
Why Do We Support the United Nations (UN)?

Despite the sequester which hurt hundreds of thousands of American people who work, the State Department is planning to boost spending on the United Nations in 2014 by more than 4 percent to at least $3.6 billion. The most recent tally on the website of the White House Management and Budget website, for example, lists support for the U.N. at $7.7 billion in 2010. If you look at the percentage of funding by nations to the UN compared by the highest economical producers you will notice the disproportional donations from countries.

World Economy
United States
  United States
United Kingdom
  United Kingdom
All others
  All others

Why aren’t China, Brazil, Russia, Italy and India paying their share of funding the UN when they are all members China, Brazil, and Russia are the members of the UN with some of the most horrific human abuses and the same three keep blocking many other nations from doing what is right. If they are the top 10 leaders in the world and the UN is the leading council in the world then they need to be paying their fair share. The western allies in the top 10 pay 69% of the UN’s funding yet in the top 10 economy they are only 46.2%. China, Brazil, and Russia combined in the top 10 contributors’ equal 3.2% given yet in the world economy top ten they are 19.6%; shouldn’t they be given their fair share? We break even but Japan pays 44% more then they should, Germany pays 37.5% more then they should, United Kingdom pays 50% more then they should France pays 34.4% more then they should, and Italy pays 42% more then they should. China pays 3.2% and should pay 13% an increase of 406%, Brazil pays 1.6% and should pay 3.5% an increase of 219%,, and Russia pays 1.6% and should pay 3.1% an increase of 194% just to bring them even to what we pay per percentage. I think things are a little skewed; so how well do they manage this money?

Signs of the problem spilled out in testimony that a gigantic Russian-based air transport company paid at least $700,000 in “consulting” fees to a United Nations procurement officer, in an arrangement involving at least 10 to 12 U.N. contracts awarded to the firm; sounds like good old extortion. Two U.N. officials have already been arrested, leading to one guilty plea so far. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of contracts have been questioned, and earlier this week, an independent consulting report described the U.N. purchasing department which spends the bulk of taxpayer dollars contributed to the U.N. as inept, disorganized and ripe for malfeasance. There is so many instances of this, where the UN has either squandered or embezzled dues given to make the world a better place. What about their human rights?

What is the UN doing on the front of human rights? When you look at the current members of the Human Rights Council you wonder why no less then 14 of the members are committing atrocities against humans every day including several known to support slavery and child executions. Does this sound like the people we need to be supporting? In many areas where the UN goes to spread food and medical aid you hear of the same atrocities over and over. A new WikiLeaks cable shows U.N. "peacekeepers" were holding food hostage from starving, underage girls in the Ivory Coast, until sexual acts were performed to as "payment" for food. The UN uses their vehicles to transport terrorist around Syria and In Israel they are using UN ambulance to transport terrorist. A video has revealed that youth camps run by a United Nations body and funded in part by the United States teaches Palestinian children to hate Jewish people. The camps are run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency and are targeted to children, Israel National News reported. A documentary of camps activities called “Camp Jihad” and produced by the Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research shows that some Palestinian children may be receiving an anti-Israel message. What this tells us is you can not trust or expect the UN to police their people from abusing the power they have self imposed on themselves. What are they trying to impose on all countries?

In their words, “The world needs a global capital and it should be the capital of Islamic Turkey, Istanbul.” The one religion responsible for 90+% of all terrorism is what they want to be in charge of us all. Saudi King Abdullah demanded a U.N. resolution Saturday condemning insults on religions but only Muslim religions. What does this mean; I you call a terrorist a Muslim terrorist who followed the Koran you have insulted the religion and in their countries you can be put to death. UN representative Richard Falk stated, “First, its thesis is that America is to blame for last week’s atrocity,” talking about the Boston Bombing. So we as Americans are responsible for the Boston Bombing. The United Nations Special Reporter on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney so now they are wanting to tell you how to vote. I didn’t care for Mitt Romney but as an American you can vote for who ever you like and the UN shouldn’t be involved. Did you know the UN wants to impose a $1,300 tax on all American families? There was an article that said President Obama may even allow the UN to tax Americans directly. Did you know the Obama administration has backed the UN resolution to make the US pay for global health care? Did you know the UN tried to get a treaty signed which would sensor the internet and what you post or can see? Now the UN is trying to tax the internet. The UN also wants to remove our 2nd Amendment rights at all cost and many of our politicians agree. Some politicians rejected the United Nations “sustainability” scheme known as Agenda 21 for the threat it represents to national sovereignty but the UN tried and the UN is so over intrusive even opposes the US Home School. Anti-Americanism at the United Nations are routine. Every few days, some kind of statement comes out of the United Nations condemning the United States. The UN has even called for the boycott of US companies because we sell to Israel.

We should leave the UN and use the money we spend there to help our people. The UN no longer follows the charter for which it was formed and in now just a cesspool of corruption which hurts the world and the US today more then it helps them.  A new entity lets say called the “The Human Universal Stability Team (TRUST) for Human Rights” needs to replace the UN with the foundation being freedom. It should indorse the freedom to practice your religion and freedom from being ruled by religion which you disagree. It should be founded on the freedom of speech with no secretes being tolerated. The next premise should be complete openness of the budget, expenses, and actions of everyday dealings to promote trust and remove most criminal activities. You could join but can only be on counsels once you have shown true freedom of these premises. The UN has corrupted all that it was founded for and now is what it was made to prevent; we and our allies need to leave it and form TRUST or something similar; anything is better then the UN.

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