We are a country of laws so when the law doesn’t suit a
group, should they be allowed to ignore it even if it puts the rest of America
in danger? There is a dangerous precedence trying to be set for those who break
America’s laws at all levels in and out of the government.
“All obstructions to
the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever
plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or
awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are
destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency.” George
“The best way to get a
bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.” Abraham Lincoln
The clearest way to
show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall what has
happened when there is no rule of law. Dwight D. Eisenhower
I think our 1st president and Founding Father had
it right as did Abraham Lincoln and even Dwight D. Eisenhower. When our country
began all men were created equally but today our problem lies in a John
Lescroart quote.
“The essence of
fascism is to make laws forbidding everything and then enforce them selectively
against your enemies.” John Lescroart
If you do not want your freedoms and liberties taken away,
you need to ask yourself a series of questions and be honest. Should a person
be allowed to choose which law to obey or disobey? To have a nation of laws
that govern you know the answer would have to be no. If a person breaks the law,
no matter their status or position, they should be punished the same by the
law. The law is there to give all of America’s citizens equal and due process
of the law, when they break it or are a victim. We don’t want people out there
raping people because they don’t like that law or a political official covering
it. Unfortunately this is happening. Let’s look further.
Should law enforcement officers be allowed to choose which
law to obey, disobey, or enforce, and should they be exempt from it? I back law
enforcement in most every case but not all cases. In Law Enforcement, many
unions will not allow Bad Cops to be fired or will not allow the Police Chief,
Sherriff, or other in leadership position to state why they were fired or
resigned. When you leave dangerous people on the streets, be a violent felon,
or a bad cop, bad things are going to happen given time. The law and
regulations in New York said a choke hold was illegal for use by all police
departments. New York Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo had been cited several
times for excessive use of force yet nothing was done. On July 17, 2014 bad
things got worse, Eric Garner was literally murdered by Daniel Pantaleo by
using an illegal choke hold incorrectly. A choke hold, though illegal for New
York police, is only to be held for a max of 10 seconds, Officer Pantaleo held
it for 15 to 19 seconds. At the minimum the charges should have been manslaughter
but to me it was murder. What was his punishment? Nothing! With leaders like Bill
de Blasio, bad cops will never be charged. What I don’t understand is the ones
being murdered it will are the ones putting these people in office.
Should our elected officials be allowed to choose which law
to obey or disobey? No, yet we just watched a presidential candidate violate
numerous National Security Laws and nothing was done. Was it because of their
money or political standing? I work for the Federal Government and if I did
what she did, I would be in jail for a minimum of 10 years if not for life. All
laws are to be administer as seen in Lady Justice, evenly and with a blind fold
so if you are a politician, rich, or a pauper, the law is distributed equally. Article
7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that "All are
equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal
protection of the law." Hillary is just one example but both the Democrats
and Republicans have a cesspool of corrupt, dishonest, and criminal
politicians; why do you think the people elected Donald Trump. They should be
punished equally, if not more harsh because they are the leaders and should set
the example.
Should states and cities be allowed to choose which law to
obey or disobey? When you allow this you have many Eric Garners every year with
no punishment. You also have many Kathryn Steinles. Kathryn Steinle was shot
and killed by an illegal alien, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez in San Francisco,
California on July 1, 2015. Mr. Sanchez had been deported a minimum of 5 times
and had been convicted of 7 violent felonies and had 52 other arrests. San
Francisco officials transported Sanchez to San Francisco County Jail on March
26, 2015, for an outstanding drug warrant. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) had issued a detainer for Sanchez requesting that he be kept in custody,
he was facing another felony charge for selling marijuana. San Francisco did
not honor the federal detainer being a Sanctuary City and this Illegal Alien felon
was released on April 15, 2015. On July 1, 2015 this Illegal Alien felon,
illegally in possession of a firearm murdered Kathryn Steinle. Jim Steinle
would still have a daughter and Kathryn Steinle would still be alive if San
Francisco would have followed the law. Every city official who approved of this
policy should be held as accomplices. Immigration policies are set and controlled
by the US Congress, not US cities or even states.
In America all the people, law enforcement, elected
officials, states, and cities should have to obey the law, as Lincoln said if there
is a bad law enforce it so it will be repealed. If you refuse to enforce it,
soon instead of the law abiding society, you will have a chaotic one; the
beginning of which is similar to what we see in America today. When the law is
not enforced equally or does not exist for people of wealth or status, soon vigilante
justice will rear its ugly head.
Please tell me what you think.