
Terrorism, Why Benghazi Matters

The infamous phrase, “What difference does it make?” We are looking to elect a new president and honestly, I don’t like any of the candidates. That being said, I can’t see how anyone would vote for Hilary Clinton given her record as Secretary of State and what it cost the American people. This has nothing to do with political party, I wouldn’t vote for John Kerry, Collin Powell, Madeleine Albright, Lawrence Eagleburger, or George P. Shultz either who were all Secretary of State. If you want to vote for Hilary because she is a women and not because of her record, you are sexist (no matter male or female), just as many voted for Mr. Obama only because he was black are racist (no matter their race). If you are voting for Hilary just because she is a Democrat, then you are just as ignorant as the Republicans that do the same thing. Our reason for electing the person we elect should be because they are the best qualified, cares about America, will uphold the US Constitution, and cares about the American citizens; not race, not gender, and definitely not just for a political party.

Mrs. Clinton showed us in Benghazi that American lives doesn’t matter to her, as Secretary of the State, she was in charge of security of all embassies and consulates. As every other country pulled out of Benghazi, the US stayed, to make a statement or for another reasons, I don’t know and it doesn’t matter. When violence is on the rise in an area, if you choose the stay or have your people stay, you beef up security. This is normal operating procedures put into place after the Beirut Barracks Bombings where 241 US military were killed. After several probing attacks over a several month period on the consulate, Ambassador Christopher Stevens sent multiple request for more security, the requested were not only denied but some security was removed. Ambassador Stevens was requesting the security because of the probing attacks right before 9/11 was a big Red Flag, he knew they were going to get hit. The reason the Security Upgrade requests were denied was because our leadership was claiming terrorism was on the decline even though this was false. President Obama and Mrs. Clinton couldn’t put more troops in Benghazi because they didn’t want to offend anyone and this would show their lie on the decline. They instead decided to double down, gimbaling Ambassador Stevens assessment was wrong and instead of giving Benghazi the needed troops, pulled out some security and hired local militia to guard the America’s interests.

President Obama and Mrs. Clinton’s gamble blew-up in their faces costing four American lives including Ambassador Stevens. We all know what happened next, the American Consulate was attacked, the hired local militia ran away, the Quick Reactionary Force (QRF) never came, and four Americans including Ambassador Stevens were murdered. Wait, the QRF never came? The QRF is a group strategically located, specially trained military personnel to react to Benghazi type situations. The general in charge calls the Secretary of State informing them of the planned response that will be initiated and proceeds once they are contacted. No matter how you slice it, Mrs. Clinton was responsible for four Americans including Ambassador Stevens being murdered do to her action or lack of action. She admitted watching in real time so why didn’t she send in the QRF. Mrs. Clinton showed her incompetence when she said she was afraid of losing more people, she clearly didn’t know or take the time to understand what the QRF’s job, that this is their job and what they train for daily. On the other side you have members of the QRF saying they were given a “Stand-down Order” which can only come from the Secretary of State. Any way you slice it she was responsible for four Americans deaths including the first US Ambassador assassinated in 36 years.

Mrs. Clinton showed her arrogance, ignorance, and above the law attitude when she decided to violate US law once again with her private server. Any terroristic force wanting to attack the US will search for information to give them an upper hand, it is what all friends and foes do. The FBI has found over 1,500 Top Secret documents on Mrs. Clinton’s server which was not an Authorized or a secured server. This violates the Federal Records Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information. I work for the government and if I did this, I would be in jail, rightfully so, and so should she; is she better than any other American. NO! I don’t think most people understand how much damage she may have done to our National Security, compromised our country’s safety, and put “We the People” in danger. Due to her negligence, our enemies may know how to defeat our technology, know our strategy against them, and know the weaknesses within our military; they may be able to use this to defeating us. This is common knowledge yet people still think she would be a good president. Mrs. Clinton and President Obama still today refuse to shut-down Muslim of America (MOA) (Radical Islamic Training Sites) within the US. These Radical American Islamic Domestic Terrorist are training for Jihad within America, so who do you explain why Mrs. Clinton and President Obama refuse to shut them down?  Shouldn’t we be kicking the Foreign Radicals meaning us harm out of the US instead of following the “Political Correctness Code” which will get us killed? The Border Patrol Union Chief says arrests of Afghans and Pakistanis have skyrocketed this year and yet President Obama says, “ISIS Is 'Not an Existential Threat to Us”. I guess he hasn’t realized they are not a JV team and have already been credited with carrying out attacks in the US. You have Pentagon officials showing proof that the Guantanamo detainees the president has released have killed Americans and the president wants to release all of them; some in America. You also have Mrs. Clinton saying she will maintain President Obama’s policies and procedures. Does this sound like protecting America? Why would any true American who is trying to keep America safe vote for her?

Mrs. Clinton who is a liberal elitist, which is the most dangerous type of person in the world, has always made the same five mistakes. Mrs. Clinton refuses to learn from the past, she thinks she knows better than sticking to proven sound protocol in escalated situations, she acts in a pacifistic manner even in violent countries (which makes you a target) because her life isn’t at stake, she lies to everyone and expects them to believe it or ignore it because she is a liberal elitist, and she is so arrogant that even in Benghazi she ignored the facts for her political agenda. In Benghazi there was another factor, Mrs. Clinton is such an anti-military liberal, there was no way she was going to let the Military QRF save the day and get any credit. Could the QRF have saved these four Americans, at least two could have been saved, either way you look at it, Mrs. Clinton’s incompetence at using the QRF and understanding security procedures lead to the death of four Americans including Ambassador Stevens. Even with her incompetence at Benghazi, her lies about it, and placing an innocent man in the crosshairs to try use him as her scape goat is unforgivable; his life is just as important as hers. If you look at the facts, Mrs. Clinton was incompetent and ignorant at her job as Secretary of State and would be worse as president. If you want to understand why I say she is anti-military, read “Dereliction of Duty” by Robert Patterson, he has a first-hand account of her actions when Mr. Clinton was president that might shock you. When you have an incompetent liberal person in charge of the military, people die and in most cases it is military personnel. Mr. G.W. Bush was in Afghanistan 8 years with 558 military deaths and Mr. Obama going is on 8 years with 1,672 deaths mainly due to his Rules of Engagement (ROE). This is 74.97% of all US Soldiers deaths in Afghanistan has been under Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton wants to maintain his course.

The union is the biggest supporter of Mrs. Clinton yet liberals like her are the ones who are the reason the Coalminers Union, United Auto Workers, Fishermen's Union (F.U.T.C.), and many other unions have lost employees, they destroy your jobs with NAFTA type treaties and over regulation yet every time you vote for the same ones killing your jobs. Mrs. Clinton is not the one I want because she will use the IRS to target political opponents. Mrs. Clinton is not the one I want because she will use the EPA to target American jobs. Mrs. Clinton is not the one I want waking up to the 2 o’clock phone call because she will roll over and go to sleep. Mrs. Clinton will as our current elitist liberal mandating the military buy inferior equipment to pay a political debt and use ROE that will get our troops killed as shown in Afghanistan. When it comes to Mrs. Clinton it should be a no brainer, but you have people from both sides that will vote for a person just because of the political party; you are doing your country a dishonor when you do.

Liberals Ideology Helping Islamic Terrorist Kill the Innocent

If you watch Germany, France, and Belgium, you will see what liberal policies and ignoring the truth will get you; DEAD! How long before our mothers, wives, and daughters will be raped by these poor Islamic refugees as is constantly happening in Germany? Remember, many Islamic belief following Muslims from foreign countries are taught from day one of their birth, women are a possession and have no rights so if their owner (a male) isn’t with them, if you are a women, you are fair game. How much longer until our liberal government (both Democrats and Republicans), who has been covering up not only Islamic attacks in America, but also the amount of Illegal Aliens gang activity, rapes, drug dealings, and murders, miss another Islamic terrorist and we have another major attack. Like the liberals in France and Belgium, we will have thousands of dead Americans again and they will blame the guns, global warming, are anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

On 13 November 2015, 8 newly arrived immigrants who were actually members of ISIS attacked murdering 130 and wounding another 368 in Paris. Paris has one of the strongest anti-gun policies of any country and were on high alert following the attacked on 7 January 2015 where Islamic refugees murdering 17 and wounding 22 people in Paris. The antigun policies just left their subjects defenseless as their liberal policies left them vulnerable. I wonder how many of these 147 murdered and 390 wounded people would have been alive if they were allowed to carry concealed weapons. Now another liberally ran country, Belgium, who has let these “Islamic Refugees” in has at least 34 murdered and a minimum of 180 wounded at the Brussels airport and subway bombings on 22 March 2016. Here is the catch we don’t want to look at, when these governments searched for where the weapons came from, they found stock pile of weapons in their Mosques. Here is another kicker no liberal wants to admit, not all Muslims are terrorist, but all Islamic terrorist are Muslim?

I said a long time ago, we need to close and protect our borders because not everyone coming to America wants to be part of the Big Melting Pot, of all illegals, that is about 40%, the other 60% are up to no good. Many of these people crossing our nonexistent borders are terrorist. Due to our inept liberal policies, 33 of 34 times, hijackers did successfully enter the United States according to the 9/11 Commission. The 911 Commission noted;

 “Entering the United States as tourists was important to the hijackers, since immigration regulations automatically guaranteed tourists six months of stay. Thus the 14 muscle hijackers who entered the United States in the spring and early summer of 2001 were able to remain in the country legally through September 11. The six-month tourist stays also assured the hijackers of sufficient time to make such preparations for their operation as obtaining the identifications some of them used to board the planes on September 11. Fourteen of 15 operatives and all of the pilots acquired one or multiple forms of U.S. state-issued identification. Only Satam al Suqami did not, possibly because he was the only hijacker who knew he was out of immigration status: his length of stay end date of May 20, 2000, was clearly inserted in his passport.”

In short our government wasn’t doing its job before 9/11 and still isn’t. Instead of protecting our countries borders and people, for liberal political reasons, they are not only leaving our country venerable but knowing by ignoring the facts, bringing terrorist into America. Many who have come to America legally are terrorist, we found this out on 9/11 but have since forgot this deadly lesson. The 9/11 Commission did show the problem with our politicians, they stated;

“Note: Per an agreement with the Department of State, we have protected the identities of individual consular officers involved with the adjudication of visas to the hijackers. Throughout the chronology, each is referred to as “he,” regardless of the person’s actual gender. For similar reasons, we have chosen not to include the names of border inspectors in this report.”

I want to know if they were fired or allowed to remain just like the IRS people who were targeting political targets. Their incompetence, laziness, and the government liberal policies resulted in 2,996 people being murdered. A poll taken by the Center for Security Policy, a group for a peaceful, secured America polled American Muslims and the result was shocking. When asked, 51% of American Muslims want Sharia Law, 25% believe violence against Americans in the United States is justified, and that Sharia Law “authorizes murder against non-believers who won’t convert, horrific oppression of women, the execution of gays, the extermination of Jews, and the beheading of anyone who draws Muhammad.” Remember, this is American Muslims living here that says this, not some Afghani or Iraqi. If you take the 25%, of the 3.3 million known Muslims in the US, that would be 825,000 Radical Muslims; I wonder if we raided their Mosques as France did, how many illegal weapons would we find.

Do you still believe the liberal lies or are you going to see the truth as spoken from their own lips, 51% want Sharia Law and 25% believe violence is justified? I guess they aren’t so peaceful after all. We need to get every one of these Radicals out of our country.

The Liberal Media and Politicians Lying for Their Failing Agenda Gun Again

When you research New York City crime, you can see the deceitfulness by the liberal, especially the liberals in the media. One liberal media outlet say “New York Gun Violence Third Lowest in Nation” but that is only after they remove all gang related gun deaths. Gun deaths actually went up 25% according to the NYPD stats. Another says “Crime Down but Murders by Gun on the Rise” which the second part is true but crime has risen, especially slashing type crimes. Mayor de Blasio says gun violence down and blames the rise in slashing crimes on good gun control; but wait, gun violence went up by 25%? Mayor de Blasio also says 60% of illegal guns come from out of state but fails to mention between 25-40% of confiscated and destroyed firearms end up back on the street. How can that be? All firearms are tracked by serial number, many firearms marked as destroyed by the NYPD show back up on the street in the criminals hands once again. This leads you to believe it has to be an inside job. It also accounts for Mayor de Blasio 60% because they keep counting the same gun over and over. The true fact of New York is criminals can get guns yet it is virtually impossible for a law abiding citizen to get one which is why the crime rate is rising.

There is a worse situation on the landscape coming from the liberals that if you are a gun owner, should scare the pants off you. Liberals, even liberal judges never follow the rules or standards for integrity and ethics. Liberals have already put a sexist-racist (by their own words) on the US Supreme Court; Justice Sonia Sotomayor said, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." This is racist and sexist, the bad part is she refuses to renounce it. It is mandated that if you as a judge have a conflict of interest, you must recuse yourself from being a judge on that case. No matter how you feel about gay marriage (or any other topic), Justice Ginsburg and Kagan were advocates for gay marriage and even performed same sex marriages. If Ginsburg and Kagan were honorable, they would have recuse themselves from the session but they are liberals; the rules don’t apply to them. So currently we have two Supreme Court Judges at a minimum who don’t care about the US Constitution, integrity, or ethics; wait, that is three, we still have Stephen Breyer who votes against the US Constitution as much as he can. None of them care about the US Constitution, just getting the liberal rulings out there.

Now Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died in a remote hunting camp owned by stanch Democratic Supporters, with a known illness but no doctor, a refusal to do an autopsy, and you wonder why the people think our politicians are corrupt. When you have Harry Reid defending the lies he told about Mitt Romney (I don’t care for Mr. Romney at all) and justifying it by stating, “He 'Didn't Win, Did He”, we need to get rid of all liberals in office, Democrat and Republican. The law and the truth doesn’t matter to liberals and this is why our country is losing its freedoms. Now, once again the liberals are trying to go after guns with President Obama trying to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia with far left liberal Judge Merrick Garland. Liberal Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and Kagan was asked during their conformation, “If a conflict of interest came to the court, would you recuse yourself form over seeing it?” Both answered yes but as we have seen the truth about liberal justices in the Gay Marriage debate, both refused even though they were advocated for Gay Marriage which is a direct conflict of interest. No matter what liberal Judge Merrick Garland says, like the other liberal justices, he will push the liberal agenda instead of Constitutional Law. If liberal Judge Merrick Garland is elected the first act will be to remove all our 2nd Amendment rights for which he has ruled 100% of the time against our 2nd Amendment Rights. We need to get all the liberal justices out of the court system and put justices who will actually follow the US Constitution, it is the only way to save America. The Republican establishment is at fault just as much as the Democrats for affirming these pick; there job is to protect America, not give in to any politician’s choice.

If Mrs. Clinton gets into office, we will become a socialist state; hell, we are already half way; if this happens you will not have any rights and you will become subjects instead of citizens. It’s hard to believe a person who has made our National Security the most vulnerable it has ever been and due to their ineptness was responsible for 4 Americans including a US Ambassador killed could even be in the running for president. This just shows how uninformed, ignorant, and blind by party the American people are; Republicans, you are almost as bad. We need Americans to start standing up for America, not a political party.