
The Deaths of Blacks, Let's Have a Talk

Question, do you think Black Lives Matter? I believe Black lives, along with every other life, matter. But each at the exact same level because they are all lives. If this makes you angry, regardless if you are Black, White or anything in between, you need to take a look at yourself. You are part of the problem.

One more question before we get started. Do you want equal rights as Doctor Martin Luther King fought for, or do you want special rights and payback, to put yourself above others? If this is what you want, every race, including yours, will lose in the end. That said, Blacks statistically die at a higher rate than Whites, but instead of doing all this grandstanding, let’s take a look at these statistics to find out why.

Let us look at the true facts about police shootings without any spin. Did you know that of every 100,000 Black men, 2,272 will end up in jail for committing a crime in their life, while of every 100,000 White men only have 392 ends up in jail? This is not due to targeting or racism; it is the decision to take criminal actions. There were 812 people killed by Police Use of Lethal Force in 2017 (the most recent year of full data). Of the deaths, 424 were White, 263 were Black, and 125 was other. I hate to tell you this, but a White male is the person most shot by police. But if you look at ratio to population of Blacks, 13.4% with their percentage of death, 32.4%, that is 142% higher than it should be for the Black Population. Before we look at why, what is the ratio for Whites? If you look at ratio to population of Whites, 76.5% with their percentage of death, 52.2%, that is 68% of the White Population. Question, so why are Blacks, with reference to their population, being killed at a higher rate than Whites per population?

In 2017, there were a total of 6,902 murders according to the FBI findings. Of the 6,902 murders, 3,252 were committed by White people and 3,263 were committed by Black people. Whites were killed 80.2% of the time by Whites and 16.1% of the time by Blacks. Blacks were killed 8.9% of the time by Whites and 88.5% of the time by Blacks. This shows that Blacks kill Whites at a much higher rate than White kill Blacks, 525 Whites killed by Blacks. 289 Blacks killed by Whites. The falsehood that “White Supremacists” kill more Blacks is a lie told to Blacks by Liberal Democrats to keep Blacks from thinking for them. The saddest part of these statistics is it shows Black massive violent death rate is over 88% by Blacks. The primary reason for Black deaths is Blacks are killing their own race and by the arrest rate of Violent Crimes, more active in Violent Crimes. Of all murders, Whites committed 47.1%, while Blacks committed 47.3% over all. Remember, the Black population ratio is 13.4%, which means Blacks murder at a 253% higher than the Black population. If you take the number of murders and divide it by the percentage of the race, Whites should be committing 5,280 murders and Blacks should be committing 925 murders. In actuality, Whites are only committing 61.6% of what their population should and Blacks are committing 253% of what their population should. Even with a population six times smaller than Whites, Blacks murdered more people than Whites. When it comes to Blacks being murdered, Whites were the perpetrator 8.9% of the time, where Blacks were the perpetrator 88.5% of the time. The reason Blacks are arrested more than Whites for Violent Crimes, is not because the system is rigged, it is because Blacks commit more Violent Crimes than Whites. Could this be the reason Blacks, per their population, have a 142% higher Lethal Force rate by police? Yes. It is a bitter pill to swallow, but it is the truth.

Can this be fixed?

Yes, but you first have to recognize the Root Causes of why Blacks are in this position to begin. Is it because the Liberal Democrats have set you up to fail, so they can hold you down under their boot, just like they did using the KKK; Yes. Is it because you keep letting Liberal Democrats hold you down by Economic Slavery, to keep Blacks ignorant, making it easier for Liberal Democrats to control Blacks; Yes. Is it because Liberal Democrats do nothing for you, yet you still keep voting for Liberal Democrats; Yes. Did you know the first Black Congressman was a Republican, elected 5 years after the Civil War? No. Why, because the Liberal Democrats keep trying to change history so you will not find out, Liberal Democrats were the ones with the whips and who were lynching people, it wasn’t the Republicans; History shows this to you if you will research it. Did you know the first 21 Black Congressmen were Republicans, and it took 70 years after the Civil War, before the Liberal Democrats would let a Black Person into their mist? No, because Liberal Democrats have been deceiving you for years.

I lived just off 8 Mile & Schoenherr in East Detroit and had a neighbor, single mother, with eight kids and seven “Baby Daddies” as she liked to call it. I watched as two are now incarcerated, one has been killed, and the forth, I’m afraid, will end up incarcerated as well, because he is dealing. I don’t live there anymore but I still go visit my friends there and catch up on everything. Half her kids are in jail already and will either be dead or lifers unless something changes. I tried to help them but was told, “You are not My Father”, reinforced by his mother, I couldn’t help him, but I did help other kids in the neighborhood. They are right, I am not their father and sadly, as with most single inner city kids, there is no father around. This is a major part that needs to change in the Black Community to lower the amount of Black deaths.

Facts about Fatherless Homes

According to the Brooklyn Institute, only 2% of Americans of all races, who graduate High School, don’t have a kid out of wedlock The Black Community has an out of wedlock birth rate of 64% on average, and in some studies up to 77% in big cities, with over twice as many Black Teenage Pregnancies as Whites in the same area. If you get pregnant as a teen in a Big City, you are condemning yourself, and your child, to live in poverty. Let’s go over some statistics.

63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes, five times the average. (US Dept. Of Health/Census)

71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes, 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)

70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes, 9 times the average. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Sept. 1988)

90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes, 32 times the average. (US D.H.H.S., Bureau of the Census)

85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes, 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)

80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes, 14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)

90% of adolescent repeat arsonists live with only their mother. (Wray Herbert, “Dousing the Kindlers,” Psychology Today, January, 1985, p. 28)

85% of all prisoners incarcerated come from fatherless homes, 20 times the average. (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction)

When you have an average 64% out of wedlock birth rate, 77% in big cities, and twice as many teen pregnancies, combined with the 85% of all prisoners incarcerated come from fatherless homes; could this be a major reason so many Blacks end up in jail and commit Violent Crimes, including killing each other?

How do we fix it?

It took a long time for the Black Community to be maneuvered into this no win situation, so it will take a while to get Black Community back to the same level today; but no one can do it without the Black Community. It doesn’t help the Black Community when you have leaders like Susan Rice stating, “We can’t expect people to abide by the law…” Susan Rice is no Leader to the Black Community; she tries to condemn her Community by saying they cannot follow the law. She is not alone, do you really believe Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the Liberal Democrat Party really wants to save Black people’s lives? If they did, this would have been worked out 40 years ago. But this is their persona, which they are there to help you, when the only thing they are there for is themselves. These “Black Leaders” want to keep the “Race War” going, if they can keep it going, they can keep the Black Community under their boot. Can you not see this? Joe Biden and the Democrats have had 40 plus years to fix the problem and haven’t done anything. You even had a Black Liberal Democrat President with the Liberal Democrats in charge of both the House and Senate, but all they gave you was a bunch of lip service. One of the lowest Black employment rates in history was under President Obama, while the highest in history has been under President Trump. The unemployment gap between Blacks and Whites had remained the same from the 1960, the biggest recent change being the increase in the gap from 2009 to 2012 with a gap of 9.5%, and the lowest gap ever from 2017 to 2019 with a gap of 3.5%, a 6 point change; think about that.

I have shown you under “Respect, Honor, Discipline, Patriotism, Equality, and The Rule of Law” how Liberal Democrats have been lying to you for years, but you do not want to know the facts and truth because to many, they are hard bitter pills to swallow. No one likes to find out that they have been lied to and manipulated for years, but that is what the Liberal Democrats have done and how they have trapped Poor Blacks into poverty for decades and decades. Liberal Democrats knew if they made Poor Blacks dependent on the government, Blacks would lose their independence and then, by manipulating what type of entitlements they would give Blacks, they could keep Blacks where they wanted them, and it has worked like a charm. Can you see it? Entitlements are the chains that hold you down, the Democrat Party has consistently given them to the Poor, and then if the Poor, especially Black, try to work their way out of poverty, Liberal Democrats set it up so the Entitlement system would punish you. You need to work to get off all Entitlement, they are the “Ball and Chain” holding you down.

Education is the key to getting out of poverty and one of the biggest problems in the Black Community is under the umbrella of education. According to the Brooklyn Institute, only 2% of Americans of all races, who graduate High School, don’t have a kid out of wedlock, and get a job, end up in poverty. Many big Liberal Democrat controlled cities have 50%, give or take high school dropout rate. If you can’t get a job because you do not have a GED, you will turn to crime. Of these graduates who apply to collages, only 25% will graduate with a degree. Of the degrees obtained, less than 3% are in a field that could yield substantial income. Could this be a reason for the income gap between Blacks and Whites? The difficulties of degrees obtained have fallen for the last 30 years in the Black Community according to a Johns Hopkins study. So we need to get better educated, at the same level as everyone else and we need to graduate from not only High School, but also collage. Even with this, there is another major cause of Blacks remaining in poverty that directly relates to the deaths of Blacks, especially Black Males, in the Black Community.

I have listened to shots going off at night and hear the cries; I even saw two Drive by Shootings and a Stabbing; the cops caught all three. Every time I walked to the store, I would have someone trying to sell me their SNAP Card (Michigan’s Food Stamp Program) for fifty cents on a dollar so they could get Alcohol and Cigarettes, as I watched their child cry about being hungry. 

You need Black Leaders in the Black Community, TRUE Black Leaders, not Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eleanor Holmes Norton, or Maxine Waters; they are all crooks and shysters. I mean people like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, and others who want you to achieve your goals on your own and stand on your own two feet. Liberal Democrat policies are what put Blacks in the place they are in. Liberal Democrats know Blacks will blindly vote for them in majority no matter how bad it gets. If you want good examples, look at who has been running the largest most violent cities, for the last 62 years on average. Detroit Michigan, Memphis Tennessee, Birmingham Alabama, Baltimore Maryland, Flint Michigan, St. Louis Missouri, Wilmington Delaware, Camden New Jersey, Kansas City Missouri, and Milwaukee Wisconsin, the ten most violent cities in the US, have been ran by Democrat for an average of 62 years. Has it gotten any better? Whatever Liberal politicians touch, they destroy. They try to manage by theology instead of reality, and it always comes back to bite the people they are managing, in this case, the Black Community, in the butt.

To save Black lives is to stop voting for Liberal Democrats who only care about you when it is getting close to Election Day. Liberal Democrats have lied to minorities for 50 years and minorities, for the most part, have bought it hook line and sinker. Quit putting people in office that only care about getting reelected, and not about the Black Community; many of these politicians are Black. These are the statistics from the FBI and US Census Bureau, not from a far Left or Right site. The links are provided. These statistics come from 2017, why the FBI and CDC can’t finish their stats within a few months after the year ends, I don’t know.

I have shown you the reason so many Blacks die using statistics from Government sites with no bias. Will you ignore it? That is what the Liberal Democrats tell you to do; to follow their agenda, no matter the damage it causes to the Black Community?  “Do you like the status quo?” If you don’t, then what do you have to lose by trying something different? You might just save some Black Lives.

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The Truth, both Good and Bad, about the Police

To understand much that is going on today, we must face the facts and look for the truth; too many people today cannot distinguish either. The “Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore was a lie; nothing he said happened so it is a complete falsehood. The facts are what tell us this is true and this is what you need to look at when you want to find the truth about Cops, or anything. The first order is you must detach your emotions, your emotions will lie to you, the facts won’t. You may not like the facts but they are the truth. Let’s start with some questions first.

What is the “Oath of Office” for a Police Officer (PO)? Below are two examples from 1975.

"On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions.

“I, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of constable with fairness, integrity, diligence, impartiality, and that I will uphold fundamental human rights and accord equal respect to all people, according to law.

As part of law enforcement, police officers have four major responsibilities: enforcing laws, preventing crimes, responding to emergencies, and providing support services.

“On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution, my community, and the agency I serve.”

They sound really good and 95% of Law Enforcement (LE) live by them honorably, they risk life and limb every day because it is their job, and what they love to do; make a difference.

Do we have bad Cops? Yes. There is bad LE out there and almost every good cop knows who they are, the problem comes with the Law Enforcement leadership inability to fire these cops and remove their credentials to prevent them from being a cop anywhere else. This problem stems from Police Unions, who protect bad cops, because they want more dues, not to mention, someone they can turn to when they have a “problem.” The police unions are good at protecting Good Cops, but unfortunately, they protect knowingly Bad Cops with the same fervor. How do you fix this?

Problem 1.

Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Mission Statement - The nation’s largest police union.

“We, the law enforcement officers of the United States and of the several states and political subdivisions thereof, as representatives and delegates of state and subordinate lodges, do hereby associate the several lodges we represent and the members thereof for the following purposes:

To support and defend the Constitution of the United States; to inculcate loyalty and allegiance to the United States of America; to promote and foster the enforcement of law and order; to improve the individual and collective proficiency of our members in the performance of their duties; to encourage fraternal, educational, charitable and social activities among law enforcement officers; to advocate and strive for uniform application of the civil service merit system for appointment and promotion; to support the improvement of the standard of living and working conditions of the law enforcement profession through every legal and ethical means available; to create and maintain tradition of esprit de corps insuring fidelity to duty under all conditions and circumstances; to cultivate a spirit of fraternalism and mutual helpfulness among our members and the people we serve; to increase the efficiency of the law enforcement profession and thus more firmly to establish the confidence of the public in the service dedicated to the protection of life and property.”

The FOP states, “to promote and foster the enforcement of law and order”, but how can you do that when you keep getting bad cops reinstated? The FOP states, “establish the confidence of the public in the service dedicated to the protection of life and property.” Bad cops kill people so how can you protect life by supporting those who murder the innocent? Do you really think the public has confidence in the police when they keep seeing Bad Cops not getting removed; that doesn’t work! The FOP do not follow their own Mission Statement, if they did, they would not defend the bad cops. For example:

New York City, borough of Staten Island police officer Daniel Pantaleo murdered Eric Garner, on camera, by an illegal choke hold. Daniel Pantaleo had previous abuse charges, but each time, the FOP got him off, even the Eric Garner murder. Pantaleo never spent a day in jail for this murder.

North Charleston police officer Michael Slager murdered Walter Scott, on camera, by shooting the unarmed man, running away. He then tried to plant a Taser but was recorded from a hidden location. He had several excessive force complaints but was adamantly by the union and the North Charleston PD.  

Mesa, Arizona police officer Philip Brailsford, murdered Daniel Shaver, on camera, crawling, pleading for his life. Brailsford was fired, but then rehired so he could retire thanks to the FOP.

None of these had anything to do with racism; very few cops are racist, but racism is what the media wants to raise their ratings and the Liberals want, so they can make empty promises, in the hope of being elected. This shows the primary cause of many bad officers remaining on the police force is due to Police Unions defending bad officers. It is also because the unions put previsions in place to where if a bad cop is fired, their chief cannot “Black Ball” them. If asked by another potential hiring agency, all the supervisor can do is confirmed they worked there. The more money unions get, the more money Liberal Democrats get; it is all about the money. If Liberal Democrats really thought the police were the problems, they wouldn’t take a dime from the Police unions. You know how many Liberal Democrats have turned down the money so far, ZERO!

Measures need to be put in place to allow supervisors, Police Chiefs, and Sheriffs the ability to document and fire ALL bad cops. A system needs to be put in place tracking LE qualifications, awards, ratings, complaints, resolution to complaints, but only for the highest ranking LE such as Sheriffs and Chief of Police. The problem is people; they will use the system for nefarious purposes, especially people who shouldn’t have access to it like mayors, senators, and lawyers. This is one problem, but there are more.

You have a Catch 22 in big Liberal cities. They mayor is an elected Liberal Democrat, they can replace the Chief of Police at most any time, so Chiefs have a hard time defending their people against the political agendas of the Mayors. The Police Chief of big cities needs to be elected just like Sheriffs for two reasons. 1st, they cannot be used as a political pawn by the mayor. 2nd, if the people do not like them, they can be voted out of office; this cannot currently be done. Many mayors around the country have taken the LE motto of “To Protect and Serve” and charged it to, “Fine and Rob”. I received a parking ticket in Detroit. I was parked in a marked parking space so why did I get a ticket? The parking space lines were within 10 feet of a crosswalk. So why do you have the parking place; to make money. When I called about the ticket, I was told, “Pay it, it doesn’t matter if the parking space is marked and the judge never lets anyone off.” I have a friend who is LE and gets irritated because the mayor tells them to “Write more tickets, the city needs money.” The mayor even has a required quota for tickets from each officer, which the US Supreme Court said was illegal. I watched a Sheriff get busted because he had a deal set up with a tow company to overcharge people for a kickback. The normal towing charge for a vehicle is $75 to $125 dollars. The charge this company was $450 to $700 dollars, with $50 to $100 dollars going to the police officer. Do you still wonder why people do not trust the police?
The Second Side of the Story. There are two sides to every coin and the main reason many inner city communities have so much trouble with LE is their total disregard, not only for the law, but also the officer. You swing at LE and get the crap beat out of you and it’s the LE officers fault; NO, it is your fault for swinging. You run from LE and get slammed into the ground and blame LE; NO it is your fault for running. A friend gets shot by a rival and you do not say a word to LE so they can take the person off the street; then your little brother, sister, mother, or friend gets shot by the same person and you blame LE for not catching them; but it is your fault for not telling LE the first time. When Michael Brown was shot, you stated he was running from LE with his hands up; the autopsy, even the one done by Michael Browns family showed his hands were down running toward LE. Every time a black man is shot by a cop you say it is racist, even when the black man has a gun, a knife or is beating LE; it is not LE’s fault and it was not racist, but you are by making knowingly false statements based on race. Every time you “Cry Wolf” and it isn’t, people stop believing in your cause. You have lost all legitimacy by making these false statements, rioting, and looting. You are such a robot, not even knowing you are being played like a pawn by Liberal Democrats for 60 years who have given you nothing but economic slavery. Let’s take a quick look at history.

Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves, Liberal Democrats (LD) fought it, and today LDs want to tear down statues of Lincoln. LDs started the KKK after losing the Civil War because they hate minorities and didn’t want to intergrade. From 1865 till the early 1960s, there were just as many Republican Politicians lynched as minorities. The first 21 Black Congressmen in the US were all Republican, the first one, Joseph Rainey, just five years after the end of the Civil War. It took the Liberal Democrats another 70 years before they let a Black man in the US Congress.

Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood (then called the Birth Control League) in 1921. She believed in White Supremacy, that whites were the superior race, and all others were of less intelligence. She believed that all who were uneducated, stupid, sick, diseased, or mentally inferior should never reproduce. She believed that Blacks “the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development.” Sanger wanted Planned Parenthood to prevent and reduce “undesirables”; this is why 79% of its surgical abortion facilities within walking distance of minority neighborhoods. Just to let you know, Margaret Sanger was a Liberal Democrat.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, needing Two-Thirds of Congress to pass, the Democrats fell way short, it was the Republican 80% in the House and 82% in the Senate that enabled it to pass. LD are not the one who help minorities, so why do minorities help them?

Knowing he was going to get overridden by the Republicans in Congress, President Johnson (LBJ) signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 using it for a Democratic tactics change. LBJ stated, "These N******, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them N****** voting Democratic for the next two hundred years". It looks like he was right, minorities support for the most racist political group, Democrats, is overwhelming.

After 1865, a poll tax was implemented in some US states requiring one to pay before one could vote. Many Southern Democrat Politicians enacted poll taxes to prevent Blacks from voting, most all were too poor to afford it, but the Democrats exempted poor whites from this law if their grandfather had voted. The Pole Tax was forced out of existence in 1964, with a fierce battle from the five remaining states’ Governors, who had Poll Taxes, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia; all were ran by Democrats and had Democratic Governors. Along with the removal of the poll tax, it was now also illegal to have a Literacy Test to vote, another item strongly pushed by Liberal Democrats to prevent Blacks from voting. After 1965, the 15th Amendment granted Blacks the right to vote, Liberal Democrats were still trying to prevent Blacks from voting, but thanks to the Republicans in Congress, this was not allowed.

Why do I tell you all this? Because you need to know your past and that the people who say you can trust them, the Liberal Democrats, are the ones who had your ancestors in Slave Chains and now have most minorities in Economic Slave Chains, by giving Entitlement that prevents minorities from thinking on their own and working to be something better; instead, you see minorities shooting each other and burning down innocent peoples businesses.

You blame the cops for your problems, but most of it is caused by this attitude Liberal Democrats have given you that everyone owes you something; the truth is, no one owes you anything. As long as you keep living in the past, keep letting others tell you what to think, keep ignoring the facts when it involves the cops, keep doing things to elevate the reactions from LE, you are going to get arrested, get hurt, and get killed. As long as your culture believes robbing people is OK, hitting 97 year old ladies is OK, Polar Bearing someone is OK, acting like a gangster to try and get “Street Creds” is OK, and keep trying for the quick dollar instead of working to get the dollar, you will never make it to what you want; respect and a good living. As long as there is a 75% of children being born with no father around, your culture will never be more than what it is right now, as a whole. No one can change that but you and your true leaders, not people like “Brother Al” who is always running a scheme to make money at your expense.

I am retired Military, in the Military we have every race working next to you, all together and equally treated. If this is what you want, quit supporting the people who divide America to keep the “Race War” going, Liberal Democrats. This is the only platform they have, Racism, for the last 155 years, which they use perfectly to keep minorities down and Americans divided.

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