
Guns Are Not the Problem, Liberal Hate is!

Once again, in a “Gun Free Zone” an attacked by a lunatic, Liberals hold to their theme from Rahm Emanuel, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste, and what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” The Vegas shooting is a tragedy and the first to politicize it once again are the Liberal who want to turn us from being citizens into subjects. Germany, France, England, and Spain have strict gun control, their people are subjects, as shown in the past when dealing with nutcases; they are sitting ducks.

Liberals want more laws; let me think of the law for a second. Did Stephen Paddock, the Vegas shooter break the law? Did he illegally and purposely break out a hotel window? Yes he did, so let us make stronger laws about breaking windows in hotels. Did he illegally discharge a weapon within city limits? Roger that. Immediately after the shooting, ISIS claimed he was a SOA (Soldier of Allah), did the liberals check to find the truth before going off on their agenda and politicizing the Vegas Shooting. No. Is not checking facts first irresponsible? Yes.

Liberal confronted by the evidence and asked if they examined the evidence state the same as Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton, “I did not, and that is not a concern”. When a US Senate Representative says evidence is not their concern, they need removed from office! The American people have had enough of the Liberals politicizing every tragedy as everybody’s fault but theirs, Hillary Clinton will not even admit it was her fault she lost the election. If Liberals are all for the law, why do they not enforce Immigration Laws? The Vegas killer murdered 59 people, according to the FBI, Illegals are responsible for 3,580 + murders every year in the US; this is 60.7 times more murders per the average of their population, would this not be a better way to stop murders? Yes, but it is all about politics, not saving people’s lives. Liberals are wrong but they will never admit it. Liberals will allow Illegal Aliens to murder Americans and not bat an eye, the reason; they believe they are their future voters. Politics over all, even your safety.

The Crime Prevention Research Center shows 98.4% of all Mass Public Shootings, from 1950 to 2016, happening in “Gun Free Zones just like this one. Hillary and the Liberal will never admit they were wrong about “Gun Free Zones.” Liberals will allow Gun Free Zones to be hunting grounds for criminals who understand this is a safe zone for them to assault, rape, and murder the American law abiding citizens. Liberals will never face the fact; the fact that their policies are costing people their lives! No, they just double down and ignore the evidence and truth like Representative Norton.

The hate from the Liberals is unbelievable, Michelle Obama said Republican politicians are “all men, all white” (false), once again trying to divide our country on race and gender lines. California Communications Chair of the Democratic Party, Allan Brauer stated to a Ted Cruz staffer, “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” Wishing this on children, it is unbelievable. Where are the Liberals who say they are for protecting women and children, nowhere! This hatred is the core of Liberalism, Phil Montag, Nebraska Democratic Party co-chairman, after the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise stated, “I’m glad he got shot. … I wish he was F#ck##g (expletive) dead.” Even more hateful is Liberal Hayley Geftman-Gold, CBS New York Vice President and senior legal counsel who stated about the Vegas shooting, “I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing. I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters.” Repug if you do not know, is an abbreviated form of "repugnant" used as a derogatory insulting term toward Republicans. Let us say everyone there was a Republican; this is the Liberal response to a National Tragedy, the people do not matter. CBS is as bias as you can get in their reporting, but they did the right thing and fired Ms. Gold, but this level of hate among Liberals toward anyone who disagrees with them is unreal.

Hate is a continuous action from the Liberals in our country, you may think you are at the limit for hate, but you would be wrong. After WikiLeaks released documents on Hillary Clinton, the leaker, Seth Rich, a DNC Staffer, ended up murdered in a ritzy neighborhood. The FBI investigation showed the leaked documents came from Seth Rich’s computer. The DNC mouthpieces said it was a robbery went bad, but Seth Rich had an expensive watch on his wrist and $200 in his wallet; robbery was not the motive. Why would someone want to execute a young kid like Seth Rich? Because you could not control your temper over the leaked documents, this could be one example. To set an example, so no one else would do the same. Because these leaked documents, which could make you lose the race for president; this is the best reason. What is the real reason Seth Rich was murdered, we will never know. With politics, law agencies do not look for the truth anymore and we have too many political operatives in law agencies, look at former Director of the FBI James Comey for a good example.

We never had these types of problems until the cancer known as Liberalism started blooming in our country. Our schools have went from first in the world to mirroring a third world country. Who runs our education system, Liberals! Taxes are choking the life out of the American people, who are the ones who keep raising taxes, Liberals! Regulations are choking the life out of our country’s businesses, who is always pushing for more regulations, Liberals! Who has allowed the invasion of our country by Criminal Illegals who commits 60.7 times more murders than their percentage of the population according to the FBI, Liberals! Who has walls around their homes and bodyguards with guns to protect their families, Liberals! Who wants to take your guns away, using every tragedy they find, so you cannot protect your family, Liberals! Is this not what you call hypocrisy?

The Liberal are so hateful, many call for the death of President Trump, another, Kathy Griffin, made an effigy of his severed head. If conservatives or libertarians made the same effigy of President Obama, would the media have buried it at every chance like Kathy Griffin’s story? No! Liberals are so hateful, instead of debating the political topics on hand; they wage an unprecedented campaign of character assassination. Liberals, especially in the media, falsify documents, hire people to lie, push an agenda, and slandering those who disagree. Liberals have brought back a brutal, revitalized display of McCarthyism to America. The evidence, facts, and truth have no bearing when it comes to the Liberal political or media agenda. Liberals, as with Representative Norton, do not care about the evidence, facts, or truth, just their agenda. I as an American want the truth, not a fabricated pile of crap skewed and called the truth. If it shows a Democrat or Republican in a bad light, then so be it. This is the only way we can bring our nation back together and fix the damage that Liberalism has caused.

Let me know what you thing.

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