
Terrorist Training Camps in America-Georgia

I was asked by a reader, "How can this be possible?"; after they read, "Muslims and Jihadist Training Camps in America". The truth is because our government isn't protecting it's citizens or country, our politicians cares more about political correctness and saying anything they can to be reelected; protecting the lives of Americans will never be important to these politicians, just ask the family of the four dead Americans from Benghazi. This will be the first article trying to give a better look into some of these training camps and to show just how derelict our elected officials are of their swore constitutional duties.

In Georgia, there are two terrorist training camps identified by the FBI in Franklin and Wayne Counties known as "Muslims of America (MOA)". Sheilk Mubarak Gilani is the founder of Muslims of America and he was one of the founders of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a known terrorist group the FBI has been following since 1983. When interviewed, Terrorism Expert Steven Emerson quotes the FBI as referring to Muslims of America and Sheilk Mubarak Gilani as "A Ticking Time Bomb". A video produced by Jamaat ul-Fuqra for his followers shows you how to highjack cars, kill people, and make IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices); when he was confronted, Sheilk Mubarak Gilani said, "every Muslim has the right to defend themselves". How is "learning how to highjack cars and making IEDs defending yourself, these are offensive weapons. What defense are they going to initiate by using offensive weapons? Is this for defending themselves or defending their religion or freedom of speech in America against their religion?  Will our bought politicians kowtow to them to prevent violence in America? I guess you should be told the FBI has linked this group to a minimum 13 murders and 16 firebombing; feel any safer?

The real question you need to ask about MOA is, "What links if any to terrorist do they have?" I have already pointed out the connection to Jamaat ul-Fuqra but they are linked to Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) as well, both are FBI identified terrorist groups with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, an internationally known terrorist group.

During the Iraq war, the Muslim Brotherhood was responsible for many American citizens being beheaded, burnt and/or hung from bridges, this is a common practice of the Muslim Brotherhood and part of their overall ideology. If you have been watching what the Muslim Brotherhood has been doing in Egypt, you should know this will be the same plan they will have for the US. The Muslim Brotherhood is also partners with Hamas and Hezbollah which of course is an arm of Al Qaeda; so why are they allowed to make terrorist training camps in America? What we are saying here is, We have Al Qaeda terrorist training camps in the US and a Federal Judge, U.S. District Judge Jorge A. Solis confirmed CAIR is Hamas Terrorists. What is even more disturbing then this is at least 54 Members of Congress are aiding, working with, taking money from and acting as a front for CAIR; I am very syndic toward both Democrats and Republicans but I was shocked when I looked up and added their political party to the name of the politicians; there is definitely a pattern here. If you have voted these people out of office you have done America a service, if you haven't, you need to. I did mark this as Georgia but this is the list of elected officials who supports terrorist in our own back yard; they are as follows:

Raul Grijalva-(D)-Arizona, Lois Capps-(D)-California, Sam Farr-(D)-California, Bob Filner-(D)-California, Barbara Lee-(D)-California, Loretta Sanchez-(D)-California, Pete Stark-(D)-California, Michael Honda-(D)-California, Lynn Woolsey-(D)-California, Jackie Speier-(D)-California, Diane Watson-(D)-California, George Miller-(D)-California, Jim Himes-(D)-Connecticut, Andre Carson-(D)-Indiana, Bruce Braley-(D)-Iowa, John Yarmuth-(D)-Kentucky, Elijah Cummings-(D)-Maryland, Donna Edwards-(D)-Maryland, Michael Capuano-(D)-Massachusetts, William Delahunt-(D)-Massachusetts, Jim McGovern-(D)-Massachusetts, John Tierney-(D)-Massachusetts, John Olver-(D)-Massachusetts, Stephen Lynch-(D)-Massachusetts, John Conyers-(D)-Michigan, John Dingell-(D)-Michigan, Carolyn Kilpatrick-(D)-Michigan, Keith Ellison-(D)-Minnesota, Betty McCollum-(D)-Minnesota, James Oberstar-(D)-Minnesota, Donald Payne-(D)-New Jersey, Rush Holt-(D)-New Jersey, Bill Pascrell-(D)-New Jersey, Yvette Clarke-(D)-New York, Maurice Hinchey-(D)-New York, Paul Tonko-(D)-New York, Eric Massa-(D)-New York, David Price-(D)-North Carolina, Mary Jo Kilroy-(D)-Ohio, Marcy Kaptur-(D)-Ohio, Earl Blumenauer-(D)-Oregon, Peter DeFazio-(D)-Oregon, Chaka Fattah-(D)-Pennsylvania, Joe Sestak-(D)-Pennsylvania, Peter Welch-(D)-Vermont, Jim Moran-(D)-Virginia, Jim McDermott-(D)-Washington, Adam Smith-(D)-Washington, Jay Inslee-(D)-Washington, Brian Baird-(D)-Washington, Nick Rahall-(D)-West Virginia, Tammy Baldwin-(D)-Wisconsin, Gwen Moore-(D)-Wisconsin, Glenn Nye-(D)-Virginia.

It is up to you what you do but your way of life, your life, and your children's lives may depend on it.



    1. Perspective, I don't follow political motivation; protecting our country and children from all threats should be our first goal. All these are strait off the FBI web site so I'll believe them over you.

  2. Why does the USA let these camps exist??? I know we are supposed to be a free country but this is outrageous!! This country is going to hell in a hand basket and no one is doing anything about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. For Law Enforcement, they can use these camps, meeting places and watch these groups. It is easier to gather information when you know where they are. If they were closed down and ran out of the country, they would just go somewhere else and U.S. could not watch, learn & listen. Believe it, They have allowed them to set up here, but one day, soon maybe.. They will all be blown up, maybe all locked up. But, realize your not any safer, IF you don't know where they are or who they are... Does this make sense?

    2. For Law Enforcement, they can use these camps, meeting places and watch these groups. It is easier to gather information when you know where they are. If they were closed down and ran out of the country, they would just go somewhere else and U.S. could not watch, learn & listen. Believe it, They have allowed them to set up here, but one day, soon maybe.. They will all be blown up, maybe all locked up. But, realize your not any safer, IF you don't know where they are or who they are... Does this make sense?

    3. The people in these camps should be deported if they are truly terrorist training camps like the FBI says. If American citizens are in these camps supporting Jihad against America, they should lose their citizenship and deported.

    4. Protecting ours are what we do best; we are of GOD for those who love Him..Do not misrepresent the Father of Creation. He does not order killings; only Allah does, who is Satan.

  3. You are 100% correct, too many of our politicians care more about political correctness then protecting the people.

  4. Maybe you might want to refresh your "Terrorism Expert Steven Emerson quotes", especially since he was just slammed by the United Kingdom, France and the US for his outlandish lies regarding his reports on "Muslim Only" , Sharia Law enforced, Terrorist Training Camp in Birmingham, England, following the Charlie Hebdo bombing. His report was pasted all over the FOX News Channel (no other, mind you). His 'expertise' became the embarrassment of FOX News because his reports were/are pure fabrications. FOX was forced to make public air-time apologies daily. He is being charged by UK authorities (France is strongly considering) as an instigator on the civil unrest and retaliating "anti-Muslim" vigilante protesting occurring in the community of Birmingham today. Because of his 'expert' yellow-journalism reporting, neighbors among neighbors are living in more fear from these Emerson ignited powers using fear which now threatens this community's tranquility, safety and peaceful living. I understand, and appreciate your public and personal proclamation desiring the need for US domestic protection. However, one as intelligent as you present, must consider fear-baiting does not contribute to calm. Fear breeds more Fear. Fear becomes epidemic. I have four dogs of different breeds, each loving and caring companions. Yet, if they are conditioned to Fear the least of the other, the entire pack will eventually and quickly attack the other until the pack is completely destroyed. There might be one remaining alive, but that last dog's prognosis for a quality life, thereafter, would be graced by a bullet to his head. .........Ironic, people are a lot like animals.

    1. I will stick by the FBI on this one, not a politician, especially from another country. Do you have any references or are you just bloviating?

  5. Yes, in regards to your Democratic agenda......I am a novice researcher, but I cannot locate any evidential data supporting your list described above as "the list of elected officials who supports terrorist in our own back yard". Would you be kind and share your resources supporting your claim? What evidence concludes each of the above listed are 'contributors' in supporting US terrorist training? I developed a mock chart of your list correlating each official and the state he/she represents. I counted 19 US States each equally represented by Republican vs. Democratic Governors. So, you must understand my perplexity regarding the all Dem listing.

    I stray away, during this national climatic bluff, and aggrevate any additional fear mongering between Republicans and Democrats. When the issue is terroristic extremisms, why in heaven's name would it benefit our nation to be dog-fighting each other? We are not the enemy. We need to take the focal point off neighbor vs. neighbor and refocus it to defender vs. enemy.

    For me, I have this theory. If terrorist training camps are legitimately protected by States, Representatives within each state, and the FBI, then I conclude support of those camps are not a Democrat only issue. I conclude it is a US issue considering that of the 19 states listed above there are equal Gubernatorial Representations.

    1. If you click on the hyperlink "they are as follows:" it will take you there.

  6. Cont'd

    The best way to enter a war is to create the war. What better way to get the almighty golden dollar into the back pockets of greedy capitalistic mongrels, than war dollars. War is a very lucrative business: Production in factories. Ammunition; Jets; Boats; Trucks; Tanks; Artillery; Fuel; Food; Uniforms; Helmets; Canteens; Back-packs; Helicopters; Machine Guns; Rifles; Pistols; Hand Grenades; Knives; etc. However, during the Iraqi War, those jobs were sent overseas. hmmmmm.

    LBJ made Multi-Millions from General Dynamics in aircraft contracts and Lady Byrd Johnson made Billions (in today's dollars) from Halliburton Huey Helicopters manufactured for the VN WAR.

    Dick Cheney made $35.8 Billion on the Iraqi War from Halliburton Stock and CEO of Halliburton while sitting as the VP. The Republican pitch to 'privatize everything' was/is mafia embezzling that is now considered 'legitimate rape' on our US Treasury.

    Houston-based energy-focused engineering and construction firm KBR, Inc. (NYSE:KBR), which was spun off from its parent, oilfield services provider Halliburton Co. (NYSE:HAL), in 2007 was given $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts over the past decade, with many of the deals given without any bidding from competing firms, such as a $568-million contract renewal in 2010 to provide housing, meals, water and bathroom services to soldiers, a deal that led to a Justice Department lawsuit over alleged kickbacks, as reported by Bloomberg. As private enterprise entered the war zone at unprecedented levels, the amount of corruption ballooned, even if most contractors performed their duties as expected.

    According to the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, the level of corruption by defense contractors may be as high as $60 billion. Disciplined soldiers that would traditionally do many of the tasks are commissioned by private and publicly listed companies. (The question is, of course, which politicians own stock options in these companies?)

    Even though the military has largely pulled out of Iraq, private contractors remain on the ground and continue to reap U.S. government contracts. For example, the U.S. State Department estimates that taxpayers will dole out $3 billion to private guards for the government's sprawling embassy in Baghdad.

    Last week, the Costs of War Project by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University said the war in Iraq cost $1.7 trillion dollars, not including the $490 billion in immediate benefits owed to veterans of the war and the lifetime benefits that will be owed to them or their next of kin.

    Every war the US has entered, was created following enemy attacks on US soil. When the British invaded this land = WAR. When France invaded this land = WAR. When the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor = WAR. When those airplanes hit the Twin Towers = WAR. Think about that.

    Yet, the only two in modern times which the US engaged war without an actual international attack on our home were Viet Nam and Iraq. The two which political leaders prospered the most.

    I opine the US is doing everything it can to go back into war abroad and her people are shouting NO. No more defense spending debt. No more fathers, sons, mothers, daughters killed for an unsubstantiated war based on false-claims (i.e., weapons of mass destruction). So, again, what better opportunity for successful military engagement?

    Remember the movie Field of it and they will come?Seems to me the US has built the training camps, spring training is in session, and we are waiting on the FBI Commissioner to announce "Let's Play Ball".

  7. Fledermausmann here! Weird how all the mooslimp supporters are DemiCraps?

  8. Is their a militia in Georgia I can join us good ole boys will handle this ourselves.I believe and support the 2 and amendment

    1. If you are serious, and serious-minded, USCrow is forming a Georgia command of it's national militia. Go to their website and check them out. Just do a Google search, you'll find them.

  9. guys stop talking out of your butts murica needs smart peeps

  10. Nice blog. The law and order should be made more responsible and active. even though the army and police are aware of these illegal activities then also they won't have taken any action regarding these illegal activities. You may go and watch at the Boston Firearm training Center how tough the training is. Even though these militants are able to organize people and funds for their illegal activities. All these things shows the failure of administration.

  11. On the big scale, we are pretty well protected from the bad guys.

  12. You can't be protected from the bad guys if our borders are open, we don't know who is in our country, and we bring people from areas who show they have no problem with killing people without vetting them. There will be more California type attacks and as always, the liberals will blame guns instead of what is the truth; they are leaving us vulnerable.

  13. I feel the residents surrounding these camps should militorise and move in on these camps stop their training and move them out by force NOW!!!!! ITS SIMPLE

    1. That makes since so you know the government won't do it.

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  15. The Silvi Landa comment was removed because it was links to gambling sites which has nothing to do with this site or post. If you want to post a comment negative or positive pertaining to this site and subject matter I have no problem. This is only the second time I have deleted a post in 6 years.
