
Freedom of Speech and Thought, Coming to an End!


If you have read my blog, one of my main concerns has been identifying Terrorist within the US; well now, if you disagree with the Liberal Democrat Party, you are considered a “Domestic Terrorist.”  Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi called all Trump supporters Domestic terrorist yet they protect groups like BLM, La Raza, and ANTIFA who are actually Domestic Terrorist; Kamala Harris even bailed them out of jail. Whenever one group tries to label you, not by your actions, but because they want to silence you, they are hiding an evil within themselves. I do not believe in labels, but I do believe everyone is responsible for their own actions. As I have said many times, I was in the Military for 27 years and during that time I took over many Military areas. When I took over an area, no matter if it was 20 people or 800; I always started out with a formation to tell everyone my vision. Part of my vision was everyone was a number, you were not White, Black, Latino, Asian, Male Female, Atheist, Christian Jewish, strait, Gay, or anything else people use to divide people. If that number did well, it was rewarded. If that number did badly, it suffered the consequences. If that number was small in stature, it had better ask for help when needed as the large number in stature had better help. We could discuss anything, as long as the other number was good with it, but the other number was also subject to the same rule. My units always ran well, if I saw a group of numbers acting harsh toward a different group of numbers, it was not good for them. In America there is only one group trying to keep us divided, just look at the Congressional Caucuses who are divided by ethnic group and see which party their members belong to; they are not Americans, but separatist.

We in the Military sacrifice more than most will ever know, some scares are physical but many are within our mind that many do not see. I don’t sleep much because of what I have seen, but I did it so my family and yours wouldn’t have to. We fought for your right to “Free Speech” and “Free Opinion”, even if we didn’t agree with it; it is called having a discussion. I have had many debates with peoples who ideology was 180 degrees different then my own, and then we went and had a beer, glass of wine, or a shot. In my belief, everyone’s opinion and speech is a US Constitutional Right; the only line I draw is if you become violent, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, you lose all Legitimacy at that point. I have watched as certain politicians and people try and say they have the “High Ground”, but their actions show they are really bottom feeders. In the 16th and 17th century for instance, the Catholic Church tried to place itself as having the “High Ground”, but within it were bottom feeders who executed people to get rich or their women. They Crucified the Catholic Church, sacrifices all “Morality” and “High Ground” just as similar Catholic Church bottom feeders do today. We have Bishops and Priest who are letting politicians, in the name of the Catholic Church, commit blaspheme against the church without raising one voice or holding these imps accountable. They are “Derelict” in their Holy Duty for Politics; I wonder what God will do with these Judas emulators?

The first order of business for the Nazis were to take over the schools, take over the press, and reeducation the people to think their hate was legitimate and not hate at all. Liberals have taken over the schools, most of the press, and now we have “Liberal Politicians” saying if you disagree with them, you need to go to reeducation camps (News Media, PBS, Bernie Sanders Staffer) like the Nazis did and the Communist do today. They needed to destroy any who disagreed, pointed out the flaws in their argument, or shine a light on their lies, deceit, and evil ways. This is what the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Communist Russia-USSR), People's Republic of China (Communist China), and many others did at a cost of over 100 million citizen lives. If you did not fall into their line, you were sent to “Reeducation Camps” and tortured until you conformed. If you didn’t conform, you were called “Traitors” or “Domestic Terrorist”; you would die in work camps, prison, or gulags of man-made hunger, famine, forced labor (you were their slave), or just executed. You should learn from the past because if you don’t, you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. If you look at America today, we have the same exact path being laid before us by certain groups of politicians, hell bent in taking all your Freedoms away. If you want to find them, just look for the ones, who with the propagandist media, flood America with disinformation, whose allies in big tech has censored all who disagree or will show you the proof of his disinformation. Look for the ones who care more about taking care of foreign countries and their people than taking care of America and our people.

They will take all your money, possessions, and tell you what your dreams are, because it must be their desire. If you do not believe me, look at Venezuela, once the most prominent country in Central and South America under Capitalism; now, 20 years after becoming Socialist/Communist, the most improvised country in Central and South America. Liberal Democrats are calling all who disagree with them “Radicalized” and calling for them to be “Reeducated”, sound familiar? Far Liberal Left PBS had an Executive called for any who voted against Biden to have their kids removed and put into reeducation camps. Liberals have called to censor any media or people who go against their desires. This is “Tyranny” in the making. Why do you think the Media and Liberal Democrats politicians have condemned everything Trump has said, but have not said a thing about their side saying worse? Why did Biden end “Energy Independence”, because it takes away from the money them, both Liberal Democrats and Republicans, can get from foreign actors.

The media and Liberal Democrats say Trump’s speech was the catalyst for the capital riot yet they were there before he even gave his speech; two that were arrested were from BLM and ANTIFA. Speaking of riots, it was Liberal Democrats politicians who kept saying “Burn it Down” and went after a couple who used their 2nd Amendment right to defend their property from these anarchist because they wouldn’t let these anarchist burn down there property. It is the same Liberal Democrat politicians who have past law to prevent the police from removing violent Drug Cartel and gang members who they know are here illegally; think about that. You have elected officials who want to silence you for reporting on them and disagreeing, that violent Drug Cartel and gang members should be allowed in America. Under the Obama administration, the DNC was selling VISAs to any who could afford it from Islamic Terrorist countries; if you disagreed, you were a racist or anti-Islamic. In Detroit, a Liberal Democrat appointed judge has allowed Child Female Genital Mutilation, a Federal Felony Offence, to happen more than 200 times on little girls; if you question it you are Anti-Islamic. This is Sharia Law, are we next going to allow these “Real Domestic Terrorist” to throw acid in their faces.

Liberals have defended every outside source that is destroying America, both knowingly and unknowingly. Why do they vote to give Illegal Aliens twice as much as they do our elderly on Social Security, and call you a racist if you oppose it; I never knew Illegal Alien was a race, I thought it was every race. They said Trump was a racist, but could not show one time on video where Trump used the N-word; but I can show you many times Biden using the N-word; can you say LIARS and HYPOCRITES. They do this with their president, who proceeded of a high ranking member of the KKKs funeral, who is a true “Racist” using the N-word more in public then any president in the last 50 years.  The strange part of the “Racist” Democratic Party is it seems there is “Racist” of all races in the Democratic Party. They created the KKK (White Racist), the Black Panthers (Black Racist), and La Raza (Latino Racist), who are all Democrats. Democrats to this day support segregation, just look at the Black and Latino Caucuses; all their members are Democrats. As much as I hate “Racist”, and I hate them with a passion, “Freedom of Speech” gives them the right to say anything hateful they want. “Freedom of Speech” is not the freedom from being offended.

Today, Democrats are using the “Big Tech Companies” to block speech they do not agree with and block any thought expressed that they do not like. “Democrat Educators” do the same at schools and Universities, and Democrat Politicians make laws preventing what they DEEM as hate speech; this violates the US Constitution which the Democrats hate. Democrats are allowing Riots and Lootings as terror tactics against Law Abiding Citizens to force their policies which is as un-American as it gets. If we do not stop this idiocy, we will lose our Freedoms, but it is up to you.

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