CAIR due to their funding of terrorist. A letter from the House Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus was signed with the title “BEWARE OF CAIR”; it was signed by the chair Sue Myrick, co-chair Pete Hoekstra, Trent Franks, Paul Broun, and John Shadegg.

Did I see “Muslim’s of America domestically” and 35 terrorist training camps in the US; what do you mean? In the US, numerous Orthodox Islamic Clerics say the use of violence to expand or preserve the reach of Islamic law is a central part of Islam, and can be an individual duty that transcends obligation to husbands, parents or governments. Think about that, violence against non-Muslim is expected and their duty. Does this sound like the freedom of or from religion which is our Constitutional right; of course not.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra, known in the U.S. as “Muslims of America,” has purchased or leased hundreds of acres of property – from New York to California – in which the leader, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, boasts of conducting “the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare.” In a recruitment video captured from Gilani’s “Soldiers of Allah,” he states in English: “We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America.” He then goes on to say about handle American “infidels” in a recruitment video, “Act like you are his friend. Then kill him.” Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was attempting to interview Jamaat ul-Fuqra’s leader, Gilani, in 2002 when he was kidnapped and later beheaded, many in federal law enforcement believe Gilani set up Mr. Pearl to be killed. One year later, Iyman Faris, member of both Jamaat ul-Fuqra and al-Qaida, pleaded guilty in federal court to a plot to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge; I think you can classify them as a terrorist group.

The 32 training camps I found listed in the governments data base are as follows by towns and states; Marion AL, Baladullah CA, Oak Hill CA, San Diego CA, Trout Creek Pass CO, Buena Vista CO, Macon GA, Augusta GA, Mecca Circle-Baxley GA, Commerce GA, Jessup GA, Springfield MA, Hyattsville MD, Coldwater MI, Dearborn MI, Islamber NY, Hancock NY, Deposit NY, Talihina OK, Portland OR, Philadelphia PA, Holy Islamville SC, York SC, Dover TN, Houston TX, Red House VA, Roanoke VA, Fairfax VA, Meherrin VA, Onalska WA, Seattle WA, and Bethany WV. If you think these are just like some other group in the US, you are wrong. They want (in their own words) over through our government and implement Sharia Law. We can see Sharia Law in highly concentrated areas of Muslims in the US; just ask the Christians in Dearborn MI who were stoned by a crowed of Muslims and the Dearborn police blamed them. Dearborn police also arrested a pastor in Dearborn, his crime, reading the Bible. What did the Constitution say?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Now I don’t care if you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Atheist; I do care about our Constitutional rights and Dearborn MI defiantly violated (yes I meant defiantly) these citizens rights with polices supporting the attackers. Listen to this Muslim who is actually telling you the truth about that all need to submit to the Muslim religion and Sharia Law.

As we have seen in the news, Sharia Law is happening in the Minneapolis Air Port when cab drivers refused (discriminated) against customers if they carried anything that would offend Allah. They were not violent but that wasn’t the case in Dearborn MI; watch what happens when these people (agree with or disagree) try to do what is their Constitutional right. What is worse is the Dearborn police violate the US Constitution and their rights again by arresting them even though they had done nothing against the law. By the way, the Supreme Court has ruled you can video tape the police in public but the Dearborn Police don’t care about the Supreme Court or your rights. The federal government needs to step in and why hasn’t the national news agencies covered this? Other then Fox News who actually did a small article about Dearborn MI and Sharia Law no other news agency has, so where is everyone else? This is a hate crime and a criminal act so why isn't the government and law-enforcement doing anything?

Why, because the biggest problem is our current administration is placing people in office who condone Sharia Law and thinks it should be put into place in the US. Our president nominated Herold Koh to the State Department Legal Advisor position in 2009 and Mr. Koh is a staunch supported Sharia Law in the US. AIG, CitiBank, UBS, DowJones, HSBC, Master Card, Visa is promoting Sharia Banking which supports terrorist groups and of course Sharia Law. There is actually an Islamic Court practicing Sharia Law in Texas shocking enough; Texas Islamic Court, 888 s. Greenville Ave., suite 188, Richardson, Texas. This court needs to be shut down! US law not Sharia is the law of the land and the Muslim population needs to adapt or leave. Muslims are suing states like Oklahoma over Islamic Sharia Law ban which was the will of the people.

NOW (National Organization of Women) and anyone who wants women equality, you really need to put your effort into stopping Sharia Law in the US because under Sharia Law you have no rights and become the property of man. A man in New Jersey raped wife and the court using Sharia Law said he did nothing wrong; it was later overturned but it should have been right the first time under US law. What does Sharia Law say about women?

  1. You are the property of man.
  2. Women can be forced to marry as young as 7 years old and must consummate the marriage.
  3. Women can not marry without permission.
  4. Lesbians are executed.
  5. If you want a divorce you must get your husbands consent; if he agrees the women must pay him the dowry and receive nothing acquired in the marriage.
  6. If a husband thinks she has been unfaithful he can stone her.
  7. Women testimony is worthless in court, only the man’s count.
  8. If your husband thinks you have dishonored the family you can legally be murdered.
  9. You must be escorted by a male family member everywhere.
  10. You can’t own anything, only the man can.
  11. If your husband, father, or guardian thanks you have misbehaved the can give you lashes with a whip.
  12. If a woman is raped and takes it to court, she can be convicted of violating Sharia segregation laws, sentences to 6 months in jail and given 200 lashes.
These are just the first dirty dozens of Sharia Law; if you don’t believe me look it up on your own. Links are highlighted though out the document and I’ll leave a list below for you to check out. There are good Muslims who want to live in peace but they are the micro minority. We need to wise up or we will loose our nation. They have already vowed to take it and we should take them at their word.



  1. Why doesn't our Government shut these camps down? Is it because of Obama? Who is a Muslim and worships the same god as the terrorist. After 9/11, I can't understand how we got a Muslim as president. Obama has trampled on our constitution and congress allows him to do so. He should not be the president of the US. I'm appalled at our Government.

    1. I am appalled that these training camps are protected by the constitution. They are planning to attack several U.S. cities at once and put our gov. in turmoil. people who believe in sharia law and female genital mutilation must be rounded up and sent to allah.

  2. We need to arrest the traitors in our government and then we need to clean up the house and take the trash out!

  3. These camps need to be leveled with a mini gun and burned to the ground with all the dead and wounded. If you are gullible enough to think any of these Satan worshippers are your friends then you know nothing of what these satan worshippers are brainwashed into thinking and doing, you fool!!

  4. this is bullshit and we all know it this country has turned to shit and we need to step up and defend what we believe in no matter what the cost is if we let them keep doing what there doing we will not have what all of us worked so hard to keep and that is our freedom kick all these pricks out and don't let them in anymore that's how we keep it from happening again surround our country with our soldiers instead of going to all there aids see where that got us fn no where who the hell raised these fucks in our government you ought to be ashamed there your children thanks for the info of where these camps r maybe we will have to take matters into r own hands shortly

  5. you asked me to comment why do you have to approve it

  6. So where is this camp at in Houston. I would like to pay them a visit along with a few of my brothers in arms

    1. You can find all of the sites on the FBI web site, this is where I found them. I've been to Houston a couple of time but by no means would be able to tell you the exact locations. Remember, we need to vote the people out of office, from any party, who will not act on and remove these camps and people from our country.

  7. Michael Collins, PImikeohio21 February, 2014 10:53

    Two questions...1. I notice the pictures of these groups shows people with automatic weapons and MGs. Are you telling me ALL these people are properly licensed? 2. I'm from Ohio, does anybody have any idea how I can lend my expertise to the investigation of these camps?

  8. These pictures are from the US on the FBI site and I can guarantee you they weapons are not legal. I do not know what your expertise is but what ever you do, the FBI is watching so I would be in unison with them.

  9. if we had people we elected abide by our constitution we would not have this problem.all we hear is being p.c. correct which to me is bullsh-t.we have a gutless,nonresponsible, selfserving,do nothing congress,lying bunch of leaders in charge that can`t say no!you go vote you wander if it matters with all the fraud,vote buying.what happened to honesty and trust?

  10. I agree, they all should be kicked out of the country but as open as our borders are, they will be right back.

  11. Ill say what no one is saying lets organize n take our country back .

  12. I agree 100%, the founding fathers had it right, not the fascist politicians we have now.

    1. I am with Phillp - what the hell can we do? We vote for idiots and they turn out to be ruling class weasels like the one we just voted out???

  13. Who really wants to do something about this mess? Most people will just write a comment, hope we vote people out of office who won't do anything about these camps, blah blah blah, I'm a convicted felon, don't have a job, not really doing nothing with my life, but I'm free, I'm free because I am an American , and men and women have died serving this country that gave me that privilege , I say lets form a group of people that want to stand up for our country and community's freedom, I know where Islamville in York Co South Carolina is at. They will say they are living peaceful, not bothering anybody, the hell with that, we can't talk and wait, let's get them, now while we can, who cares about Jail and Prison, we could save lives in the end

    1. Lets really get it started and build a militia, I am willing ready, lets stop talking about it and get a hold of everyone that will start a group of people and it will grow. My name is Renee and very scared what future our children will have.

    2. Lets really get it started and build a militia, I am willing ready, lets stop talking about it and get a hold of everyone that will start a group of people and it will grow. My name is Renee and very scared what future our children will have.

  14. Who is serious, (910)2807002, lets form a group, lets fight fire with fire, these people are not peaceful, so lets not be either, if we sit back and do nothing, we will be killed, think about our children, lets fight , the hell with the consequences, if we survive, we will probably go to jail by our own country , but someone had to go all out

  15. I finally awoke when I read about the compound in Clover, SC and the PC morons at Duke University wanting to use the methodist catherdral to sound the friday call to prayer for these terrorists. I did two things; 1) wrote and called the university to share my outrage at the move, and 2) I went to see this compound (I live within 15 miles of it). IT DOES EXIST and DOES HAVE ARMED soldiers of allah just waiting for their 32 virgins. Not sure what to do next, but I will know soon!

  16. Our PC weasles in government will not take a stand here, as they have not listened to "We the people" for years. All Dems and Most Reps are "progressives", which is an ideology of socialism and crony capitalism, (statists) where we (USA) end up looking like Greece. We need Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to pull whats left of the Reps - if possible - b ack to the people.... then fight the Dems.

  17. The next time you go out to a camp take your rifle and take out a few guards. That will get their attention, I plan on going and locating the camps in Georgia... good hunting!!

    1. I heard, from someone from Georgia, a while back that the people there, took care of one of the camps there, pretty much bulldozed it. The local law enforcement looked the other way, so they had no problem with them. Stated, "Oh we must have gotten the wrong address."

  18. You can find the nearest citizen militia near you on facebook, who understand the 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

  19. I know the one in NY has weapons and is training. A spy working for the NYPD lived among them for 8 years and gathered information. He said he gave them enough info to shut them down but nothing was done. A lot of these people are recruited from jails, mostly black ex felons. I wonder with NY's strict gun laws how it is legal for ex felons to have assault weapons. The NY site in Hancock is the main headquarters and a lot, from what I heard are sent to Pakistan to get more extensive training and then sent back. Also the site in Hancock NY and Deposit NY are situated right near the NYC water supply.

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