
The Police Problem

I have said before, 95% of the police over all are good honest people. The question is, “Why can they not get rid of the 5% of bad police?” There are many areas to look into for the Root Cause of the “Police Problem”. To fix any problem you must first, identify the problems, second; find the Root Causes, third; implement fix, Forth; validate fix, and last adjust fix as needed. The problem is, most people put a Band-Aid on the symptom and never address the Root cause. Another problem is, when a fix does not work, many in the higher ranks refuse to recognize their failure because of pride and arrogance. You cannot fix the problem unless you identify and fix the Root Causes. This may cause another symptom to arise; you fix it too.

 “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Albert Einstein

So what are the Root Causes?

There are several reasons I think we have these problems. First is the politicians using of the police to be a moneymaker. Instead of the police moto to “Protecting and Serve”, many cities have turned their police force into a money making machine; their moto now is “Profit and Steal.” They run speed traps, escalating tickets to gain more revenue, and let other crimes go because they gain zero revenue from arresting a petty thief; you cannot get blood, or in this case money, from a turnip. The police chiefs and sheriffs need to push back on this so we can get police back to what they are designed to do, “Protecting and Serve”. This is a main reason citizens do not trust the cops anymore; instead of helping you, they want to fine you.

Second is the use of the police to clean up an area before an election. If you are a Police Chief or Sheriff and told to clean up a certain area for political reasons, you need to grow a set. This is what caused the Freddie Gray situation in Baltimore when Baltimore City State's Attorney, Marilyn Mosby ordered the police to clean up her husband’s area before the upcoming election. Mr. Gray died and Mrs. Mosby next quest was to win political points by falsely accusing the police department and trumping up false charges. If the Baltimore Police Commissioner, Anthony W. Batts, had had a set, this would have never happened. If you are not going to patrol an area correct to begin with, why only do it when someone needs to win an election? If the politicians would let you do your job instead of using you as a moneymakers, these areas would not need cleaned up. In many cities, the causes of many people’s death, traced directly to Liberal policies.

Third is good police officers do not report the bad actors (Criminal Cops) because of the “Blue Line” and fear of retaliation. There is an intra-brotherhood/sisterhood of police protected by other police. They protect bad actors no matter the crime they commit and are accomplices themselves. You can find these Bad Actors in any police force, but are concentrated more within large Liberal cities. You can hear excuses for their criminality from, “it is the Commissioner’s son”, “he is a retired cop”, “his family has a police linage for 100 years”, or “we had to do it because the law would not”; none of these are acceptable.

Look at Officer Joseph Reiman from Carteret, New Jersey, who almost beat a teen to death yet he was charged with a misdemeanor instead of felony assault. The Carteret, New Jersey police force has 50 police officers, which from the time Mr. Reiman was hired, has had 115 excessive force complaints. Of the complaints, 24 were on Mr. Reiman, which is 21% of the complaints. Mr. Reiman, one police officer, accounts for a fifth of all Police Complaints, he is violent and should not be a cop, but in jail. NBC covered two Georgia cops beating and kicking a man even after handcuffed, they had been doing this for years. Luckily, a passerby recorded it and their leadership, who knew how they were, cannot cover for them anymore. I have personally seen drunk cops and judges driven home, cops who beat their wives do so with complete immunity, and a cop who murdered a man over a girl, his charges, nothing, he was the mayor’s nephew. Chicago had over 40 complaints against two officers caught making false statements, falsifying charges, and threatening citizens, yet they are still working, they need fired and prosecuted. You have police breaking into people’s houses without warrants because they believe they are above the law. What they did they knew was wrong, they need fired and prosecuted. You have police assaulting people, kicking them in the face, who are subdued which allowed a possible DUI drive go free yet the police kicker is on paid leave, he should be fired and jailed. They have arrested Public Defenders for defending their clients and collected information illegally. They did this to make a case against her client, totally ignoring the law and Fourth Amendment. Believe it or not, the unarmed Glenn Broadnax, of Brooklyn was shot at by police near time square, he was then subdued by a police sergeant using a Taser. Why was that not done first? He is now under indictment for assault for the police wounding to people while shooting at him. Do you not think the cops should be charged for reckless discharge of a firearm?

Cops commit crimes at the same level of civilians according to a study by The Huffington Post. The Huffington Post’s figures show civilians arrested at 3.9% while the police are arrest only 0.0017% for the same crime. Why is this? Are cops really 2300% better citizens then the rest of the citizens? No, they and their leadership cover it up. This needs to stop but only good cops can stop this, otherwise they are accomplices.

Fourth is Police Union care more about money and power then getting dangerous, homicidal cops off the street. The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (PBA) is the cause of more innocent people’s suffering and deaths then all the mobsters in America. There are, of course, police officers who are fired for committing egregious misbehavior by commanding officers. The police leadership, using safety standards, who decided that a given abuse makes them unfit for a badge and gun, are undercut by the unions. When some police leadership try to fire nefarious police officers, they are either blocked or forced to rehire the same officers by the unions. Police unions help many of those cops to get their jobs back, often via secretive appeals geared to protect labor rights rather than public safety. Cops deemed unqualified by their own bosses are put back on the streets. They try to justify the Bad Actors actions stating, “They are a really a good cop, they just slipped for a moment.” Some slips are understandable because we are all human, but we all, including the police, need held accountable for their actions. When the police harass and assault citizens, they need fired and jailed.

Fifth is the police, in many cases, have become Judge, Jury, and Executioner. They are not upholding the law but using a badge to commit murder. I believe every cop has the right at the end of the day to go home to his or her family, but so does everyone else. You have police officer with a history of violence used illegal chokeholds and MURDERING citizens. The coroner classified it as a “Homicide” yet this officer is still working. You have officers who make threats up out of their mind to harass and in many cases, shoot innocent people who are no threat like Philip "Mitch" Brailsford who shot a man (start at 4:20) in cold blood crawling to him on his hands and knees as ordered. I do not know how the court found Mr. Brailsford innocent, but any police chief with common sense should have fired him. This kid was murdered. The unarmed Stephon Clark shot at 21 times by police. The official coroner's report said he was shot seven times, three times in the back, the private autopsy showed only one shot in the front. When you watch the video, fire shots and he hits the ground immediately. The police pause looking at a non-moving or non-threatening person and start shooting again. Why did they keep shooting? There was no threat. You wonder why the people do not trust the police anymore; maybe they are afraid of being MURDERED!

How do we fix the problem? I think that there should be a National Law Officer Registry with every police officer in it from the FBI down to the one-person town police force. I think in this registry should be their training, achievements, years served, record of different police forces they served with, disciplinary actions, Internal Affair investigations with results, complaints against the officer with results of the investigations, and if they have ever been fired with the firing person’s statement with the officer statement. Only the police leadership can query their people, but the officers can query themselves. When a police chief or sheriff wants to hire someone, they will receive full access to their file for review. No police force will allow unions contracts to prevent the above measures from being followed and implemented.

It sounds great does it not. It would be great and would help prevent Bad Actors (bad polices officers) from bouncing from one place to another like they currently do when they get in trouble. Who is the number one group against this? It is the police unions. I am not against or for police unions, unless they are protecting bad actors (READ) and put the public at risk as this shows. Police unions have allowed police rapist to get off scot-free or enabled them to rape again. I wonder how many police have committed murder and go away with it scot-free? Many were videotaped; New York City Police officer Daniel Pantaleo, doing an illegal and banned chokehold, murdered Eric Garner. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide, yet Mr. Pantaleo is still a NYPD officer patrolling the streets. Thanks “New York City Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association”. The NYCPBA home page says, “Keep Cop-Killers in Jail for Life” which I agree with, I just want the same for Killer-Cops. Some police unions are good, others just want money, power, and do not care who gets hurt in the process. Today, some police officers think because they wear a badge that the law does not apply to them or gives them special rights. They think they are above the law, it gives them the right to violate your rights, this is due to bad leadership and bad police unions like NYCPBA protecting not only Thug-Police but also Killer-Cops.

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