
Catholic Church and Politics, It Does Not Work

Before we get started, I must tell you a little about me. I am a Christian but I DO NOT believe in denominations, they are man-made and divides the church. Man created denominations to change God’s doctrine for personal gain because a person/group did not like the God’s doctrine, or because some are strait out frauds using God’s word to make money. If you have a preacher making millions, they are not doing it for God; they are doing it for themselves. This said; it happens in many churches. I have many Catholic friends who are God loving people, I also know many who are there to check a box or because of family tradition. They do not follow any of the doctrine once they leave the building; but you can find this in any church denomination or other religion. If any denomination turns a blind eye, or covers up wrongdoing of their leaders or congregation, they are spitting in God’s face. We all sin, but the preachers, rabbis, priests, and leaders of the church duties require them held to a higher standard according to the Bible, when churches do not their duties, the Devil uses them.

In the Catholic Church, there are many mandates as in any denomination. These mandates are the soul of their beliefs and repercussions when you violate them; or there should be. In the Catholic Church, there are two types of “Excommunication”, Sententiae Ferendae and Latae Sententiae, or automatic excommunication. Sententiae Ferendae is rare and has a church trial; Latae Sententiae is the most common and is for violating church laws. For example:

·       Sedition- conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority and laws of the Catholic Church.

·       Apostates-a person who renounces the Canons of the Catholic Church and beliefs.

·       Heretics- a person believing in or practicing religious heresy. A person holding an opinion at odds with the Canons of the Catholic Church.

·       Schismatic- relating to, or of the nature of schism; guilty of schism. Schism is a division within the Catholic Church body over some doctrinal difference. Apposing church doctrine or teachings publically.

·       A person who procures an abortion (can. 1398)

·       Accomplices who were needed to commit an action that has an automatic excommunication penalty (can. 1329)

We will talk about two areas that the Catholic Church acted, or is acting wrongly. This is not an attack on the Catholic Church, it is pointing out facts, the Catholic Churches reaction to the facts, and where the Catholic Church did not react to the facts. Remember, this could, and may be the same in your Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, or any other denomination.

A bishop in Pennsylvania has released the names of 71 priests and church personnel, dating back to the 1940s, credibly accused of sexual abuse. This is a good thing for the Catholic Church, my only question is why did they wait almost 80 years to do what is right? I mentioned above the rules for “Excommunication”, and if you look in Chapter Three of Canon Law, you will find these people, including the Bishops who covered it up, require excommunication. NBC report identifying 301 Priest, Bishops, and Church Workers as sexual predators. If you look at it, you have 419,313 Priest and Bishops which make the 00.0717% of offenders. If there is 10 times more offenders, that would make it still less than 1%, but even one predator, when they are known, is one too many. This is the primary reason the Catholic Church has lost their congregation and financial support. This is just like our politicians who covered for Clinton, Menendez Conyers, Meehan, Franken, Franks, Farenthold, R. Scott, and Kihuen, but you expect this from people who only care about themselves and controlling the house and senate; most of them are lawyers. You DO NOT expect this from a church, the leaders in the Catholic Church, all the way up to the Pope, who knew of these offenses and did nothing but move their employees to another church, they need to help accountable too. According to their own Canon Law, they need excommunicated.

There is another side to this that has damaged the Catholic Church, and other church denominations just as bad. When you have a politician, from the president to a congressperson, to a little town mayor who openly defies church doctrine, their punishment being nothing, the congregation knows you are a hypocrite. One priest when asked to say Nancy Pelosi was a saint refused, but latter took $100K from Nancy Pelosi and said it, he needs to be removed. Pope Benedict, because of Pelosi’s lying, issuing a public statement for her bishop to begin excommunication proceedings and block distributors of Holy Communion under Canon Law, to avoid sin themselves. The Bishop failed the Catholic Church for money. Both, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, who are just two Catholic politicians, are as anti-Catholic Canon Law as you can get, received communion at Mass for Pope Francis, and the true Catholics of Faith were not happy.

This is not a lone case of Catholic politicians going against Catholic Canon Law. Every Catholic politician (not my words but in the Catholic Canon Law) who supports the LGBT and Abortion Communities by Canon Law are to be excommunicated. How many have you seen excommunicated? Zero! I am not saying to excommunicate them, it is not my place, I am not Catholic. I have seen zero politicians excommunicated, but the Catholic Church will excommunicate a common person in a heartbeat. Can you say the word “Hypocrite?” This has made the Catholic Churches’ congregations lose faith in their leadership, leaving them asking, “Why would our leaders stain our faith?” It is because of greed, pride, and sexual perversion in a target rich environment. Whom will you believe; a priest or bishop, or a little troubled boy or girl?

The Catholic Church can turn this around but they must follow some common sense rules.

1.     All in the congregation must be treated the same, no matter if you are a greater at Wall-Mart or in the US Congress.

2.     Excommunication, will befall, all politicians, claiming to be Catholic who willingly disobey the Catholic Canon.

3.     All church personnel, priest, bishop, or worker, accused of abuse, no matter their position, will be openly investigated, turned over to the police, brought to the public light, and dealt with openly. There will be no secret documents; all names will be present except for victims or innocent people. The only people who would want to keep documents hidden are themselves hiding something.

4.     The Vatican will open all sealed items at the Vatican to the public. The only reason to lock items away from the public is if you are afraid of the truth.  

5.     Allow priest to marry. The Bible itself says in Genesis 2:18And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Therefore, who started the no marriage thing it was not of God.

Weill the Catholic Church do these five actions to regain the faith of the people. No, I doubt it, they, like our politicians, would have to admit they are equal to the common person and that is not going to happen because they will lose all perceived control. They have not figured out, they never had control. 

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