
I Had a Dream

You always hear people talk about “Tyranny” and Oppression” but how many are right and how many have it wrong? People today throw around words without ever knowing their meaning because they know the impact the use of these words will have, they are not looking for the truth, but an affect. Do we have “Tyranny” and “Oppression” today? Yes, but it is not what is being reported, but before I get into it lets find out what the words mean, plus an extra, Fascist.

Tyranny - the arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority, the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute rule, a cruel or harsh act or proceeding; an arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical action.

Oppression - the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner, an act or instance of oppressing or subjecting to cruel or unjust impositions or restraints.

Fascism - a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism, a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini.

Mussolini and Hitler as well used people to attack the groups they didn’t like. They used these groups known as “Brown Shirts” to attack groups who were for freedom, groups against giving special rights to any other group, and they ended up blaming one group, the Jews, for all their problems. First they limited their rights, made them carry their “Papers”, then bullied them, they took their property, they took all means of self-protection, and in the end the newly formed Social/Communist Dictatorship murdered 6 million of the Jewish population. Before this, following the same basic blueprint, Stalin had killed over 26 million of his people, and after this Mao murdered over 60 million of his people, so please don’t say it can’t happen; it already has throughout history.

Do we see people doing this in America today? Yes, we have people shutting down free speech, preventing people from working if they don’t follow their mandates that them themselves do not follow. We have a government trying to take your property while at the same time they try and prevent you from protecting yourself. They try to split us apart by spreading false narratives and the media helps them with these falsities, becoming political operatives instead of reporters. They commit all sorts or crimes including murder and are never held accountable because they have stabbed Lady Justice in the Back. All should be treated equal and if one group has problems within their society, they need to fix it instead of blaming another group as Hitler and Mussolini.

I wrote a response to an article in the paper, my first point was we need to look at the facts. If I give two groups of people, one blue and one green, the same opportunities, yet the majority of the blue group throw away their opportunity at an education among other opportunities, to later realizing they cannot make the same amount as the green group, is that oppression? No, that is a bad choice made by the blue group. I grew up without a dollar to my name, we were poorer than dirt. I stayed in high school and graduated even as many in my same group dropped out to do the same as our culture has done for decades. This action has been ingrained into all in my societal culture for years and it is detrimental. Low education holds people in poverty and the only ones to blame is my culture. Why do I tell you this?

I come from the Appalachia Mountains, a very small group with 75% of all kids are born out of wedlock, there was a low graduation rate, many spending the majority of their life in jail, many overdosing on illegal drugs (my nephew being one), many joining territorial gangs, they just listen to the news never checking the facts which in most cases show the news lied. The culture I grew up in blames everything on other groups, they always voted the same way no matter how bad the politician, and wonder why things never get better. The Appalachia people are of every race and make up 7.8% or 25.6 million people of the 328.2 million American populations. Blacks make up 13.4% or just fewer than 44 million people with 31 million living in major cities. Everything I mentioned above about the Appalachia people is mirrored by the Black inner city people and their society, the only difference is geographic location and the majority being one race in the big cities. Why do I tell you this?

There is a pattern here but you should not talk about it because it is cultural. When 13% of the inner city Black culture commits 47% of violent crime, if you say a word, you are branded a racist; this fixes nothing. When 34% of all police of all races are murdered by one culture which is 13.4% of society as a whole, we are told it is hurtful, hateful, and profiling to mention it. The facts are not “hurtful, hateful, and profiling”, they are the facts. If a Black gets shot by a cop it is automatically a “Racist incident.” I watched a Black cop taking fire from a Black man, killing the black man to later be called a racist because he was too “Whitenized”; this again helps no one. More than 80% of all Blacks murdered are murdered by Blacks, but if you talk about it the “Politically Correct crowed will say you are stereotyping and cruel; no, it’s the facts. To mention 78% of all babies are borne out of wedlock in hateful and irreverent, but this is what is keeping inner city people, the majority of which are black, in poverty. There is little difference between the statistics of the Appalachia and Inter Cities except the Inner Cities or mostly one race. So why does this make such a big difference? In the Appalachia they blame many things for their poverty; it is their lack of education and their out of wedlock birth rate. This causes their poverty, high murder rate, and the amount of time they spend in jail; but cannot blame it on race.

Over the past 35 plus years the Appalachia society has started emphasizing education, lowering the out of wedlock birth rate, and trying to curb the drug society within to give their kids and grandkids a better chance. Unfortunately the Inter City Society has went the opposite direction and when anyone calls them on it, even another Blacks, their first response is they are racist. The truth is, until this Inner City culture's Cultural Leaders start leading, instead of taking handout, "Race Baiting" other cultures, and blackmailing businesses for their own gain, the Inter Cities streets are going to run red with members of this culture's blood mostly by their own hand.

Until the cultural leaders of this culture start fixing their problems, it will keep getting worse and larger. The politicians representing the Inter Cities culture just wants to keep them ignorant and Economically Enslaved by free handouts, to maintain receiving their votes. The Inter Cities society keeps voting in their Liberal Democrat oppressors but there is never a change except for problems getting worse. The Inter Cities Culture needs to start voting for freedom and get away from these politicians or more damage to them will be done. No other culture can help this Inter Cities culture because they will not be listened to; this culture must fix its own, but the choice to prosper or be Oppressed by their own hand is in this culture's hand. This is the truth but we are not allowed to say it, it offends the Liberal Democrat Politicians who are trying to hold down this Inter Cities culture as they try to rain Tyranny and Oppression on every culture. Why do I say this?

If you look, every one of the Liberal Democrat governors and majors who locked down their towns destroying the majority of minority businesses all were caught violating their own mandates. If you look where these same Liberal Democrats are calling to defund the police, the ones who are suffering the consequences are primarily the minorities living in the inner cities because most all these politicians live in the suburbs. Liberal Democrat Cori Bush who has hired personal body guards said she needs it even though she says you don’t need the police; your protection doesn’t matter. During these mandated shutdowns Nancy Pelosi had to get her hair done but you couldn’t. Austin Texas, Mayor Steve Adler went vacationing in Mexico but ordered residents to stay home. California Governor Gavin Newsom and San Francisco Mayor London Breed both dined at the upscale San Francisco restaurant, The French Laundry, after demanding people to avoid gatherings. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock visited family in Mississippi after directing Coloradans to hold "virtual gatherings." Michigan Governor told everyone to stay in their house while her husband was putting their boat in the lake and heading for their cabin which she forbids Michiganders from doing, and going to a bar after banning it.

If you want to see the true meaning and examples of “Tyranny and Oppression”, here you have it. The news refuses to report the truth on anything that doesn’t go along with the Liberal Democrat’s agenda; they are political operatives, not reporters and I hate all politicians. They lock you down to prevent the spread of COVID yet let Illegal Aliens flood the country with 1 in 5 infected with new strands of, you guessed it, COVID. To hype the numbers of COVID deaths, they told the hospitals a COVID death would pay $13, 000 more dollars to them, if they were on a respirator it went to $40,000 more. If you look at every pandemic before COVIS, 15% or more of the people had to die to be called a pandemic. The US population is 328.2 million, COVID deaths is 616,000 deaths, which is .0018% of Americans dying; that is not a pandemic but is a good way to use scare tactics to control and oppress the American citizens. There is an independent company which claims it has found 60% plus of recorded COVID deaths was erroneously report that way to receive the extra $13,000 or $40,000; that is feasible and highly likely to be true.

This list can go on and on, just look at Obama’s birthday bash, it goes against the lock-down procedures but he is a Liberal Democrat, these rules are only for the peasants like us.

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Can you See What is Happening?

If you look, you can see the Deceit, Double Standards, Fraud, and in some case flat out Murder to form their Utopia, but what type of Utopia is it? Whenever you have this amount of control is seized by the government, which is supposed to be held by the people, there is only three ends; Dictatorship, Monarchy, and Civil War. If none stand up it will be one of the first two which is slavery. If you let the politicians enslave you to handouts, that is what you are, a slave, no longer a citizen. A wise man once said, if you give up any of your right for security, you deserve neither freedom nor security. If you allow the government to steal your rights, a revolution is virtually the only way you will get them back, if you ever do, either way you look at it, blood will be shed. This is kind of like the frog and the boiling pot. Throw a frog in a boiling pot of water, he will jump immediately back out. Put him in a cold pot of water and slowly turn up the heat, he will stay until it is too late and he is cooked. If you keep letting our politicians slowly take away our rights, sooner or later we will be cooked and have no rights.

I believe in facts and unbiased statistics, it is the only way to rule and it is the way to be completely fair. If you try and rule from an emotional place, you will fail your people and lose everything. Many politicians purposely rule from an emotional stance, using fear, because fear is one of the strongest emotions and emotions, as I said, will lead you down the wrong path. With the help of the media, the fear-monger you into doing what you would never do with the complete truth, but they keep that from you so you will follow them like sheep to the slaughter. Why am I telling you this?

We are Americans, the strongest group on this planet, we take our freedoms seriously. When your government compels private companies (Facebook, Twitter, Google…) to remove people’s Free Speech, we have a problem. When your government asks them to even intercept your private email and remove any content they do not like, the problem just got bigger.  The Biden administration is not only going after your post on social media, but they want to be able to read your private emails and block them if they do not like the content, accentually making the US a Communist or Dictatorial country, this coming from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki; think about that. This all gets worse if you look at the truth and think about it.

They want to mandate you to wear a mask to stop COVID but let millions of Illegal Aliens into the US which 1 in 5 have COVID, and spread them throughout the country. Does this make sense? While they mandate you, the common citizen, to wear a mask and stay at home, they fly around without a mask and go to parties, out to eat, to get their hair done, put their boat in the water, to other countries for vacation, and the list goes on and on. Did you know hardly any 4 or 5 star restaurants in DC closed, neither did the big food chain, but they closed 100 of the mom and pop restaurants. Ask yourself why. Could it be that our law makers, the same ones who put these restrictions on all but the rich, didn’t want to be inconvenienced so they gave their favorite places a pass? Did you know all big chain stores like Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and others were allowed to stay open while once again they closed all the mom and pop stores. Could it be that they are the ones donating to all these politicians and it was a quid pro quo to get the big businesses more customers in return? If they get rid of the mom and pop stores, they can control the people more; it is all about control and them wanting to impose their tyranny on you, the American People.

If you want a glimpse in what the future holds for America if we do not correct this now, just look at what is going on in the Liberal controlled big cities. The Murder rate has risen 94% in Liberal Blue Cities between 2019 and 2021; this is because of the Liberal Democrat policies. In New York, 500 undercover cops were taken off the street. In San Francisco, the police are not allowed to arrest people committing crimes, if they do arrest them, prosecutors do not show up in court for 87% of the cases, which are then dismissed by the judges. Now we see the after effect of these unenlightened people who claim to be enlightened by the astronomical skyrocketing crime after these Liberal Leaders supported the criminals over Law Enforcement and you the citizen is paying the price. These politicians and the elite hire private security while taking the only defense and equalizer for the common Law Abiding Citizen, firearms, away. They do not care about you! Then you as a “Law Abiding Citizen” who wants to protect what you have worked so hard for will get prosecuted if you defend yourself in a lawful, US Constitutional way. Look at the case of Mark and Patricia McCloskey. People with weapons threatened to burn down their house so they grabbed their weapons in return. No shots were fired, their house wasn’t burned down, but St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, went after them, not the armed thugs making terroristic threats with a weapon which is a felony. Could it have been because the McCloskeys were white, the threatening people were BLM and Ms. Gardner was a supporter of BLM? You bet 100%, the Ms. Gardner was wrong, being racist, and not upholding her sworn oath of office; she should be removed. The mayor removed her from the case for using it for fund raising, but don’t give any kudos to the mayor. Ms. Gardner was fund raising for a run at, you guessed it, Mayor, so it was probably done as a preemptive strike. If the mayor had thought Ms. Gardner was wrong she would have had the charges dropped; she didn’t. Luckily the Missouri governor believed in the US Constitution and pardoned the McCloskeys, but the Domestic Terrorist who threatened them has never been charged. If you are a minority, this should upset you as much as anyone because it goes against what you have been fighting for, equality. MLK said his dream was for all to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner has spit in MLK’s face and stomped on his dream.

While we are talking about crime, did you know the US population of Illegal Aliens is 3.5%; remember Illegal Alien is not a race but all races. According to the FBI, over 40% of all crime in the US is connected to the Illegal Aliens with 13.6% of all violent crime directly connected. You realize that all crime committed by Illegal Aliens is 11.43 times or 1143% of their population with 3.89 times or 389% of their population in violent crimes. Liberals do not want to talk about this because Liberal Politicians have their private security; they are not worried about you. We have had thousands of time more US citizens murdered by Illegal Aliens then COVID so why aren’t the Liberals securing the border? We are also doing the World an injustice to all the countries that send their people here to get an education when we allow them to stay. You see, if we keep taking the smartest from the world, the rest of the world will never get any better; they need to go back and make their home country better.

Last but not lease our country and racism. So what is the definition of the word Racism? From 5 different Dictionaries:

Racism - a policy that is associated with or originated in such a doctrine, and that favors members of a racial group or has a neutral effect on their life experiences, while discriminating against or harming members of other groups.

Racism - a political or social system founded on racism and designed to execute its principles.

Racism - oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another.

Racism - policies, behaviors, rules, etc. that result in a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.

Racism - a way of behaving or thinking that shows that you do not like or respect people who belong to races that are different from your own.

Basically it is excluding others based on race, expecting others to pay more based on race, or treating someone with unfairly bias based on race. You know, like the clubs they had in the 1950s and 1960s that you couldn’t get in unless you were that race. 

We have a lot of politicians that are outwardly racist and nothing is ever said depending on their Race and/or Political Party. If you watch what politicians do, not what they say, you can see their true identity and many Liberals are Racist to the core. Take a look at the Congressional Black and Latino Caucus, they are 100% racist and the only members are Liberal Democrats; go figure. This probably wouldn’t be racist if there was a Caucasian Caucus but that was said to be racist, so how come the Black and Latino Caucus are not racist? They are! Have you have heard of BET (Black Educational TV) and Ebony Magazine? When they came out a man filed for WET (White Educational TV) and a magazine called Ivory Magazine, but his business license was denied citing it was of racist content. So how is BET and Ebony Magazine which only show African American people not racist? It is! If there is a word deemed as a derogatory word toward a race, it shouldn’t be used even by that race. I also love how some races used derogatory word toward another race, but justify it by saying it’s not as bad as the one used to describe us; both are equal.

Many times when you talk about racism and groups, the name itself will tell you they are racist. Look at the Arian Nation; they are a group of white racist who only want to advance white people. On the other end of the spectrum you have the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Vice President Michelle Leete is mad and calling people names for not accepting the NAACP’s agenda calling them racist. 1st, read their name, it’s ironic but they are not here for the Advancement of Americans or America, but their race which in itself is racist and I don’t support rasicm from any group. If you read the Critical Race Theory documents, it is 100% completely racist just like the NAACP. Any time you separate people by race you are a racist just like the Congressional Black and Latino Caucuses. Interesting enough, as I said earlier, both caucuses and the NAACP are 100% Liberal Democrat; the same people who founded the KKK, Black Panthers, La Raza, and BLM; all racist groups. How a group of Racist from several different races became a political party is baffling, but it is probably due that they are all filled with hate, even hating themselves. You see, they must blame other races for their failures because they refuse to accept it is caused by no one but themselves. Sorry if the truth makes you angry but just because you keep repeating a lie doesn’t make it true. A wise lady once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission” and she is right.

There is a video call “Prejudice” by Tim Minchin which you need to watch to the end because it isn’t talking about what you think, but in reality it is, and it puts this subject into total perspective.


Freedom of Speech and Thought, Coming to an End!


If you have read my blog, one of my main concerns has been identifying Terrorist within the US; well now, if you disagree with the Liberal Democrat Party, you are considered a “Domestic Terrorist.”  Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi called all Trump supporters Domestic terrorist yet they protect groups like BLM, La Raza, and ANTIFA who are actually Domestic Terrorist; Kamala Harris even bailed them out of jail. Whenever one group tries to label you, not by your actions, but because they want to silence you, they are hiding an evil within themselves. I do not believe in labels, but I do believe everyone is responsible for their own actions. As I have said many times, I was in the Military for 27 years and during that time I took over many Military areas. When I took over an area, no matter if it was 20 people or 800; I always started out with a formation to tell everyone my vision. Part of my vision was everyone was a number, you were not White, Black, Latino, Asian, Male Female, Atheist, Christian Jewish, strait, Gay, or anything else people use to divide people. If that number did well, it was rewarded. If that number did badly, it suffered the consequences. If that number was small in stature, it had better ask for help when needed as the large number in stature had better help. We could discuss anything, as long as the other number was good with it, but the other number was also subject to the same rule. My units always ran well, if I saw a group of numbers acting harsh toward a different group of numbers, it was not good for them. In America there is only one group trying to keep us divided, just look at the Congressional Caucuses who are divided by ethnic group and see which party their members belong to; they are not Americans, but separatist.

We in the Military sacrifice more than most will ever know, some scares are physical but many are within our mind that many do not see. I don’t sleep much because of what I have seen, but I did it so my family and yours wouldn’t have to. We fought for your right to “Free Speech” and “Free Opinion”, even if we didn’t agree with it; it is called having a discussion. I have had many debates with peoples who ideology was 180 degrees different then my own, and then we went and had a beer, glass of wine, or a shot. In my belief, everyone’s opinion and speech is a US Constitutional Right; the only line I draw is if you become violent, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, you lose all Legitimacy at that point. I have watched as certain politicians and people try and say they have the “High Ground”, but their actions show they are really bottom feeders. In the 16th and 17th century for instance, the Catholic Church tried to place itself as having the “High Ground”, but within it were bottom feeders who executed people to get rich or their women. They Crucified the Catholic Church, sacrifices all “Morality” and “High Ground” just as similar Catholic Church bottom feeders do today. We have Bishops and Priest who are letting politicians, in the name of the Catholic Church, commit blaspheme against the church without raising one voice or holding these imps accountable. They are “Derelict” in their Holy Duty for Politics; I wonder what God will do with these Judas emulators?

The first order of business for the Nazis were to take over the schools, take over the press, and reeducation the people to think their hate was legitimate and not hate at all. Liberals have taken over the schools, most of the press, and now we have “Liberal Politicians” saying if you disagree with them, you need to go to reeducation camps (News Media, PBS, Bernie Sanders Staffer) like the Nazis did and the Communist do today. They needed to destroy any who disagreed, pointed out the flaws in their argument, or shine a light on their lies, deceit, and evil ways. This is what the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Communist Russia-USSR), People's Republic of China (Communist China), and many others did at a cost of over 100 million citizen lives. If you did not fall into their line, you were sent to “Reeducation Camps” and tortured until you conformed. If you didn’t conform, you were called “Traitors” or “Domestic Terrorist”; you would die in work camps, prison, or gulags of man-made hunger, famine, forced labor (you were their slave), or just executed. You should learn from the past because if you don’t, you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. If you look at America today, we have the same exact path being laid before us by certain groups of politicians, hell bent in taking all your Freedoms away. If you want to find them, just look for the ones, who with the propagandist media, flood America with disinformation, whose allies in big tech has censored all who disagree or will show you the proof of his disinformation. Look for the ones who care more about taking care of foreign countries and their people than taking care of America and our people.

They will take all your money, possessions, and tell you what your dreams are, because it must be their desire. If you do not believe me, look at Venezuela, once the most prominent country in Central and South America under Capitalism; now, 20 years after becoming Socialist/Communist, the most improvised country in Central and South America. Liberal Democrats are calling all who disagree with them “Radicalized” and calling for them to be “Reeducated”, sound familiar? Far Liberal Left PBS had an Executive called for any who voted against Biden to have their kids removed and put into reeducation camps. Liberals have called to censor any media or people who go against their desires. This is “Tyranny” in the making. Why do you think the Media and Liberal Democrats politicians have condemned everything Trump has said, but have not said a thing about their side saying worse? Why did Biden end “Energy Independence”, because it takes away from the money them, both Liberal Democrats and Republicans, can get from foreign actors.

The media and Liberal Democrats say Trump’s speech was the catalyst for the capital riot yet they were there before he even gave his speech; two that were arrested were from BLM and ANTIFA. Speaking of riots, it was Liberal Democrats politicians who kept saying “Burn it Down” and went after a couple who used their 2nd Amendment right to defend their property from these anarchist because they wouldn’t let these anarchist burn down there property. It is the same Liberal Democrat politicians who have past law to prevent the police from removing violent Drug Cartel and gang members who they know are here illegally; think about that. You have elected officials who want to silence you for reporting on them and disagreeing, that violent Drug Cartel and gang members should be allowed in America. Under the Obama administration, the DNC was selling VISAs to any who could afford it from Islamic Terrorist countries; if you disagreed, you were a racist or anti-Islamic. In Detroit, a Liberal Democrat appointed judge has allowed Child Female Genital Mutilation, a Federal Felony Offence, to happen more than 200 times on little girls; if you question it you are Anti-Islamic. This is Sharia Law, are we next going to allow these “Real Domestic Terrorist” to throw acid in their faces.

Liberals have defended every outside source that is destroying America, both knowingly and unknowingly. Why do they vote to give Illegal Aliens twice as much as they do our elderly on Social Security, and call you a racist if you oppose it; I never knew Illegal Alien was a race, I thought it was every race. They said Trump was a racist, but could not show one time on video where Trump used the N-word; but I can show you many times Biden using the N-word; can you say LIARS and HYPOCRITES. They do this with their president, who proceeded of a high ranking member of the KKKs funeral, who is a true “Racist” using the N-word more in public then any president in the last 50 years.  The strange part of the “Racist” Democratic Party is it seems there is “Racist” of all races in the Democratic Party. They created the KKK (White Racist), the Black Panthers (Black Racist), and La Raza (Latino Racist), who are all Democrats. Democrats to this day support segregation, just look at the Black and Latino Caucuses; all their members are Democrats. As much as I hate “Racist”, and I hate them with a passion, “Freedom of Speech” gives them the right to say anything hateful they want. “Freedom of Speech” is not the freedom from being offended.

Today, Democrats are using the “Big Tech Companies” to block speech they do not agree with and block any thought expressed that they do not like. “Democrat Educators” do the same at schools and Universities, and Democrat Politicians make laws preventing what they DEEM as hate speech; this violates the US Constitution which the Democrats hate. Democrats are allowing Riots and Lootings as terror tactics against Law Abiding Citizens to force their policies which is as un-American as it gets. If we do not stop this idiocy, we will lose our Freedoms, but it is up to you.

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The Biggest Terrorist Threat to America


The United States is the World’s number one nation, more people want to come here to live than anywhere else; but more countries want to bring us down for the same reason. People, by nature, do not want to be second best at anything; Americans are probably the worse at losing, they will sacrifice anything to win, unfortunately American Politicians will even sacrifice America. In America we have faced many outside and even internal threats that have tried to bring us to our knees, but until now all have failed.

Externally, we had both England and France try to bring us down in the first hundred years of our existence, but Americans stood tall and defeated them at every attempt. When Britain tried to take away our “Citizenship” and make us “Subjects” with the Chickamauga Wars between 1776 and 1794, they failed. When the Islamic Barbary Pirates tried extortion on America in 1801, we took them out in short order. When the British tried to take us out, and burned our new White House on 24 August 1814, we once again took them out. In the War of 1812, the England once again tried to take away our “Citizenship” and make us “Subjects” and once again they failed. In 1825, when Greek Pirates tried to do what the Barbary Pirates couldn’t they to failed. In what was known as the Aegean Anti-Piracy Operations. When Mexico tried to take Texas in 1845, they too were dealt a severe defeat as America was not going to be torn apart by any nation. In 1855, Chinese Pirates were soundly defeated in what was known as the Battle of Ty-ho Bay. In 1874, Mexico again tried to take parts of America in the New Mexico/Arizona Campaign in 1874 and the Pacific Coast Campaign, but again they were soundly defeated. I could go for quite a while but let’s skip forward to the Cold War. Several groups of Socialist and Communist tried to bring down America and put American into servitude as all are in Socialist/Communist countries; this ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. American Resolve had won again. We still have foreign enemies trying to bring us down, like the Taliban, or let’s just say followers of Islam, even before the 911 attacks. On top of Islam, we have China, Russia, and Iran trying to bring us down; with many of our politicians helping them. These are the biggest external threat to America but not the biggest threat.

Our biggest threats are now internal. When the south tried to succeed from the US in 1861, what was the reasoning? Many think it was because of slavery, but it was because of Politics and the Elite raping the, as they like to call them, the Degenerates. Slavery had people of every race, it was wrong, inexcusable, and in every state including DC. The Elite depended on the slave for cooking, cleaning, and other services that were more disgusting then the others. The Degenerates used slave for harvesting crops mainly and depended on them to survive; both groups were 100% wrong, but that was the culture in the 1800s. The Degenerates wanted more of the profits which the Elite had no interest in giving up, so the Elite with the help of their bought and paid for politicians set out to slap the Degenerates where it hurt, they did not know how it would spread to the point of releasing all enslaved, even theirs, and cost of over 750,000 American lives. It gathering of slaves, using slaves, and abuse of the minorities after slavery was all due to politics and politicians.

After the end of slavery, the Liberal Democrat Politicians of the south tried to enslave and negate the rights of all people who disagreed with them, and in 1865, created the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to do their bidding; Liberal Democrats had just created the first Domestic Terrorist Group.

The freed slaves and carpetbaggers (Republican Politicians), put there to ensure compliance, were lynched at every opportunity, with as many as 400 Republican Politicians murdered by the KKK and Democrat party. Those who were not killed were falsely accused of every crime from rape to fraud in a calculated smear campaign to turn public opinion to support the Southern Politics instead of the mandated freedom for all; we still see this today. The Socialist/Communist threat we was warned about in the 1950s, have our politicians welcoming it with open arms; make no mistake, this is a major threat. Venezuelan was the richest and free South American country that was until Hugo Chávez became president and turned it into a Socialist/Communist country; it only took a decade to go from the richest to the poorest and most suppressed; this is what Liberals are bringing to the US. Venezuelan now has the highest murder rate, the highest inflation rate, and the highest corruption rate below the US border, even beating out Mexico and Columbia. Think about that, and it only took a decade.

In the US, even with all the flaws within our political parties, we could always vote to change to our desires; but that is no longer true. The fraud in our election system has been there for decades, hidden from the citizens, and only used in close races; now it is in your face and changing as many as 10 million votes. Liberals have justices in place that refuse to follow the US Constitution, which they have sworn an oath to, because they have no integrity and have been allowed to violate the law for years. In Detroit they allow Sharia Law, in Portland, and many other places, they allow destruction of private property for the good of their cause. Politicians, complicit Bias Media, and now Big Tech, take what one politician say out of context, saying to love America is racist, while their politicians have actually told people to burn down the town, bully and harass people, while bailing the rioters out of jail. One of the biggest problems with our politicians is there is no term limits, and unlike the US population, where 0.03% of 1% of the people are lawyers, 77% of our US Congress is lawyers and corrupt. Their favorite pastime is making laws to protect their empire to make themselves richer while we common folks get poorer and poorer. They make laws to give Illegal Aliens in our country more money than the US citizens on Social Security who have worked their whole life. The average Social Security check is $1,800 dollars a month while Illegal Aliens can get as much as $3,500 a month; it needs to go back to individual accounts like it was before Liberal Politicians changed it to a conglomerate, making it easier for them to pillage the funds.

Are you an American Patriot? If you are, your first duty is to America and the American people, not to ANY political party and not yourself. JFK said it best when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” His reasoning was because even if you have the greatest country on earth, which we do, if you do not take care of it, keep the trash cleaned out, and take care of the people first, you will lose it. JFK, as with RFK and MLK, I believe, were all assassinated by a Federal Government organization that JFK was going to shut down because they were corrupt; no proof, just a theory like everyone else has. If you want to take care of the world before the American citizen, you are a Globalist, not a Patriot. There is nothing wrong with helping other nations, America helps more nations than all others combined, but there is a problem if it causes harm to America and the American citizen. Giving billions to a Terrorist Supporting country who targets America and Americans is wrong. Giving money to countries that abuse and kill their citizens, and hate America is wrong. Raping the American people, in the cloak of taxes, is wrong. Supporting a corrupt UN without forcing true changes is wrong. I hate to break it to you, but when over half of the “Human Rights Council” are “Human Rights Violators”, you are corrupt. When UN Ambulances are used to help terrorist attackers safely escape, you are corrupt.

If you are a Patriot, you will support your country; yes we have bad things in our past, just like every country and person, but you do not let your mistakes and losses define you. Let you victories define you and remember if you keep getting up, you have not loss. I came from one of the poorest areas on earth, but a teacher, when I was down, gave me an Eleanor Roosevelt quote to live by, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Another quote I love is, “If you erase your checkered past, you doom yourself to repeat it.” Our country is being torn apart because some groups and politicians openly promote violence, but with MLK day coming up, here are three of my favorite quotes by him.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.”

“Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Biggest Terrorist Threat to America, have you figured it out yet? Our biggest threat in America is our politicians. The ones who knowing promote justices who they know will not follow the US Constitution. The same politicians who create fake charges to derail good justices they do not like. These are the same politicians who still receive their pay when the rest of American they have locked down; the same Politicians who allow Wal-Mart, Lowes, and other large companies to stay open, because of their investments, but shut down the small “Mom and Pop” stores; the same politicians who force COVID positive people into Nursing Homes knowing it will kill the occupants; and the same ones who will rig elections. These politicians give themselves large raises while not giving Social Security Recipients, Disability Recipients, or the military much of a raise at all. These are the same politicians that make it a Felony for you to lie to Congress, but they are given a free pass for doing the same. The “Biggest Terrorist Threat to America” to America and American is our politicians. What can we do about this? Elect more politicians that have no affiliation with a political party, especially the party trying to take our “Freedom of Speech”, “Freedom to Bear Arms”, and our “Right to a Fair Election”.  These are same politicians who took the budget from 13 different budgets, to 1 budget, to make it easier to get pork spending; just read what is under the Defense Budget for proof, half of it has nothing to do with Defense. This is why our Founding Fathers told us to keep the government small; smaller government, more rights, bigger government, less rights. Everyone needs to see if we can get a US Constitutional Amendment for term limits in Congress, max of 8 years in the House and Senate. This won’t completely fix the problem but it will massively help. At the same time add in no retirement for congress for serving less than 20 years, which with the Amendment will be impossible. We as Americans need to restrain our Biggest Terrorist Threat every way we can.

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