
Democrats Realize “Democrats Elitist” is Why Party is Failing

Many Democrat politicians are trying to figure out why the American people are turning away from the Democratic Party. Many Democrats voters have realize their party has been overran with “Ultra Left Liberal Democrats Elitist” who are in it for themselves and not the America or her citizens. These Democrats Elitist politicians refuse to realize that most of the Democratic Party base is Patriotic, hardworking Americans, but they do know what it couldn’t be.

It couldn’t be the hubris of their leadership who refuses to listen to the working class, who keeps raising taxes on the working class to support the lazy, illegal, and far, far, far left wing fanatical fringe class over the working class.

It couldn’t be the Democratic leadership who refuses to listen to the working class, the leadership who keep raising taxes and implementing so many regulations on companies forcing the companies out of business or out of the country taking the working class jobs with them.

It couldn’t be because Patriotic Democrats who love their Country and Flag can’t even wear a Patriotic shirt to school without being called a racist.

It couldn’t be because Patriotic Democrats who see Michelle Obama at a ceremony honoring the flag and those who died for it stating, “All this for a DAMN Flag.”

It could be because of Democratic leadership like Keith Ellison who makes outright racist comments calling for the murder of white men, says “the white man is the devil”, and demands a separate black America. Who is dividing Americans?

It couldn’t be if you are a Democrat and disagreed with President Obama you were automatically branded a racist or you have misspoken.

It couldn’t be because Patriotic Democrats love the US Military and these Elitist gut and slam the military every chance they get.

It couldn’t be the Political Correctness which is so out of control that now their daughters can’t even go into a restroom without a male being there.

It couldn’t be the Democratic leadership who sends representation to thugs’ funerals when they are killed by police, but refuse to send representation to police funerals (many who are union members) when they are killed by thugs.

What really happened is quite simple, politics is like a business, once you ignore your paying customers to service your leaching customers, the paying customers who are being over charged will go somewhere else. When many Democrat citizens, who are Union members, realized their Unions leaders keep supporting Democrat politicians who keep sending their jobs out of the country, they revolted. When many Democratic parents who are trying to get their children a good education in the inner cities realized the Liberal Democratic politicians where preventing it to receive money from the teachers unions, they revolted. When many of the Democratic Patriotic working class realized the Liberal Democratic politicians was taxing them into oblivion to give to America’s lazy class, Illegal class, and refugee class with embedded terrorist, they revolted.

Many Democratic voters realized their party leadership wasn’t about doing what was best for America, her people, the economy, for their protection, their security, and what was best for their children. The Democratic voter realized that they, the Democratic voter didn’t matter to their Democratic politicians, that only the far left fringe did and they revolted. All this happened yet the Old Ultra Left Liberal Democrats Elitist Establishment still ignore the truth that actually many younger Democrat politicians see. Many of the younger Democratic Politicians realize the Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the Clintons, the Obamas, and Diane Feinstein, just to name a few, type of elitism which only cares about their own glory and back pocket, won’t work and needs changed but the Elitist Democrats would rather destroy their party then give up control. You know your party is violating the trust of the people and the Democratic voter when you as a politician never read a bill before voting to have it passed. You know your party is violating the trust of the people and the Democratic voter when one of your primary candidates is chosen by the elitist and helped by the DNC to win the primary, even when it goes against your base voters.

The other part being overlooked by the Ultra Left Liberal Democrats Elitist is with access to the internet. Every voter can find out just how dishonest a politician has been with them and how much the national media has falsified coverage, to the point of even creating non-existent stories to back their claims, just to help cover the politician’s lie. Ask yourself this:

How many of you want to be safe in your homes?

How many of you want to be able to get a good paying job?

How many of you want your kids or grandkids to get a good education?

How many of you want to take care of the American needy before anyone else?

How many of you want a fair, free from tampering election?

How many of you want fair and equal treatment under the law?

How many of you want a strong US Military?

How many of you want a strong America?

The truth is, none of this is possible under the Ultra Left Liberal Democrats Elitist watch because they don’t care about you and it isn’t possible with many of the Ultra Liberal Republican Elitist like John McCain, Jeb Bush, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski just for a few examples; gave you 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans which need removed. Donald Trump is actually the first Independent President we have had and I hope he brings his business since to the office to cut the wasted money. I hope he brings the justice department to treat all equal no matter their race or religion. I hope he takes out every terrorist and terrorist supporter in America and all who want to use any other system of law except US Law. Most of all I hope he can destroy Political Correctness before it destroys us.

Tell me what you think.

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