
Liberals Lying Again, Are You Shocked

Do you remember when President Clinton said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” which was a lie. Do you remember Diane Feinstein’s lie about taken all Americans guns? Do you remember when President Obama lied and said, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it", "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", and "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits." Do you remember when Hillary Clinton lied and stated, “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” You would think that liberals would have some boundaries to their lies but the just keep pushing them. They then started the negative narrative of “hands up, don’t shoot” proven false even by Michael Brown’s privately hired pathologist.

They have for the most part avoided the military, probably because they did not want Americans to known President Obama’s ROE (Rules of Engagement) caused many unneeded military deaths. ROE is the presidents military direction to the troops on how they engage the enemy, Obama’s ROE caused 307% more military casualties then under President Bush. By the way, President Obama’s yearly average was over 216 US military KIAs, so far this year; President Trump has 11 KIAs. Still the Liberals push the lines of ethics and morality, the antics brought forward by Liberals are so hateful; how can you give them any credibility on anything. When you have a Liberal Democratic Senator like Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, who lost both her legs in combat trading in her credibility to attack President Trump for a political agenda, this is what makes me “utter disgust.” She stated President Trump was playing a "sick political game" for referencing the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, but she forgot the truth. It was Liberal US Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Miami), who politicized this death of Sgt. La David Johnson, not President Trump. If Democratic Senator Duckworth was so concerned about protecting military lives, why did she not say anything about President Obama actions being responsible for over 300% more military deaths? It is just like the Liberal NOW organization, a supposed “Women Rights Group” who only opposes the mistreatment of women when they are liberal and never says a word if the abused women it is another group. Can you say hypocrite!

I am not a President Trump minion, I think he is better than the alternative but his crassness is annoying. This said, President Trump has been one of the most respectful and supportive presidents I have seen toward the military. When I saw a headline “Trump told slain soldier's widow that he "knew what he was getting into," I knew something is awry. This is what US Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Miami), said President Trump said to Myeshia Johnson when she was on her way to the airport to greet the remains of her husband, Army Sgt. La David Johnson. Has Rep. Wilson went to see any other fallen soldier, nope, not that I can find. So was this a Liberal political ploy to try and slander President Trump? You can bet on it! If this happened at all, I can only imagine one of three scenarios that could account for this. First, the very anti-Military U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson stooped to the lowest level possible and purposely listened in on a private call to twist what she heard to attack President Trump. I would not put this by a Liberal. Second, Mrs. Wilson, if she is a Liberal, being very anti-Trump could have used the death of her husband at this emotional time to lash out at President Trump, twisting what he said because of her grief or for a Liberal agenda. Again, I would not put this by a Liberal. Third, Mrs. Wilson, who just lost her husband, misunderstood what President Trump stated because of she was manipulated by another while she was grieving.

It is never above a Liberal to use any method available, even using a grieving family member, to push their agenda or attack someone they do not like. When the Communist Broadcasting Station (CBS), the Communist News Network (CNN), and Negotiating Your Tyranny (NYT) are reporting the story first, you must ask if it is completely fabricated, this being their past MO (Method of Operation). They print false Front Page News stories and when caught, print a retraction on page 90, should not the retraction also be on the Front Page. I stated, “the very anti-Military US Rep. Frederica Wilson”, this is why. If she was for the troops, why did she not stand for them when President Obama said the troops "whine about bearing the costs of their choice" and that "Nobody made these guys go to war"? If she was for the troops, why did she vote against every bill to help the military Vets, including bills to help protect the US Military in combat zones? US Rep. Frederica Wilson has even voted against every bill that help the military ensured that families of fallen soldiers received death, and burial benefits. The US Military and Vets are only a political prop to her. Shortly after her moronic statements about President Trump, US Rep. Frederica Wilson supposedly started getting threats over her statement. As with all Liberals, once they start feeling the heat of their moronic statements, they try to turn themselves into the victim.

The sad truth is today most Liberals hate the military, our country, and our laws. If they hate everything that makes America great, why do they not just leave? You can easily see ironically how out of touch Liberals are today, even Republican Liberals. If it were not for the military, liberals would not have “Freedom of Speech” to preach their hate and call everyone a racist, even people in their own race. If it were not for the military, Liberals would not have been able to put Liberal Judges in office to pervert our laws, creating laws instead of interpreting the laws. If it were not for the military, Liberals would not be able to implement their socialistic policies that is destroying our country. The truth is very few in the military are Liberals because the military loves America.

The reasons for fewer Liberals in the military is that they would have to submit to all the rules built on knowledge instead of fiction. Liberals would be required to make personal sacrifices for which most liberals are too selfish to do. Liberals would be too combative and rebuff any orders given by a ranking person, which they dislike to the point of setting the leader up for failure. The bigger reason is today, few Liberals would ever willingly sacrifice their life for their country, let alone any honorable cause. To a Liberal, sacrificing anything for your country or a higher honorable cause is a foreign concept. Liberals stereotype the military as a war hungry people, but this is not the military, anyone who likes war has something wrong in his or her head. Military people are willing to sacrifice to make our country and the world a better place; the majority of Liberals would never, they are not honorable. I have seen Liberals in the military willing to do these things, but they are not the normal Liberal and are rare. The Liberals from the 1960s are not the same as the Liberals today; in the 1960s, the Liberals still used their brain.

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