
The Invisible Enemy

The Invisible Enemy

Our elected officials are the biggest “Invisible Enemy” we have in this nation. They are more dangerous than any disease or terrorist group because most, not all, are only after more power, destroying the Constitution, and your money. They are allowed to lie to Congress while for we the common folk, it would be a felony. They are allowed to “Inside Trade” where we the common folk, it would be a felony. Our elected officials derelict duty and oath. They never reading bills before voting, they just vote for what their party says. They ignore the facts because the facts are inconvenient to them, instead of doing what they know to be right. The Coronavirus Bill documents our elected officials wasteful “Pork Spending”. Let us take a look.

Amount                For                                                                              Related
$55,000,000         FDA                                                                            Yes
$45,000,000         Agriculture Marketing Services                                   No
$33,000,000         Food Safety and Inspection Service                          Yes
$3,000,000           Farm Services Agency                                               No
$20,500,000         Rural Business Program Account                              No
$25,000,000         Distance Learning, Tele, and Broadband Program’    No
$450,000,000       Commodity Assistance Program’                               No
$4,000,000           Foreign Agricultural Service                                        No
$80,000,000         Department of Health and Human Services               Yes
$32,615,098,000 Child Nutrition Programs’                                             No
$2,000,000,000   Department of Commerce                                           No
$33,200,000         National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration     No
$100,000,000       Federal Prison System                                                No
$100,000,000       National Aeronautics and Space Administration          No
$100,000,000       National Science Foundation                                       No
$100,000,000       Legal Services Corporation                                         No
$3,783,108,000   Department of Defense                                                Maybe
$12,500,000         Department of Interior                                                  No
$99,500,000         Department of Energy                                                 No
$3,300,000           Nuclear Regulatory Agencies                                      No
$100,000,000       Department of Treasury                                               No
$236,000,000       IRS                                                                               No
$500,000               Department of Justice                                                 No
$6,000,000           Judicial Services                                                          No
$11,000,000         DC Fed. Payment for Emergency Planning/Security  No
$5,000,000           Election Assistance Commissions                              No
$4,000,000,000   Election Administration Grants                                     No
$200,000,000       Federal Communication Commission                         No
$2,000,000,000   Workers and Families Act, Wi-Fi hotspots/ devices    No
$275,000,000       Federal Buildings Fund                                                No
$3,000,000,000   Technology Modernization Fund                                   No
$12,100,000         Office of Personnel Management                                No
$100,000,000,000               Economic Injury Grant                                  Yes
$25,739,000,000 Disaster Loans Program Account’                               Yes
$16,800,000,000 Small Business Debt Relief                                          Yes
$304,407,000,000               Business Loan Program                               No
$265,000,000       Entrepreneurial Development Programs                     No
$25,000,000,000 Postal Service Fund                                                      No
$178,000,000       Department of Homeland Security                               Maybe
$100,000,000       Transportation and Security Administration                 No
$453,000,000       Operation of Indian Programs’                                     No
$10,820,000         Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)                     No
$70,600,000         Department of Agriculture                                             No
$1,032,000,000   Indian Health Services                                                   No
$12,500,000         Toxic Substances/Environmental Public Health           Yes
$78,000 Institute of American Indian/Alaska Native Culture                      No
$7,500,000           Smithsonian Institute                                                     No
$35,000,000         JFK Center for the Performing Arts                              No
$300,000,000       National Foundation of the Arts                                     No
$300,000,000       National Endowment for Humanities                             No
$960,000,000       Department of Labor, Health, and Human Services     No
$1,300,000,000   Department of Health and Human Services                  No
$3,500,000,000   CDC                                                                               Yes
$2,000,000,000   CDC                                                                               No
$103,400,000       National Institute of Health                                            Yes
$474,000,000       National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases    Maybe
$76,000,000         National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases    No
$435,000,000       Substance Abuse and Mental Health                            No
$550,000,000       Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services                  No
$1,400,000,000   Low Income Home Energy Assistance                         No
$6,000,000,000   Child Care and Development                                        No
$6,077,000,000   Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund    No
$5,000,000,000   Public Health 10Emergency Fund                                 Maybe
$50,000,000,000 Department of Education                                               No
$9,500,000,000   Higher Education                                                            No
$250,000,000       Corporation for National and Community Service        No
$300,000,000       Corporation for Public Broadcasting                             No
$500,000,000       Institute of Museum and Library Services                     No
$510,000,000       Social Security Administration                                      No
$1,000,000           Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate         No
$9,000,000           Miscellaneous Items                                                      No
$25,000,000         House of Representatives Salaries  and  Expenses     No
$25,000,000         Capital Construction and Operations                            No
$700,000               Library of Congress                                                      No
$50,000,000         Government Accountability Office                                 No
$13,000,000         Gen. Op. Expenses, Veterans Benefits Admin.            No
$14,432,000,000 Veterans Health Administration                                       No
$315,000,000       Diplomatic Programs                                                    No
$95,000,000         International Development                                             No
$300,000,000       International Disaster Assistance                                 Maybe
$300,000,000       Migration and Refugee Assistance                                No
$90,000,000         Peace Corps                                                                  No
$110,000,000       Department of State, Foreign Operations,                    No

This is just out of the first 150 pages of a 1,404 page bill. Out of the first 150 pages, $146,154,900,000 was Coronavirus related, $9,735,108,000 may be Coronavirus related, but a staggering $472,861,396,000 had nothing to do with the Coronavirus. Some of the programs were good programs like helping out the VA, but others like funding National Foundation of the Arts, Corporation for Public Broadcasting (National Public Radio NPR), Obama Phones, Plan Parenthood, and many others are hot political issues needing debate. I am a veteran but none that I have mentioned above, including the VA, should be in this bill, but that is what our politicians do, they highjack bills to get pork spending.

Everyplace they have this pork spending in this bill, there is a phrase inserted, “respond to coronavirus”. I have to ask, what does the National Foundation of the Arts or NPR has anything to do with the “respond to coronavirus?” It doesn’t, I only covered $628,919,404,000 of a purposed $2,000,000,000,000 bill that was a lot less and agreed on by both sides until Nancy Pelosi arrived. I believe all bill should be what is known as “Clean Bills”, with no pork spending attached, just supporting bills dealing with the original bill. The first bill to congress for the “respond to coronavirus” was around $500 billion, but after Liberal Nancy Pelosi got involved, it is now $2 trillion. This is why we are in financial debt as a country and this is why we need a true “Balance Budget Act.”

This act could say something to the effect of, “If the US Debt does not drop by at least 10% in 6 years, no sitting Congress Person with 10 years or more in Congress can run for office.” Pass a law where the DOD is automatically funded at a percentage instead of bouncing it around. Democrats usually fund it at 17% of GDP while Republicans usually fund it at 23% of GDP. Why not permanently fund it at 20% GDP. This will kill three birds with one stone. First, the military will be much more stable and they could save money for future programs without worrying if the budget will disappear. Second, there will be no more “Pork Spending” attached to the DOD budget. Last budget had nearly half of the bill going to “Pork Spending.” Third, they will never destroy our military’s morale again, like they did the late 1990s, when under the Bill Clinton administration, many military people, my sister being one, where handed pink slips. Planned careers and lives were destroyed but the money was not saved, it went to raising entitlements for lazy people who refuse to work. Thank you Liberals, one more time. If the military only gets 17% to 23% of the GDP, shouldn’t people receiving entitlements only get 17% to 23% of the GDP, instead of the 49% they receive currently (I’m not talking about Social Security).

Our elected officials in congress are our Invisible Enemy and greatest threat. We need to elect people to congress who care about America more than their own power and wealth. We need to stop electing the same parties who have run our major cities into the ground. If you look at the top 15 large cities in the US with the most crime, financial instability, poverty, high unemployment, and drop-out rate, you find the following.

These towns have been run by Liberal Democrats for on average, 75 years. So what have they given you? They have given you the most crime, financial instability, poverty, high unemployment, and drop-out rate in the country. Do you see any connection? Do you want a change? If you live in one of these towns, want a better life for you and your kids, want to be safer, have better opportunities, then you might want to think about a change in your leadership. If you want to keep watching your kids die and go to jail, vote the same way. The choice is yours, you can keep voting for the “Invisible Enemy” which is Liberalism and Socialism, or you can have a better life.

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Trying to have an Intellectual Conversation with a Liberal

I am an independent and hate most all politicians because most just want more power, more money, never to be challenged, and to be considered better than the average American. I have debated many people, Conservative and Liberal, Democrat and Republican, on issues I think is important and there is one common thread I always see. If you have your facts, from a reputable source, not from the Left or Right, you will never lose a debate. While debating, if you are right and the Republican is wrong, when you show them the undisputable facts, they either say, “I must have been ill informed” or “I will have my staff check into that”, never admitting they are wrong, even when they know it to be true. While debating, if you are right and the Democrat is wrong, when you show them the undisputable facts, they either say, “You are a racist, homophobe, sexist, or other disparaging label” or “you do not have your facts straight and if you believe this you are a racist, homophobe, sexist, or other disparaging label”, never admitting they are wrong, even when they know it to be true. Do you see the difference? The group who says they are against bullying and for civility, are the furthest ones from it. They believe in civility, but only if you agree with everything they say; contradict them and the knives come out. If you are a Liberal, and you give a Republican Conservative a compliment, you will be vilified and have to retract any kind station, especially if Liberalism is your arena, we can’t have a civil discussion on facts. Let us use Ben Shapiro for some examples.

One of the best examples is of course Actor Mark Duplass, who was scorched for posting a tweet saying Ben Shapiro was a nice guy. Mr. Duplass tweet that was so horrible stated, “Fellow liberal: If you are interested at all in ‘crossing the aisle’ you should consider following @BenShapiro. I don’t agree with him on much but he’s a genuine person who once helped me for no other reason than to be nice. He doesn’t bend the truth. His intentions are good.” After being viciously attacked by the Liberal Left, Mr. Duplass tweeted; “I’m really sorry, I now understand that I need to be more diligent and careful. I’m working on that. I want to be clear that I in no way endorse hatred, racism, homophobia, xenophobia or any such form of intolerance.” Ben Shapiro does not endorse hatred, racism, homophobia, xenophobia or any such form of intolerance, but you do see it, like in this example, from the Liberal Left.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) kept saying the Conservative Republicans are scared to debate her. Ben Shapiro offered to debate her, even stating he would give $10,000 dollars to her campaign, so it should be a great debate, right. AOC finally has a Conservative Republican she can rip to shreds, but instead of debating him, she tweets, “Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited request from men with bad intentions. And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.” So AOC says Conservative Republicans are scared to debate her, but she is the one running away and just like ALL Liberal Democrats, tries to put a sexist, racist, homophobic, or xenophobic twist on it because she knows she will lose in a debate. If Candace Owens would have challenged her, she would have probably said she doesn’t debate “Uncle Tom” figures, showing once again, it is the Liberals who endorse hatred, racism, homophobia, xenophobia or any such form of intolerance.

You have several commentators and celebrities who call all Conservatives and President Trump haters, racist, homophobic, xenophobic or other form of intolerance, without one shred of evidence. This does not help start a conversation, just because one does not agree with you, does not mean they are a racist, homophobic, xenophobic or other form of intolerance. But this is how the Liberals Bullies who disagree with them; who virtually never win a debate on the facts, react because they know they are wrong or purposely lying. The display of hate they accuse Conservatives of, is always on full display from Liberals.

The problem is this, when President Obama was in office, a Liberal Democrat, if you disagreed with him, even on the merit of the argument, you were a racist. If you made an effigy in a bad light, you were arrested, rightfully so, for a possible threat to the president. Yet when the tables are turned, the reaction from the media, Liberal politicians, and even law enforcement is completely different. Off the top of my head I can name 15 celebrities who have not made an effigy, but made direct threats against President Trump. Both Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro want to beat him silly, but the other 13, Larry Wilmore, George Lopez, Marilyn Manson, Rosie O'Donnell, Madonna, Snoop Dogg, Kathy Griffin, Moby, Johnny Depp, Anthony Bourdain, Big Sean, Pearl Jam, and NYC Public Theater, have made threats from cutting his head off, to burning him alive, to blowing him up, yet none of them have been arrested and the major media refuses to denounce these celebrities. The Liberal Democrats, the creators of the major hate groups in America, are the uncivil and violent ones.

Why do Liberals act like dictators? They act this way because they are not truly Liberal, but Leftist. If you look up Liberalism, the definition states:

Liberalism - “a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.

Yet Liberals in the US want to take individual freedoms, enlist and supports violence, and consistently violate the American Citizens rights; they are not truly Liberals. This describes our Liberal Democrats to a tee:

Our Liberal Democrats – “control a system of social organizations, which dictates all economic and social activity, by a totalitarian state, which is dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party, the Liberal Democrats.”

If you take this and compare it to Communism, they are virtually the same. Slayer’s Tom Araya Sparks had an interesting take on the differences between a Conservative and a Liberal; they are listed below.

“If a Conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one. If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.”

“If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone."

“If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.”

“If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.”

“If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels. A Liberal demand that those they don’t like be shut down.”

“If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church. A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and Jesus silenced.”

“If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.”

If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh. A Liberal will delete it because he’s offended.”

This would be kind of funny if it wasn’t so true. For a group who says they want to be civil, their attacks on all who disagree with them show they are deceiving. For a group who preaches against Bullying, they are the number one perpetrators of Bullying in our country. For a group who claims to be for freedom, they try to inhibit and remove more freedoms from citizens in the US then all other groups combined. And for a group who say they want fair voting, they do everything from giving Illegal Aliens avenues to vote, they refuse to scrub voting list of the dead or people who have moved, they refuse Voter ID to insure the person is who they say they are to vote, and during the debates, they even send their candidate the questions to give them an edge.

Liberals cannot be trusted; they always put their profits or thirst for power above the safety of Americans and America. The Liberals in the Republican Party, known as RINOs (Republican in Name Only), unfortunately are as dangerous as the Democratic Liberals. A good example would be Mitt Romney voting to Impeach President Trump, when there was no crime committed out of envy, jealousy, and the desire to gain some sort of credit among other Liberals. Once again, instead of doing what was right and best for America and her citizens, a Liberal, Mitt Romney, did the opposite.

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