
GOP Charges Obama with Letting the Military Decline

President Obama letting our military go to hell shouldn’t be a shocker to anyone, every liberal Democrat since LBJ has gutted the military to give free money as bribe for votes. The problem is, no one learns from our history. At the beginning of WWI, the US wanted to stay out of it and be isolationistic in its manners. The most evil group of people fighting against our friends, Germany, in accordance with international law, were mandated to warn civilian ships before sinking to allow for passengers the time to escape to safety. Germany refused and murdered thousands of Americans by refusing to follow the mandate. After using unlimited Submarine (U-boat) warfare sinking the Lusitania and Sussex breaking their promise, Germany promised Mexico Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona if they would attack the US, this is known as the Zimmerman Telegram. Our Liberal President, Woodrow Wilson was forced by the people to enter the war breaking his 1916 reelection run pledged. Finally this allowed the US to defend itself but the military had been decimated by President Wilson in his first four years of office. After 16 months, we finally had the ability to wage war again and on 6 April 1917 we entered WWI. In just over 15 months after the mighty US entered the stalemated war, it was over. You would think people would have learned to always be prepared for war but no.

Liberal President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) after taking office in 1933 proceeded to gut the military again, he believed the military was unnecessary and a provoking presents to have in a time of peace. FDR as most liberals in a position of power tried to gain and maintain his power. He tried to become a dictator being elected for president three times which was illegal, hence the passing of the 22nd Amendment. The only mistake they made with this amendment, is they should have included congress in it as well. While under FDR, his liberal policies strengthen the Great Depression destroying the people and the military. Brigadier General Billy Mitchel spelled out how America was vulnerable and would be attacked and he was court martialed for it, then it happened precisely as he predicted. After being attacked by Japan on 7 December 1942, FDR backed off his isolationistic stance, our manufacturing took off to win the war but this time instead of 15 months, it took nearly four years to recover.

With Liberal President Harry S. Truman still in place, the military was not allowed to upgrade as our enemies were doing, when the Korean War kicked off, this story was told by the mass casualties the US received. Only after President Dwight D. Eisenhower took over was a cease fire held. For the record, President Eisenhower was the last president to have a balanced budget and no national debt. No president, neither Reagan nor Clinton, according to the numbers from the Government Accounting Office (GAO) had a balanced budget since.

After President John F. Kennedy (JFK) took over, the military was involved in Vietnam and at first was doing well. After JFKs assassination, President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) took over and as liberalism shows, got the war into a quagmire. Liberals were killing our own troops by not letting them go after the enemy, the liberal politicians thought they knew better than the military leaders (like President Obama) on how to fight a war; they were wrong. It wasn’t until President Richard Nixon that we could bring the North Vietnamese to the table to get a truce where we should have had a victory. After 15 years of fighting, the US people just wanted the war to end.

After President Nixon left in disgrace and President Ford didn’t try for a second term, nice guy but still a liberal President Jimmy Carter took office. President Carter served in the Navy and is the last Democratic President to fight for their country. This might be why no Democratic president since has kept our country safe. Unfortunately, President Carter as most all liberals decimated our country and military. When our allies asked for help against Radical Islam, President Carter turned his back on them. The once relic of Radical Islam was allowed to overthrow the Shaw of Iran allowing a Radical Islamic caliphate we see today in Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq to take over. In Iran they took and held 66 Americans hostage for 444 days. During this time there was one rescue attempt, but civilians instead of the military was in charge and ended up killing 8 Americans with no prisoners freed; it was a disaster. They should have learned from Vietnam but didn’t. The day President Ronald Reagan was sworn into office, all prisoners were released because they knew President Reagan would attack with full force.

Under President Reagan the country flourished and the military became strong again to the point of winning the cold war against Russia and tearing down the Berlin Wall. For the most part under President Reagan the world was peaceful and our enemies feared us which is why the world was at peace. We had strong trade with other countries without gutting the American workers and America grew more than in any other time in history. Most all other countries, including Russia was ready to talk instead of war because they feared America’s Military Power. Anwar Kaddafi attacked once and had his house blown up, he never attacked again. Unfortunately with many countries, this is the only way to get them to be civilized.

George H. Bush took over next but was weak. He invaded Iraq to stop a terroristic leader, Saddam Hussain but didn’t remove him from power which was a big mistake. General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. showed how to take over a country but wasn’t allowed to remove Iraq’s leader. President G. H. Bush said he wouldn’t raise taxes but with pressure from liberals in both parties did which set the path for President Bill Clinton. There isn’t much here because he didn’t accomplish much.

Liberal President Bill Clinton who started off his presidency with a lie saying he smoked pot but never inhaled; who smoked pot and didn’t inhale? He never served in the military and he and Hilary treated the military like trash as was highlighted by Lt. Col. Robert Patterson’s book, “Dereliction of Duty.” Along with gutting the military he continuously allowed the new Radical Islamist to attack America without really doing a thing to deter them. President Clinton even had Osama Bin Laden, the 9/11 master mind, handed to him no less than three time but refusing all three times to take him. He also has the distinction of being the only president to be impeached and punished, but he was not removed from office. All the unions supported him even though he signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993 cutting the unions throats by sending thousands of union jobs overseas. The union needs to separate ways from the Democrats because the Democrats are the ones who keep sending their jobs elsewhere; it’s called self-preservation. President Carter may have let the Islamic Radicals out of the bag but neither President G. H. Bush nor Clinton did anything to put them back. President Clinton separated the intelligence community which helped lead to 9/11.

President George W. Bush came in and our nation was attacked do to the neglect of the previous administration and our broken VISA tracking system. He went on the offensive in Afghanistan and Iraq but ignored General Schwarzkopf’s example and went back to a Vietnam FOB (Forward Operating Base) theology which history had proven doesn’t work. He let the generals fight their war mostly but didn’t spread any information to show the truth when disinformation was openly piped in from the liberal left. WMDs were found but their finding was covered up due to where they came from and who they were linked to. He did build the military back up and replaced much of the inadequate equipment left to the military by the Clinton administration. He did have the support of the military until his last two years when President G. W. Bush then let the newly Liberal Democrat controlled congress do whatever they wanted. His refusal to remove Donald Rumsfeld cost the Republicans Congress and the presidency.

President Barack Obama came in following socialistic views and has divided America on racial lines to the same level as in the 1930s. He has all but doubled the National debt from all previous presidents and has violated the US Constitution every chance he can. He has gutted the military to previous WWII levels leaving America vulnerable and disrespected every ally we have. He has created the biggest Radical Islamic terrorist Caliphate ever known to man who are responsible for more deaths then people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq under G. W. Bush by pulling out of Iraq against the direction of every military leader. With his ROE (Rules of Engagement), there has been a 300% jump in military deaths in Afghanistan not to count the massive numbers of service members being prosecuted for protecting their troops. His gutting of the military has the Air Force at 70% capability with the other branches fairing much worse. While the two biggest enemies of the US, China and Russia attack our allies and harass our military, he refuses to see his path is wrong. The only reason America hasn’t been invaded by one of these two countries is because of all the armed civilians who President Obama and all the other liberal have tried to disarm every way they could. So the GOP can Charges Obama with letting the military decline but it is just as much their fault. They have the power of the purse and haven’t used it against President Obama once letting the people know that neither the Democratic or Republican establishment politicians care about America or its citizens. How do you think Donald Trump became the Republican nominee?  

Add: For any who has served, anytime a liberal politician is president the morale and efficiency of our military takes a nose dive. This is because we in the military know as Benghazi showed, liberal politician don't have our back. This isn't an opinion, it is a fact!

Widespread problems plague the US Air Force

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