
You Are Racist

I hate racism to the ends of the earth; I hate people who claims false racism even more because it hurts the people who have legitimate claims of racism, by giving the impression that all racist claims are just people crying wolf. It seems that anytime a Liberal cannot win an argument they call you a racist, even if you are a minority, yet they are the founders of the KKK, NBP, BLM, and LaRaza, the most racist groups in America. The ironic part of this is the Liberals are the ones who charge everyone as racist who disagrees with them, even though we know they are the racist. Whenever you throw out the race card, without true racism, it only hurts the ones with legitimate claims. The people who do this, usually always Liberals, show they are worthless human being with no credibility or standing; this includes half our politicians. Lets look at bogus racist claims and true racist claims. These were washed under the table, not due to lack of evidence, but because of who the people were, their race, or because of their political party.

First, let us take a look at the people calling themselves Warriors Against Racism.

Let us hear what the hater of racism, Al Sharpton, has to say. He says he believes in offing the Pigs (police), if you don't off a cop, you have lost your color and guts. I'll off the man (white men), well off him. Plenty of Crackers (white people) walking around here tonight. Then again, you have his “Dynamic Dual” twin, Jesse Jackson, so what does he say? Jesse Jackson, was forced to issue a grovelling apology to Senator Barack Obama at the time, after he used the N-word to describe the Democratic presidential candidate. If he wouldn't have been caught on an open mic, he never would have regretted what he said. His only true regret is he was caught. All these two fakes care about is getting rich shaking people down. If there was a magic button to push to stop all racism, they would hide it from the world; if it was pushed, they would no longer be relevant, and they can't have that. If they truly wanted racism to stop, they would quit promoting it.

Are Political Donors racist free?

A major Democratic Party donor, Benjamin Barber, was caught on camera at a fundraiser comparing Black Republicans to Jews helping Nazis during the Holocaust. Doesn't this sound eerily like Pat Quinn? This is because it is ingrained into the Liberal mindset and is normal operating procedure.

What about our Political Party Leadership?

Liberal Dick Harpootlian, Former South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman stated, “In about 18 months from now, hopefully Gubernatorial candidate Senator Vincent Sheheen will have sent Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from and this country can move forward.” He was referring to her India descent; she is a minority. Did any Liberal who say they are for the equality and fair treatment of women, come to the defense of this Woman of Color? No, because Liberals really only care that you vote for them.

What does the State Level look like?

Liberal Alvin Holmes states during a debate over a fetal heartbeat bill, “That 99% of all white people in here, are going to raise their hands that they are against abortion. On the other hand, 99% of the white people sitting in here now, if their daughter got pregnant by a black man, their going to make their daughter have an abortion.” You cannot tell me that these statistical claims are true, because they are a lie. You cannot tell me he miss spoke, because he refused to apologize for these remarks. You cannot tell me that this is not racist, because it 100% is racist; yet the Democrats defended him.

Liberal Bennie Thompson calls Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” which is a very racist term. He was given a chance to change the statement and apologize, he says, why should I, it is the truth. So I guess if you are a minority, you can be as racist as you want, even toward your own race, and it is OK. What did the Democratic Party do to him, Nothing.

Liberal Illinois Governor, Pat Quinn, tweeted, "It isn't just a black thing. Jews collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, helping them to round up their own people in the hopes they'd be the last to go." He is referring that if any minority is on the republicans side, they are like the Jews who helped Hitler. If you are a minority and think on your own, you are a danger to Liberals. They want all minorities to do exactly what they say; they want to control you.

Liberal Democrat, Marie Strumolo, a Belleville Mayoral candidate, stated, "This is terrible. This is terrible. This is gonna be a “F***ing N-word town." There is no way anyone can defend this, but wait, the Democrats did because they wanted a Liberal as mayor. Is her statement racist enough for you?

What about the Federal Level.

At the Federal level, we should have laws preventing the knowingly false accusations of racism as well as stomping it out where we find it. This becomes even more of a problem when the Liberals knowingly put racist people onto the Supreme Court. Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor stated,”I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.” So what she is saying is a women and a Latino will make better decisions. If I was a White male and said a White male would always make a better decision then a Women or Color, I would be tossed out of town on my ear for being racist. Instead of being equal, the Liberals elected Sotomayor to the US Supreme Court. Do you want someone on the Supreme Court who follows the law, or a Political Party?

Liberal, Ilhan Omar, has made many anti-Semitic remarks and refuses to apologize and now introduced the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) resolution, which is as anti-Semitic and anti-Israel as it comes. Is she not a racist against the Israeli people. She supports Hezbollah and Hamas, both Islamic Terrorist groups. She also supports CIAR, who is designated by the FBI as a supporter of terrorism. If you want to see real racism, look no further than Louis Farrakhan, the ultimate Anti-Semite, who Omar also supports. If you make racist comments and support racist groups, I'm pretty sure you are a racist. To top it off, Omar said we should fear white-men over terrorist.

Liberal Charlie Rangel stated,“This is the same group we faced in the south with those White Crackers, and the dogs, and the police.” Can you agree this is an out right racist comments; Liberal Democrats can't. He does not even apologize for the statement, calling it a “Term of Endearment.” No Charlie, it is not a “Term of Endearment”, it is a racist remark made by a racist person.

Liberal Joe Biden stated,"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent." I think his remarks show how even when you have been supporting equal rights during your career, to make a gaff , like this, multiple times in your life, it seems like you are playing a roll, not doing it from the heart.

Liberal Harry Reid stated, “Barack Obama would be successful in his Presidential thanks to being light-skinned and speaking with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” That is pretty racist, and all the Democrats defended him. If it would have been a Republican or Independent that leans conservative, the bias media would have fried him from head to toe, rightfully so. If you are going to get rid of racism, you must treat all violators the same. Why isn't the Democratic Party and the media doing this; treating all violators the same?

Liberal Hillary Clinton stated, “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station? A lot of wisdom comes out of that gas station.” This is not only racist, it is degrading to a great man. I worked on her husband's plane when he was president and met her once. She is the most vile person I have ever met in my life; John McCain was a close second. She degraded about every race and gender in the world; what you see on TV is a facade.

Obama’s own book, “Dreams from My Father”, talks about asking “Frank” for advice when his white grandmother had been accosted by a black panhandler. Davis told Obama that his grandmother was right to be scared and that “She understands that black people have reason to hate.” No you don't. He also states in Dreams From My Father "I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own.” So only black men count; his words, not mine. He said “White folks' greed runs a world in need.” I hate to pop your bubble but yes, Obama is a racist, but if you honestly watched him, there was no doubt.

So lets get to the most interesting one.

So the most resent bogus racist claim was of course against President Trump. Trumps says "“These are people, who if they don't like it here, they can leave. Go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came" and that is racist? Not one racist word or anything else said racist but it is racist; NO it isn't racist. I have shown you actual racist statements from many levels with the Liberals, but of course, the Liberal media always gives them a pass. We know who the real racist are and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NYT, and CBS will never be honest and tell you the truth; they are Liberals. The only time I have seen Liberals tell the truth was when Nancy Pelosi came out and talked about the “Wrap Up Smear” tactics the Liberal Democrats use against people they do not like. 

Racism-the hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. Separating a race by raising or lowering their status, and or excluding other races.

Think about what racism truly represents. At its core it is separating people which is determined by their race. If you want to find the people who are racist, or the US Congress members who are racist, just look at who wants to separate, based on race, people in congress. There are over 694 Congressional Caucuses. Of these Caucuses, which divide on race lines, are as follows:

Assyrian Caucus-all Democrats (2)
Black Men and Boys Caucus-all Democrats (2)
Black Women and Girls Caucus-all Democrats (3)
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC)-Democrats (62) Independent (1)
Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)-all Democrats (55)
Congressional Caucus on Black Men and Boys-all Democrats (2)
Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls-all Democrats (3),

After adding up everything up, we have Democrats (129), Independent (1), and Republicans (0). So I ask, who is racist and deviding the Country? The sad part about this is we can see it in our US Congress, and one part accepts this as the norm. So am I wrong or do you agree, please comment to let me know.

Liberal Cause and Effect

I have not written anything in awhile, the reason is kinda complex but one I am sure all can understand. I have always been able to see through the crap of celebrities, politicians, and media, but I have never seen so much untruth being spread as if it is second nature. Once in America, even if you hated everything about someone, or what they stood for, you were honest enough to tell them. It did not matter if they were an elitist, racist, sexist, or any other discriminator, you were honest enough to tell them the truth. This is what made our country the strongest in the world; its complete reliance on freedom of speech; no matter how offensive.

There is a problems, we use to elect intelligent people with class, integrity, and honor, now we elect moronic people, with no intelligence, class, integrity, or honor. We are a nation founded on the “Rule of the Law”, Lady Liberty has a blind fold so no matter what your race, gender, religion, social status, or wealth, all must obey the law. In our recent past, we have seen a politician who broke every rule mandated for National Security, get away with it because the FBI had turned political and they were the royalty of the party the FBI leadership supported. This same FBI tried to use a known fake dossier to unseat a duly elected president. The FBI is only one agency used for targeting, you can find targeting from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I am an Independent, but this should upset both sides of the political spectrum; if they can do this to one political party, they can do it to the other, and they can use these agencies to target any American civilian. Think about that.

We have went from intelligent people being elected to our political positions, to some who you have to question. We have went from honorable people being elected in our elections to the most corrupt people ever being in our congress from both sides. These politicians talk about subjects they know nothing about as if they are experts and do not even do the research to keep themselves from looking like complete buffoons.

In one congressional meeting, they were talking about moving more of the military to Guam and a senator thought if they did that, Guam would capsize. These are the people we are electing? I truly think this Congressman believed what he said was true, but if you do not have more intelligence then that, you should not be one of our lawmakers.

You have elected officials talking about guns without a clue. One California elected official said an AR-15 can shoot 30 rounds in half a second, that would be 3,600 rounds a minute. An AR-15, if it had a bottomless magazine and the barrel and gas tube would not overheat, would fire at the most 600 rounds a minute, but in reality only 400 rounds per minute. This one here is a toss up. Is he just that ignorant, or is this politician is purposely lying to push their party's agenda.

One congressional person said, “I've now been in 57 states, I think one left to go.” If you do not know how many states are in the United States, you need to find a new job somewhere away from the government. Or did they confuse the 57 states of Islam with the 50 states of the United States.

You have another politician, talking about one of their peers stating, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man.” It is also one of the most degrading, ignorant remarks I have heard anyone say; the media did not call them out because they are both in the same party.

When you have purposely dishonest politicians working in lock-step with the bias news, the news who refuse to report the truth or even do simple research to find the truth, this is when all integrity and trust in both our media and politicians has come to an end.

When you see a reporter allowing politicians to purposely lie, saying 500 million Americans will lose their jobs when there are only 327 million Americans and only 206 million working Americans, they have become a National Threat.

One congressional person said, “How well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a Constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not.” At the time this was said, the US Constitution was 238 years old. This person is purposely lying to get emotional response in their favor because they cannot win on their merit.

When you have a member of congress challenged by being asked, “Did you read the evidence that was released in this case?” and the response is “I did not, and that is not a concern.” Should the evidence matter? If you are a member of Congress and the evidence does not matter, you do not need to be a member of congress or any other elected office.

Now that I have beat up on politicians enough, let us talk about the media. When you have the news media backing an agenda instead of finding the truth, you have made an opening for Tyranny which the beginnings is what we see today. When there is several news agencies spreading the same lie at the same time to legitimize their falsities, referring back to each other, it is a circle of lies meant to support the agenda. When the media purposely lies and doctors items to push a knowingly false scenario, they have now became a domestic terrorist organization, an Enemy of the State, and of the American people. I am not talking about reporters making an honest mistake, but doing a purposeful action.

Before I show the following, I am not for or against anyone mentioned. NBC news was shown to doctor the 911 tape to say Zimmerman stated “f------ coons” when the unedited tape shows him saying, “f------ punks”. NBC said they were not trying to paint Zimmerman as racist; do you believe them?

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was caught lying about riding in a helicopter that was shot down in Iraq in 2003. In 2015, NBC suspended him for six months without pay and the Peabody Award-winning newsman became the top story himself. Why didn't they fire him?

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was caught lying in 2011 when she accused Rush Limbaugh of racism and cited "birther" remarks he made after Obama's birth certificate was released. She was forced to apologize to Limbaugh.
MSNBC's Ed Schultz was caught lying about President G. W. Bush being responsible for problem child General Stanley McChrystal stating, “Another problem inherited form Bush”, when it was actually President Obama who replaced General David McKiernan with McChrystal.

A CNN host was busted for telling a bold face lie. CNN’s Alisyn Camerota was caught lying about Sen. Marco Rubio’s efforts to pass legislation aimed at making schools safer. Camerota snidely claimed Rubio was more concerned discussing a bill to make Daylight Savings Time year-round rather than working to protect students from a shooter; this was a blatant lie

I can go on for ever but you get the picture. Not only do these reporters refuse to cover when certain politicians break the law, they will make up stories about politicians from the other side to make it appear they were breaking the law to damage them. You reporting is now partisan. When you have the total disregard for the law, you transform our country from a 1st world nation to a 3rd world nation, and when politicians and the media lie, refusing to tell the truth, it hurts America. All this is obvious yet many Americans deny it because the believe if it is on the News, it must be true or the are scared of the truth. We are a nation founded on working for what you get, but today people think they are owed everything for doing nothing. We are to take care of the elderly, disabled, and give a hand up to the needy. If you are able, but you do not want to be a contributing member of our country, please leave. If you want to make our country a 3rd World Country, please leave. If you want to change the greatest country in the world into a socialist country, please leave. If you want to stay the greatest country in the world, vote for officials who will cut the tit off to the hog of pork spending, and cut the entitlements for those who refuse to work, after giving them training and a chance to stand on their own. This should be common sense. We should take care of our citizens and their children in low income areas before one penny goes to an Illegal Alien. We should take care of our elderly and veterans before one person is allowed to come across the border. All the above are Liberals, lies, criminal activities, and destruction is all they bring. If you want to destroy this country, keep voting for them.

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