
What is Good and What Is Bad?

What is good and what is bad? A better question is, “What is Good and what is Evil?” After working for the Federal Government for over 35 year, traveling all over the world, I have seen my share of “Good”, but unfortunately I have seen my share of “Evil”. There is nothing on earth more loving and more vicious then man. Many people turn a blind eye to the viciousness when it comes to their politics. When you ignore the evil you see for political or personal reasons, this makes you a conspirator. I was brought up that if you see something evil happening, you try and stop it.

I have seen people in political positions, in third world countries, make laws to remove all rights and freedoms from the citizens so they could control their citizens easier. These same politicians make laws that if the common man breaks, they would be harshly punished, but the politician can break without a worry. These politicians in these countries, first they took away their Weapons, then their Free Speech, while working hand in hand with their journalist to skew all stories that counter them or put them in a bad light. But the journalist did not stop there, they perpetrated any falsity or smear their puppet masters came up with to prevent the citizens from seeing the truth. There should never be a “Federal/State Ran Media and media should never help or bake a political party.” In third world countries, just like in the US with NPR; it is used to push an agenda. In foreign countries, it never tells both sides of the subject, just the side the political party in charge of the sites you to see. This is never a good thing.  If you care about your family and country, I think we all can agree that this is evil?

These same puppet masters used the schools to indoctrinate the children into believing what they said was morally right, into following what the Federal/State same you should think, instead of thinking on your own. They brain washed students into believing that they have a right to what someone else had worked a lifetime for (Federal/State paid wages) just because that person is now better off than them. The same school try to change history, in the hope the people will never find out the truth about their past, especially when it contradicts what the Federal/State is trying to perpetrate. I would call this evil, so would any persons who can think for themselves.

These politicians pushed for Federal/State ran medical, this way they can control who get treatment; a supporter YES, but someone who rebels, NO. If you are a producing member of the community, YES; if you are crippled or too old, NO. All of us have a friend or relative who is either crippled or old. Is this a good enough reason to kill them? Some nations kill people because they are not the right gender. Would any of these reasons be enough reason to kill you? Can we all agree that this is evil?

I have watched the Federal/State governments taking any business or land they desired for the government or even for their own family; this is also evil. They used Federal/State armed agents to take it all; they threaten or kill anyone who got in their way. I would hope that everyone would confirm that this is evil. If you do not agree this is evil, you are blind.

As I have seen all this go down, there is always a couple actions which keep repeating itself, like the value, or in this case the lack of value on life. I have seen people in other countries, who try to act righteous, while murder children in the name of their cause, because the children are expendable. I have seen people beat a lady until she had a miscarriage. I think we all can agree that this is evil.

I have seen these politician in third world countries, lie, falsify reports, and misrepresent the truth, in an attempt to remove leaders who are doing the people’s will. If they succeed, they will promise utopia, but deliver death squads and jail to all who oppose them. I think we all can agree that this is evil.

You did hear my right, I have seen politicians in other countries, who try to act righteous, while running death squads, because the people targeted had evidence against them or just embarrassed them. In many cases they would not just kill the person, but also their entire family. I think we all can agree that this is evil.

Why do I tell you this? Because the beginning of all this is here in our country and it needs to be eliminated. There are only two Constitutional rights that truly protect our freedom, the 1st and 2nd Amendment. Both are constantly under attack by the enemy within, you seeing it every time a politician tries to blame hate speech for an attack or gun violence on a gun. This is like trying to blame Drunk Driving on the car of being obese on a fork. There are people saying very hateful things, just look at Westboro Baptist Church, The Nation of Islam, or many of our elected officials to find good examples. This said, they have the freedom to say whatever they want, even when I hate it, because that is freedom. You do not have the right to attack someone because you do not like what they say, but one of our political parties promotes this. The media, who are supposed to show all sides of an issue, in many cases, have instead chosen a side to help. They skew all reporting, spread falsities, and make up completely false stories, to help the side they have chosen. They are interfering in elections, pushing one side’s propaganda, instead of finding the facts and spreading the truth. This is Evil.

We have school officials trying to shut down any Christian, 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech), and 2nd Amendment support in schools. These same schools degrade our military and first responders. They try to rewrite history because they do not like what it says; it contradicts the falsities they try to push. In collages, they threaten students with their grades and even expulsion if the challenge what the professor has said. I had a professor who told our class that his opinion was the only right opinion and if you disagreed, he would fail you. This indoctrination is completely Evil and needs to stop.

We had a president lie to every American knowing lie about the “Affordable Care Act (ACA)”, when he said, “If want to keep your Doctor and Plan, you can.” This was a complete lie and it wasn’t affordable. If I had enrolled, my cost would have more then doubled, and I would not of been able to keep my doctor or plan. His ACA for all plan had death panels in it, I read it firsthand. If you were crimpled or elderly and were not a contributing to the society, a bureaucratic panel, not your doctor, would decide if you would be allowed to receive treatment. The rich could pay for treatment, but we common folk would be screwed, paying with our lives. Before you say a word, sit down and read the “Affordable Care Act”, if you don’t, you know I am right and if you do, you will confirm I am right. This is beyond EVIL.

Harry Reid tried to force Cliven Bundy off his land, using US federal agents, so his son could put up a solar farm for the Chinese and make millions. After the courts sided with Cliven Bundy, the Federal agents shot over 100 of Cliven Bundy’s cows. If you want another example, look at Robert LaVoy Finicum who was murdered by the government on tape. He may have been in the wrong, but when he was shot and killed; his hands were up in the air. Was this a good shoot or an execution? Look at Ruby Ridge, where the FBI tried to force Randy Weaver to spy for them. When he refused, they illegally trust past on his property and murdered his son. They were given an order to, “shoot on site” according to the snipers and ended up killing his wife holding a baby. The FBI lost in court but look what it cost Mr. Weaver.  This is completely evil.

Killing a child is pure evil, but this is what Liberal Democrats just tried to pass violating not only the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Act”, Federal Law, but also the US Constitution.  A second bill was started because at Abortion Clinics, if a child was born alive, the let it sit and suffer, without doing a thing, until it died. This is Evil at its highest. When it came to a vote, to protect a live baby, only three Democrats voted for it, the rest refused to protect the innocent life. Not one Republican voted against it. These are the same people who want anyone who abuses an animal charged with a felony, but a human child does not rank as high in their eyes. I do not know of an Evil higher.

The unprecedented Impeachment trial with no evidence or crime should scare everyone to death; if Liberal Democrats can do that to the president, we do not stand a chance.  The Liberal Democrats lied at every turn, which the evidence shows, or I should say lack of evidence. But they are allowed to do this without punishment. If you or I lie in front of Congress, it is a felony, but they passed a “Speech or Debate Clause” to allow them to lie. This clause allows them to lie to congress and the American people without punish, it is Evil to the core and should be removed so the people can trust their elected officials, or punish them accordingly. This is Evil. When politicians get into power, believe it or not, some have people on the sideline waiting to do their bidding. Death Squads are in other countries, but are politicians in the US running domestic Death Squads? I am going to use an example here that is no longer running for any public office to show you what it may look like.

Most high profile people, if unlucky, will have at the most two or three body guards die, excluding cartel bosses. The Clintons have had twelve die, the majority of them military.

Major William S. Barkley, Jr. - Chopper Crash
Captain Scott J. Reynolds - Chopper Crash
Sgt. Brian Hanley - Suicide
Sgt. Tim Sabel - Chopper Crash
Major General William Robertson - Airplane Crash
Col. William Densberger - Chopper Crash
Col. Robert Kelly - Chopper Crash
Spec. Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis - Shot (Murdered)
Robert Williams - Suicide
Conway LeBleu - Shot (Murdered)
Todd McKeehan - Shot (Murdered)

Now let’s look at the others involved with the Clintons, with a little background.

Jeffrey Epstein - Suicide
Jeffrey Epstein was so narcissistic, he would never take his life, but instead had a deal in place to turn over all the names in his little black book, one of them being Bill Clinton. Initially ruled a suicide, one leading pathologist in the US, Dr. Michael Baden, said it was a murder.

Vince Foster - Suicide
If you have ever watched the 2007 movie, “Shooter” with Mark Wahlberg, they use a device to try and make it look like the FBI agent committed suicide; these devices do exist. The jogger who found Vince Foster body said there was no gun at the scene, but there was when they brought the cops to the body.

Seth Rich - Shot (Murdered)
The truth, Hillary Clinton’s files that were leaked to WikiLeaks, they were tracked to Seth Rich’s computer, two weeks after this he was murdered, in a supposed robbery attempt. The robber left an expensive watch and a lot of cash in his wallet. What robber does that?

James McDougal - Heart Attack
Mr. McDougal was a financier for the Clintons when he was convicted of 18 felony counts of fraud and conspiracy charges, costing the American people $68 million dollars. He agreed to a deal for early release and was on his way to parole; the terms were to turn evidence. Mr. McDougal, who had no previous health problems, went to regular physicals, suddenly died of a heart attack.  

Mary Mahoney - Shot (Murdered)
An intern for Bill Clinton, Ms. Mahoney had the same rumors floating around as Monica Lewinsky. Many of the rumor mills said everything from she was pregnant by Bill, to Hillary walked in on her and Bill; none can be proven. The only thing that can be proven is she was found with two bullets in the back of the head. The reason I tell you this, is because that is what a professional hit man does, not a thug out on the street. Very few interns are ever harmed in any way, yet two, one working for Bill and one working for Hillary are both murdered in the same way. Think about that.  

This list doesn’t include many others like Judy Gibbs, a Penthouse model who was having an affair with Bill. She agreed to testify against Bill in an Arkansas drug dealing investigation, later she was found burned alive.

No one has this many deaths connected to their life unless they are a soldier or a crime boss; you decide.

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Liberal Democrats Should Scare All Who Love Freedom

Liberal Democrats want to impeach President Trump, even before he took office. So they Impeached a sitting president without him committing one “High Crime or Misdemeanor” as required by the US Constitution. I do not care if you are Democrat, Republican, Black White, Latino, any other race, Male Female, LGBTQ, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, or something I missed, the US Constitution, and its protections for you, need to be followed. The Liberal Democrats subpoenaed people without going to the full house as required by the US Constitution, and they stated that the president needed to prove himself innocent, instead of what the US Constitution says, which is you are innocent until proven guilty. Think about that, the US Constitution means nothing to them, and when in power, they will not follow the US Constitution or the law as we have all just witnessed. Before you say,”He Deserved It”, what if it was you?

This Hoax and attempted Coup all started with “Russian Collusion” and the Press was in lock step with the democrats on spreading this lie without ever checking the facts. Watch the link and you will see where they had to recant everything, but did they ever apologies; No! Below are “In Your Face” examples of why we are having so many problems in our country. I did not go into the immigration side, even leaving it out, I could of wrote a book on just why Liberalism is trying to destroy our country, but make no mistake, what is called Liberalism here, is actually Socialism, and it has never worked..

Anti-America, Anti-Constitution, and Criminal

Michelle Obama, while at a Flag ceremony honoring the Men and Women who died defending America states to her husband, "All this for a damn flag ", which he agrees.

Liberal Democrat Adam Schiff stated during the Senate hearings, “We cannot trust the vote at the ballot box.” In short, we cannot trust the voters.

Liberal Democrat Steny Hoyer, the number-two Democrat in the House, stated, “We allowed him every opportunity to come prove his innocence.” I thought the US Constitution said you were innocent until proven guilty. So why do the Liberal Democrats want to strip the president of his US Constitutional Rights?

Liberal Democrat Adam Schiff stated during the Senate hearings, “We cannot trust the vote at the ballot box.” In short, we cannot trust the voters to vote like Democrats want.

Liberal Democrat Diane Feinstein, in an interview with PBS stated she had no intent to take American’s guns, but she lied and the internet never forgets.

Liberal Democrat Bill Ayers, founder of the Weathermen Terrorist group, who stated, “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents”, is a terrorist and murder. Mr. Ayers led a group of who hated America and committed 73 acts of terror on US soil. Mr. Ayers is one of the Liberal Democrats idols; think about that. President Obama is a close friend of Mr. Ayers, even launching his Presidential run from his house.

Liberal Democrat Rashida Tlaib is just a plain Criminal, this seen by the Ethics probe where she illegally paid herself money from campaign funds.

Liberal Democrat Nancy Pelosi stated, “We have to pass the Bill, so that you can find out what is in it.” No Nancy, if anyone votes for a bill without reading it, you have committed dereliction of you duty and oath of office.

Liberal Democrat Hillary Clinton “Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” –

Liberal Democrat Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) stated, “America is 10% better than Garbage”.  If you believe that, go to another country, you do not deserve all the benefits America gives you.

Pro Terrorist

Liberal Democrat Rashida Tlaib stated, “It is kind of a calming feeling I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust”, then went on to say the Palestinians were the victims. There was not six million Palestinians executed, it was the Jews, but the Palestinians what to keep up the actions taken during the Holocaust. I would bet you a million dollars that if Mrs. Tlaib could push a button and kill all Jews, she would; Palestinians have voiced this desired action. Do you consider this as Anti-Semitic? Hamas and Hezbollah are two of the largest terrorist groups in the world and Mrs. Tlaib supports both of them. Mrs. Tlaib hosted a racist extremist anti-Israel activist Joe Catron, who has stated that Israel needs to be exterminated. I thought Mrs. Tlaib and the Liberal Democrats were against racist and Anti-Semites. Mrs. Tlaib is a racist and Anti-Semites.

Liberal Democrat Human Abedin has direct ties to terrorist, and so does Hillary Clinton. If you know anything about Islamic Terrorist, you the Muslim Brotherhood is one of the largest, and were responsible for President Sadat’s assassination. Mrs. Abedin has direct connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, and charities that support the terrorist group. That said, she has a direct connection to Hilary Clinton and Hillary also supports Abendin’s mother who is for all purposes, a terrorist. Why are they not being investigated?

Liberal Democrat Ilhan Omar 100% support for Hezbollah, Hamas, and CAIR, the first two identified as Terrorist Groups and the last a Terrorist Supporter by the FBI. She has also stated that “Israel shouldn’t exist.”   

We have Terrorist supporters in the House of Representatives and not just two, by my count, at a minimum eight. Think about that.


Liberal Democrat Nancy Pelosi defends Adam shift lying about the president’s transcript, and tries to justify it. If you were honorable, why would you do this? Because in her world, political party and power means more to her then America, the US Constitution, or America’s citizens.

Liberal Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the number-one Democrat in the House, explains the Liberal Democrats use of a “Wrap –Up Smear”. She states, “We call it the ‘wrap-up smear.’ You smear somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it, and then you write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made.”

Liberal Democrat Hillary Clinton makes up a ridiculous, untrue story about her trip to Bosnia. “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”  It didn’t happen.

Liberal Democrat Al Gore said he invented the internet; he didn’t. So why would you say something so false? Because you believe your constituents are that dumb, that they will believe you.

Liberal Democrat Sandy Sheedy lies up and down about guns. She says you can get shot by an unloaded gun, no you can’t, no bullet, no projectile, no way to get shot.

Liberal Democrat Patricia Eddington says bullets have incendiary devices that can cook animals from the inside out, no they don’t, but there is something called a tracer round so you can see where you bullet goes. And last, she says there is heat seeking bullets, no there isn’t but I wish there was.

Liberal Democrat Maxine Waters lies about the sequester, “The sequester will cost Americans 170 million jobs.” The only problem is there were only143 million jobs at the time.

Liberal Democrat Bill Clinton, under oath said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", but the stains were on the dress so yes you did. Everyone knows Bill chases any female that is breathing; people would have respected him more if he would have just been honest.  

Liberal Democrat Adam Schiff was confronted, one of the few times, by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos for “Making Up” President Trump’s phone call. Listen to it.

In all honesty, this list could go on for days but we will cut it here.

Racist, Belittling, and Other Remarks

Liberal Democrat Rashida Tlaib told Detroit's top cop he should employ only black analyst to the department's facial recognition team because "non-African Americans think African-Americans all look the same." That is about as racist as you can get

Liberal Democrat Thomas Lopez-Pierre makes Racist, Anti-Semite remarks and admits he lied to try and win his election. This goes back to the Liberal Democrats Moto, by any means necessary to win.

Liberal Democrat Hank Johnson stated, “My fear is that the whole island (Guam) will become so over populated that it will tip over and capsize.

Liberal Democrat John Morse stated, “People who own guns are a sickness in our souls-John Morse

Liberal Democrat Ilhan Omar initially got in trouble  by tweeting, “I suppose you think it’s all about the Benjamin’s,” then by tweeting “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

There were hundreds of more I found, but if I couldn’t find a creditable source or video, I did not add them. If you do your legitimate research, not looking at CNN or Fox, no Liberals can debate you, they will lose. So  since they cannot win, they attack. This is why you are seeing so many people attack Trump supporters, they can never win the debate. Liberals try to shut you down and shout you down because they can only Bully you physically, or by calling you a Racist, Islamophobic, or Homophobic; push back on these remarks.

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