
Pro Sports Unwanted Truth

When you condone hatred, racism, and violence, you will receive it back. In the recent past the NFL, NBA, and MLB was where Americans came together, not as a race, not as a gender, not as a life style, not as a political party, and not as an income bracket, but as Americans. The pro sports arenas did not allow politics because it was a place to remove yourself from the world and become one family. It was where a punk rocker, a country boy, a rapper, a Democrat, and a Republican all were giving each other high fives because their team won. It was a neutral place where you left all your garbage at the doorstep to enjoy the escape from reality even if only for a moment. Thanks to these overpaid brats, unfortunately now this sanctuary is gone.

The pro sports leadership handles the business, but now that the rule of “No Politics” has left the arenas, they have allowed politics and brats to destroy not only our sanctuary, but also their businesses. I think the past, with no politics allowed at the game, was better for business and the fans. At the start of the NFL allowing the disrespecting of our military by allowing kneeling, the NFL first lost 9% of its audience, by the end of 2016 it had fell to a 14% loss. A new Yahoo Finance poll shows nearly 62% of the avid pro sports enthusiast plan to watch less pro football in response to the anthem controversy, this as ticket sales are down by nearly 18%. Another poll conducted by Survey Monkey has 80% of Americans saying they will watch less pro sports, 40% of Americans who attended games regularly say they will not attend a game, and 45% of Americans say they will buy less merchandise. This does not sound good for business, but it gets worse.

The NLF’s loses first major sponsor, Billionaire Businessman Allen Jones, owner of Check into Cash and Hardwick Clothes, has pulled his advertisements. Mr. Jones stated, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!” NFL loses second major sponsor, Billionaire Businessman Steve Kalafer, the owner of the Flemington auto dealership colossus, has pulled his advertisements. Mr. Kalafer stated, “The National Football League and its owners have shown their fans and marketing partners that they do not have a comprehensive policy to ensure that players stand and show respect for America and our flag during the playing of the National Anthem. As the NFL parses the important nationwide issues of ‘social justice’ and ‘freedom of speech,’ it is clear that a firm direction by them is not forthcoming. Therefore, we have cancelled all of our NFL advertising on the Optimum and Infinity networks.” I am still waiting to see if Anheuser-Busch, who makes Budweiser will finally grow a set, will they stand for the American Flag and military, or will they no longer be the America’s favorite? You also have companies like Nike trying to have it both ways, but you are for our Troops or for disrespecting our troops; you cannot have it both ways!

The sponsors have not only pulled sponsorship from the pro teams but also the players who protest and disrespect our military. The Denver Broncos Von Miller loses Phil Long Ford endorsement after kneeling, first words is this is racist. No, you were tarnishing his brand. The Denver Broncos’ Brandon Marshall loses The Air Academy Federal Credit Union and the Century Link endorsement. First words, this is racist. They fired you for, not for your race, but for disrespected their biggest clients and their heritage. There is nothing racist about losing your sponsors, if they were racist, they would have never of sponsored you at all. If this were a racist thing, the NFL would not be losing their sponsors; they are not a race. If you claim racism knowing that it is not racism, you yourself are a racist. Colin Kaepernick sucks in my opinion as a quarterback. I stated this before he started this ignorant protest and he still sucks today. I do not say this because I am a racist; I say this because he sucks. If I were prejudice, why would I think Colin Kaepernick sucks but Deshaun Watson is a great quarterback?

On a side note, Oakland Athletics rookie catcher Bruce Maxwell had a refusal of service while at home in Alabama. This happened when the server realizes Mr. Maxwell was ones of the players disrespecting the military by taking a knee during the National Anthem, or this was the story. We now know Mr. Maxwell lied and was dining with local Democratic council member Devyn Keith and another friend who produced an expired ID. The server, following state law, refused to serve him a drink, which upset the friend. The refusal of service was not racism. Here is an example of Liberals playing the victim and making up stories again. Of course these brats have the same first statement, this is a racist; no it is following the law. This is called crying wolf, one of the biggest problems we have in America is not racism; it is identifying acts that are not racism as racism. It is to the point where the word “Racist”, used so many times where there is no racism, now has no valid standing anymore. This “Crying Wolf” is not a good thing as shown in the fairy tale. When you actually have a racist act, people are going to ignore it as another “Crying Wolf” when in reality the wolf is literally at your door.

One lesson that needs to be taught is just because I disagree with you does not mean I am racist. If you want to see racism, Michael Harriot can show you true racism by his trying to legitimize racist displays by non-Caucasian people. He states, “This Is What We Mean When We Say White Supremacy” referring to sponsors dropping endorsements of players. This shows his racial hatred and the hatred of like thinkers. You are not entitled to receive a sponsor’s money no matter what antics you pull. These people believe someone else causes their troubles; and never take responsibility for their own actions. If you work for me and do something, which tarnishes my brand, I have every right to fire you and it has nothing to do with race. If you act in a way that your sponsors do not like and lose your endorsement, it is not because they are racist; it is because of your actions! If they were racist as several try to insert, they would have never of sponsored you in the first place.

Another example of racism is the Oakland Raiders. Gerald Gallegos, a radio host at Raider’s Beat Radio said, “Raiders Offensive Line Tanked in Response to Derek Carr Standing for the National Anthem” and he is right. Raiders’ offensive guard Kelechi Osemele stated, “If he wants to stand alone, he can stand alone on the field.” Derek Carr, the quarterback for the Raiders and only white player on the team refused to kneel during the National Anthem. The members on his team showed their racism through their actions, or in this case, lack of action and repaid him. They did not do their job, and protect Derek Carr for which they get paid millions. The untouched defense sacked him several times and broke Derek Carr back. That is racism!

Newton's third law of Physics tells us, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is true in our everyday life, if you dress and work to succeed and get a good job, you will succeed and be able to choose your own path. This is also true that if you if you choose to dress like a thug, act like a thug, think everyone owes you everything, show no respect to other, steal instead of work, and stay on welfare when you could work, you will succeed as well. You will succeed at remaining in the gutter, going to jail, never find true freedom, remain in a societal cage, and in many cases, you will succeed at end up dead! This is a cultural thing, usually in the big cities. People dress like thugs, act like thugs, listen to thug music, and are shocked when people treat them like, wait for it, THUGS! If you present yourself as a thug you will never get out of the hood and who fault is it, YOURS! If you want to find the person responsible for your problems, look in the mirror, you will see the real culprit causing your troubles. It is not the white man, black man, or any other person except the person in the mirror.

This kneeling protest does nothing to help your cause and in fact damages it when you spit in the face of the military (how Patriotic America sees it) by kneeling. This is not the way to protest, just as BLM burning personal property and targeting cops is wrong and not the way to protest. This will bring you nothing but heartache and you lose all legitimacy, and you are alienating Americans. The NFL, NBA, and MLB, along with the athletes have lost revenue and this should give them a stark warning, but their arrogance will probably win out. I am a Die Hard football fan, but I as many others have decided we will not go to a game, watch a game, or buy team merchandise until this disrespecting of the American Flag and National Anthem stops. The whole premise behind the kneeling during the National Anthem is hatred, if it was not then why is Kelechi Osemele not protecting his teammate’s freedom of speech?

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