
Muslims and Jihadist Training Camps in Texas

There are Muslim Training Camps in Arlington, Houston, and Dallas Texas which are identified by the FBI, but there may be more. You will hear from an organization called Fake Terror that there are no training camps, I even seen a video on line where a nice elderly lady said "they have always treated us nice" which I am sure is true but the FBI says there is one there and I have read their declassified documents and believe them. I will be the first to say I don't trust our government  including the FBI but the FBI has put together some good information on terrorist groups in the US. If you want to help, you should be on the lookout for Terrorist Group Logos and report them to the FBI; let them deal with the problem and if nothing happens, blog about it. We all have heard, "Not all Muslims are Terrorist and not all Terrorist are Muslim", and this is true but many Muslims who say they do not support terrorist also don't condemn them, report nothing to the authorities when their Imam preaches hate, or even when they know someone within the Mosque may be planning an attack. The problem comes from an accepted custom in the Muslim culture of legitimate lying.

Donald Hudson wrote an article outlining what lying means in the Muslim culture and their  use of deception. and disinformation. Mr. Hudson wrote, " But, Islamic terrorists have their own terms: taqiyya (pronounced tak-e-ya) : precautionary dissimulation or deception and keeping one's convictions secret and a synonymous term, kitman: mental reservation and dissimulation or concealment of malevolent intentions. Taqiyya and kitman or 'holy hypocrisy' has been ingrained throughout Arabic culture for over fourteen hundred years since it was developed by Shiites as a means of defence and concealment of beliefs against Sunni unbelievers. As the Prophet said: 'he who keeps secrets shall soon attain his objectives.' The skilful use of taqiyya and kitman was often a matter of life and death against enemies; it is also a matter of life and death to many contemporary Islamic terrorists. As so often in the history of Islam, a theological doctrine became operational." I guess we can see now why it is hard to believe anything an ideology or religion says when lying is one of their cornerstones. If you want to see an example of Taqiya caught on tape, here is Taqiya in practice in the US. Something you need to remember here is you are not fighting a country called "Terrorism" but a Muslim ideology in which a person may not be a terrorist but will lie to you to protect their Muslim brother for it is commanded of them in the Quran. Most Imams will tell you about Islamic law regarding those (Muslims) who aid kuffar (non-Muslims) in fighting Muslims is very clear, their blood is not sacred; you can kill them.

When it come to Texas, the FBI  has prosecuted several people and identified organizations involved in terrorism. What many don't know because they don't do research is the Boston Bomber, Tarek Mehanna accomplice, Joseph Maldonado, aka Daniel Aljughaifi. Mehanna went to Somalia to receiving military-type training for jihad and was from Texas. Maldonado pleaded guilty in the Southern District of Texas, admitting that he had traveled from Houston to Africa to Somalia to join the Islamic Courts Union and elements of al-Qaida. Maldonado was sentenced to 10 years in prison, the maximum statutory penalty for receiving military training from a terrorist organization before the Boston Bombing. My question is, "how was he able from prison to help Tarek Mehanna?" It is probably due to all the bleeding heart liberals who want violent prisoners to able to have cell phones and computers because it is offensive not to. It doesn't matter that everything from drug deals to putting hits on people to now helping a person commit a terrorist act is the result. The FBI nailed several people along with organizations in the terrorist camps sting in Texas.

Individiuals involved:
Organizations involved:

Remember a few months back when I said CAIR was associated with terrorist, I received some nasty email calling me a racist and anti-Muslim but I'm not anti-Muslim, I'm pro-American. If you are Muslim and want to melt into our society like every other culture has, great, if not, leave my country. There was a video at Channel 11, KHOU Houston detailing Texas Islamic Terrorist training camps but the link doesn't work anymore and it has been removed from their archives, I guess it wasn't politically correct, but lets see what we have found in Texas.

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, a citizen of Saudi Arabia and resident of Lubbock, Texas, was arrested late yesterday by FBI agents in Texas on a federal charge of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction in connection with his alleged purchase of chemicals and equipment necessary to make an improvised explosive device (IED) and his research of potential U.S. targets.

The Holy Land Foundation, U.S.-based Muslim charity for Relief and Development, received a 108 guilty verdicts for funneling more than $12 million to terrorist groups in Dallas, Texas.

Barry Walter Bujol, Jr., an American-born Houston Texas man is sentenced to 20 years in prison for attempting to provide material support to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP.

Hosam Smadi will be spending the next 24 years in prison for trying to blow up a Dallas skyscraper.

Four, Why Islam and ICNA workers (coined by the media as the “Houston Taliban”) held jihad training camps on Islamic Society of Greater Houston property in Willis Texas north of Houston.

There is no doubt about it, there are Muslim terrorist training camps in America and yes, even in Texas. Check out these videos ( Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4) and make sure you listen to this video very carefully. The question we need to ask is two fold, why is the national news media not covering this; if we know they are there, why haven't we sent them packing? The media won't cover it because it isn't politically correct, this is why the media is becoming worthless in America; the freedom of the press was set up to prevent government from suppressing the truth, but now the media is doing it on its own for political reasons. This should be making you think; you just had a good news reporter quit citing censorship of political stories on politicians the editors liked, this is called political bias. Do you still trust the media?


  1. there are total 35 training camps that the FBI knows about.

  2. Face the facts, this is off the FBI web site. I have several Muslim friends and I'm as far from racist as you will ever see but you may not be. This site is for debate, if you are able to post a response with some of your "facts" and web sites without resorting to foul language and name calling, please do so but the foul language and name calling just makes you look like an imbecile. I welcome your response.

  3. Jihadist! WE will come for you!

  4. I have just removed for the first time in 5 years someones reply. I never want to but this one was written by an idiots who was just too vulgar. Reply again without the vulgarities and it can stay.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Need specific locations of camps.

    Need specific locations.

    1. And we know exactly where you are/what you're doing. PRISM

  7. Where Exactly is "The Southern District of Texas"? (re: Maldanado) I live here and I'd like to know

  8. Interesting post, first you insult, then assume (making an ass out of yourself), then assume again. I don’t hate Muslims and I do have many friends who are Muslims since I was an interpreter for the military. Many Muslims don’t like what is happening but fear the majority of Muslims in the world who condone what is going on in the name of Islam. Any religion which condones deceit which the Quran does for the good of Allah, is deceitful and untrustworthy by anyone’s standards.

    Quran S. 3:54; cf. 8:30
    But they were deceptive, and Allah was deceptive, for Allah is the best of deceivers (Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu waAllahu khayru al-makireena)!

    I have watches Muslims say one thing , yet in their native tongue (not knowing I spoke their language) say something opposite to their friend. No one who believes in freedom and freedom of choice (especially women) should embrace a religion which embraces abuse of women, children, and supports slavery as the Muslim religion. The problem is this view is supported by most Muslim Clerics.

    No one should embrace or accept the common style of Muslim religion because all it preaches is murder for all who are not Muslim or insults Allah; just take a look at Paris for a good example.

  9. what do u have to say now about isis

  10. Are there really 35 Muslim training camps in Texas for certain?

  11. There are 35 within the continental US.

  12. I got into a research effort feeling compassion for a missing family of 3 in Oklahoma after being stupid enough to try to buy a tract of impossibly cheap land on Panola Mountain. Through the course of my research I learned there is a book called the Terrorist Next Door worth checking out and I found out a man named Tariq Ramadan who had been banned from America for making threatening statements in his lectures was let back into this country by Hillary Clinton. Some shady shady stuff goes on in Eastern Oklahoma. The Muslim Extremists have a partnership with White Supremacist groups according to the book I mentioned. Sounds counterintuitive but the two seemingly mismatched groups of lunatics do have one thing in common. Anti-Semitism. Sadly the Jamison's were finally found and had passed away in the woods. I have no idea if their mysterious disappearance is related to the other information I found while researching. May have been coincidental.

  13. How can you make such a statement that all Muslims hate America-that's 1.7 billion Muslims!! I'm sure those Muslim eastern countries that America has invaded ( 15 Muslim countries ) on the pretext of "helping" but instead has raped, butchered, displaced its people and has blown the countries to smithereens-yes the people of these countries definitely hate you.

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  15. If you check your "Muslim" history, you will find that they hated us along time before the twentieth century. If you check your history, in the 16th century they were attacking all none Muslims because their Quran says (I'm simplifying) that only Muslims matter. The problem with the Muslims attacking and enslaving all they could catch came to a head Following the Napoleonic Wars. The Invasion of Algiers in 1830 put an end to these attacks but they have always and will always return due to their ideology. And just so you hopefully can find the facts, our soldiers didn't rape and butcher people, that would be the Muslim groups of the The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban and ISIS; if you want the video's I can direct you to them.

  16. I am the INFIDEL your imam warned you about. islam is a cult and mohammed is a pedophile and false prophet. Bring it.

  17. Not that it's totally related, but I'd like to point out how tired I am of hearing the phrase "Muslim" culture as if every Muslim is the same person. Just as there's a clear difference between a Christian in Europe and a Christian in the US, Arab Muslims are certainly not representative of the Muslims of nations like Turkey or Malaysia.

    Unfortunately, the oil money countries like Saudi Arabia has made means the voice and manners of the radicals(see Wahabism/Salafism, an Islamic school of thought tied directly into the political system and monarchical dynasty of Saudi Arabia) tend to be what the rest of the world sees. I bet all these camps can have their financed traced to some oil-rich Arab nation(undoubtedly Saudi Arabia, which is basically the geopolitical power-player in the Middle East when it comes to matters of "Sunni Affairs")

    It should be noted that despite being Muslim, there isn't always good relations between various cultures despite having a shared religion. I've had my experience with Arabs, and despite being Muslims I'd rather be friendly with a honest Christian(or just anybody with integrity. I prefer establishing my relationships on a secular level. Your religion won't decide if I befriend you. Respect is a universally understood human trait.)

    Based on that, I personally believe Americans have been slowly losing their sense of respect. The silver tongued politicians gladly appeal more to the voicieferous radicals in American society, and contribute to a culture of disrespect. As if that isn't enough, Hollywood and entertainment flourish the "street" culture of respecting crime rather than integrity. I don't care much for the whole left-right addiction, but if I had to explain using it, I'd say that the left and the right are BOTH destroying the country with their destructive lack of human respect.

    Gladly as what would be considered a centrist, we end up suffering the disrespect of both sides. You're a dirty hippy commie leftist piece of trash if you ask the "right" to show respect to the rights of an individual, and you're a filthy nazi fascist rightist biblethumper if you ask the "left" to show some respect when interacting with authority.

    I've also found that there is a significant issue when it comes to "translating" the Quran. For one, I've found that the section referenced frequently to prove that men are superior to women is frequently smudged by the popular scholars(aka Well-Financed Imams). There is a word there that clearly implies that certain aspects of female behavior that should or shouldn't be done only applied to the "wives" of the prophet(thus only regarding that historical period).

    Of course it's not difficult for an Imam to say "Well, I believe by wives it actually means ALL WOMEN!". I mean clearly there is such issues, otherwise why would the "Arab world" be the most misogynist of Muslim nations?

    Most Arabs are Muslims.
    Most Muslims are not Arab.

    1. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. Beware the man with the forked tongue, and they come from Islam. I've read the Quran and researched it. I myself am Christian and try to have tolerance and understanding. NOT Islam. It only speaks of death, hate and intolerance. Islam is NOT a religion but a totalitarian ideology. No different than Fascism or Communism. Being that it is an ideology, it doesn't fall under the 1st Amendment and should be banned in this country. If you really want to help our great country, learn about Islam, the Quran and Muslims. Learn about CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. There is no peace in Islam only DEATH! Don't take my word for it, look into for yourselves and your country. Recommended reading: "Marked for Death" by Geert Wilders.

      "There are three types of people in this world. Sheep, Wolves and Sheep Dogs, which are you?"

  18. Since when does the way you speak have to do with how you fire a weapon? Keep remaining divided. Keep buying into the media's stuff. See where it gets you. Instead of attacking each other, stand together. Obviously some of you forgot history. A house divided falls. Some of the stuff said on here is ignorant. Liberal crap. Gun free zones don't work for one. A AR-15 is not a assault rifle. It's a rifle. Assault is a action verb. Meaning a person in control for this to be true. Gun control. What the hell are you thinking? Criminals and terrorists will have guns no matter what. So how does disarming law abiding citizens help? There was this one guy who did that in history. Hitler. Ask the Jews how that turned out. I'll end with sure you can trust the government, just ask a native American.

  19. I recently learned of the Muslim Training Site, in Brazoria, Tx. For the life of me I can't understand how or why it is continued to exist? But then I remember the Muslim brother in the White House is protecting them.

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    islam is a cult. We need to call it what it is. The sooner we name it, the sooner it can be banned from american soil. Massive amounts of people are being killed. This book teaches them to kill.

  23. I heard of one in groveton texas.

  24. The reason Muslims hate Christians is that their Quran is copied after the Holy Bible by Mohamad who invented Allah as a replacement to the true God. The Holy Word of God is a book of love and condemns the evil hate of the Quran that mocks God and His Son. This hate probably stems from Abraham's first born son Ishmael who lost his position to Isaak who was the son God promised Sarah. The fight has raged on through the centuries and will conclude at Armageddon. This will be the final conflict before Jesus return although the 12th imam is expected to return with Him where Jesus will help him rule? It don't work like that. Heaven's Love and righteousness will overcome lies and hellish hate.

    1. I was with you till you said, "This will be the final conflict before Jesus return although the 12th imam is expected to return with Him where Jesus will help him rule?" The 12th Imam, according to many Christian scholars, is the anti-Christ or Satan's plague on earth, killing 1/3 of earths population. I am sure Jesus will not be helping him.

  25. Trump has been chosen by me and God to help bring peace to the world and I am proud of his progress. 1 Thessalonians 5:3
