
Freedom and Free Speech or Not?

I have said before that “Free Speech” is the corner stone of freedom. I am insulted every time someone burns the American Flag but that is “Free Speech” and freedom according to the US Supreme Court. Every time I hear Black Lives Matter (BLM) chant “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” or “Pigs in a blanket! Fry 'em like bacon!” it offends me but that is freedom and “Free Speech”. No matter if it is the “White Racist” saying “White Power”, “Black Racist” saying “Black Power”, “La Raza Racist” saying “Latino Power”, or any other racist group, “Free Speech” allows them to spew their hatred. The people who really defend “Free Speech” is not the Race Baiters, Bigots, or Politicians, it is the military and being a retired military person I believe all have the right to free speech, no matter if it appalling or not. That being said, I’m a hater, I hate all “Racist” no matter their race. I think they all should be put in an area where they cannot escape and let them go at it, whoever is left standing at the end of the melee, shoot them! Having “Free Speech” does not giving you the freedom from not being offended, at the same time, it doesn’t give you the right to fabricate information as we see daily from our Media personnel and Politicians.

If you look up your history, the Democratic Party were obstructionist to Civil Rights and the Republican Party pushed the passing of the Civil Rights Amendment and were the one fighting White Supremacist. The White Supremacist and KKK were formed by the Democratic Party in 1866 as a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. I wish Politicians and the Media could be sued and prosecuted when they purposely make knowingly false or unverified statements, presenting them as fact and truth. This does a great disservice to America and its people. The “White Nationalists” is a racist party which I don’t support or condone in any way shape or form. That being said, the “White Nationalists” group were marching peacefully and started getting pelted with objects from the counter protesters. One of the White Nationalists” nut cases ran over the counter protesters because the cops wouldn’t do anything to protect them. We had three wrongs here, the cops for not protecting the protesters, the counter protesters for getting violent, and the original protesters, the “White Nationalists” for escalating the violence to a point a beautiful young lady was killed. What President Trump said is true, all parties are at fault.

With Freedom of Speech we have intentional lies from the media who automatically and immediately reported the man, James Fields, was a “Right-Wing Extremist” before any facts were released. This is the same bias attack the media and Democrats did with the Pulse Night Club shooter, stating he was a “Right-Wing Extremist”, it turned out he was a home grown “Islamic Terrorist” declaring his allegiance to ISIS. Along with free speech our Media personnel and Politicians had a responsibility to the American people to be as close to the truth as possible, unfortunately today, neither the Media nor our Politicians take the morally and honorable path, instead being strait up irresponsible.

We have elected leaders making false statements like Minnesota’s U.S. Representative Keith Ellison who stated “North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is acting more responsibly than President Trump”, really. This is a false statement, surprise, but this is “Free Speech”, it gives him the right to lie just like when he said “The Democratic Party was the ones who set blacks free.“ If you want, look at Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe who for political reasons and to push an agenda came out and said about the “White Nationalists”, "They had battering rams and we had picked up different weapons that they had stashed around the city," the State Police later said this was false. These are lies and protected under Free Speech, but they are Liberals, what did you expect?

Rahm Emanuel and Hillary Clinton both have made the statement, "Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste" but they didn’t finish it. , "Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste" if you can push a false narrative to help your agenda, this comes straight out of Communist Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” So who are the true Radicals, the Republicans for passing the Civil Rights Amendment or the Democratic Party who is following self-confessing Communist Saul Alinsky’s and his book, “Rules for Radicals.”

History has shown us that the biggest racist are the media and the Democratic Party. They are trying to cover up and distance themselves from their past and change history. With “Free Speech” there is another component the media and many Americans forget, just because someone in the media says it, it’s on the news, or said on the internet doesn’t mean it is true. The media is very bias, think about it. The whole time the New Black Panthers were threatening voters at voting places and the Black Lives Matter people were burning down towns and killing people, the media pushed to distance President Obama from these racist groups. Even when Eric Holder refused to prosecute with a preponderance of evidence, the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation, the media wouldn’t cover it. The whole time we had Islamic Terrorist like Major Nidal Hasan and Omar Mateen murdering Americans in the name of Allah, President Obama would never even utter the word Islamic Terrorist, President Obama called it “Work Place Violence, and the media gives him a pass. With President Trump, a racist runs over people and President Trump says "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides.

This has been going on for a long time in our country before Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. President Trump states, “This has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America” and the media tries to tie him to “White Supremacist” there are no ties. Then he is stabbed in the back by more Liberals from the Republican Party for saying all racist are at fault for race problems. President Trump is slammed because I guess this is Freedom of the Press to use Free Speech, to hide and pervert the truth. They are all at fault, but the media has an agenda to push and the truth doesn’t matter. As a footnote, I don’t try and tie or blame either president for what racist group’s actions. James Fields who was the man who ran over people at the White Nationalists march and Omar Mateen was the Pulse Night Club shooter, both are the product of extreme Free Speech caused by the constant dividing of America by the Liberals in America. This is the bias the American people have to sort through every day because of the bias media and it shouldn’t be that way.

I support your Freedom of Speech but not using it to make false statements or manipulate the facts so you can push an agenda. I support your Freedom of Speech and Freedom to protest, but this support does not include Freedom to Bully, Destroy, or Kill which are the Liberals trademarks, just look at Ferguson. Freedom of Speech was meant to help us work out our problems, bring us closer together as a people, and protect us from those entities, both foreign and domestic who would want to do harm to our country. Today freedom of speech, which I still support 100% is used to block working out problems, it is used to separate the American people, and it is used with the destructive ideology of Political Correctness. Due to this, it has made America vulnerable to entities, both foreign and domestic who mean to do us harm. In San Francisco California, organizers of a “Free Speech March” postpone it due to death threats from “left-wing terrorists.” Free Speech is the heart of America and no one should have to bow down to the bullying of “left-wing terrorists” or anyone else.

What do you think?

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