
Why are There Still Terror Training Camps in America?

There are Islamic Jihad training camps, in America, who have been identified by the FBI, Britain's Scotland Yard, and even Interpol, so why are they still active? When told by three of the best intelligence agencies in the world that you have terrorist in your back yard, would you not investigate to find out the accuracy of the reports. The World and US intelligence services have identified five known terrorist organizations working within the US, they are Muslims of the Americas, Muslims of America (MOA) (may be the same as the previous but listed separately), Soldiers of Allah (SOA) also known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) report shows the link between these groups and white-collar crimes to support terrorism with know 35 Islamic Terrorist camps in the US. An Islamic woman, who came forward anonymously, fearing for her life, came forward with her heartbreaking story of growing up within an American Islamic Terrorist organization. Why are we allowing them to stay?


In Marion, Alabama is a reported location of a commune run by Muslims of the Americas. A 2004 report funded by the Justice Department identifies Marion as having a “training compound” for MOA and in 2006, a report listed it as home to one of at least seven “covert paramilitary training compounds. At this site, they have bullet-riddled police cars, school buses, and mannequin, both male and female, scattered around the property shot-up in domestic settings, some with red, blood-like stains on them.


In Tuscan Arizona, the Islamic Center of Tucson (ICT) served as the de-facto Al-Qaeda headquarters in the United States. In the mid-1980s, the ICT was the US satellite office of the Mektab Al Khidmat, an organization considered the "precursor to al Qaeda. Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing carried a fake identification provided by Al Bunyan Islamic Information Centre (AIIC) in Tucson when detained at an airport in 1992.


Baladullah, a massive compound near Fresno and was part of the MOA/Fuqra organization and ran a massive charter school fraud. After shutting down the compound in Miramonte swindle, it did not end the groups other adventures or presence. The California Attorney General listed Fuqra as one of the international terrorist groups that continues to impact the state.

Near Los Angeles, MOA Executive Director Hussain Adams said in a deposition that the group has a “village.” The Colorado Attorney General sent a letter to the California Attorney General warning him about the Fuqra “training compound” that Fuqra is operating in Los Angeles and that it has received over $1.5

In Oak Hill California, in 2004, the Justice Department identified an Islamic Terrorist Training Camp ran by Muslims of the Americas.


In Hyattsville, the DOJ identified a terrorist camp and links between White-Collar crime and terrorism funding the terrorist activity at the compound in a 94-page report. Yes, this is in America.

In Baltimore, convicted Fuqra/MOA terrorist Edward Flinton testified that he lived in the Baltimore jamaat from 1985 to 1992. Another convicted Fuqra/MOA terrorist from the Colorado branch, Nelson Wanamaker, had a Maryland driver’s license. A group named Jamaat Al-Muslimeen held an “International Conference Promoting Peace and Awareness (ICPPA)” with the involvement of MOA front called Islamic Political Party of America (IPPA). The ICPPA was complete with everything terrorist love including anti-Semitic propaganda including Holocaust denial.


In Canton, there is a camp links to several MOA terrorist acts including an October 1991; authorities raided a MOA safe house in Pontiac, linked to a foiled MOA plot in Canada. It is still active today.

In Dearborn, there are NO-GO zones which means only people of the Islamic Faith can proceed. This violates everyone’s Constitutional rights and if we do not nip it in the butt, what happened in France will happen here. The FBI has arrested ISIS terrorist in the Dearborn Mosques, so do you believe they were here on a peaceful mission; Liberals do.

New York

In Hancock, the home to Fuqra/MOA compounds and the organization’s “Islamberg” headquarters. A video titled “Soldiers of Allah” filmed by law enforcement featuring Sheikh Gilani and Islamberg officials in military attire urging Muslims to partake in violent jihad. The video offered guerilla warfare training to aspiring jihadists who do not belong to MOA, but MOA could provide assistance by contacting MOA offices, including the one in New York. A second video filmed showed women at Islamberg in military attire receiving guerilla warfare training, including knife combat and firing guns into a lake.

In total, there has been 35 Islamic Terrorist Camps confirmed with 57 total sites identified by the FBI and Local Authorities. Political Correctness (PC) is causing deaths every day in this country. There are Islamic Terrorist investigations opened in all 50 states and DC so why are we allowing this threat to remain? The two ISIS Terrorist in Baltimore both came through our southern border yet we have Liberal politicians who say it does not happen; but it does. Politicians called off an FBI investigation into an Islamic Terrorist, to have him later murder 49 and wound 53 of the LGBT community. We was warned about the Boston Bombing plot, which killed 3 and wounded hundreds, yet these same Liberal politicians said it was nothing but Islamophobia. At what point do you look at a wolf and say, “This is a Wolf.” Sub cultures as we see in many Islamic American communities only lead to subversion and death, ask the French. You, as a Muslim, must leave Jihad and Sharia Law behind, where you live free and in peace with the rest of Americans as an American or leave. When the time of restraint is over, unfortunately many innocent, both Muslim and American will die because of these Liberal politicians and your actions.

Please comment; let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot Maj. Hasan, member of SOA,13 dead and 30 wounded. Political correctness caused it and then denied it was Islamic terrorism.
