
Gutting the US Constitution- Sharia Law in America

Before we get started there is a couple of items that need pointed out about Islam, Sharia Law, and the US Constitution. When the US Constitution was written, no one really knew of the Islamic religion. We soon found out when Moroccan pirates started attacking our American Ships because undenounced to us, to them we no longer were protected under the French treaty. When diplomats tried to negotiate a treaty, they Islamic radicals who were responsible for enslaving more than 1.25 million Europeans, the Islamic negotiators demanded 14 times what the diplomates had been authorized to give and demanded Jizya be paid (extortion money) every year. The diplomats were told it was ordered by the Quran, their holly book, President Jefferson liking diplomacy over battle ordered the Quran to be transcribed so he could get a better idea about these people. President Jefferson didn’t consider Islam a religion because no religious people in his mind would do what they were doing. Once President Jefferson had read the Quran, he asked congress to pass a Declaration of War against the Barbieri Pirates because he now understood what they were about. He knew that Sharia Law was in no way compatible with US Law or our US Constitution and robbery in the name of any religion was still just robbery. President Jefferson discovered the barbaric inhumanness of Sharia Law and would not bow to it, but today in many cases, this isn’t true anymore.

Sharia Law is alive, well, and being used in Dearborn Michigan, before any of you say a thing, I live here and see it every day. There are examples like the festival in Dearborn in 2010, where Muslims started stoning Christians handing out pamphlets. Since most of the Muslims in Dearborn were born outside the US, I understand how they might act as uncivilized animals but what happened next was what was really shocking. The Dearborn Police arrested the Christians, this was done under Sharia Law direction of no other religion but Islam is allowed. The Dearborn Police violated the US Constitution and these people’s rights by arresting them; the Dearborn Police later lost due to this fact in court. The problem was everyone in positions of authority in Dearborn cover it up, but make no mistake, it is here. Sharia Law is present in Dearborn. Sharia Law allows the Islamic community to discriminate by refuse service to gays at flower shops, bakeries, and other places. Why don’t we see this on the National News? Why is the National Media and state Attorney General not going after them with the same fervor as they did the Christians? This is just a small thing compared to the murderous side of Islam and Sharia Law. The FBI confirms 27 honor killings at a minimum a year but suspected much higher as a result of Sharia Law. If you want to check an interesting statistic, check female deaths age 30 and below in Dearborn and compare it to the National average. You will be able to find a near accurate number of the hidden “Honor Killings” that go on in this community and it is much higher than 27. If you have the Mayor, City Counsel, Chief of Police, and City Coroner working in unison, how hard would it be to cover up “Honor Killings”? You may think that “Honor Killings” don’t really happen in the US but that is mainly because just as most in the National news refuse to label Islamic Terrorist Acts as Islamic Terrorist Acts, they also refuse to call “Honor Killings” what they are, “Honor Killings.” Honor killings happen all the time in the US in the Islamic community, it is usually always women who embrace the American culture which to their families is dishonorable. If it is dishonorable to embrace America, the embracers can stay, but the rest of their family needs to leave. In most cases, “Honor Killings” don’t make it to the National News because it’s not politically correct. In a case in Irving Texas in 2008, Yasser Said, a cab driver from Egypt shot and killed his two daughters, Amina, 18, and Sarah Said, 17 in an “Honor Killing”. He killed them in the back of his taxi because they were dating non-Muslim boys and embracing Western culture. This is known from a cell phone call to the police from one of his dying daughters. In 2009, Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, at the Buffalo, N.Y., Muslim TV station where they worked. Aasiya Hassan had filled for a divorce and this is illegal according to the Quran unless the man cannot produce a child. The ironic side of this story is they being “Moderate Muslims” started this Muslim TV station to show America that Muslims weren’t as radical and violent as was thought. How is that looking now? If this is “Moderate Muslims”, how violent are the “Radical Muslims”? In 2011 in Dearborn, Jessica Mokdad was murdered in an Honor Killing by her step-father, Rahim Alfetlawi, to cover up his raping her for two years. In 2015 in Dearborn, Asyh Elmawri 30, was tortured and murdered by her brother Haron Elmawri, 23 in an “Honor Killing”. In Michigan they are pretty good at sentencing every murder to life without parole for murder except when they are Muslim. Haron Elmawri was evaluated as competent for trial but was allowed to claim mentally ill and received 25 years minimum sentence; he should be in jail for life.

Only seven states (Louisiana, Arizona, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Kansas and Alabama) have legislation stopping Sharia law, many others states like Oklahoma, had their laws banning Sharia law struck down by liberal activist judges. In 2009, Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Charles Jr. denied a Muslim lady’s request for a permanent restraining order against her ex-husband who was raping her after their divorce. Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Charles Jr. citing the Muslim culture "belief" and "practices" and Sharia Law which prevented him from allowing a restraining order. Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Charles Jr., a liberal activist judge, has violated this women’s constitutional rights so where is the ACLU? This is not an isolated case but what is more disturbing is a survey of American Muslims said 51% would trade their Constitutional Rights to implement Sharia Law in the US. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts. This is out of their mouths, not anyone else’s which shows many in the Islamic community refusal to integrate with the American people but prefer to remain separated in the hopes of overtaking America and converting it to a Muslim Nation. If this happens, you, your kids, and your grandkids will lose all their Constitutional rights. One day, your 30 year old and below female family member may be murdered in accordance with Sharia Law because as a non-Muslim, she insulted Islam. Ask yourself, will Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Charles Jr. denied the murder citing culture "belief" and "practices" and Sharia Law allows “Honor Killings” for insulting Islam?

We do have some heroes like Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, she had a radical group of Muslims after her because she stopped the local mosque leaders “Sharia Court” which was violating the law. She stood her ground and stood for the US Constitution but people like her are becoming rarer. America, you need to wake up, if you don’t, America will be no more.


  1. Since they only have allegiance to their rules and way of life HOW can they become a citizen of USA when they refuse to assimilate and uphold our Constitution the oath of citizenship requires allegiance to The Constitution, our rules and laws and government. If they have allegiance to Sharia Law which is in direct conflict with The Constitution they can't be a citizen and therefore cannot be an elected member of the U.S.A Government.
    How can these mistakes made by our government be corrected?

  2. Forgot to request a "Notify me" on my comment.

    1. Because you have too many "Politically Correct" politicians, who care more about how they look then protecting America.
