
COVID, What is the Truth


It seems like everything is a political agenda these days and COVID is no different. I want to talk about the physics and science of the COVID virus, not the political science we have had to endure. This will let you know just how much our governments, for political reasons, are lying to you. I will put the links in as much as I can so enjoy it why you can, it will probably be removed because it goes against the establishment. Science has never been about politics until now, and the politicians are trying to skew the truth and use political science to scare you into submission.

Skewed Terminology

Herd Immunity- up until politics got a hold of it; herd immunity was after so many people had caught the virus or disease and survived. True herd immunity will always be better than a vaccine, and in many cases, COVID being one of them, getting the shot can actually lower your immunity.

Most every COVID death, 94%, according to the CDC was someone with a compromised immune system (known or unknown) and the elderly over 55 years of age. Notice I didn’t say all, so there are some risks and the vaccine may help these people; I can’t tell what is true or fake on those stats because they all contradict each other. First let me point out I am not an anti-vaccine person, but I am a “let my medical decisions be made between me and my doctor” type person. No government official should ever come between you and your doctor, if they do, that is tyranny at work. There are questions you have to ask

Why are they calling getting the shot “Herd Immunity when it isn’t?

This is 100% political, to lie to you so you will get the shot. If they would have just came out and said, “This may help you survive”, most wouldn’t have blinked and got the shot, but they tried to deceive you.

Why are they forcing people to get the shot, damaging their natural immunity, if they have already had COVID?

This is because Liberal Politicians ate always tyrants, “Do what I say and believe what I say or you are a racist, homophobic, sexist, stupid, bigoted, White Supremacist that don’t deserve to live.” I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, when someone called you are racist, you usually were, now it is used to force you to do something, usually wrong, or the Liberals will brand you as a racist. It is wrong, but it is Liberals and they know no limit to how low they can go.

Does the mask really protect us?

No, the mask does not protect you from getting COVID, it actually may be a contributing factor to COVID. Why do I say that? Have you noticed all the lock down states like New York, California, and Illinois have a higher COVID transmittal rate and all the ones open states where you don’t have to wear a mask like Florida and Texas have the lowest. The mask is actually just a placebo. Let’s look at the mask and I’ll try to explain. The N95 mask which they say will protect you from COVID is a placebo. What is the gap in-between the fibers of the mask. Honeywell’s N95 has a gap of 0.3 microns or 300 Nano microns, of the 7 different manufacturers; Honeywell was the only one to give the specifics. Hardly anyone wears a N95 mask; the normal mask worn has a gap of 5 microns or 5000 Nano microns. The COVID 19 virus is 0.1 micron so you can put three side by side and the N95 mask still won’t stop it, or 50,000 side by side in the mask most people use. Masks are worthless against COVID19, and like I said, they are a placebo.

Why don’t the numbers add up?

When I wrote this, the CDC said we have had 847,577 deaths from COVID in America which is 0.0026% of the US 29.5 million people; in other words it is not an epidemic. The Liberal Politicians and the News keep telling you it is but the numbers prove otherwise. Let’s take a look farther.

The three highest killers in the US are Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Cancer.

In a 2017 a study by the American Diabetes Association found that Diabetes contributes to 252,806 American’s deaths annually. In 2020 the CDC reports Diabetes deaths dropped to 87,647, where is the other 165,159 of deaths?

According to the Department of Health in 2017, around 655,000 people die of Heart Disease every year. The CDC says in one place that in 2020, 659,000 people died of Heart Disease, yet in another document it says 696,962 died of Heart Disease. The official report says 659,000, so what happened to the other 37,962?

Cancer before COVID killed about 2,000 people a day, or 730,000 a year. In 2021, after COVID started, cancer deaths dropped to 1,600 a day or 584,000, a difference of 146,000; and no cure was found.

If you add all these missing deaths together you get 349,121 and subtract that from the original number of deaths from COVID the remainder is 498,456 or 0.0017%. This is no pandemic, it is indoctrination and you are falling for it.

Why was there almost 500k in deaths?

Well in some cases there are deaths being counted as COVID that are not COVID. A good friend of mine son was killed in a motorcycle accident, when he went to claim the body, they had listed it as a COVID death, he went ballistic. The doctor (after being caught) told him it was because the hospital gets $13k more from the Federal government if it is a COVID death and $42K more if they had to use a ventilator. The hospitals are trying to make money off of deaths which in morally wrong.

A more sinister plan as seen in California, New York, and Michigan, just to name a few is putting positive COVID patients into the Nursing Homes. If you look at Obama’s and Biden’s Health Secretaries, both have say people no longer working should not receive health care, they are a burden on the system. That said, putting COVID patients in a Nursing Home is killing 2 birds with one stone. First, you get rid of the “Burdensome People” you despise, second, you can claim a higher death rate and boost your COVID death numbers to validate all  the restrictions you want to impose; Now you can strengthen the idea that we are having a pandemic.

Why would they try and force you to get a shot, even getting you fired for not complying?

It is simple, Liberal Democrats want to control all the facets of your life, in California they are telling you as a parent that you do not have a say in your child education. They want full control. They want to make you slaves to the government, which is why our Founding Fathers wrote the US Constitution which Liberal Democrats are trying to remove. The Democrat voters need to realize that there are few Democrats in office who were like Sam Nunn, loved the country, the military, and the first responders. If they keep voting Democrat, the Democrats will remove the Bill of Rights, taking all your right. COVID is a precursor to see how much they can get away with and since they were able to shut the country down for almost two years, the got away with a lot.

All this is politics, yes COVID is real and some people, just like with pneumonia, even some young healthy looking people, are unfortunately going to die. If 1 person dies out of every 58,823 people, that isn’t a pandemic.

The Third Cholera Pandemic in 1854 killed between 5.5% and 10% of the population depending on where you were; that would be between 14,750,000 people to 29,500,000 million people.

Typhus fever in 1945 killed between 10.0% and 40.0% of the population depending on where you were; that would be between 29,500,000 people to 118,000,000 million people.

These are pandemics’, not COVID, it has a lower death rate then the flu; so how is that a pandemic? I have had COVID19, all I had was a head ache, I do know others have major problem 99% of the time due to already bad health.

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