
H-2A Temporary Workers Program Americans Shafted by Liberals Again.

A little while back on a blog, I wrote about how Americans only received $7.25 and hour but legal immigrants made $10.10 an hour. I was blasted by every liberal out there as a liar, misrepresenting the facts, they were government contracted employees falling under the new executive order that all government contractors minimum wage would be $10.10 an hour and more; well I was right but I didn’t know just how bad it was until I finally received some of those documents I was telling you about. Now to be honest, I have nothing against guest workers because they did it the right way, my problem is with the politicians who promote them and require more from their employers then is required for the American citizens employers.

Before we get started we need to clear up a couple of identifying terms:

  1. Immigrant- a person who is immigrating to another country seeking permanent citizenship.
  2. Illegal Immigrant- a person who illegally immigrates to another country breaking that countries laws with the intent to or not to seeking permanent citizenship.
  3. Nonimmigrant Worker- a person from another country who is not immigrating but coming to another country on a work visa for increments of no more then a year which can be renewed by sponsor.

Now that we have that strait, the H-2A Guest Worker Program which is ran by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) is the name of the program I was talking about. These guess workers are not government contractors but are nonimmigrant workers coming to America on a work visa sponsored by companies or individuals requesting workers. Their sponsors must fill out the I-129 form to apply for a nonimmigrant work visa and will be their sponsor while in country if accepted. The requester must see if they are qualified under the USCIS in order for USCIS to determine if you must pay the additional $1,500 or $750 American Competitiveness and Workforce
Improvement Act (ACWIA) fees. The sponsor must pay for a minimum of 20 hours a week even if no work is completed, provide housing, and medical. I ask, does this benefits that the sponsor is forced to pay far exceeds what is required for American workers? Now lets look at the wages.

The minimum wage controlled by congress is across America and all American territories; the lowest minimum wage for American and American territories is $4.18 an hour in the American Samoa territory which was written out of the $7.25 minimum wage by Nancy Pelosi but we will get back to that later. As of 18 December 2014, the highest minimum wage was at $9.50 in DC. The lowest minimum wage you could pay a nonimmigrant worker was $9.87 in five states and the highest mandatory minimum wage was $13.41 in four states. So let me get this right, if you count the American Samoa, the nonimmigrant worker gets paid 57.7 percent more ($4.18 compared to $9.87), if you don’t count them it is 27% more ($7.25 compared to $9.87), with the highest minimum wage being 29.2% higher ($9.50 compared to $13.41). No lets not forget that the sponsor must give them from housing, utilities, and health insurance so like I said, the American citizen getting screwed by liberals again; no lets look at an inconvenient truth.

When it come to liberals, most are in the Democratic party and claim to always be looking out for the little guy. No one in the Democratic party has stood on this pedestal more then the ultra liberal Nancy Pelosi but she is pretty much the poster child of the liberal left in America. Nancy Pelosi is a liberal Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California's 12th district and one of the biggest advocates of a minimum wage, at lease in public, but she as all liberals are nothing but con artist. In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage since 75% of the American Samoa work force are employed by Star-Kiss. StarKist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi's home district, StarKist mother company is Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi so this could be the reason she exempted them, or it could be because Paul Pelosi, Nancy's husband, owns $17 million dollars of StarKist stock. The American Samoa should be at $7.25 an hour minimum wage like the rest of American and it’s territories; it is ok for her to push through legislation which requires American sponsors to be forced to pay at a minimum $9.87 plus housing to foreign workers but won’t even raise her people up to $7.25 an hour. Do you really think she cares for the small guy, or the big business that supports her?

An EPA/IRS Law Needs to be Passed

In our laws and in our US Constitution, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, that is unless you are dealing with the EPA or IRS. Over the pass few years and being intensified in the last six years, both the EPA and the IRS have been taking peoples property, money, and even throwing them in jail without one charge being filed or any reason being given. These two agencies have bypassed the complete US Constitution by making up their own laws without going through congress, penalizing US citizens without due process, and targeting We The People for political reasons; this needs to come to an end!

The first part of this bill need to be written so that the States have final say so in all EPA matters dealing with their citizens property; before anything can be seized or frozen the state must agree with the findings and the EPA must have a valid warrant in detail about what evidence they have found, how they obtained it, and present it to a state judge; if there is no evidence or it was obtained illegally by trespassing, they cannot proceed.

Second, there must be a clearly defined roles that the state will allow the EPA to do in each individual state. Currently the EPA is trying to force it’s will on every state by saying it regulates all standing water, so if it rains you can’t do anything with that puddle in your front yard. A man who went through his state to get all the right paperwork and permits to build a pond was told he had to remove it of be fined by the EPA $1,000 a day, the state stud up for him and told the EPA to shove it and it is currently in court.

Third is, if anyone is caught targeting anyone or business for political reasons, they will be fired, will be banned from working in any area of government including schools, and will go to jail for a minimum of 10 year with no pardon available from the executive branch. This can apply to all agencies in the government.

Christine O'Donnell is a Tea Party activist and former Republican Party candidate best known for her 2010 campaign for the Senate seat vacated by Vice President Joe Biden. She was targeted not once, but twice by the IRS, once during her campaign and the other just recently. When she confronted them, they finally dropped all charges but still haven’t returned all here money. They charge the public interest if we are late on a payment so shouldn’t they give interest when while they have your money? Christine O'Donnell along with hundreds of Democrats and Republicans were targeted by the IRS for disagreeing with the Obama administration. There were hundreds of more people and businesses, both Democrats and Republicans, targeted by the EPA for the same reason, they opposed the Obama administration. This is not only UN-constitutional, but immoral and unethical; for you people who think it doesn’t matter if someone does immoral and unethical actions in their private life, this is why it does. Their character and moral standard in their professional life will reflect the character and moral standard of their private life; if they don’t have any character and morals in one, they won’t have any in the other.

To add to the above, if money is seized by the IRS, they must pay interest on it at 5% APR compounded daily if they loose in court; the money will come out of their general fund and will not be subsidized. If the IRS is late on people receiving their tax returns, the same rule applies.

What is currently going on is tyranny and what our founding fathers warned us about. They warned us about activist judges who instead of interpreting the law have started making laws like we see with gay marriage and our American flag not being able to be worn on certain days because it offends people; if they are offended they can leave our country. These judges need to be removed from the court system; when a judge can overturn the will of the people to serve a political agenda, we have a problem. This problem is within all of our agencies, not just the EPA and IRS. We have judges signing off on open search warrants for the NSA which violate the US Constitution; we need to reel all these agencies back in.

The Hard Truth Brother Al and Jesse Will Never Admit


This is strait from the FBI’s data base, CDC’s data base, and The U.S. Department of Education so if you have any problem with the numbers, its your personal bias not looking at the facts. I wrote a post talking about this same thing back in July 2013 called “The Hard Truth about Our Society and Its Downward Spin” and now we can see plain as our hand in front of our face, what I said would happen because of the lack of the family unit in our inner cities. As I have said before, I am a realist and look at many items as black and white because the truth is black or white; being impartial about facts is hard, it’s even harder when you are emotionally attached to the subject. You must separate yourself from your emotional bias and look at the facts no matter how hard the truth is to swallow.

I defend the police the majority of the time but not always because even though I know 95% of the police out there are good, there are many who are not, and in the big cities it is even worse due to what is known as “The Blue Brotherhood.” Most of the time in the big cities, we have a major problem with the lower income people not trusting the police and with all the stories you hear, just like with fairy tales, in what is said there is some truth. Martin Luther King when he protested was always non-violent which made the other side loose all credibility especially when seen across the nation. If you follow Dr. Kings teachings today, you would first pick cases that were the police were truly wrong; Michael Brown has all the evidence saying he didn’t have his hands up, assaulted the cop, was running at the cop, and all shots were in the front, not the back as some “witnesses” had said; he was a thug killed legitimately by a cop doing his duty! The Eric Gardener is a different story, the cop had been in trouble before and this time killed someone, unintentionally I believe, but Mr. Gardener is still dead. This cop did have violent tendencies shown in his official record, did use an unauthorized choke hold, and should have been indicted on charges and according to Dr. King, there should be peaceful protest stating this point. If the protesters would not have destroyed the property like you seen in Ferguson, you would have credibility but because you did destroy Ferguson and now have incited the murder of two cops, have lost all credibility. The part that Al Sharpton and the other race baiters will never admit is they are responsible for these police officers death just as much as the one who pulled the trigger; if they were not stoking the fires of hate, these two cops may still be alive today.

I do believe there are cases out there like the Mr. Gardener case which you should protest but when you have people on social media saying, kill every cop out there, no one is going to say a word when the cops kill the protesters and claims self defense; you have just given who you say is the aggressor a reason to escalate aggressions instead of reduce aggressions. I know Mr. Garner isn’t the only case where you have police brutality like Mr. Robert Davis (a black man) in Louisiana who was a school teacher which was captured on tape; the chief of police and the mayor of New Orleans were both black so are they racist against blacks? I’m sure there are plenty of more because in many big cities especially, the police have forgotten about “To Protect and Serve” and are running under the premise that they are untouchable. They do in many cases in big cities discriminate like shown here with two different protesters getting treated two different ways. Discrimination happens against all races but when you yell discrimination and police brutality in cases where it was not present, the people will get tired of your lies. Then when you have a real case, it will be ignored because you have no credibility and have cried wolf too many times. When your protest burns down a town or destroys property, once again, you have lost all credibility. The next time anyone goes to protest, no matter the race, ask yourself, what would Dr. King do, he was the best example for protesting we have ever had and he didn't stoke the fires like Brother Al and Jesse, he tried to bring peace.

American People Destroying America

I have seen a scary trend in America with small groups of people and many politicians; it really makes me wonder if the people are really this ignorant and our politicians so wrapped up in their own arrogance that they cannot see reality in front of them till it smacks them in the face. We have many people who have zero national pride because that is what the liberal agenda pushes, we have few politicians who will do for their country but sure want their country to do for them. When you have the First Lady saying the only time she was proud of her country was when her husband was elected, something is wrong. And last, when you have a liberally ran company like Sony tucking tail and running, it wasn’t because the cared about the peoples lives, it was because they feared what other embarrassing emails they could release that are probably worse then the ones currently released. If you can’t tell the truth, be honest, and stand behind what you say weather its an individual, politician, or a company, you are a coward.

I was walking through a farmers market when I was stopped and handed a piece of paper to read, what I read on it was disturbing so I started asking the lady who was white and handed me the paper questions. First, on the paper it stated “Cops Murder 400 Blacks a Year” so I asked her what that meant and she said “You know, they have shot and murdered 400 blacks.” I asked her if the cops were “Murdering” blacks, how many whites, Asian, and Spanish have they murdered, she went pale for a second then said, “That doesn’t matter, they murdered 400 blacks!” She had said several names, two of which I recognized and that was when I realize two things, first they were all killed by white cops and the ones I recognized were either shot by the cops returning fire in defense or to saving another’s life. I asked her why she didn’t mention Aiyana Jones a little girl shot by Detroit police Officer Joseph Weekly, I asked the lady, “Doesn’t all lives matter, not just black ones?” I then told her that it was a total of 500 people killed by cops, not just black and all were not shot. She was getting pretty irritated with me by this point;  she tried to grab the paper back (she didn’t get it) and left.

I went to look up this group to find out what they were about and I was shocked. What I thought was going to be some type of racist site turned out to be a pro-communist, pro socialist site which called for the overthrow of the US government and the US Constitution by any means necessary to make it fair for everyone. Their site, like most wacko sites didn’t have any place for you to comment on the Anti-American propaganda that they were pushing because they wouldn’t be able to win an argument. I found an email link and sent them some questions like “Have you ever lived in a socialist or communist country?” Of course I have not received any response and if they are like most leftist liberals (socialist), they have probably blocked me because they haven’t been there, haven’t seen it, and don’t understand it but it is what our collages teach and preach today. I cannot believe there are that many people who just want to throw their freedom away; the politicians have brainwashed them into mindless zombies.

The politicians have done more than just brainwashing people, they have purposely put us in more danger then in anytime of our countries life. John Pistole, the longest serving Transportation Security Administration head says we are facing a much higher threat from terrorist then we did on 9/11; that is scary. What is our politicians doing, nothing! As we watch the world lessons on terrorism our politicians arrogantly believe that we can’t be touched; did they forget about 9/11? Look at what just happened in Pakistan, 148 killed including 132 students with another 121 wounded. Did you forget about Russia having 385 hostages killed in what is known as the Beslan School Massacre by Muslim Terrorist? Britain, France, and many others are being attacked regularly as are we but the news won’t carry it. It has already happened over here, we were attacked by Muslim Terrorist like Pakistan and Russia on 9/11 not to mention the DC sniper, the Fort Hood attack, and many others, but our government labels it “Work Place Violence” to cover up the truth. The politicians who aren’t bowing to the Muslim establishments are bowing to the illegal establishments; What do we do? I give it under five years (more like 2 years) and we will have another 9/11 if not worse because many have returned to the 9/10 mentality. Our politicians are not protecting us and attack any state that tries to do the right thing; political correctness is killing us; and soon it will be literally.

Many of our politicians want to give the most corrupt organization on earth, the UN, the ability to govern and force Americans to fall under the UNs authority, give up all guns, and even pay them a tax. Do you want this, I don’t! Just look at what Adam Schift said about the Benghazi attack; he knowing lied along with our administration calling 4 Americans deaths a “Red Herring”, and there are many others. Are we going to start protecting our citizens or wait for another 9/11 and burry our head in the sand denying the truth. Are we going to let North Korea tell us what we can watch? Has political correctness gone so far that a Muslim born in Arlington County, Virginia can join the military and on his business cards have SOA (Soldier of Allah) which is a phrase the used by terrorist. The Army officer was even in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, a known terrorist but deemed to not be a threat by the FBI. This person who was not a threat, Major Hasan then murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded 32others while shouting “Allahu Akbar, a phrase which literally means "Allah is greater" and is yelled by ever terrorist carrying out an attack and political correctness murdered all 13 of these people. Than to add insult to injury, our liberal politicians call it “Work Place Violence!” So we have Communists/Socialists openly calling for the over throw of our government, we have politicians and companies bowing to threats from other countries, and we have political correctness allowing terrorist into our military to kill our military; this doesn’t count the 35 terrorist camps identified by the FBI inside America; does this look like we are headed in the right direction?

Troops Morale at All Time Low

Many military members morale is at an all time low, but you may not be for the reasons you think. Military members sacrifice a great deal, they don’t have freedom of speech, they can’t just quit, and many times they spend years away from their families even when we are not at war. The families sacrifice as well, not knowing where you may be, having to take care of the kids on their own, and never knowing when you will get that call to leave on a moment’s notice or receive the knock on the door letting them know you have just made the ultimate sacrifice for your country. Most people we refer to as civilians will never know what this is like, they will never know what it feels like to go somewhere knowing you or one of your military brothers and sisters will be coming home for their funeral, we do this because this is what honor, duty and sacrifice for your country means.

Very few liberals and even fewer receiving entitlement understand what sacrifice means, John F. Kennedy in his inauguration address said,” “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”, which is a fraise all true Americans live by; not what can you do for a political party or a politician but for your country. In the military we give back to our country while so many others just take, we take all the sacrifices in stride no matter who is in the Oval Office because ours is not a political job like a senator but a job of service and sacrifice. We hold our heads high knowing we are the best in the world at what we do, we do not serve for the politicians, but for our country and We the People; all we ask for in return is for the support of our countrymen. Over the years we in the military have had drops and raises in our moral and most of the times when we have a drop it was because we were being used as political pawns; but recently the morale has dropped below any other point in our history and you have to ask why.

In January 2009, according to the Military Times, military morale was at 91% and December 2014 it is at the lowest point recoded which is 56%; that is a drop of 62% of the 91%. When surveyed if it will get worse or better, the military by 70% said it would get worse. It isn’t because of the pay even though most of the military qualify for assistance they refuse to take it, it isn’t because of living conditions, it isn’t because we have been at war for so long, but it is because we have been used as a political pawn like never before; with attacks coming from our own government, placing politically motivated military leaders is positions of power while removing truly great military leaders, and purposely putting the military in harm’s way not allowed to defend ourselves for political reasons, this is why morale is plummeting in the military.

When needed, the militaries special units who go through intense training and they are not allowed to save Americans. We know what brings down the military morale and here are a few of many examples.

November 2009, Maj Nidal Hasan murders 13 people and wounds 30 others at Fort Seal while yelling “Allahu Akbar”, a known terrorist phrase. He had contact with Anwar al-Awlaki a known terrorist, and even had on his business cards SOA (Soldier of Allah) which is used by the terrorist; to add insult to injury, this administration refuses to classify this as an Act of Terror.

I was one of the last people out of Iraq in December 2011 when we were pulling out, we were taking fire but by Executive Direction” were not allowed to return fire and lost several troops. You can say whatever you want but I lived it and was there, were you.

In Benghazi we had munitions above but not allowed to release, how do I know? You had a former seal on the ground lazing a target and they wouldn’t have done it accidently, a seal wouldn’t make that mistake. The QRF (Quick Reaction Force) was given a stand down order and wasn’t allowed to help; how do I know, I know someone who was assigned to them. Honestly I didn’t think it was possible that politicians would be this stupid until I seen the Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell and then AFRICOM commander General Carter Ham stating, “We knew almost immediately Benghazi was a terrorist attack”; then I knew it was true. Incidentally, General Carter Ham was relieved of his command shortly afterwards his testimony by this administration. The QRF was ready to do their job, what they have trained for, and wasn’t allowed to; instead they watched Americans die.

Would this bring your morale down, it does ours in the military, especially when you know you could have saved another American’s life and you weren’t allowed to. When the military is used as a social engineering experiment, nothing but bad can come from it and this is what we have had since day one with this administration. Everything this administration has done in regards to the military has been done for political reasons with total disregard with how it will affect the military, even having the present give a half ass salute with a coffee cup in his saluting hand; you cannot disrespect the military much more than that. Don’t get me wrong, the disrespect comes from both parties; the liberals within both parties are at the most fault but both parties are at fault. The liberals hate the military and since there are less and less vets in a voting bloc, taking care of our vets have fallen further and further behind, even behind the illegals on our country and you wonder why the military’s morale is sinking. When you have people in charge of the military who hate the military and even the first lady who makes statements like, “All this for a stupid flag”, the same flag which covers our dead troop’s coffins with the “Commander and Chief” agreeing, you don’t need much more reason. Prince Harry who is English royalty fought for his country, showing his patriotism but how many “American Royalty” children would ever join the military to support and defend their country? Will Chelsea Clinton, Paul Pelosi, Matthew Martell (Lisa Murkowski’s son), Claire McConnell; or even one of President Obama’s kids; the odds are strongly against it, liberals never give back, they just take, the opposite of the military who always gives.

Police Brutality: Stark Differences Over Michael Brown and Eric Garner Cases

My point has been proven unfortunately; I said when you take a thug like Michael Brown who was waiting on his court date for assault, who had just robbed a store, who had just assaulted a store owner, and assaulted a cop, then try to make him a poster child for “Police Brutality”, you are screwed in the head and will loose momentum or fail to get traction when it really happens. Now let’s take a look at Eric Garner, he had a criminal record but he also had a job and in his later years was known as the “Neighborhood Peacemaker”. They said he was resisting arrest but If you watch the video you will not see what I would call resisting arrest, or at least not in a violent way. This is where the liberal theology (both Democrat and Republican) comes into play and is actually was a contributor to his death. He was being arrested for selling single cigarettes without paying taxes; didn’t he pay the taxes when he bought them? The liberal theology says get all the money you can through taxes, it says you will be enslaved to our rules or suffer our wrath, and it says we will show you we can violate your US Constitutional rights and get away with it. Eric Garner lost his life because the liberals need control over all your life, and enforcement of that control no matter what happens to you.

Now let’s look at the cop’s side of things. With the Michael Brown incident you have Officer Darren Wilson who has had a perfectly clean record up to this point with no complaints or disciplinary actions and the race baiters want to say he was just looking to shoot a black man. These people are worthless just like the reporter who put his whole family at risk when she gave out his home address. In this case, this is where a thug met a cop and the cop did his job, if the thug would have followed the cops directions he would have still been alive. Now let’s look at Officer Daniel Pantaleo who put the illegal choke hold on Eric Garner that ended up killing him. The police department says he didn’t use a choke hold and it wasn’t illegal, just not allowed; wouldn’t that make it against police policies? Below is the Army’s Choke Hold view and Officer Daniel Pantaleo Choke hold, they are identical. 

Daniel Pantaleo had already been subject of two civil rights lawsuits in 2013 for falsely arresting and being over aggressive even ordering two black men to strip in the street (which is illegal); the charges against the men were dismissed. Now the grand Jury with all races just dismissed Officer Daniel Pantaleo charges as doing nothing wrong. If you have liberal judges who can limit what you can see, then you have basically seen a warning given to the community, mess with us and the same can happen to you; I wonder why they don’t trust the cops?

I am almost always on the cop’s side but I am a realist and if it is wrong, it is wrong. I would say on average 95% of all police are good people just wanting to do their jobs but many become drunk in their power or the Department they work for makes them worse to the public by having quotas, someone must be arrested in this event, or you must enforce these stupid rules the local government has made like taxing a single cigarette. The police has brought miss trust of their communities on themselves as well by having the “Blue Flu” when the unions don’t get their way, protecting bad cops behind the “Blue Curtain” because cops don’t rat on cops, and even taking things personal when they should be professional. I have cops in my family and it is interesting to see what they talk about when you’re just being quite and they don’t realize you are still there.

This is why there is so much distrust in police, the 5% taints the image of the other 95%, and when was the last time you seen a cop just walking the neighborhoods saying hi to the citizens, or when someone has a problem and needs to talk to a cop, the first instinct of the cop isn’t to arrest someone but try to constructively help the situation; this is how you gain a communities trust. But many of the cops are frustrated, the liberal legal systems release good collars before the police have even finished the paperwork. I have a friend in California who arrested an illegal alien MS13 gangbanger, the man was deported and all was well until my friend seen him on the same corner again 2 weeks later and here is were the liberal rub comes into play. Even though my friend knew he was in the country illegally, even though my friend knew he was a violent criminal, and even though my friend knew he was going to commit other crimes, according to California law, he can not touch him because he hasn’t seen him committed a crime; wait, wasn’t coming into this country illegally a crime? The police get frustrated and I understand but the citizens in these areas keep voting these same liberal politicians in who are making these same idiotic laws with the after effect of being less safe and then want to blame the cops for their problems; they need to look in the mirror. Get away from this Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi liberal mind set and start voting for politicians who believe in the Constitution and protecting our rights. Once you start getting the liberal judges out of the Supreme Court and all lower courts, then we will move away from the unrest we have today because when a criminal, civilian or cop, commits a crime, they will go to jail.

Why Hasn’t Race Relations Gotten Better?

It has been 50 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It has been just under 50 years since the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that prohibits racial discrimination in voting. Shortly after the Voting Rights Act we had the Civil Rights Act of 1968 that provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin and made it a federal crime to “by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin.” In 2008 we elected the first black president in the history of the United States. So why are we still having race problems?

The truth is unsettling, but the truth is it has to do with greed and control just as much, if not more than race; the other problem is you have more racist from the black community who get passes because they are black that a white person would never get, isn’t this discrimination? When you have one group allowed to openly call other races by racist terms, are they not racist? Whenever you have words that are fine for one group to say but not another group, this is discrimination. If the word is so bad one group can’t say it, no group should say it. You then have people who are suppose to be leaders and reverends of God in these communities using racist term and stoking racist flames which I’m sure God wouldn’t give a pass on but our media does and in many cases even helps them for ratings. When you have these types of Community, Congressional, and Spiritual leaders who instead of trying to help race relations, fan the hatred instead, you have to ask why? It is all about greed and power. The saddest part about this is we have Congressman doing this who claims to be against racism but I believe they mean they are against racism against their race only, isn’t this racism.

Many of these Community, Congressional, and Spiritual leaders will lose any control they have over their people, constituents, and congregations if they ever found out what is known as true freedom. They have been telling their people, constituents, and congregations what to think, who to vote for, what is best for them, and those are the ones lying that their people, constituents, and congregations have never went out to verify what is the truth. They have been giving all the entitlements out to prevent prosperity in this group because entitlements keep them enslaved and unable to achieve the American Dream. If you go to any impoverished third world country you will see a mass amount of fatherless children, you will see a lack of education from indoctrination, you will see respect for other’s rights not taught, you will see it is us against them being taught, you will see zealots fanning the flames of discontent, you will see violence to settle disputes, you will see non-trusting of the police, and you will see the people being told what to think and believe; this is exactly what many of our Community, Congressional, and Spiritual leaders are doing in these communities so they will not lose their power. If there were no more racial issues, who would lose their power, influence, standing, and most of all their money; this is the same Community, Congressional, and Spiritual leaders who keep stoking the hatred and lying to their people, constituents, and congregations.

The biggest problem will happen when you really do have a racial problem happen and most people will turn a blind eye toward it because wolf has been cried too many times. I was in the military forever and race for the most part had no bearing on anything, we cared more about “do you have my back” then what is your race. This is how communities were acting in most area I visited in the 1980s but now it has changed and the only people you need to blame is the Community, Congressional, and Spiritual leaders. When you have your law makers ignoring evidence and provoking negative responses instead of supporting the truth, you have a problem. When you have religious leaders threaten to “Tear this God D@mn Country apart” over the Ferguson shooting, there is something wrong. If you really want to see who is causing the deaths in your community all you have to do is look to the Community, Congressional, and Spiritual leaders who preach violence, lack of respect toward other, lack of respect toward authority figures, and they are the same ones enslaving you with entitlements.

United States Secretary of Defense-No Takers-Why?

President Obama has accomplished many things, civil unrest, economic hardship, none protection of the home land, but the worse of all removal of the military and its defense. I was in the military for 27 years, was an Arabic translator, and I do believe I have a good handle on what is going on in the Arabia Peninsula; that being said, I would listen to my military leaders and use their experience and knowledge to make the best possible choices. From day one all President Obama has cared about is marginalizing our military; he has no ideal about the workings of the military and would never even of thought of enlisting to give anything back to our country because it is beneath him. He as most liberals, hates the military and undermines the massive years of experience to do what he believes in his academia mind will work even though history has already shown it will fail.

When President Obama first took office, he kept Robert M. Gates as Secretary of Defense, he was trying to figure out his policies and when it came to the military, he listen to Secretary Gates until it was time to switch from policies to politics. President Obama put into action the withdraw of troops from Iraq over the protest of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (all the lead generals) and Secretary Gates, it was explained to him that a great vacuum would happen and Al Qaeda could come sweeping into Iraq. He and Secretary of State Clinton used President Bush’s time line as the excuse, but could of moved it at will; while leaving they promised Iraq’s leadership that if they had problems they would come right back in to help. To add insult to injury to the US military, while driving out from Iraq, the military by executive order was not allowed to engage any hostile forces from which they took fire. Secretary Gates, who started January 2008 after finding out the details of the president’s plan on 1 July 2011, turned in his resignation, he didn’t want to be a part of any unnecessary military deaths due to a reckless policy; 72 were killed and more than 170 wounded.

Leon Panetta took over and soon found out that President Obama was micromanaging all aspects of the Department of Defense even though he had no clue about the military and making catastrophic blunders which would hurt our military for years. The number of killing sharply rose in Iraq and ISIS/ISIL started killing Iraqis in January 2012 (yes, they have been around that long) and Iraq asked for our help but it fell on death ears; the promises made by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton were not honored and began the death of tens of thousands of men, women, and children. When confronted about ISIS/ISIL, President Obama laughed them off as a “Junior Varsity team” and nothing to worry about. After fighting with the president about the true threat presented by ISIS/ISIL and being ignored, Leon Panetta resigned on 27 February 2013.

President Obama frustrated with the picks for Secretary of Defense who deserted him decided to pick a liberal yes man ringer so as not to have any more problems and Chuck Hagel was put into place. Chuck Hagel was not qualified for the job and knew the best way to succeed at the job was to listen to his military leaders and use their experience and knowledge to make the best possible choices, this was an excellent move but President Obama didn’t want a producer, he wanted a “Yes Man” in his Secretary of Defense’s seat to push whatever agenda he wanted to push. After looking at the data and talking to his military leaders, Secretary Hagel understood that ISIS/ISIL was a huge threat to the US and kept voicing his concerns to President Obama but it kept falling on death ears. After starting air strikes to appease the public, Secretary Hagel confronted him again on the limitations placed on air strikes, 900 would easily be carried out before on a day and we were only doing about 300 a month. Chuck Hagel openly defied President Obama expressing his true evaluation to the media about the dangers of ISIS/ISIL to the US and was immediately asked to resign and did on 24 Nov 2014.

Now we have a bigger problem, we currently have not had a Secretary of Defense from 24 November 2014 to Present and everyone that President Obama has requested so far (three of them) has turned him down. Would you want to be in a position where you were micro managed, had no say so in actions taken, but would be the skate goat if anything went wrong? We currently have an open boarder with a very versatile and barbaric enemy who want to kill us at any chance but every time a Muslim terrorist attacks us stateside, it is called “Work Place Violence.” Is it going to take another 911 for us to wake back up? What will happen if we have one under President Obama, will he surrender? President Obama and the liberals have successfully gutted our military, bringing it to below the WWII level and now they can’t even find someone to run it; do you feel safe?

Ferguson-Looking for a Modern Day Lynching

It amazes me how people want justice but only on their terms and only if it goes the way they think it should. Our country has a history which in some cases is not something to brag about. The Democrat created and controlled KKK was the military arm of the Democrats who murdered southern Republicans politicians as well as thousands of minorities, mainly blacks in not just southern states, but any state they were allowed in which at one time was all the states. What many may not realize is these lynchings were not only carried out by a mob but many times by the government officials trying to appease their people, they would cry wolf even when no wolf was around like what happened in Rosewood Florida in 1923. A white woman after some said being denied attention by a black man claimed she was raped, the white people, many associated with the Democratic party and KKK without checking any facts or even caring about the evidence set out and murdered all the blacks in Rosewood, only 9 survived.

Today, it is ironic that we have the same type scenario playing out again in Ferguson and the once oppressed are doing the oppressing. Michael Brown, a black man who with drugs in his system had just committed assault and robbed a store, allegedly then attacked a cop and was killed. He did commit a crime unlike the people at Rosewood but yet many on his side are calling for the officer, Darren Wilson, a white man to be lynched no matter what the evidence says. Ask yourself a question, if this would have been a black cop would this be going on, NO. Do the thugs who descended on really care about Michael Brown, NO, if they did, they wouldn’t have destroyed and looted the store owners and residence property, most of whom are minorities themselves including the store owner who Michael Brown robbed; they only care about stealing and raising chaos. Their leaders have caused this, no matter what happens, if it was done at the hands of a white person it was unjust, but more blacks are killed by other black with no other group coming close and nothing comes from the leaders to try and fix this problem.

The problem is the Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson type of leaders are not leaders, they are instigators and scam artist, they don’t care about Michael Brown, they only care about stoking up the flames of the race war, because without it, they are nothing. They have a very long history of doing this and if you allow racism from any race to taint the judicial process then don’t complain the next time a Rosewood happens. Eric holder is already accused this man of being guilty without any evidence but wouldn’t indict the New Black Panthers of Voter Intimidation even with video evidence; wasn’t the purpose of the KKK to intimidate voters? Would you like it if a white president with a white attorney general did the same for the KKK? I don’t think so and I would not be on their side either, many out there including the Ferguson protesters have to realize something, injustice is injustice; no matter what race is committing it. Calling for the lynching of Darren Wilson and destroying the businesses at Ferguson makes the Ferguson protesters no better than the members of the KKK who in 1923 massacred, all but 9 of the people at Rosewood.Two wrongs do not make a right.

Do the Voters Matter? Politics Causing Problems in America.

I am not for the Democrats or the Republicans; I am on the side of America and the true American citizens and we need to get back to what is best for our Country and its citizens. What has changed and weakened our Country, what has both the Democratic and Republican parties done to hurt our country, can you tell them apart because sometimes I can’t tell one from the other. Both parties have damaged America but I do believe the liberals from both parties are responsible for the majority of the destruction.

We have these stanch party voters who always vote strait ballot, this is all they know, and there truly isn’t much difference between establishment Democrats and Republicans. Both have raised taxes, both have spent more than taken in, both have lied to the American people, both bow to special interest groups, both have cut the military, both has thrown religious freedom under the bus, both has allowed agencies (IRS, EPA, FDA, BLM, CIA, NSA, FBI) to rape the people, both have allowed activist judges to run rough shot on American citizens, and both have undermined the US constitution; so what is the difference? The 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 10th Amendments have been trampled on to the point that it has become a badge of honor for many liberal politicians to take their own cut at them. Many of the peoples picks to be their representatives are pushed aside for the representatives the Democrat and Republican establishment want, even to the point of shutting down primaries by both parties to shoe in their picks; this isn’t what our Founding Fathers would want or the American Citizens. We need to research the politicians before you vote in the primary and get rid of the Nancy Pelosi and John McCain types who are destroying this country.

The first problem we have is with our Free Press, they are to be the watch dogs to ensure the government is doing everything on the up and up and report it to the people. Our current “Press” refuses to do their duty of exposing and reporting abuse of power or illegal actions by all politicians equally. Currently it depends on if they like the politician in office; if two politicians do the same offence, they will report on the one and bury the other like the reporting on Mr. Guber, one station will have 20 stories on this important item yet other will have none because it reflects badly on the current administration. The current press leadership, like at CNBC have even silenced reporters like Melissa Francis if they report unfavorably on President Obama, telling her it was “disrespecting the office of the President” to report the truth. She is a Harvard economic graduate and when she said the numbers didn’t add up for Obamacare she was shut down; what she said turned out to be the absolute truth. Your political view shouldn’t have an influence on your reporting; if you can’t be honest and impartial when reporting on a story to the American people, you need to find a new job. I believe Thomas Jefferson had it right.

"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost. The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure." Thomas Jefferson

There is a difference from “disrespecting the office of the President” like was done by CNBC to President Bush and telling the truth about a president lying no matter if it is President Bush or President Obama. The National Press has failed our country, our citizens, and our Constitution by covering up lies of one politician and inventing lies against another. Keeping the water “Pure” means telling the truth and not covering up the truth; I’m not sure if our current National press even knows what the word “Truth” means, it’s all about their agenda; the purpose of the press is pointed out by former Supreme Court Justices William Orville Douglas and Justice Hugo Black.

“The dominant purpose of the First Amendment was to prohibit the widespread practice of government suppression of embarrassing information.” William Orville Douglas

"The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have [to] bare the secrets of government and inform the people." Hugo Black

When the press withholds information from the people it comes at the detriment of our country and freedoms, many time people have voted the wrong person into office because the truth about that person was covered up or the news didn’t vet a false statement to find the truth because it fit their agenda. James Madison, one of our founding fathers I think had it right.

"Nothing could be more irrational than to give the people power, and to withhold from them information without which power is abused. A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with power which knowledge gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both. James Madison

Currently we have the Federal Court system with judges who are to interpret the laws; instead they are making laws to promote their political activism. The people will vote in a measure which is the US Constitutional procedure just to have an activist judge throw it out as UN-constitutional is wrong; it’s kind of ironic these judges are violating the constitutional procedures by claiming them as UN-constitutional. These judges are suppose to put an injunction on it if it challenged until the state Supreme Court rules, if challenged in the state Supreme Court then the injunction remains until its last stop of challenges at the US Supreme Court, but instead they just strike them down. It seems the law doesn’t matter to these activist judges, only their agenda matters. I think Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman had it right with Founding Father Thomas Jefferson nailing it home.

“We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts–not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” Harry Truman

"One single object [will merit] the endless gratitude of the society: that of restraining the judges from usurping legislation." Thomas Jefferson

Let’s be fair to both sides, Democrats and Republican administrations have lied and as in 2006, when the people were fed up with the lies and ineptness from the Republican controlled Congress, the people voted the Republicans out just as we seen just happen in 2014 with the Democrats. The people are tired of all the overreach and lies from President Obama and his administration just like President Bush’s Administration in 2006. The big difference this time is when the Republicans were voted out in 2006, President Bush heard the people and did what they requested but President Obama has decided the people don’t matter; he will do whatever he wants. His weapon against the people is the Executive Order which was set up at the beginning of our country to take actions on national emergencies when Congress was not in session, back then it could take weeks to get Congress back to the Capital and something needed to be quickly done which congress could dismiss once back in secession. Executive Orders are not needed anymore; we need to do away with executive orders, line item vetoes, and attaching bills to other bills to pass pork spending. Agencies like the IRS, EPA, FDA and LBM just to name a few need to have completely open books and removed from operating in the dark; if it is being done in the dark, it is probably immoral, illegal, or both and as a cockroach, will disappear when the light of transparency to turned on. These groups along with others have been by passing the US Congress and making regulatory mandates which are laws and are UN-constitutional. Congress did this so when these groups did something unpopular, congress could claim it wasn’t them. Abraham Lincoln had it right.

“We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts–not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln

The one item that makes us the most vulnerable is the fact that neither party has secured the border and in the current administrations action, even opened it up more to allow illegals to enter. I have no problem with people wanting to come to the US to make a better life but do it legally. No nation out there except the US has open borders like this, and this doesn’t keep our family, friends, or country safe; the boarders need to be secured. Before we help any non US citizens we need to take care of our own citizens first. Currently 16-24 year old US citizens have a 40.8 percent unemployment rate; Chicago’s black teen unemployment rate is 92% so who did you vote for? This is due to bad policies but mainly due to all the illegals in the country, they are being used as slave labor in many cases and will always work for less. The 16-24 year old US citizens needs these jobs to start their future and learn trades for a career. Neither party has been taking care of our citizens first; when are we going to be for our citizens instead of every other country’s citizens? Definitely not President Obama, he is mad because the Democrats lost the majorly first in the House in 2012 and then the Senate in the 2014 election. He is throwing a temper tantrum to get back at the people who rejected him and in true liberal fashion, will once again use Executive Action UN-constitutionally to try and grant amnesty; our president refuses to go by the law and US Constitution. With an Executive Order, President Obama will once again overstep his authority, but what will congress do? I believe our founding fathers had it right.

The very definition of tyranny is when all powers are gathered under one place." James Madison

We definitely have a problem with our economy and much of it has to do with over taxing, people not paying taxes, and our government preventing the US from playing on a level field. To have a vibrant economy you need to keep watering it, not taking all the water away (taxation.) You cannot kill the profit of a person or business through over taxing and expect it to flourish; you will destroy its will and drive. In the exit poll taken after the last election, the number one concern of all Americans was the economy yet the liberals from all parties refuse to support legislation which would boost our economy (Keystone Pipeline); 77% of Americans were worried about the economy with 22% no worried. The poll shows 78% of Americans do not trust the government and granting amnesty is at the bottom of the list for importance with 40% polled saying deport all illegals. What is the focus of President Obama, to give Amnesty illegally by Executive order to 5 million illegals; he isn’t listening to the people. The economy is what needs fixed and as you can see today, both our political parties have become drunk on the amount of money they can force the taxpayer to give them which at current rates is legal robbery. When taxes first came out it was only 2%, now it is 39%, a 1950% increase; the politicians will not be happy till we all have no money left. The tax code is so convoluted even tax experts have problems understanding it; and as we have seen in recent history, the liberals were using the IRS, EPA and others to target political opponents; this cannot happen and this is why 78% of Americans do not trust the government. We need a simple tax code that prevents the rouge politicians from targeting opponents and federal prevents the government from raping the people as is happening currently.

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. Patrick Henry

Try this out for size, no taxing on income until your make $30K then it is 1% for every $1K over the $30K until you reach 10% at $40K; the percentage will never go up; no matter how much you make, your federal tax will never go above 10% of your income. You’ll only have 5 deductions, school expenses, medical expenses, church tithes, charitable giving, and primary residence tax deduction. On the primary residence tax deduction, you can only deduct it until you make $500K income then no deduction; the best part is there is no death tax. Once you turn 62 you only pay 5% on your retirement income and investments unless you make less than below $40K, at that point you minus .5% per $1K below $40K. So if you made $33K, you would only pay 1.5% tax. You can never get more then you pay in so if you pay in $3K, your max possible return will be $3K. Now let’s talk businesses, you have a flat 10% for all businesses big or small with no deferments. Foreigners who have businesses will pay from the time they legally step on our soil, the same amount as Americans do with no caveats, if you can’t keep your business going and cannot find a job, you will be deported if you are not a naturalized citizen. For tax purposes you only need two types of business statuses, tax exempt and non tax exempt. Any business caught paying under the table will receive a 25% tax of their last year’s net income. Any country that doesn’t lower their pollution levels (China and India) will have a tariff levied on their imports.

To further help our economy we will not pay any money to countries, who allow Human Trafficking (slavery), child brides, child executions, restrictions on the rights of women, persecute other religions. Remove all treaties which sent any American jobs out of our country, we need to work at bringing our manufacturing base back to America that the liberal establishment has ran off. We also give way too much money away to countries who hate our guts; if they don’t like us why give them our money? All recipients of tax payers money for entitlements will fall into the same oversight as federal workers, they will do jobs for the state, county, city, completing 30 hours a week if they do not have a job and will be required to take random drug test. If they fail their drug test, they will be sent through rehab. If they fail again they will be sent through rehab again. If they fail a third time, all benefits will be revoked until they can pass 45 days of testing drug free. You will only be able to receive benefits for 36 months out of a ten year period. You will only be able to buy basic items with your Bridge Cards (food cards) (milk, cheese, eggs, ect) with no luxury items (no stakes, alcohol, cigarettes, ect.) If you are caught using your Bridge Card for anything other than its attended purpose, such as bying other people food so they will give you cash as an example, you will receive one warning; on the second offence you will lose your Bridge Card for 30 days, third offence 90 days, and fourth offence permanently. If you are on entitlements, you will not get paid extra for kids, the father mother must be named with DNA verification to validate accusations. The absent parent will pay to help offset the states burden, if they cannot or will not pay, they, no matter of gender, will go to jail for being a dead beat parent. We have 47+ agencies doing the same job of entitlements, with many recipients receiving the same help from two different agencies (double dipping). Make one agency with five regions and an individual manager of each state using lean management as the template. This will make these programs more efficient, traceable, and accountable saving the tax payer’s money.

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson

“An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation.” John Marshall
Education will be sent back to the states, we were always between 1st and 3rd in the world education rankings before the development of the Department of Education, and we need to return. Every state will have a voucher program, if you want to go to a public school or a private school, the choice will be left to the parents. The schools will teach Reading Writing, Arithmetic, Science, Social Studies, ect. Any topic taught with opposing views will have equal time given to the subject; if evolution is given 10 hours than creation will be given 10 hours, if Muslim Culture is given 5 hours then Christian Culture will be given 5 hours, and so on. Vocational Schools will be reinstated, like it or not, not everyone is meant to go to college. Any coed public school or college who discriminates on race, sex, ethnic group, or sexual orientation will lose federal funding. Any coed private school or college who discriminates on race, sex, or ethnic group will lose federal funding. An in residence Reform schools will be set up in all 50 states to send violent, unruly students; this can be removed if parents take full responsibility for their child’s actions and there is a change in attitude, if violent action remains the student will be removed and sent to the Reform School. If it is deemed the parents can afford it, they will be billed for their child’s stay.

New Hampshire Fishing Industry Targeted By Liberals

You didn’t learn, did you New Hampshire, and now you’re about to lose 75% of your fishing industry due to the liberals you keep voting in office who care more about special interest groups then you; but don’t worry, the rest of New England is in the same boat not to put too fine a point on it. I told you a while back that once the liberal’s special interest groups started targeting industries like the coal and oil industries your fishing industry would be next, I guess I was right. The liberals, mostly Democrats care more about the special interest environmentalist groups then New England’s livelihood which is the fishing industry. The New Hampshire people voted liberal activist Maggie Hassan back in as Governor, Jeanne Shaheen in as Senator, and expected them to stand up for the people over the environmental groups who fund them; good luck on that one. New Hampshire, your State Senate and State House are more liberals and for special interest group, both Republican and Democrats than for the people so you lose again by your own vote.

You need to start reading, watching, and checking what your politicians are voting for, it can greatly affect you as it is doing right now. I don’t believe what any politician says; I look at their voting record to see what they stand for and who they stand with. In this case, your liberal politicians have shown their priorities with a six-month ban on fishing and a next year fishing catch cut of 75%; your politicians are with the far left leaning environmentalist, not you. The question is, will you learn from this overreach and elect better people? The Fishing Industries are going to be screwed for the next few years due to these liberals taking your freedoms, but will you learn from this or keep giving your rights away? If you want more government control over your life, if you want to live as a subject instead of a citizen, if you want your children and grand children to be enslaved by all the government overreach that creeps in and slowly takes your rights every year, keep voting for the liberal Democrats and Republicans and you will achieve your goal.

If you want your freedoms, you want the government to stay out of your business; you want to be a citizen instead of a subject, then do not vote liberals like Jeanne Shaheen who voted against the Constitution many times. She voted against the 1st Amendment violating religious rights, gun owner’s rights (2, 3, 4), 4th Amendment violations EPA non-warrant search, and more then I can list here; so she is not for your Constitutional Rights. But let’s ask, what did she vote against; nay to the balance budget amendment, nay to the prevent earmarks, nay to not allowing government internet censoring, nay to the Keystone Pipe Line, nay to the not allowing the president to raise the debt limit without congress, and nay to smoker’s rights, and there are many more. I am a health type person and would like to know what is in the food I buy at the store but she voted against the requirement of food being labeled when GMO; Monsanto’s is the biggest GMO special interest groups who gives massive amounts of money to liberals. I don’t have the room to put them all but you can look it up at or the congress GOV site. Does she support the ability for the poor to get a better education, the answer is No; if she did she would help sponsor S. 1968, “Scholarships for Kids Act” but she nor any liberals will because the big business unions are more important and worthy then our children.

It is really simple to me, I am not a Democrat or Republican but I am an American and I am tired of our politicians putting socialistic agendas before our country and its citizens. The reason alternative fuels doesn’t work is because there are so much regulatory crap holding back what we could do that we can’t reach our potential; regulations which are supported by your liberal Senator Jeanne Shaheen. You only need to ask yourself, what is best for America and the American people as a whole to come up with the answers. The liberal politicians from both sides of the isle only want more power and money; this is the reason they have now targeted the Fishing Industry because those environmentalist will give them more money.

I believe in 100% taking care of the environment but not killing our country in the process and sending all our jobs overseas to let others pollute there area instead. We import more from China than any other place yet they pollute almost 2 times more, have more slave labor, and refuse to comply with any emission standards. If our politicians are seriously want to cut worldwide pollution, then they need to have the balls to ban the products coming from the countries that produce the most pollution like China and India until they use the same standard as we do. This will not happen because China is the number one political contributor to both parties in US elections. Our fake environmentally champion (our politicians) are hypocrites, they will keep hammering Americans like the Coal and Fish Industry but they won’t touch their number one contributor, China.