
The EPA, the True Eco-Terrorist

When something is characterized by being cruel, harsh, overbearing, oppressive, dictatorial, and imperious, that is not a good sign for freedom yet that is exactly what we have and how we describe the EPA every day. When you look at the EPA and their intended purpose, it was far different then what we see today; The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was the beginning of the EPA with its stated purpose being:

·         "To declare a national policy which will encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment."

·         "To promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of man."

·         "To enrich our understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the Nation."

This is not what we have today, we have an agency which was founded by President Nixon in 1970 to prevent industrial pollution which was running amuck. Today we have an agency which tries to take peoples land without giving due process to the law, who when shown in their own documents they are wrong, still refuses to admit they are wrong, and an agency which bullies the American People through threats. We have an agency working with other agencies which has no integrity, it has been found by a federal investigation to have been coordinating with the IRS to target people against their political ideology and agenda or who are against the draconian measures the EPA wants to install. When you cut through the pile of dung, what was once was a very good agency, you find you have eco-terrorist targeting anyone who challenges them, their political affiliations, and eco-agenda. Tyranny is cruel, harsh, overbearing, oppressive, dictatorial, and imperious type actions, the EPA is trying to force an extreme tyrannical eco-view on America which has crippled American and could help destroy America.

The EPA who has become so out of hand that no less than 12 states have already filed suit against them fighting the EPAs over reach over state rights. They have violated the US Constitution from violating people’s rights to due process, to trying to change laws without congresses consent. The US Constitution directs that all laws must go back through congress to be changed, yet the EPA and President Obama keep changing the laws to match their extreme tyrannical eco and socialist views, according to Webster’s, these people are called Eco-terrorist (definition below).

Eco-terrorism is a term used to refer to acts committed in support of ecological or environmental causes, against persons or their property.

The EPA are currently trying to push through regulations against barbecuing in your back yard; how much more out of control can they get? The EPA wants to monitor how long you take a shower, it is none of their business how long I take a shower. The EPA is so off the deep end they want to end burning wood even though 80% of Americans use wood burning stoves, it is the main stay for most poor people in rural areas to heat their homes in the winter time; isn’t it “Renewable Energy?” If this wasn’t enough, they tried to seize land from Chantell and Michael Sackett calling it a “Wet Land”. The EPA tried to say where they wanted to build their dream house was on “Wet Lands” even though there was no record anywhere, including in the EPA’s archives saying this area was Wet Lands; to go further, the EPA told the Sacketts they couldn’t challenge them. The US Supreme Court unanimously reversed a lower court opinion which said you couldn’t challenge the EPA. The court was of course the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California; the 9th Circuit Court has been overturned more than all the other court of appeals combined.

The Sackets are only one of thousands going through this, Andy Johnson went to the state, got all the permits to put in a pond and after completing the pond, was threatened with a $75,000 fine per day for violating the Clean Water Act and not obtaining a federal permit. The state had already approved it and said he was good to go so what does the federal government have to do with it? According to Breitbart, the EPA is using drones to find people to go after; remember they are violating your privacy and the air space over your property. They do not have any evidence you have done anything wrong, so wouldn’t this be a case of illegal search? The EPA doesn’t care about the US Constitution or violating your rights; neither does anyone wanting a big government. Think about this the next time you vote for a liberal, Democrat or Republican, because all they will do is take your freedoms.

Abandoned- Dead Troops Due to President Obama's Rules of Engagement.

In Afghanistan between 2001 and 2008, we had 630 troops killed (KIA-killed in action) and 2,638 wounded (WIA-wounded in action); After President Obama’s Rules of Engagement (ROE) changes in 2009, we have had 1,726 troops killed and over 15,000 wounded between 2009 to present. Before we get to the reasoning you need to take a close look at the astounding double standard in our bias news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC just to name a few; when President Bush was in office, they were announcing the soldier’s deaths and wounded nightly because they are liberals and didn’t like President Bush, but now that they have a liberal president in office, even though the death rate of our troops has skyrocketed by close to 300% with wounded rate up close to 600%, you don’t hear a peep. It shouldn’t matter if you are conservative, liberal, or as I am somewhere in the middle, saving our military’s lives should be our number one purpose and if you are reporting wounded and casualty rates, it should be equally reported no matter who is the president; anything else is not reporting news but propaganda.

The biggest question you need to ask is why are we having more military wounded and killed in Afghanistan? Are we having more attacks? Nope. Are we running more missions? Nope. Is our equipment failing our military? Nope. Then what is the problem? Fear! The soldiers do not fear our enemy but our own justice system who consistently are armchair quarterbacks, most of whom never have served in the military or have any idea of the dangers and vulnerabilities our military face every day. They will second guess our military member’s actions with a prison term attached to it, just ask Lt. Clint Lorance. We all by now should know what a suicide bomber in Afghanistan is one of our enemies most common tactics, to have a motorcycle filled with explosives run into our military and detonates killing and wounding our kids. Lt. Lorance had this situation happen, his troops were unable to get the radically driven motorcycle to stop so he made the decision to protect his troops and stop the motorcycle killing the two riders. Our justice department charged him with Murder, what would they have done if the motorcycle had detonated a bomb, whoops, I guess you should of shot them. The liberals and especially this president doesn’t care about our military, they loath our military which these new ROE show, that is unless you are a traitor.

Bowe Bergdahl deserted his troops during a firefight in Afghanistan and within a half hour, the inaccurate mortar fire from the enemy became accurate; coincidence? There are photos of him with weapons fighting alongside the Taliban against our troops. At least 6 troops were killed looking for him, not counting how many he may have killed when he was with the Taliban. He was a sergeant, which in the military isn’t very high on the totem pole, and our president traded 5 Taliban generals for this one low ranking traitor without going through congress which is mandated by law. He then invites this traitor and his family to the white house for a photo op where Bergdahl’s father addresses the cameras in an Arabic dialect; is that the reason, to help the cause? All this is going on while Lt. Lorance sits in jail for protecting his troops. Can you not see why our militaries KIA and WIA rates have gone through the roof; they don’t trust President Obama to do the right thing. If they defend themselves against a perceived threat and are wrong, they are prosecuted; since President Obama’s change in the ROE Afghani civilian casualties have rose sharply as well. Every time a liberal becomes president, our military pays the price in their blood and lives. I personally would like to see it where you can’t be President if you didn’t serve in the military because how can you be the “Commander and Chief” of something you know nothing about; would you want a lawyer being your surgeon?

All President Obama has done is degrade the military at every chance but he is just following in his predecessor’s like President Carter’s and Clinton’s footsteps; the normal liberal path. He ignored all the generals in Iraq when they told him what would happen if we left and exactly what the generals said happened as foretold. We took many extra casualties leaving Iraq (I was there) because by executive order we were not allowed to fire back when fired on (AKA-the troops couldn’t protect themselves). We have many freedoms in America today and it’s not because of the politicians, it’s because of the military; the politicians like President Obama and his roguery ran agencies like the IRS, NSA, EPA, BLM, and ATF are the ones who are taking away our freedoms. How many freedoms do we need to lose before we the people will wake up. Yes the problem is the president and his crony liberals but it is also John Boehner and Mitch McConnell who will not do the peoples will; all of the above should be removed. Along with a long list of both Democrats and Republicans, they show us the reason we need term limits. The only one who can change this is you.

Obamacare Explained With Pluming

This was on the “Conservative Tribune” written by Taboola which was sent to me, I have never been on the site before but this about describes Obamacare to a tee.

The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, is a socialist scheme that does nothing more than funnel money away from the successful and into the hands of the not-so-successful.

While it might sound charitable at first glance, be very wary, for socialism in any form always produces the most horrific of results, as this example demonstrates:

Only weeks after leaving office on Jan. 20, 2017, former President Barack Obama discovers a leak under his sink, so he calls Troy the Plumber to come out and fix it.

Troy drives to Obama’s new house, which is located in a very exclusive, gated community near Chicago where all the residents have a net income of way more than $250,000 per year.

Troy arrives and takes his tools into the house. He is led to the guest bathroom that contains the leaky pipe under the sink. Troy assesses the problem and tells Obama that it’s an easy repair that will take less than 10 minutes. Obama asks Troy how much it will cost. Troy checks his rate chart and says, “$9,500.”

“What?! $9,500?!” Obama asks, stunned, “But you said it’s an easy repair. Michelle will whip me if I pay a plumber that much!”

Troy says, “Yes, but what I do is charge those who make more than $250,000 per year a much higher amount so I can fix the plumbing of poorer people for free. This has always been my philosophy. As a matter of fact, I lobbied the Democrat Congress, who passed this philosophy into law. Now all plumbers must do business this way. It’s known as the
‘Affordable Plumbing Act of 2014′. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it.”

In spite of that, Obama tells Troy there’s no way he’s paying that much for a small plumbing repair, so Troy leaves. Obama spends the next hour flipping through the phone book calling for another plumber, but he finds that all other plumbing businesses in the area have gone out of business. Not wanting to pay Troy’s price, Obama does nothing and the leak goes un-repaired for several more days. A week later the leak is so bad Obama has had to put a bucket under the sink.

Michelle is not happy as she has Oprah and guests arriving the next morning. The bucket fills up quickly and has to be emptied every hour, and there’s a risk the room will flood, so Obama calls Troy and pleads with him to return.

Troy goes back to Obama’s house, looks at the leaky pipe, checks his new rate chart and says, “Let’s see, this will now cost you $21,000.”

Obama quickly fires back, “What? A few days ago you told me it would cost $9,500!”

Troy explains, “Well, because of the ‘Affordable Plumbing Act,’ a lot of wealthier people are learning how to maintain and take care of their own plumbing, so there are fewer payers in the plumbing exchanges. As a result, the price I have to charge wealthy people like you keeps rising. Not only that, but for some reason the demand for plumbing work
by those who get it for free has skyrocketed! There’s a long waiting list of those who need repairs, but the amount we get doesn’t cover our costs, especially paperwork and record-keeping. This unfortunately has put a lot of my fellow plumbers out of business, they’re not being replaced, and nobody is going into the plumbing business because they know they can’t make any money at it. I’m hurting too, all thanks to greedy rich people like you who won’t pay their ‘fair share’. On the other hand, why didn’t you buy plumbing insurance last December? If you had bought plumbing insurance available under the ‘Affordable Plumbing Act,’ all this would have been covered by your policy.”

“You mean I wouldn’t have to pay anything to have you fix my plumbing problem?” asks Obama.

“Well, not exactly,” replies Troy. “You would have had to buy the insurance before the deadline, which has passed now. And, because you’re rich, you would have had to pay $34,000 in premiums, which would have given you a ‘silver’ plan, and then, since this would have been your first repair, you would have to pay up to the $21,000 deductible,
and anything over that would have a $7,500 co-pay, and then there’s the mandatory maintenance program, which is covered up to 17.5%, so there are some costs involved. Nothing is for free.”

“WHAT?!” exclaims Obama. “Why so much for a puny sink leak?!”

With a bland look, Troy replies, “Well, paperwork, mostly, like I said. And the internal cost of the program itself. You don’t think a program of this complexity and scope can run itself, do you? Besides, there are millions of folks with lower incomes than you, even many in the ‘middle class’, who qualify for subsidies that people like you must support. That’s why they call it the ‘Affordable Plumbing Act’! Only people who don’t make much money can afford it. If you want affordable plumbing, you’ll have to give away most of what you have accumulated and cut your and Michelle’s income by about 90%. Then you can qualify to get your ‘Fair Share’ instead of giving it.”

“But who would pass a crazy act like the ‘Affordable Plumbing Act’?!” exclaims the exasperated Obama.

After a sigh, Troy replies, “Congress… because they didn’t read it.”

This anecdote, while amusing, is also extraordinarily truthful, in that Obamacare functions just like the fictional “Affordable Plumbing Act.”

It inflates the costs of health care, drives providers out of business and reduces the incentive for hard work — because why should one work hard when he or she can get healthcare (or plumbing) for absolutely free?

Socialism basically does to the country the same thing it did to it in Ayn Rand’s classic novel, “Atlas Shrugged” — it turns it upside down.

It also does nothing to fix the real problem, much like the “Affordable Plumbing Act” did nothing whatsoever to help poor Barry with that awful leak in the bathroom!

The American Party

Socialism does not work, it is robbing the working to pay the non working and is wrong. No country out there gives more charity then America; I would even say America gives more to help people then the rest of the world combined. Socialism is the direction of the liberals in both parties and will only lead to you and everyone else loosing their freedoms. We need to get back to what our founding fathers set up and follow the US Constitution.

Terrorism, Our Arrogant and Ignorant Politicians

Today looks eerily similar to the US in the early 1930s when you had the Great Depression which the politicians in charge tried to deny and skew the facts, you had reports of human atrocities, the Nazis who were murdering, planning to murder, and starting genocide camps which our politicians, some being sympathetic to the Nazis, refused to believe even with pictures and firsthand accounts. Our politicians had seen the horrors of WWI and didn’t want to get involved in any world affair even though we had emerged as the Leader of the free World. America was and still are the strongest, and Country in the world and our military is the most humane on the battle field, so to prevent getting involved our military was drastically cut. If the US would have reacted then to enforce the Treaty of Versailles on Germany’s violations, it is possible WWII wouldn’t have happened and the world wouldn’t have had so much death; the US would not have had over 407,000 military and over 1,200 civilians killed by this tyrannical, violent faction of the German and Japanese people following their own brand of religion. After all was said and done, due to our inaction, across the world there was over 30 million dead military and 30 million dead civilians, and this could have been avoided if only we would have reacted to the threat instead of doing nothing. Many pointing for the need of action but were being patronized and belittled by the biased politicians who didn’t want to protect America, they just wanted the money, prestige, and power they received from being in office. Did we learn from history? No!

Today we have the same thing happening again; we have career politicians who only care about the money, prestige, and power they received from being in office. They will not face the obvious enemy and threat to our nation and the world, the problem which has been boiling up for a while, has within the last 20+ years attacked and damaged the US with many of our liberal politicians sympathize with the ones killing us, gutting our military so we can’t fight. Radical Islam and the medieval practice of Sharia Law is a cancer on our world, and left untreated it will ravish the world. President Obama says terrorism is at the lowest in history yet the top US Intelligence officials declare 2014, the deadliest year ever for Global Terrorism since statistics were started 45 years ago. The Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, testifying on Capitol Hill that contradicted what President Obama and his ignoramus clan of fools showing the statistics that destroys President Obama’s statement on the Muslim threat to America and I remind you, not all Muslims are Radical Muslims. We in America believe in the right to free speech, choice of life style, the protection of the weaker (including women and children), and freedom of religion or to have no religion; Radical Islam and those who follow Sharia Law want to take that away and cleans the earth (murder) all who disagree. We had the Prime Minister of Israel come to speak to us on a subject, terrorism, which he, his people, and his country know better than most Americans ever will because they live with it every day. How many times have Mexico or Canada fired missiles over our boarder, zero but Israel has had Hezbollah and Hamas fire tens of thousands over Israel’s in just the last year. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to talk to us about Iran, their history, their desires, and the deal with the Devil our president is looking to make with them. In Iran, their Radical Islamic Constitution calls for then annihilation of Israel and all western culture; here is a hint, we are that western culture. Iran’s president has said when he gets two nuclear bombs, the first will land on Israel and the second on the Great Satan which is the United States; think about that. Iran is currently testing an ICBM (inter Continental Ballistic Missile) which will be able to reach the US and just had war games in which they practiced sinking a mock up of a US carrier; what does President Obama and the liberals want to do in response, remove all sanctions against Iran. President Obama is so disrespectful that he wouldn’t even meat with Prime Minister Netanyahu or send a representative; this is similar to him disrespecting England, another great ally of America, when he didn’t sent a representative to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher funeral.

I listened to Prime Minister Netanyahu speech waiting to hear something that the nut case liberals could run with but he was very respectful of President Obama and our liberal politicians even though they did not return the respect. The childishness and disrespect was easy to see when Nancy Pelosi turned her back on Prime Minister Netanyahu when he concluded his speech and was receiving a standing ovation. Many liberal congressmen decided to act like brats and didn’t even show up to the speech, one group being the Congressional Black Caucus. This was disrespectful in its own, but what did you really expect from liberals, to act like civilized people.

 Prime Minister Netanyahu spelled out the next coming holocaust or if you prefer WWIII with facts and evidence that a three year old could understand yet for political reasons only, our liberal politicians tried to spin everything he said. You can read his speech or watch it as see there is no disrespect to any American political figure; I just wish our politicians could learn about respect. Secretary of State John Kerry along with President Obama is ignoring the facts of the world and putting the American People in danger. Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; the former Defense Intelligence Agency boss, said Kerry is "out of touch with reality, he clearly is not listening to the entire U.S. intelligence community" and President Obama is doing the same. I wrote an article a few weeks back where Mr. Clapper said we have active investigations on ISIS/ISIL in 49 of the 50 states; he has now revised it to all 50 states. This is all eerily similar to our political attitude in the 1930’s and it cost us dearly in the following years. You have seen ISIS/ISIL tactics of cutting off peoples heads or burning them alive; how many do we have to see happen in the US before we wake up?

Stupid Anti-Gun Companies Who Want Employees and Customers to Die!

I will never shop at Walgreens again, only after a robber tried to shoot him, did Walgreen employee, Jeremy Hoven pull his pistol and shot at the robbers who then fled; his reward was to be fired. Jeremy Hoven had been robbed in 2007, he asked Walgreens for extra security but they refused. Michigan’s liberal judge, Karen Nelson Moore said, “Michigan Self-Defense Act doesn't confer an unlimited right to engage in self-defense.” So a man tries to murder me and I don’t have the right to defend myself under the Michigan Self-Defense Act? Let’s see what the act says:

(1)   An individual who has not or is not engaged in the commission of a crime at the time he or she uses deadly force may use deadly force against another individual anywhere he or she has the legal right to be with no duty to retreat if either of the following applies:

(a) The individual honestly and reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the imminent death of or imminent great bodily harm to himself or herself or to another individual.

So the attempted murder tries to murder but is stopped by the one he tried to murder and to this judge it doesn’t match the above; she needs to be removed from the bench, she is pushing an agenda not the law as is the case with most every liberal judge.

Now I will go to Meador Pharmacy in Arkansas, where a robber was threatening the life of a pharmacist who then pulled his legal concealed weapon and killed the robber. This is how it should go every time possible; shot the robber, rapist, or carjacker and we have no court cost, incarceration cost, and one less thug on the streets. Liberals will never get this because it makes since to punish the criminal instead of the victim and they will never figure out that criminals never pay attention to the law. When you have a “Gun Free Zone”, the only thing you are doing is telling criminals that all the law abiding citizens who are allowed to carry a gun isn’t so there is no threat to you. Does this sound like a logical action or one that endangers more people?

The 2nd Amendment states-A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

So you cannot infringe on gun ownership without violating the US Constitution but this has never stopped a liberal like President Obama. First they tried to get a gun ban which was shot down by the US Supreme Court as unconstitutional, then they tried to make everyone have a million dollar insurance policy for every gun you owned which also was shot down by the US Supreme Court. I thought they would learn but instead of accepting the law they tried to buy every round (1.6 billion) in the US to prevent citizens from buying the ammo, they even bought rounds the government doesn’t use but now there money has ran dry. I thought surely they have learned now but no, the president is trying to do an executive order to ban the most common round used in America the 5.56mm which is once again unconstitutional.

If you are pro-gun, you should never vote for another Democrat or liberal Republican as long as you live, they have shown they have no respect for your rights, the Supreme Court, or the US Constitution. You always have a knee jerk reaction to these mass shootings but the liberal side who is always pushing their anti-gun agenda will never try to listen and fix the problem, because if the problem is fixed, they will never be able to ban them. The more criminals shot and killed the less that will rob you. The more unstable persons (truly unstable, not identified for an agenda) identified by psychiatrist and uploaded to the no buy list the better. You have a crazy anti-gun man attacks an innocent man for what, for having a legally concealed weapon; he is luck he wasn’t shot. This isn’t uncommon, and it isn’t the law abiding gun owners doing the attacking, it’s the anti-gun nuts. Just like it isn’t the law abiding gun owner robbing you, it’s the criminal who has no regard for the law, just like the liberals.