
Attacking the American Flag, Where Are the True Americans?

We as Americans should always be proud of our first responders, our military, our country, our National Anthem, and our flag. No country in the world has been able to accomplish what we in America have accomplished in just 240 years. In America, if you work hard, there is no goal out of your reach; the only person stopping you is yourself and no one can make feel inferior without your permission. There is no other place on earth that protects Human Rights, Freedom, or the ability to achieving your Dream, better than America. Every country in the world has pride from within at where they stand today, there is also no country on earth who doesn't have atrocities in their past. Our problem in America today is we have too many people living in the past and because they are living in the past, they condemn themselves to the past and will never seize the rewards offered by their future. The consequence of these actions isn't just being stuck in the past, but they create and condone what they are complaining about. Martin Luther King (MLK) is one of my heroes, he protested to bring about change in a non-violent way and it worked. What Black Lives Matter (BLM) is doing is nothing more than a black KKK style domestic terrorist group by their own actions; MLK would turn over in his grave. BLM's tactics are identical to what the KKK used in the 1920, 30, 40, and 50s; BLM is no different. They are the product of a vicious cycle compounded by politicians who allow common society morals to erode in the name of Political Correctness (PC). Liberal politicians then ignore the damage they have done to these cultural groups and America to blame all but themselves. The people and the politicians need to accept responsibility for their own actions but with Liberals, this will never happen.

If you hate America and refuse to take pride in the best country in the world, than you should leave because even the poorest in America are within the top 5% of the world rich. We have people who do not realize how blessed they are and who in return are ignoramuses, many of which are in Hollywood. We have several celebrities who vow to leave America if the election doesn't go their way; great, leave, America would be a better place without them. I ask these celebrities one favor, please take our Anti-American journalist, Anti-American politicians, and Anti-American educators with you. These people are trying, no, they are succeeding in turning our country into a socialist country and if that happens, kiss your freedom goodbye. I believe in meritocracy, what you receive is directly affected by the amount of effort and work you put out; when able body people refuse to work, neither should they be given money for free to eat; the elderly and truly disabled is the exception. A great country can never pay people to not work, if it does soon the working people will want the same deal. JFK, if he was alive today would ostracism himself from the Democratic Party, he cared about America and today the majority of the Democrats, along with many Republicans, don't give a crap. I love to quote people and one of my favorite quotes is from when JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Today, especially in large Democrat controlled cities where the crime is overwhelming and most are close to fiscal collapse, the only questioned asked is, "What will you give me now?" The questions we need to ask is, where is the respect, where is our American Patriotism, what happened to our Freedom of Speech, and where did this attitude come from?

The politicians have twisted what the Founding Fathers set up to prevent an entity like the Church of England, a state or government founded church which directed political action. Liberal politicians today want to removing all Christian icons and standards from the government and society, with some politicians even saying if you are Christian you are unfit for office. The reason for this is obvious, they want to remove any and all moral standards to allow immoral activities to be considered normal. If you look at our history which many politicians keep trying to change, we have removed all moral standards and discipline out of our schools and we now see the results. In 1962 the US Supreme Court removed the Bible and prayer from public schools, in 1974 we had our first mass school shooting in Olean New York. Many will argue but it is ironic 12 years after removing a moral standard from our schools mass shootings started. It isn't so much of the fact they removed the only moral standard from our schools as it is there was no other moral standard put into place to fill the void. It’s the same with the Military Draft, the draft ended in 1973. These people who were graduating from high school and were mostly poor went into the military and learned a skill, discipline, patriotism, tolerance, composed, and putting something above their own desires. When our Liberal politicians did away with the draft for PC reasons, they never replaced it with any system to help the poor learn a skill as was being done in the military. Worse, they never learned discipline, patriotism, tolerant, composed, and putting something greater above their own desires. You took away the only two areas where many people ever learned a moral standard, right from wrong, and this is one reason violence is outrageous in Liberal controlled areas like Chicago, St. Louis, and Los Angeles.

Liberals hate the American Flag and Patriotism, many across the country they have tried to get the American Flag banned because it may offend someone. Did I get that right? If the American Flag offends you, leave! What other country in the world would do this? The US Supreme Court stated that people can burn the US flag because it is a form of "Freedom of Speech; I disagree but they have spoken. When you have Liberal educators telling all of the students we are the worse country in the world, they need to be removed from ever teaching again because they will be the ones bias when they grade. These UN-American, anti-US Constitution educators are the same ones who instead of teaching unity, they teach divisiveness and hatred of their own country. These are the same educators who violate Freedom of Speech on campuses telling students, “This isn’t a free speech area” when all of America is a "Free Speech" area. Even in Tennessee, the Dickinson County School District banned all flags to prevent offending people. Didn't I say earlier the US Supreme Court said the flag was a form of "Freedom of Speech?" Isn't this a violation of the US Constitution? There is no doubt the Liberal poisoning of our country has caused the erosion of Patriotism as well as the removal of our basic US Constitutional rights. If you want to see your children, grandchildren and even yourself loose every US Constitutional right you ever had, keep voting these Liberals in and letting them run your schools. When you have a whole political part against Patriotism, the American Flag, and our Military, how long before our country will cease to exist? How long before our freedoms are gone?

True Hypocrisy with Liberal Journalism, Collage Professors, and Politicians

Gettysburg College Prof. Kathleen Iannello refuses to allow any conservative ideals be discussed in her class which means she is a bigot, this is called liberal indoctrination with prejudice. She is described by students as “intimidating if you lean right” and a person who gives “conservatives a hard time. She abuses her power against those student who believe in equality and I will bet, lets her personal bias reflect on the grades they receive. The students go on to say, “If you’re a right-winger, be prepared to walk into a brick wall whenever you enter the classroom”. She give special treatment to liberals and bullies conservatives, no teacher like her should ever be allowed to teach. Liberals do believe in bullying and our children put up with it every day in these environments, I thought liberals were against bullying?

It is not just the Liberal Professors who are prejudice but in many cases the whole university. California State University Fresno recently held a three-day student retreat for black students only. The retreat included information on financial aid, housing, how to develop leadership skills, and where to find a job; don't you think ALL students could use this help? I guess with Liberals, minorities can be prejudice even at a public university. What do you think the reaction would have been if there was a "White Only" retreat, do you think this would have been treated the same way as the "Black Only Retreat?" The University of Wisconsin-Madison recently hosted a diversity forum that banned white, heterosexual students from attending. Once again this is racist, sexist, and even white only heterosexism. Our Ivy League Collages like Brown University is discriminating as well. Brown University’s “Center for Students of Color” hosted community care conversations but only if you "identifies as a person of color,” isn't that racist? So Liberals are not only "Bullies", they are also "Racist."

Liberals say they stand up for equality but this is another lie. All have heard of Christian Mom and Pop stores being sued and shut down by the LGBT community for following their Christian values and not performing tasks which would violate their religion. Have you heard the two other sides of this story? There were many reports about the Christians refusing to service the LGBT community but it was only about 20% of the Christians asked that refused. The astounding part is 100% of Muslim bakeries and florists refused to service the LGBT community yet you never heard this on the Liberal News. There has been many organizations showing this and even radio personalities like Steve Crowder but the Liberals never go after the Muslim community like they did the Christians community, why? Discrimination is discrimination isn't it? Along with this you have Theodore Shoebat who went to 13 gay bakeries and asked for cakes to be made with "Pro-Christian" messages and every one of them refused. Where are the DAs, where are the lawyers who aggressively went after the Christian Bakeries? This is blatant Liberal hypocrisy at its best?

When you have Liberal reporters fabricating stories and justify their bias which should never happen, and it is now the norm; true journalism is dead. When President G. W. Bush was in office, every Liberal journalistic outlet posted the amount of deaths of our soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan which was fine. The problem came when President Obama took over and these disappeared. If these journalist truly cared about the people in the military, they would be raising hell with President Obama like they did President Bush, but the only thing they care about is their liberal agenda. You know this shows Liberal bias because 3 out of 4 military deaths in Afghanistan has been under President Obama. Journalist will twist anything to get a story, even when the thought of the Political Correct (PC) stance is totally ludicrous. Journalist Mona Chalabi says correcting bad grammar is racist; no it is showing someone where they are grammatically wrong. So let me get this right, if you use a word in the wrong context and are corrected, the corrector is a racist? How stupid is it for a journalist to say this, we should all strive to be the best we can and communicate in the most accurate manner possible. If you don't know proper grammar, true, deep, intellectual communication is impossible. Journalist are supposed to be truthful and centrist when reporting to remove any bias, or perception of bias in what they present.

Cokie Roberts refers to Donald Trump supporters as "morally tainted" and examples of "textbook racism" yet it was the Democrats who founded the KKK, Black Panthers, New Black Panthers, La Raza, and Black Lives Matter, all of whom are racist groups. Hillary has stolen, lied at every turn, accepted money from our enemies for political favors, and was directly responsible for the first ambassador being assassinated in 33 years, than she blames him after she refused multiple extra security request. Trump is an angel compared to her and I don’t like Trump. Never in the US history of journalism, has a journalist insulted over half of Americans for supporting a presidential candidate. You had Liberal icon Helen Thomas, along with several other who were constantly making anti-Semitic comments, isn't that racist, yet nothing was done.

Our journalist and Liberal elected politicians have failed the LGBT community, just ask the LGBT community in Orlando Florida. There were three FBI investigations going on in Florida, one of a Radical Mosque, two into a suspected Islamic Terrorist, Omar Mateen who was going to that Mosque. The FBI was directed to shut down their investigations by three Liberals because of PC. The three liberals were President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder. Omar Mateen later went into the "Pulse Nightclub" in Orlando Florida and murdered 49 people and wounding at least 53 others in the name of Allah. I guess not only are Liberals not against "Bullies" or "Racist", they are not against "Muslim Terrorist."

Our country is supposed to be equal for all. A good boss, leader, and/or politician not only should holds themselves to a higher standard than their worker and constituents, they should be the example; this was in the foundation of the US Constitution. When your leaders are held to a lower standard then the people and even the people who protect our country, this is un-American and shows we have a major problem with our politicians. They let Hillary off after leaking Top Secrete document, damaging our National Security yet Kristian Saucier who took six unauthorized Secrete (not Top Secrete) pictures, never letting anyone else see them gets a year in prison; does this seem right to you? When Liberal President Obama is releasing Enemies of the State to kill more innocent people including our own troops, how can you back him? How stupid do we have to get and how many people have to die before we realize Liberalism is the greatest danger to our nation?

Please comment, I want to hear what you think.

What is Best for America?

We have several people and groups who think they know what is best for America but it usually isn’t what is best for America but their own agenda or their political parties’ agenda. What is truly critical for America is what will make America safer, stronger, secure, and able to handle all situations in the future. You need to identify the root cause of what is keeping America from reaching these goals and instead of treating the symptom, coming up with a true fix. We need to get away from political correctness (PC) because it is literally killing America and its citizens. PC is what covers the true root cause of the troubles we have and refuses to allow us to grow and move forward as a country and over the past 30 years has made us more vulnerable, mean spirited, disrespectful, and corrupt. When I drove my truck to high school, I had a shotgun and rifle in the window along with many others; how many people were shot, zero! Ask yourself, what has changed? When you take standards of conduct and discipline out of your school, then add PC you have a toxic mix called lack of respect, the child of liberal theology. This is what we see today.

What will make America Safer?

The first item would be, like it or not, to secure the borders. We have Illegal Aliens (all illegals are not just one group or race) belonging to violent gangs, orchestrating human trafficking, trafficking, drugs, who are terrorist, among many other crimes and they need to be gone. When the FBI has documented illegal aliens  commit up to 80 percent of the crime in America, we need to get rid of this 80%. Take DNA and finger print samples from all non-citizens to have an identity in case they are a victim or a perpetrator. The 20% who are just trying to make a better life, we can register them, watch them for 5 years to make sure they are not part of the 80% the FBI was identifying. We make the 20% pay taxes with no entitlements or anchor babies, and if they clear after 5 years, give them a green card. Identify all crimes by race, gender, ethnic group, originating country, and religion so we can see the correlations between American citizens and non-citizens to see if the FBI is right or if the numbers are skewed.

Have a national Registry of all Police Officers in the US no matter if they are from a big city or small town. Have it set for only Law Enforcement personnel to have access which must have a reason why and a requirement such as for hiring. It needs to define the years of experience, weapon qualification, schools attended, ALL accommodations-disciplinary actions, all union interaction with the department, physiological evaluation, involved shootings, persons seriously injured or dying while in their custody, and detailed reason of why if they resign, forced to resign or fired. This will have to be made federal law with severe punishments for anyone who falsifies, tampers with, removes data, or uses it for personal gain. The federal law will need to be written to prevent police unions, who cover up for bad cops to get their dues, from circumventing the system. No contract by any law enforcement agency will be allowed to be signed if any police union contract items prevent any of the above data from being collected in truthfulness. This data base will include ALL federal agencies but all level will have their own security.

Set up a Federal Conceal to Carry License to be legal and recognized in all 50 states. The US Supreme Court has said it is the right of all Americans to own and carry a weapon yet several places refuse or make it so difficult that it is literally impossible to get one, this would fix that problem. There will be no gun free zones except for federal or political areas deemed at risk. If you look at the statistical facts instead of judging with emotion and media bias, you will find areas with strict gun control has the highest crime and areas with the lease gun control has the lease crime. All but two recorded mass shootings have happened in “Gun Free Zones”, the reason, criminals look at “Gun Free Zones” as “Sitting Duck Zones.” Here is a reality liberals need to understand. Criminals don’t follow the law so all you are doing with “Gun Free Zones” is preventing citizens from defending themselves. When criminals know you are unarmed, they have the advantage because they will always be armed and due to this you are the prey. If they don’t know if you are armed, you become an unascertainable risk.

Overhauling our VISA system to track all in the country on a VISA, remove them when they overstay their VISA, and if they are here on a Student VISA and don’t go to school, they are sent back to their country of origin. Don’t say it can’t be done because we have 322 million people, China does it and they have 1.355 billion people. So are you trying to say the Chinese are better than the US? They aren’t and the only reason we have problems in this area is because of politicians using it for personal political gain. The system needs to be fixed and the politicians thrown into jail.

Any business receiving Government Contracts at either the Federal, State, or lower level, cannot donate to any political party. If a mother company is caught using a surrogate to donate money, it and the surrogate will be banned for donating for 10 year on the first offense and fined 10% of its yearly NET profit, 20 years on the second offense and fined 20% of its yearly NET profit, on the third offense be fined equal to 30% of the last year NET profit and will lose their business license for a year, and on the forth offense will permanently lose their business license.

Any naturalized citizen caught helping a terrorist group, committing espionage or treason will be given the death sentence or placed in jail for life. If it is found to be a radicalized religious action, their family will be immediate deported.

What will make America Stronger?

First, get rid of all the free loaders. Taking from a hard worker to give to one who refuses to work weakens a country. Take care of the elderly, crippled, and mentally challenged but make everyone else work. If you are on any type of entitlement and not working a paying job a minimum of 30 hours a week, you must work a minimum of 20 hours of community service a week. If you refuse, consistently miss your hours, consistently show up late, or refuse to do the work when you show up, you will be given 2 warning and on the third instance lose your entitlements. If you work a paying job more than 30 hours a week, you are exempt from community service.       

Anyone owing back taxes will not be able to leave the country, will be subject to a lean against their assets/paychecks, cannot run for public office, if an elected official will have 60 days to pay the taxes or must resign from their position, cannot contribute to a political campaign in any fashion, and cannot be a controlling member of any charitable organizations.

Setting up a percentage of spending for the Federal Budget would make America way stronger. What do I mean? Discretionary and Non-Discretionary would both be combined into one budget and it would be as follows:

20% military budget.
20% entitlement type programs
10% to fix infrastructure
10% to security agencies
10% to pay off national debt
10% for running remainder of the federal government
10% to make Social Security individual accounts again and restore what congress has robbed from the people.
10% for helping out our allies.

If there is any money left over at the end of the fiscal year, it stays with the department it was designated and is allowed to be saved for future projects. If in the future there is a National Debt, no one in congress nor the president can run for reelection. Congress can only have a max of 12 years, there will be no separate retirement, must use the same health plans as retired military unless the pay for it out of their pocket. Congress must follow the same guidelines the military does for travel. If a fundraiser or political party event is completed within the trip, either the congressman will personally pay for the flight and accommodations or there political party.

Get rid of all the free loading countries as well, if they do not respect women and different lifestyle people as equals, we don’t need to support them fiscally. If they support Child Marriage (pedophilia), support slavery, support terrorism, or they are anti-Semitic they need to be removed from the United Nations (UN) or refuse to pay the UN dues and we remove ourselves from the UN.

We need to take back every piece of land within America that a non-American person or nation owns within the US (excluding embassies). We must change Diplomatic Immunity to not include rape, murder, kidnaping, drug smuggling, pedophilia, or DUIs. If an action of a stated Diplomat causes the death of an American citizen, all diplomatic immunity is forfeited. The same should be applied not only to our diplomats overseas but also to every elected officials.

This one can fall under Stronger and Secured. Voter ID must be mandatory in all US voting areas. If you can’t afford an ID, one will be given to you free of charge with proof of identity and citizenship. If you can make it to the voting booth, you can make it to get your free ID. Any US citizen caught voting more than once, manipulating the voting machines for any purpose, or intimidating voters will receive an automatic mandatory one year in prison. If caught a second time, they will have their voting privilege suspended for 10 years. Anyone caught a third time will never allowed to run for public office, and all voting rights removed permanently.

What will make America Secure?

Everyone needs to pay taxes, but if you are in the poverty line, $11,770 for one individual, you should receive all of your taxes back, nothing more, and nothing less. When you hit the middle class, in Detroit it is $23,441 for the beginning of the middle class and $70,321 at the end, you should pay a flat 7% Federal tax with the only deductions being Mortgage, Medical bills, higher education, tithes, and charity. When you reach the upper class, $70,322 to $200,000 you will pay 12% Federal tax with the only deductions being Mortgage, Medical bills, higher education, tithes, and charity. When you reach the upper class, $200,001 to $500,000 you will pay 14% Federal tax with the only deductions being Mortgage, Medical bills, higher education, tithes, and charity. When you reach the upper class, $500,001 to $1,000,000 you will pay 14% Federal tax with the only deductions being Medical bills, tithes, and charity. When you reach the upper class, $1,000,001 to infinity, you will pay 15% Federal tax with the only deductions being tithes and charity.

All business taxes will be 15% flat across the board no matter the size of the business. Businesses making $2 million NET a year or less will be given deductions for the first five years, these deductions will not be recycled or extended if the business is sold or given to a relative. Any country shipping goods for sale to the US who has a tariff on US good coming to their country will have the same tariff applied to them. Any country not lowering their pollutant output will have an added tax.

Nonprofit groups like the ACLU if suing and loose will not be paid. Currently win or lose they are paid. If they lose, they will be allowed to be sued by the other party.

NO immigrants will receive tax exemption or entitlements and must become a productive member of society within 5 years or they will be returned to their country of origin.

People collecting entitlements will be drug tested, first fail a warning will be given with a mandatory check 45 days later. The second fail their entitlements will be cut by 20%, if they stay clean for 1 year, they get their entitlements back. The third fail their entitlements will be cut by 40%, if they stay clean for 2 year, they get their entitlements back. The forth fail their entitlements will be cut by 70%, if they stay clean for 4 year, they get their entitlements back. The fifth fail their entitlements will be cut completely for 5 years. During each step they will be offered drug treatment and counselling.

When any group will not assimilate into the America culture and want to make a sub culture, they need to be told, either assimilate or leave. Part of these legal and illegal aliens who are dangerous are Islamic Terrorist. In France, England, and Germany several Islamic mosque are supporting terrorism and it is the same here. When you have groups like Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR), who has been caught by the FBI financially supporting terrorist groups, they need to be disbanded and their members deported to their original country of origin. If they are borne American citizens and it is proven they were helping terrorist, they need to go to jail, have their citizenship revoked, and be deported to another country.

When you have government officials (President Obama, US Attorney General Eric Holder, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) stopping investigations into radicalized people and Mosques for political reasons who end up killing people (Orlando Florida), they need to be prosecuted. Radical Islam is our second most destructive danger to America, Liberals with their Political Correctness (PC) and agenda is the number one danger. Any government official caught using their political agenda making America more vulnerable needs to be removed from office. Any politician who refuses to follow the US Constitution needs to be removed from office.

If there is any judge from a county seat to the US Supreme Court who makes statements against the US Constitution, they need to be removed from their position permanently. This includes activist judges like we see in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals who is overturned more than all other Circuit Courts combined.

This is what is causing unrest in our country. When the whole nation sees evidence against Hillary Clinton and nothing is done when the common person would have been jailed, “We the People” know our country has gone astray. The only way to fix it is to vote people like Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Diane Feinstein, John McCain, Harry Reid, Lindsey Graham, and the others like them out of office.