
What is Wrong With America?

What is the characteristics of the foundation of America? Apparently, we as a nation have forgotten and it shows. The ability of everyone to be equal was the base of our foundation, with the ability, through an individual’s hard work and skills, to make it to any level or position that their skills and hard work could bring them to achieve. Not everyone can come from money, but you can make it to any level obtainable by your ability and hard work. At the same time we have to realize our limitations, not all of us can be brain surgeons, you have to have the aptitude, but you do have the chance.

Our Founding Fathers were good, honorable, and respectable people, which wanted the politicians, held to a higher standard than the common people. If we applied the same standard today to our politicians, 90% of them would be out of a job. This would be the best thing for America and her citizens, but it currently is not going to happen. Over the years, the politicians have loss the traits of being good, respectable, and honorable. At one time in our history, we shunned reprehensible people, especially politician but today we now treat them like celebrities.

When you have Politician saying, “The Party is More Important than Our Country”, something is wrong. When members of Congress comparing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) for enforcing our laws, we definitely have a problem. It is ironic the the party doing this is the party that founded the KKK. When Congress members define themselves by their race (Black / Hispanic), to separate themselves from all others, condoning racism, something is definitely wrong. When Congress members orchestrate political assassinations (The Wrap Up Smear), not only for a rival party, but also for members of their own party members who disagree, something is definitely wrong. When you knowingly put a racist, sexist, and activist judge on the US Supreme Court, one who disregards the US Constitution and president of law, one who refuse to recuse themselves even when it is mandated, there is a problem. When you allow people, both foreign and domestic, who want to destroy America for greed, political, or religious reason, to come to America or operate within America, there is a major problem. When you allow foreign people into the US, and allow them to create subcultures instead of joining the American melting pot. I talk about this in depth in, “The Sharia Law Islam’s Subversion of American Law”. This is a good video of the truth but you need to watch the whole thing, 2:40 minutes of lies then the truth. This Political Correctness has now put America and our Freedoms in danger. When you allow foreign people, who are from a foreign country here on a VISA, to overstay that VISA like the majority of the 911 attackers and disappear, you have a problem. When you allow the skewing of criminal data to prevent any group from identified for their crimes, you have a problem. Whenever you allow Academics, to change the truth about our history, teaching that America is a bad country, you have a problem. Last, but not lease. When you have the press colluding with political parties to spread disinformation or flat out lies, when the press suppress stories which doesn’t support them or their political view, and when the truth and the law no longer matters to the press or your politicians, you have the biggest problem of all.

The last part of this is the stupidity of people put into office. When you have a congressional representative, Congressman Hank Johnson, think the island of Guam will capsize or flip over if too many people get on it, it sounds funny, but it is not. This type of mental capacity in this position is very dangerous. When you have a congressional representative, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, who makes a racist, bias statement on a court ruling, is asked, “Did you read the evidence that was released in this case”, and her answer was, “I did not, and that is not a concern.” You are purposely making uninformed bias statements. This congressional representative needs banned from office.

With complete disregard for the law, members of Congress who do not pay their taxes need removed from office, (19 Democrats-11 Republicans). We have four Members of Congress who have committed sexual and other misconduct, why reelect them in the last election. When you have people who hate America, they vote for politicians who follow their beliefs. This complete disregard for the law is reprehensible. When you have congressional representatives involved in drug and child prostitution (Rape) rings, and people keep reelecting them even after the stories break, what has happened to our country? Ted Kennedy was not the only congressional representatives to commit murder; you have Gary Adrian Condit from California who served in the House of Representatives. There are hundreds of crimes committed by congress; in short, they are no longer honorable. We need to get back to honorable politicians. I could go on for page after page but I think you get the picture.

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