
Freedom of Speech and the First Amendment

I have found many people talking about their “First Amendment Rights” who have never read the US Constitution. Most Americans do not even know the First Amendment was in the U.S. Bill of Rights. Before we go any further, below is the exact text of the First Amendment.

Amendment I

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Freedom of Speech means you can say pretty close to anything with no charges brought against you. You can say racist, derogatory, lies, and even sexist statements and by the US Constitution’s First Amendment, the only recourse is to rebuttal your statement. You can protest any and all things you want but when it turns to violence, killing, assaulting, arson, and destruction of personal property, you have lost all legitimacy and this is not protected under Freedom of Speech. We have seen this in racist hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, New Black Panthers, Muslims of America, La Raza, Arian Nation, Black Lives Matter, Soldiers of Allah, Soldiers of Odin, Black Supremacy, Nation of Islam, Neo-Nazi, Black Riders Liberation Party, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Antifa just to name a few. Some of these groups had a good beginning but allowed radicals to change their platform and become violent, this is where they lost their First Amendment rights because it is no longer a “peaceful” assembly.

Black Entertainment Television (BET) and Ebony only have Black people in their area and Black people are the only ones who receiving their rewards, which is a definition of Racism. However, they are not violent and did this because they did not believe, rightfully so or not, they were properly represented. The Liberal PC crowd just went nuts over this statement but a racist by definition is “hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.” The Liberal PC crowd would also go nuts if you had a White Entertainment Television “WET” saying it is racist for excluding all other races and they would be right, but so it BET. Freedom of Speech should never be dependent and decided based on your race, political group, religious belief, or sexual preference. When you allow one group to do or say what you forbid other groups from doing, including using offensive words, you are prejudice and a hypocrite.

People use “Freedom of speech” often to skew the truth. You can see this from the first part of the First Amendment when it states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” How many times have we heard the phrase “Separation of Church and State?” It does not exist in the US Constitution; what it does say is there will be no State Founded Church. Christians are the most bullied group in America to the point of having their “First Amendment Rights” stripped away because their free speech offends someone. With the Liberal PC crowd at the helm, almost every Christian Church is on their list of “Hate Groups.” This is because Christians do not believe in the LGBT lifestyle and preach it is wrong which is exercising their “Freedom of Speech.” However, the Liberal PC crowd, as with all liberals are hypocrites. This same Liberal PC crowd will never list the Muslim Islamic Religion as a “Hate Group” even with them required by Allah to kill all in the LGBT community. The difference in the two is the Christians say “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin” where the Muslim Islamic Religion say kill all in the LGBT community. Islam puts these words from their Imams and Quran into action as we saw in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida. You may not like what Christians say, but they are not threatening and carrying out violence against the LGBT community; that would be Islamic Religion. This is not covered under Freedom of Speech or Religion.

The second part is nowhere in the US Constitution does it say you have the right not to be offended, but today this is what many of the Politically Correct (PC) crowd believe while ignoring the present threat. One problem the PC crowd has started under the context of Freedom of Speech is fostering a double standard they given to specific groups to allow discrimination. If you say, a derogatory or racist word must be banned from our society, I am 100% behind you, until you say this group cannot use it but this group can. Take the N-word, many of our leaders say it needs removed from our society while at the same time having black comedians, singers, activist, and politicians using it referring to other races by racist tags; is this not being a hypocrite as well? What other word do we ban from our Freedom of Speech. I hate the N-word but if you are going to ban it from use by one race, you need to ban it from all races or you are a racist. You also need to remember when you start banning words, how long will it be before people start banning speech and void the First Amendment.

To my last point. When I said the First Amendment gives you the right to lie, this is its only downfall. When Free Speech encompasses lies to make and use a weapon against an opponent or enemy, it can be devastating. Any women can say any man sexually harassed her and he is automatically guilty no matter if there is no evidence to back up her claims. Unfortunately, this has become the number one way for Liberals to assassinate male political opponent. A person, usually tracked back to the assassin’s party after the fact, makes claims they were sexually harassed by the target. This occurs usually with 45 days of the election. The man is already guilty even though he is perfectly innocent and even if cleared, the damage is already done. This crying wolf takes away from the true victims but Liberal politician’s battle cry is, “By Any Means Necessary No Matter Who Gets Hurt”. They are using Free Speech to destroy the political process in our country for their Globalist agenda. When you have a true predator and someone from within the candidate’s party claims sexual harassment, as we seen with John Conyers, you can bet it is true. Free speech was not meant to be used in this fashion but Liberals will always pervert anything they think they can use to win. This is wrong! I cannot tell you how, but until we get to the point of respecting Free Speech and not perverting it to use as a weapon, we will be condemning innocent people without any evidence. Our politicians have mastered its use as a weapon, it was not this way until we allowed Liberalism to come in and push morality out.

What do you think? I want to hear from you. Do you think you should be guilty before there is any evidence, or innocent pending an investigation? Please comment and let me know what you think.

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