
Liberals Skewing Gun Stats for Political Games

The Anti-2nd Amendment people try to say their were 40,000 murders or deaths because of gun violence in 2018, but it is them skewing the facts once again for their agenda. I will uses the FBI's reports from 2017, the latest year we have the complete statistics, to shows how Liberals are lying to you again. The FBI separates all weapon types in their statistics, even to the level of handgun, rifle, and shotgun, where some states skew their statistics with other weapons they call firearms. Some states include in their reporting, Bows, Cross Bows, and even Knives of a certain length as “Firearms”, this is due to Liberal bias. The truth is, we had 57,145 gun incidents in 2017, with a US population of 327,200,000 makes it 1.7 percent of the population. These numbers include the police having to draw down on someone with a firearm.

Ask yourself, why is the NY Times and CDC lying? The NYT is Liberal media so they always lie, but the CDC is a government agency, so why are they lying. The CDC is no longer a unbiased source for facts, but now a Liberal Democrat Political site. It states that gun deaths in 2017 was 40,231 in one place, 39,264 in another, yet the FBI has 10,982 murders by guns, so you are telling me that around 75 percent, 29,249 of all gun deaths are accidents; that is about as truthful as “You can keep your plan and your doctor.” The FBI's complete list of murders, not just firearms, accounted for 15,129 murders, so we are still between 24,135 and 25,102 firearm deaths short from the CDC numbers; remember, the FBI shows 15,129 are all murders with all weapons. Table 5 shows 543, or 3.6 percent of all murders were under 18 years of age. Table 8 shows 10,982 people were murdered in 2017 by firearms, now the CDC is 4,147 more short. 

In 2017, there were 44,965 suicide deaths according to the CDC, with 22,938 being from self inflicted gunshot wounds. If you take the 22,938 suicides and 10,982 murders, you still only have 33,920 deaths, with 68 percent being by choice (suicide) and 24 percent being murder, this leaves you with 8 percent from accidents, this number is false. This is how the Liberal Media and operative lie, as I pointed out, the FBI states 10,982 were murders, but the Atlanta Journal-Constitution adds 25 percent and tells you 14,542, 25 percent are murders. CNN tells you 109 (39,785 in a year) people die every day due to gun violence, they combined murders, accidents, and suicides, using the flawed CDC numbers, instead of the FBI hard numbers. VOX, another popular news site, states “more than 14,000, or nearly 37 percent of gun deaths were homicides”, ignoring the FBI's numbers again. CBS Baltimore, Aljazeera, Huff Post, and many others Liberal media outlets all quote the same thing, so why do I say they are fake? 

If you go to find the CDC's sources, which should reference the FBI, ATF, and the DOJ statistics, instead they refer to (Content source: CDC/National Center for Health Statistics at bottom of page) themselves. This is the same type of “confirmation” on stories orchestrated by many biased media outlets. CNN will reference ABC, who will reference MSNBC, who will reference CNN; they make up the Fake News then reference a circle of false references; it is all made up for political reasons. If they really cared about kids lives, they would be looking at other areas instead of trying to pass an abortion bill to allow killing babies after birth during botched abortions. The Congress tried to past a bill, S-130 Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, but it was blocked by Nancy Pelosi and the Liberal led House. If you are for saving kids of gun violence or at the border, why are you not for saving American kids born alive?

Any sane human being would want to save and protect children from harm, sense Liberals do not fill this way, we can say they are not sane. Gun control is about control to Liberal politicians, you cannot force someone into submission if they have a way to fight back. Lets use Liberal Logic across the board, as they apply it to gun to same kids lives, this will show you the idiocy and bias of their logic. There were 543 kids, under the age of 18, killed by guns in 2017, yet 3,166 people died from Texting; using Liberal Logic as applied to guns, we must take away all Smart Phones immediately. Over 10,874 people were killed by Drunk Driving and 26,553 deaths resulted from Aggressive/Road Rage drivers; using Liberal Logic as applied to guns, we need to take away all vehicles. Now my favorite, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error; using Liberal Logic as applied to guns, we must shutdown all Hospitals.

Now to the facts Liberals hate about guns, instead of how many people die by guns, let us look at how many people have been saved by guns. Of the 327,200,000 American citizens, around 104,700,000 are gun owners. A CDC study found that Legal defensive gun uses by legal gun owners was from 500,000 to more than 3 million, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms. Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper). So ask yourself, why would the Liberal media not cover this? The reason is, it does not validate their agenda, yet does the opposite, proving guns do much more good then harm. Did you hear about the Colorado New Life Church shooting, of course not, a legal gun owner, Jeanne Assam, stopped the shooter. Soon after the story came out instead of archiving it as normally done, they deleted the story. Did you hear anything about the Islamic Jihadist who beheaded one inside the Moore, Oklahoma food processing plant? Very little, but he was stopped while trying to behead a second victim by Mark Vaughn, a legal gun owner. Did you hear about Sarah McKinley, a widowed 18 year old mom, who's trailer was broken into, using a legal firearm, she killed one intruder and wounded the second, protecting her baby's life. Once again the bias media, left the photo up, but almost immediately took down the story. Liberals never tell the truth, if it proves them wrong, they will remove it or cover it up.

Most Liberals are “Idiots, they follow the bias media and their disinformation blindly, you can figure this out from their avid support for “Gun Free Zones.” “Gun Free Zone” help criminals, not law abiding citizens survive. Liberals have forgotten a key factor about criminals, they do not follow the law, so when you have “Gun Free Zone”, only the criminals will have the guns. Advocates for gun-free zones argue permit holders will accidentally shoot bystanders, or be shot by responding police. Of the extraordinary number of cases, where concealed carry holders stopped shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and other places, not once has a bystander been shot, or CCL holder been shot by police. There argument holds no water. A study put out by the Crime Prevention Research Center has discovered that 97.8 percent of all mass shootings happen within “Gun Free Zone”, yet Liberals still push for them. I have a question. What is the difference between an “Ignorant” person and an “Idiot”? An “Ignorant “ person just does not know the truth, but they can be shown the truth and change their mind. An “Idiot” person, can be shown the truth and all the hard facts, but still will not believe the truth. If you want to see some good examples, there are plenty out there.

The Aurora Theater shooter, James Holmes, who murdered 12 people and wounded 70 more, was a meticulous in the planning of his attack, so why did he pick a theater that was 20 miles away instead of the one 6 miles away? He stated in his diary/journal that he picked the “Gun Free” theater because it was safer for him than the other desired target. His diary/journal has been removed from access. I did find most of the diary/journal on a site, but his list of possible targets, including Aurora was removed. Why? Dylann Roof, a white supremacist, murdered nine African Americans in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, one of the oldest black churches in America, to try and start a race war. He picked this church because he knew of the Rich Black History of the church, but he also picked it for the same reason Holmes picked Aurora, he knew it was a “Gun Free Zone”. Criminals in their “job” want to be as safe as they can be just like anyone else, if you are a criminal with a gun, a “Gun Free Zone” is the perfect, law abiding citizens, disarmed by their corrupt government in these zones, make perfect targets. Once again Liberals have put Law Abiding Citizens in danger, while helping the criminal. How idiotic is this? This shows why I stated the difference between being “Ignorant” and an “Idiot.”

You can see the truth, Liberals are making bad choices, so what is the fix? Liberal's biggest flaw is three fold, first they react instead of being proactive, second, they make emotional decisions instead of analytical decision, and third, Liberals lie, cheat, still, cover-up, and falsify everything possible to keep, maintain, or take power, money or influence. They believe they are above the law and all others are subservient; they are to serve the American people and not the reverse. The only way way to solve this is to get rid of all Liberals, Democrat, Independent, and Republican, than you can fix things.

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