
Why Unions are Dying?

The history of unions in America started with the National Labor Union (NLU) in 1866, the main reason for unions at their foundation was for reasonable working hours, a livable wage, safer working conditions, and the end of child labor. When labor unions started, you were not required to join but most did because it was free, there were no dues, and their leadership was all-voluntary without pay. In the unions when they started, an employer had to have a true reason to fire someone but if it were valid, they would be fired. The unions were there to help the good, hardworking, and honest employee who gave his boss a fair days work for a fair days pay. I do not think there is anyone who could complain or dislike the original reason and stance for the foundation of unions in America. You need to realize as well, there were no labor laws or federal laws protecting the workers like we have today and unions had nothing to do with politics by party definition. What have unions developed into today compared to their original purpose in the beginning?  

As I stated above, unions were initially started to get companies to have reasonable working hours, a livable wage, safety, and to end child labor. The reason (most) unions are dyeing is they are no longer for the honesty, integrity, and protection of the good worker; they are for protecting any worker, even if committing criminal acts, intimidation, bullying, and blackmail. In the beginning, an employer had to have a true reason to fire someone but if it were valid, they would be fired, now you cannot fire a union member with a valid reason because all the union wants is their money. In Minnesota, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) wanted workers fired because they were not members paying dues and would not pay service fees. Wait, “And wouldn’t pay service fees”, service fees are fees paid to a union so non-union people can work. Isn’t this called discrimination; it is called extortion. If you watch TV you could have seen Steven Crowder assaulted at union protest in Michigan, Michigan Union destroys tent, cut tent lines with people inside, or even an African American Man beaten by SEIU Thugs in St Louis while they yell racist remarks at him; what party is pro-union and condones these actions? The scary part is who was in charge of the voting machines in Nevada during the last election where Senator Harry Reid went from being down by double digits the day before the election to winning in a landslide? SEIU. Well at least teacher unions are for protecting our kids; think again.

In the beginning, an employer would fire someone for a valid reason and in the school system they error on the side of caution, if you had a inkling of hurting a child, you would be fired, now it’s almost impossible to fire a teacher who is a union member, even if the molest a child. In New York City, if you catch a teacher who is a child molester in the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) teachers union, you cannot fire them. They will be sent to a “Rubber Room”, still draw their pay, and the taxpayers are stuck with the bill, but for the union it is still OK, they gets their dues. You might think this is an anomaly but in all the teachers unions I checked, it seems to be the standard. In Michigan, the Michigan Education Association (MEA) teachers union is fighting to get a convicted child molester teacher a severance package worth thousands; for what, molesting our children, he should be hung. The California Teachers Association (CTA) teachers union pushed politicians to kill an Anti-Pedophile bill. Why you might ask, California does have the highest number of documented pedophiles in the nation and I am sure many pay dues in this unions, the unions do not want them to lose their jobs, they will not get their dues. The union does not care about the kids, only money and power, just ask Bob Chanin from the biggest teachers union; the National Education Association (NEA). He will tell you it is not because we care about children; it is because we want power and money; at least he is honest. Teacher Unions members have gotten away from protecting and teaching our children, now they protecting the pedophiles and give them a target rich environment to prey on our children in the public school system. Now you know the reason liberals keep stopping educational vouchers, if they allowed kids to go to better private schools, first, these kids would learn the truth instead of being indoctrinated, second, the unions would lose dues; remember what Bob Chanin stated, it is not about the kids, only money and power.

The third leg of this stool is with the largest unions, the MOB has taken an interest because of the revenue ability. When the largest unions have obvious MOB ties, which are documented by the FBI, why would anyone want to be a member? Remember the reason for unions when they were started in America, “reasonable working hours, a livable wage, safety, and to end child labor.” Remember the membership requirements union officer pay, “you were not required to join, there were no dues, and their leadership was all-voluntary without pay.” Remember who were members of the unions, “good, hardworking, and honest employee who gave his boss a fair days work for a fair days pay.” Now what do we see today, extortion, protecting pedophiles, MOB affiliations, violent attacks, destruction of private property by union members, racist attacks if that person disagrees with the union, and massive dues allowing Union Leadership to living in luxury. A few years back, several large unions tried to get a bill passed to show them how the union members voted in elections; luckily, they failed. The VW plant in Tennessee rejected the United Auto Workers Union (UAW) so now the UAW is challenging their loss with the National Labor Relations Board (NLBR). The UAW wants the NLBR to allow the UAW to force its way into the non-union VW plant no matter how the workers voted; I thought unions were for the workers?

Why are unions dying? Unions are dying because unions are no longer for the American worker or their values. The true American worker has to pick up the slack of those who do not pull their own load because the unions have made it so the non-producing workers cannot be fired! The true American worker who teach want an atmosphere where they can protect our children, not watch them be open game for pedophile teachers. Finally, the true American worker is starting to wake up. There are good unions out there, but most, especially large unions, do not care about you, your children, your community, or our nation; they only care about money, power, and oh yes, their dues.


  1. "Unions are dying because unions are no longer for the American worker or their values. The true American worker has to pick up the slack of those who do not pull their own load because the unions have made it so the non-producing workers cannot be fired!" This perfectly describes UAW 848 in
    Grand Prairie Tx. I was a member over twenty years and finally quit but stayed with the company. The lazy and worthless had taken over the leadership positions and could not be voted out as they were the ones counting the votes. Complaints to the national UAW were ignored.

    1. I agree with you, I had the same trouble with AFGE, they refused to do anything when you have a hostile work environment with a supervisor threatening everyone because in the leadership words, they didn't want to "make waves". Over half of the people quit under that supervisor.

  2. Unions suck....they are lazy and spend more time and energy avoiding work then just doing them. Fuck all unions and their leaders.

  3. Unions are dying because of FORCED payments to the Democrat Party. PERIOD.
