
US Employment, Unemployment, and Societies Destructive Course

Many people today have forgotten the American dream and how to achieve it. America was all about being able to work; going from having nothing to achieving and building something from the sweat of your own brow; accepting charity from no one and full of pride about what you could and would achieve. I believe we should all work for what we get but many our elected government officials have made it easier for us to legally steal from those who do work; many people are more interested in getting free handouts then working for what they want, and of course our politicians are more then willing to oblige in exchange for their vote. This doesn't solve any problems, just pushes people down.

Our biggest problem in America with unemployment isn't lack of jobs, it isn't lack of workers, and it isn't lack of ability to learn a new job; the problem today is we have a society which has went from pride in their work for a fare days wage to I deserve a livable income no matter how menial my job. The rule for unemployment is you must actively be looking for a job; the problem is most of the officials who should be checking on the recipients derelict their duty or are just plane lazy. This combined with the unwillingness of many unemployed to look for a new job until their "benefits" run out isn't why unemployment was designed. Unemployment was set up to help you for a short time until you could find another job but has been morphed into yet another entitlement. Currently part of the politicians say "We shouldn't cut off finances to people trying to feed their family" with the other side saying "Unemployment has been extended from 18 months to two years, statistics shows people don't look for jobs until their unemployment benefits are about to run out or have ran out."

I personally know people who refuse to look for jobs because it is not the job they want, doesn't pay as much as the job they had, the job is beneath them, and most say their benefits haven't ran out yet so why look for a job. A few years back I quit my job because the company I was working for was starting to do illegalities  and I wasn't going to be a part of it (they are now out of business). I looked and quickly found a job different then what I was use to doing with about a 25% pay cut and requiring much travel. Was it the job I wanted, No, was it in the place I wanted, No, was it the pay I was getting or wanted, No, but I took it because it was a job. We need to get our people back to working and off unemployment; it was not meant to be used as an 18 month vacation. Many people may truly be having problems finding jobs but statistics show the majority is what was earlier pointed out.

Progressives say we are moving in the right direction but if you take a look at our society we have more people then ever taking handouts, refusing to work, having more kids then their ability to care of, and now instead of always being in the top 3 of world high school rankings we are 14th; the best and most powerful country in the world is now 14th. I heard a guy talking about voting and if someone didn't have a job they shouldn't be able to vote. I told him all Americans should be allowed to vote no matter if they where employed or not but as time goes on I wonder if what he said has true merit. The ones who refuse to work are the same ones who instead of doing what is best for the country keep voting from their point of greed to receive more free entitlements at the detriment of the working class and true Americans; and the politicians they elect are worse, they are just enslaving these people to poverty just to secure their votes.  

This is what is destroying America; what happened to the, " achieving and building something from the sweat of your own brow; accepting charity from no one and full of pride about what you could and would achieve?" I was raised to only accept charity when I have exhausted all other means, to have pride in having work and my work, and that I need to pay my own way, and only buy what I can afford. It use to be, "go work for a company and you would retire from that same company many years later", these same entitlement politicians are the ones who have destroyed your ability to have this stability, achieve this goal, and yet people who refuse to work or stay on unemployment until it's gone are still electing them. I wonder, what would happen if you did have to have a job to vote? What do you think about this man's idea? Who are the hardest hit? The unemployment report sited below didn't have the Spanish community listed with the Whites, Blacks, and Asians hence the reason they are not listed.

Raw unemployment numbers, no seasonal adjusted.
Asians-               5.63%
Whites-              6.03%
Blacks-            12.43%

Women of all races have an over all lower rate of unemployment by 0.4% over men; why? Maybe it has something to do with "Male Arrogance and Pride" or maybe it's because they will settle for a lower earning job to pay their bills before a man will; what ever the reason we the male population could learn from the fairer sex.

At the lowest unemployment rate, the Asians lead the pack among everyone. The Asian community is one of the smallest minorities groups in the US so the unemployment problem isn't a "White Man Dominance caused problem" as many like to lay blame. The Asian people I have worked with are very hard working, meticulous, emphasizes education, emphasize the complete (both parents) family unit, and make it on your own without anyone's help including the government attitude; we could all learn from this trait. The Asian community has the highest high school grad rate and the lowest number of children born out of wedlock, I do believe this is the reasoning behind their low unemployment rate.

At the highest unemployment rate is in the blacks community, especially black males who have over twice the unemployment rate of the national average? This community has the lease amount of emphasis on education, as shown with the highest high school drop out rate combined with the highest rate of out-of-wedlock births at 67.8%. The out of wedlock birth rate for non-Hispanic whites is 26% and Asian-Americans reported the lowest rate 11.3%. I do believe this coupled with the highest rate of none nuclear family within the black society is the reason for the over double unemployment rate and yes I know this isn't politically correct but many time the real truth isn't pretty. These numbers were all taken from the US Census Bureau, instead of people getting mad, disputing them, or calling someone a racist for showing them; why don't we see how we change the currently accepted norm which leads to this communities highest unemployment.

The biggest problem we have with unemployment is everyone want all to be equal with a level playing field and it is. When I was working as a hiring manager, everyone to me, gender, race, and sexual orientation was a number; I didn't care about their gender, race, or sexual orientation, only if they were honest, qualified for the job, would show up on time, and presented a good image. Most of the people we didn't hire was because they believed the company need to give them good paying jobs without any education, without any experience, with their attire not conducive to a professional environment, and if we didn't hire them at the pay of someone with an education and experience, we were bias. One gentleman walked in without any education, without any experience, and his attire was street, not business. He was very respectful and I told him if he wanted a chance for the job to step back out, tuck in his shirt, take off his hat, and knock on the door if he wanted a second chance because the first impression would kill him with the other members. I didn't expect him to try again but he did what I said and we interviewed him. He was honest about no experience and just wanted a chance and wanted out of , in his words "The Hood". When the interview was completed, he dropped his head down and started to leave when I asked if he had dress paints, a nice shirt, and a tie; he said yes and he said he now knew he should have worn it to the interview. I asked if he could wear it Monday and he ask if it was another interview and I said, no to start work; it was like I had just gave him the world. After being their about 6 month he was baffled when we promoted him. He was a good honest hard worker and deserved it, I kept pushing him to excel and he did. He started off at the bottom but several years later he had made it to lead position and working on becoming a manager. He was living the American dream.

The point of this story is he didn't demand anything, followed the rules, and was honest; for that he was rewarded. We hired him in for less then what his last job paid but in just over 2 years he was making 30% more then that job. He worked and when I seen him last he told me with a big grin, "I made it out of the hood" and he took his mother and siblings with him. This is how you make something of yourself, not by accepting entitlements instead of working, not by staying on unemployment instead of finding a job, and not by blaming everyone else for your problems and position but by working to change your demographic because only you can. Many of the entitlement pushing politicians really want socialism. Socialism never has worked, never will work, and has only been destructive to any country governed by it. You do not have freedom or real prosperity under socialism or its society yet this is what the liberal progressive movement will give you. If you think unemployment is bad currently, under our current direction we will hit the same rate as Greece which is 27.4% unemployment. We need to get back to work or we will be the next Greece, think about that the next time you pull the lever.

Obama Administration Failing Against Terrorism

The Obama administration has released more Guantanamo Bay terrorist back to their native countries to enable them to attack our troops again. Noor Uthman Muhammed and Ibrahim Idris, two of the latest released prisoners were both released and sent to their home land of Sudan. Muhammed pleaded guilty in February 2011 to terrorism offenses in a plea deal removing possibility of a life sentence and was sentenced to 14 years. The Sudanese government will release him with all but 34 months suspended which is time served; thanks to our current inept administration he can now kill more US soldiers. Idris is mentally ill and has spent much of his 11 years at Guantanamo in psychiatric treatment. A federal judge ordered his release after the U.S. dropped its opposition in October. This will get much worse after Harry Reid's nuclear option will allow the unfettered lifetime appointments of liberal, anti-military, anti-freedom, pro-jihadist judges into our legal system.

Many of our politicians have forgot about our individual freedoms and protecting the US against all threats, foreign and domestic. Two years ago President Obama said the US was the safest it has ever been and Al Qaeda was on their heels but now Senators from both sides admit the terrorist threat is greater today then it has ever been thanks to our leadership or I should say the lack of leadership, it has been said for years and ignored. Al Qaeda now operates in more then a dozen countries because they, nor these countries, no longer fear or respect the US. These groups are actively targeting our Homeland and US interest abroad and we have done nothing to discourage them. President Obama's administration has purposefully acted blindly or are just that inept, when it comes to Al Qaeda as was shown in the Benghazi with multiple attacks over months, refusal to strengthen defenses; ending in the last attack apex which killed four Americans including our ambassador and when drilled about it, the Secretary of State says, "What difference at this point does it make?" The answer is at this point none; because you Mrs. Clinton and President Obama dereliction of your duties and we can never bring back the dead. Our elected officials are still derelict of their duties because they have taken the same stance here in the US with terrorist as they did in Benghazi and at the same time saying our law abiding citizens like Christians, gun owners, and retired military are possible terrorist.

What most don't realize is true here in our homeland which can explode at any time; the FBI has identified 35 terrorist training camps as I pointed out in "Muslims and Jihadist Training Camps in America." What makes it more dangerous is security risks we allow due to political correctness. How can you find a radical Islamist? One way is they have no respect for women, they are possessions to them, not people. If you want to help ALL women in the US ban burqas; Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, views the burqa as a security risk and he is right to do so. Jihadist terrorists have entered jewelry stores, banks, shopping malls, airports, and railway stations to commit evil deeds and to escape capture or even hiding suicide bombs in this disguise but they also hide the beatings of their daughters and wires which if not covered, would show the evil inflicted on their women, many times leading not just to unmerciful beatings but to Honor Killings as shown in, "Muslim’s Peaceful Religion, Atrocities, and Honor Killings." In "Muslim in America; The Most Humanistic, Tolerant, and Morally Great?" it shows you the violence which can be brought if you just disagree with the main stream Muslims which are either within or hiding the US Muslim Training Camps; the finances are tracked back to most every Mosque. Our leadership has failed us and neither your nor my children or grand children should be placed into danger for political correctness. We need to remove these camps and everyone associated with them then maybe we with the truly peaceful Muslims can live in peace; but if we don't stop it outside the US we will have another holocaust and it may be in America.  

Lawmakers Cut Military Disable and Retiree's Pay While Helping Criminals

Need I even say anything about how immoral and un-American this act is by congress? For years the benefits of our fighting men and women who go where they are told, do what they are told, and in many case being wounded or dying to completing the mission they are told to complete are now being stabbed in the back once again by our president and congress. Yes, the Democrats, Republicans, and President Obama want to take from not only our veterans but also our DISABLE VTES! It was brought to the floor by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to remove the tax breaks given to illegal aliens who are not even Americans but was shot down. He has the right idea, instead of cutting for those who has sacrificed for our country and our freedom, cut those who have violated our laws, take the money from these programs and give it to our American heroes; don’t cut the what was promised to our military. Why is keeping a promise to a criminal, and if you're here illegally you are a criminal, more important then keeping a promise to our veterans and disable veterans?

Any senator voting for this needs to be removed from office! Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said in an interview on Sunday, “Democrats need to hold most their caucus of 55 senators together and pick up a handful of GOP senators in order to reach the 60-vote threshold to advance the bill”. Maybe senator Durbin’s constituents need to get on the phone and let them know this is a NO STARTER! Notice he said the “Democrat’s need to hold most their caucus”, have you also notice every time the Democrats run out of money they go after the Military; it seems the democrats in this country are more against the US Military then the insurgents. Senator Durbin and any other senator, Democrat or Republican who is with him needs recalled immediately; as CNN puts it, “Congress Double-Crosses Military Retirees” and they are right.

Most the GOP lawmakers are against it; most of the Democrats are for it, I once thought Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) were good senators, both of them along with Durbin need to be gone. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C. who I cannot stand) and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) said they cannot support the legislation because it, “disproportionately and unfairly targets those who have put their lives on the line to defend our country”; I have to agree. Lets target the lazy that refuses to work; oh wait a minute, they might have kids, and SO DOES THE MILITARY and they worked for what they receive instead of whining for another handout. We have a cancer in our national leadership and if it isn't voted out soon, we soon won't have our rights, our freedom, or our country. America; it's up to you.

Current Politicians Don't Care about Our Citizens or Military

House Speaker John Boehner blasts conservative groups for opposing the newly unveiled budget plan, calling their complaints 'ridiculous', stating the budget proposal saves $28 billion over ten years but in reality The Budget Shown for just 2014 and 2015 for Defense Discretionary Spending goes up $31.708 billion and Non-Defense Discretionary Spending goes up $31.708 billion as well and this is only two years; does he think we are idiots? There has been a proposal to cut out the commissaries to save money but once again, they are targeting the military and many dependents work there for a little extra money; if you want to cut money in the military, don't go after the people, go after the contractors who purposely blow their budgets because they know they will get paid. The real problem which everyone knows is entitlements which uses 62% of our national budget, but no, lets go after our military again.

This deal does nothing but show how even when the Republicans have power, Boehner and several other Republicans make them look week. Boehner stooped to John McCain level and started stabbing his own people in the back as he, John McCain, and Mitch McConnell have done many time in the pass; but why? It is quiet simple, the new Republican senators are trying to ring in spending and many of the old Republican senators are just like most Democrats and want to keep spending what they don't have. Think about it, if you ran a business, could you run it like are politicians are running it? No, you would be out of business quickly, who in their right mind would elect Boehner, John McCain, or Mitch McConnell; heck, who in their right mind would elect Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or Dianne Feinstein. I work around the government in the defense area and I see allot of waste, but I see twice as much in the entitlement area. When you spend over $600 million to build a web site which is not secure, is not running properly, and will be holding the citizen's personal information; and when the experts say it should have cost at the most $10 million, I would say that is a waste of 6000% or 60 times what it should cost. Because of the out of control spending from 1977 till current, we are in a mess. The Vietnam war had ended but spending went up from 1977 to 1981 spending went up 23% and we were in a depression. It kept at pretty much the same rate with al presidents in the middle adding to the debt; President Clintons "Balance Budget deal" was signed into law but never really happened according to the national ledger. Since President Obama has taken the reins, with the help of Harry Reid and John Boehner the national debt has went up 42%; this cannot continue or we will not have a nation; no nation can defeat us by force, we have the best military in the world; but they can destroy us by using our debt as a weapon.

Slavery, Our Allies, and Ourselves

I have been to many countries which we call our allies and seen slavery first hand at the these people we call our allies. In Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan, Pakistan, UAE, Qatar; others like China, Malaysia, and the Philippines just to name a few. You will see slavery in the open and as an accepted practice, many countries openly practicing slavery are on the United Nations Human Rights Council, isn't that amazing.

Most of the people believe slavery deals with sex slave but the truth is, most of the time it is slave labor and in many cases these people are worked until they literally drop dead. My question is, why doesn't the UN pass a sanction that anyone caught openly using slave for labor or sex immediately forfeit any UN committees they are on and the ability to be on any committee for 10 years, back it up with a big fine and sees what will happen. They will not do this because the UN is as crooked as any politician you can find. Lisa Kristine, a humanitarian photographer has been documenting these atrocities for 28 years in 70 counties, her video will rip your heart out. There are at a minimum 27 million world wide, slavery is a $13 billion business, and many, especially in the US see slavery as a racial issue but the truth is slavery crosses all races and economical standing.

You might think we are shielded from slavery in the US but you would be wrong; unfortunately anytime you mention slavery in America you will have the racist cozeners using it for their own gain, not to help anyone. In early America there was slavery but what few if any history books will tell you is you had white, Spanish, oriental, and Indian slaves right next to the black slave; today you still have all groups represented and all groups are modern day slaves. Currently many make a conservative estimate that 18,000 slaves are trafficked into the US every year with as many as 500,000 slaves currently in America. We all remember Ariel Castro, the monster convicted of kidnapping and keeping three women as sex slaves in his Cleveland, Ohio but this was only one, many have forgotten Emily Nicely from Pennsylvania, Ima Matul from California, or Shandra Woworuntu from Chicago/New York City who were all slaves in the US; many are Americans but many are imported. True slavery is thriving under our noses in the US and we need to stop it.

Ignorance and Naiveness; Iran and the Nuclear Bomb

As I pointed out in the past, many Americans are fortunately naive to the ugly inhumanness of the theology the Muslim people believe and follow religiously, ignoring the beliefs of all others who don't believe as they do. President Obama announced he has blocked Iran's path to a Nuclear bomb, this is flat out lying as he did with Obamacare or about as naive as you can get, I understand Americans not knowing or understanding Muslim theology and barbarisms, most have never dealt directly with these people, but our government is another story. In Nuclear War Will Soon be at Hand I showed the repeat of history which our government should have learned from and now we know they didn't learn anything.

Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani says he is committed to curb Iran nuclear activities for six months in exchange for limited and gradual sanctions relief, this isn't a curb of Iran nuclear activities, just a way to get access to $4.2 billion of oil sales. The six-month period will give Iran the time to complete nuclear development unfettered, this same approach was used on North Korea and how did it work out; North Korea now has nuclear bombs. Under the same path we are following Iran to will soon have a bomb, there is no inspections in the deal so we shouldn't trust since we can't verify. Iran already has a stockpile of around 200 kilograms (440 pounds) of higher-enriched uranium, it only takes 50 kilograms (110 pounds) to make a nuclear bomb so as of current they have the possibility of making 4 nuclear bombs; how would you feel if you were their neighbor, especially if you were Israel. In this agreement the uranium is not removed and the heavy water reactor which sole purpose is to make weapons grade plutonium for nuclear bombs is not disassembled.

This is what happens when you have ideology who have never been in the real world running our government, luckily we do have people from both sides of the isle in congress skeptical about this deal, they live in the real world. Why hasn't this administration tried to get American pastor Saeed Abedini released from Iran, a US citizen held illegally in Iran for more than a year as part of this deal? So let me see if I get this right, Iran has defied all the sanctions put on them, they have kidnapped and imprisoned our citizens, and now our leadership wants to lessen the sanctions so that they will now follow the rules they have been ignoring? Is there anyone out there who lives in the real world believe this will work? This once again is trying to lead from a position of no power and guess what, it doesn't work, ask President Jimmy Carter.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D- New York and Sen. Bob Corker, R- Tennessee believe the deal helps Iran, not the US and they are correct. This deal was ill conceived and will, as in the President Carter Administration, only help the Iranians with no benefit for the US, once again a naive administration has put us and our allies in danger; what i worse is they don't care. Unlike North Korea Iran, once Iran has a nuclear bomb will use it, they have said this themselves. What will our reaction be when they bomb Israel? With our current administration probably nothing; our current administration will either coward is a safe place or praise Allah for what has happened. It is your choice to believe which will come to fruition but the nuclear attack on Israel at the present course is imminent.