
Taking over America by Islam

Before you judge anything, including this writing, you need to examine it for accuracy. This is why I always try to find the videos of the people saying or doing what I said so there is no doubt. If you ignore the facts after seeing them, I cannot help you. Make no doubt about it, Islam is here to take over America and the proof is below.

All of our laws in the US come from the US Constitution; all other laws are banned from making any lawful decision by the justice system.

The US Constitution, Article VI states, states the following. “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

It says US Law only come from the US Constitution and you cannot use religion for electing individuals or public trust issues such as laws. Our country in the “Big Mixing Bowl” for all to come and integrate into our society, but is this what the Islamic people want?

The first thing you hear, in Islamic communities, in America, is that Sharia Law is better than US Law. They will tell you Sharia Law is what they want to follow. The Muslims from Minneapolis will tell you this out right. When they lose this battle, they then turn to, as these Muslim leaders in the US, saying, “You are violating their rights” if you do not let them use Sharia Law. If that does not work, they turn to Old Faithful, saying you are “anti-Muslim and anti-Islam if you are Anti-Sharia Law”. Yes, even though Islam is a Religion of every race on the earth, they try to use the race card. Some people may ask, what life is like Under Sharia Law. If you are a woman, any other religion, or part of the LGBTQ community, it is oppression, discrimination, and in many cases, a sentence of death. However, does this effect our courts and do judges follow or allow Sharia Law to be used in the court system today?

President Clinton in 1994, appointed Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange to the United States District Court for the Western District, and President Obama in 2008, appointed her to Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma. She blocked an Oklahoma constitutional amendment aimed at stopping the use of any international law including Islamic law, saying, “The state favors one religion or particular belief over others.” The US Constitution is the only law in the US so how can she come to such a un-US Constitutional decision; she is a Liberal. As a judge, she is to hold up the US Constitution, its laws, and not allow the use of any other law, but Liberals do not care about the Rule of Law or the US Constitution. Liberals within the Justice system, always end with a travesty of justice because money and politics are more important than the truth. What about our elected politicians, voted into office, to protect our Country and its citizens?

We have many representative in the Black Caucus who support the Nation of Islam, and its leader Louis Farrakhan. Mr. Farrakhan is one of the most notorious anti-Semite, racist, and anti-LGBTQ, who has called Jews “satanic”, said white people “deserve to die”, and denounced homosexuality as un-Godly and unmanly. When he visits foreign nations, he chants, “Death to America”. So why do we have seven members of the Black Caucus, all Liberal Democrats supporting a man and religion that hates Jews, Whites, Homosexuals, and any other religion? The politicians who supported the Racist, anti-Semite, and anti-LGBTQ Mr. Farrakhan was asked to resign; all refused; yet all have asked others to resign who have support far less evil. Representatives Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Danny Davis, Andre Carson, Keith Ellison, Gregory Meeks, and Al Green support his hatred, yet no one says a word within their party. They are black, they are Muslim, and they are all Liberal Democrats, if you called them out, you are immediately a Racist, Anti-Islamic, and Un-American. I have to ask, if these congressional elected Democrat officials are supporting this Racist, anti-Semite, and anti-LGBTQ who supports the death penalty for all in the LGBTQ community, why are you people in the LGBTQ community supporting the Democrats? To support a “Racist, anti-Semite, and anti-LGBTQ” person like Mr. Farrakhan, to me, this makes you Un-American and undeserving of your office.

Representative Maxine Waters greets Mr. Farrakhan, who called America "the most rotten nation on Earth and would love for it to be destroyed”, with open arms; is she not to support our country and fight the enemies, both foreign and domestic.

If Representative Gregory Meeks, if asked about his relationship and meeting with Mr. Farrakhan, immediately calls you names including racist; yet Mr. Farrakhan is the known racist. The phase, “Birds of a Feather, stick Together.”

Hear what Representative Danny Davis has to say in her own words. I know Mr. Farrakhan, “I have been to his house, a got the permit for the million man march” and “I think he does outstanding things for, especially for blacks who are unsure about themselves. People who have been in prison.” So does he radicalizing blacks to Allah? Why, if he is a good man does he not help all who come out of prison? Because he is not a good man.

When Mr. Farrakhan said, “Powerful Jews are my enemy” and threatened that “time is up” for the “Satanic Jew.” Representative Andre Carson refused to condemn him. When called out by the Jewish Coalition, Mr. Carson said, the Jewish Coalition does not have any credibility with him. That sounds like an F-you, you do not matter. What would happen if a white representative did the same, would not condemn the KKK and when Black Alliance confronted him, he said the same, “You have no credibility with me”. Should he resign?

Keith Ellison, a Muslim, met with an Islamic cleric, Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, who endorsed the killing of U.S. soldiers. Ellison's office told investigators of the House Ethics Committee that he did not participate in any "official" meetings. Therefore, I guess he was only talking to a friend. Ellison said black Americans do not have an obligation to obey the government because it considers them “less than human.” Did he not promise to uphold the US Constitution? He was also quoted as saying, “Jews want to oppress minorities all over the world”, and “Jews were the oppressors and Jewish slave traders.” On a side note. It is ironic that the Barbary Pirates were responsible for up to 85% of the work slave trade in the 1500-1800, and they were Islamic; however, Mr. Ellison blames the Jews.

Representative Ilhan Omar has made many anti-Semitic remarks and yet her party will not even censure her. She has praised Hezbollah and Hamas. She has spoken to groups that the FBI has designated “Terrorist Support Group” like Counsel of Islamic American Relations (CAIR), yet nothing is done to her. Why? We would not stand for this coming from anyone, why is she allowed to get away withit. Is the Democratic Party that far gone.

I have shown you what is under your feet and what hatred is coming but I know I have not showed you the smoking gun; well not until now. Representative Rashida Tlaib does not even try to sugar coat what she believes and she is one of your Congressional Delegates. I typed out what she said but you can watch the video of what Mrs. Tlaib in her own words. “Education is one of the most important areas Muslims have to address, and while our objective, our final objective is not just to become part of the system that we experience now and that we see, our objective. Our final objective is to create our own Islamic systems, and not only create Islamic systems for Muslims, but to look at all the other people who are sharing this country with us and look at them as potential Muslims. If we look at them as potential Muslims and feel that, we have the obligation. That Allah told us, to try to bring them into the same style of thinking and the same way of behaving into the same objective that we have, then we have to have some way that we can communicate with them and some way we can work with them. And it that long range process of making America Muslim, all of America Muslim, then we have to have some actual short range goals. We have to have some way of dealing with them, and know how we are going to deal with them, and in which ways, and be very calculative about it, or else we will not accomplish our goals.”

Magistrate Judge Mark Martin, from Pennsylvania, threw out an assault charge against a Muslim immigrant, Talag Elbayomy based on Sharia law. Mr. Elbayomy physically attacked an American Atheists, Ernest Perce V, who was marching in a Halloween parade as “Zombie Mohammed”; it recorded on a video. Judge Martin claimed it was Mr. Elbayomy obligation to strike out against any insult against the prophet Mohammed, and that it “Trumped the First Amendment free speech rights of the victim”. Think about that.

Jersey family court judge, Judge Joseph Charles, refused a restraining order on a Muslim woman’s ex-husband who kept raping her after they were divorced. Judge Charles ruled, by Sharia Law beliefs, her ex-husband felt he had behaved according to his Muslim beliefs, and there was no, "criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault" his wife, and she was a minor.

In 1996, President Clinton passed the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Act, banning this barbaric procedure against female children. In Michigan, a Liberal Judge, U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman, in 2018 ruled that Congress had no authority to enact a law that criminalizes female genital mutilation (FGM). Judge Friedman's ruling stems from a request by Dr. Jumana Nagarwala and her codefendants, staunch supporters of Sharia Law, who claimed Religious Islamic Persecution, which is unconstitutional. Therefore, abusing and mutilating children is OK. To Michigan’s credit, they immediately passed a law making it a felony to perform FGM.

Representative Rashida Tlaib lays it out without a doubt, Islam’s whole purpose in America is to take it over, make you subjects instead of citizens. Islam wants to put you under the same rules that allow you to attack those of different religions or no religion. Islam wants a 50 year old to consummate a marriage with a 9 year old. Islam wants to perform FGM on children. Islam wants to allow you to rape your ex-wife. Islam wants to allow you to rape women, then murder the rape victim because she did not have four male witnesses. Islam wants the murder of all in the LGBTQ community. This is Sharia Law; this is Sharia Creep. And I have not even touched on "Honor Killings". You need to wake up America.

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