
Whatever Happened to the Truth?

The truth is always the truth no matter what others would want you to believe or what you feeling may tell you; what happened to truth? The Liberal influence, both Democrat and Republican, on our society has not been a good one; it pushes for the truth to be based on what you feel, not the facts and evidence. When I was growing up, if I stole something, I would first get an attitude adjustment from my dad, have to apologize to whom I robbed, and have to make amends. The community would shun me, the police would (rightfully so) keep an extra close eye on me, and it would take a while to gain back anyone’s trust. If the owner would have shot me, my family would have been upset but they would have questioned themselves on where they went wrong. They would apologize to the person who shot me; they would know based my actions, which caused them to kill me, they would have to live with and carry my death for the rest of their life. My actions did not just cause damage to my family, but also to the community, and the person I robbed who defended their property. My parents would have in no way blamed the person or the police, if they did the shooting, for my actions that led to my death. Today, no one takes responsibility for his or her actions; this is one pillar of liberal ideology.

Move to today, we have riots in the street over crack dealers, thieves, and murders shot by citizens defending themselves, or police defending the citizens. The liberal feel justice system, which has turned the criminals into the victims, another pillar of liberal ideology, has forced the cops to shoot to kill in every situation, if they don’t, the police and the city will be sued every time. These thugs, not rights advocates, riot only if the dead is of their minority race and it fits their puppet master’s agenda. If they were true rights advocates, they would protest, not riot, for all killed. Just like if NOW (National Organization of Women) was a true women rights advocates, they would protest the degrading of all women, not just liberal ones. These thugs further damage their own communities by rioting, burning down the minority peoples businesses who are trying to scratch out a living. If I white person is shot by one of these thugs, it is no problem, the news will not cover it, and no politician can be seen. At the same time, we have police murdered while politicians, professors, teachers, and celebrities saying this is great, yet the police will be the first called if these same rioters and undesirable person came to close to their houses. This is yet another pillar of liberal double standard ideology but it does not stop here.

We as working Americans of all races have areas of escape from politics, crackpots, and haters, pro games, award ceremonies, and concerts. Liberal ideology has now turned our escapes into a cesspool of political garbage. We have another leftist liberal group, Antifa, a militant political movement who says they are anti-fascist but are clearly a fascist group, one like I have seen in decades. If you or your group disagrees with them, they believe they have a right to attack you and cause you physically harm. This is just like the KKK, the Black Panthers, and La Raza, three other leftist liberal fascist groups. When you have an US Attorney General, Eric Holder, who will not press charges against the New Black Panthers, another liberal hate group, because of their race, who are filmed committing voter intimidation, which violates the US Constitution, this is as un-American as it gets. This type of liberal bias influence is why we have so much atomicity and anger between our races today. It is just like the 1950s again when the whites did the same thing, which was perverting the law. When you have a liberal United States Representative, Eleanor Holmes Norton, saying the evidence is not a concern to her, we have problems. The evidence should be the only thing that matters, not age, gender, and especially not race when applying the law. Racism on all sides will never end until liberals quit dividing America.

Another pillar of liberal ideology is gun control. Liberal politician and celebrity say the honest law abiding person should not be able to own a gun for protection, yet they have bodyguards with guns to for protection. Can you say hypocrite? Liberals make “Gun Free Zones” to help the common citizen, which in reality prevents the common law-abiding citizen of all races and genders from protecting himself or herself, and their families. These “Gun Free Zones” give criminals a safe zone to rob, rape, and murder the law-abiding citizen. The Crime Prevention Research Center shows 98.4% of all Mass Public Shootings, from 1950 to 2016, happening in “Gun Free Zones”, yet liberals will never admit the flaw in their ideology, even when it gets people killed. Liberals in our government even went as far as to buy thousands of guns, give them to the Mexican drug cartels, and blame it on straw purchasing of guns. No less than 69 Americans, not counting all the Mexican people, were murdered. This unconstitutional and illegal liberal ploy (Fast and the Furious) placed into action to take American’s guns.

Liberals want open borders, which has allow illegal aliens who are gang members, terrorist, and diseased to come into the US unfettered. According to the FBI and CDC, this has causing a significant rise in crime, gang related deaths, terroristic attacks, terrorist related deaths, and medical epidemics. An added cause was the liberals opening the borders with the DACA program, which again violated the US Constitution, did not even give the people arriving a background check or medical check before releasing them onto the public.

Liberals politicians took our Social Security accounts, set up individually for Americans to have a retirement, changed them to a conglomerate so it could be robbed them, and give the money to people who have not contributed.

Liberals have removed all discipline from the schools, which in many cases are the only discipline and guidance many kids receive. In our schools, instead of teaching Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, we are teaching the liberal political agenda principles. Liberals have made it impossible to fire bad teachers; teachers with offenses ranging from insubordination to sexual assault, and pay them fully (costing $22 million), to play Scrabble in NY City’s Schools. Now the US has fallen from the top five in the world in education to 37th but the all-knowing liberals cannot figure out why.

If you are a New York or New Jersey resident you should love liberals, after all they are the reason it took so long to restore power after Super Storm Sandy. Many linemen from southern states came to return the favor of NY and NJ help after hurricanes had hit the south. NY and NJ power companies rejected them because they were not union members. Should not the people come first? With liberals, the people never come first.

One of the most devastating blows by liberals was the push was to get rid of the Military Draft without thinking of the cause and effects. The liberal distain for the Military and the draft came during the Vietnam War. Liberals decided instead of using a front for war; they would use a FOB (Forward Operating Base) which does not to work. They then restricted the military from putting a swift end to the war, having liberal politicians, many ignorant to military tactics, picking targets and giving the enemy safe zones (kind of like gun free zones); this caused 282,000 Allied deaths. Liberals reported rare isolated immoral acts by individuals in the military as the norm to taint the image of the military. What the liberals missed was the Military Draft taught 90% of the male population discipline, respect for other races, and a job skill to make it in our society. After the liberals removed the Military Draft, they did not have the foresight to create a job training system to take its place. This is why many males in the inner cities are in jail or murdered, many have no discipline, respect for other races, and the worse part, no job skills. Many of all races and genders in the cities turn to robbing and selling drugs, which is why the murder rate is so high. The top ten most dangerous cities in the US have two things in common, they are sanctuary cities and have been ran on average 42 years by, you guessed it, Liberals, but in this case liberal Democrats to be precise.

Until we get rid of this Liberal ideology and Political correctness, the truth and evidence, as United States Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton stated, will not matter. If the truth and evidence does not matter, as many liberals like Eleanor Holmes Norton believe, then neither does the law in their eyes. If you hate our country, its laws, enforcers of the law, the police, and you remove any responsibility from the criminals, you have just condoned their criminal activity. If we do not stop this liberal theology, the US will turn into a third world country and all your rights will be gone.

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