
Is Black Lives Matters (BLM) Racist or Hateful?

Before we get started, I loathe racism and discrimination from any group, I guess you can say the only people I am prejudice against is prejudice people. This was the way my dad raised us and it was only reinforced by the time I spent in the military where it didn’t matter what race or gender your battle buddy was, they had your back and you had theirs. I notices that all races and genders had brilliant people within their ranks as well as idiots and racist. I got in trouble in the military (many, many years ago) for standing up against racist within our ranks, I suffered the retaliation of their perceived betrayal but I would do it again because it was the right thing to do. When I retired out of the military, I rarely saw any racism or sexism still in the military or community but pounced on it every chance when it showed its ugly head. Today I see more racism or sexism then I did when I retired in 2008, it’s from all groups, not only the KKK and Arian Nation, but also La Raza, New Black Panthers (NBP) and yes, BLM. When we peel away the layers of lies and falsehoods, you’ll see Black Lives Matter (BLM) as it truly stands, either a racist, destructive, and hateful, entity or not.

Discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. Let me show you what I am talking about.

If you can use the N-word without backlash and I can’t (never have or will) that is discrimination.

If you can say you will make a better decision because of your race, gender, religious preference, or group you belong to that is discrimination.

If you blame any gender or race for your position in life and the consequences you have suffered for your own mistakes that is discrimination.

If you say one gender or race is superior or matters more than another that is discrimination.

There are racist in all races but what we can’t let happen is people being bullied for telling the truth. University of Virginia Professor Douglas Muir pointed out the fact that BLM is the most violent racist group in America since the KKK. He is correct but instead of being praised for fighting against violence, he was condemned because it wasn’t politically correct and went against the liberal ideology. When someone is attacked because they speak the truth which goes against either the conservative or liberal view, this is wrong; the truth should be what really matters, not an agenda. In Nashville Tennessee, BLM had been meeting for months at the library, they had one rule, “no whiteys.” They were given the choice to let all attend or leave because it was racist; they left. This points to the group as being racist.

What does BLM want? According to BLM spokes people, their plan cover the following but I did rearrange them for this article; they are as follows:

I am all for the following:

Requiring officers to wear body cameras.

Providing more training for police officers.

Making standards for reporting police use of deadly force.

Implementing police union contracts that hold officers accountable for misconduct.

Independently investigating and prosecuting police misconduct.

Ending for-profit policing practices.

(I would add having a national database of all police officers and their promotions, awards, evaluations, disciplinary actions, and reason for termination.)

The following I do not agree with and will state why.

Ending "broken windows" policing, which aggressively polices minor crimes in an attempt to stop larger ones.

(So you want the police not to enforce the law, which is the reason we are in this mess to begin with; No thanks.)

Using community oversight for misconduct rather than having police decide what consequences officers face.

(As we saw in Ferguson, the community lied about what happened, the Brown’s own pathologist said Michael Brown’s hands were not up and he was running at the cop. The evidence and truth needs to be what matters not someone’s emotional state and desire for revenge. This being said, if a cop did act inappropriately like in the Eric Garner case, something needs to be done. Maybe we need a national review board for Police involved deaths so local politics don’t get involved. Eric Garner was murdered by the cops but Michael Brown was justified.)

Having the racial makeup of police departments reflect the communities they serve.

(I would agree with this accept if you don’t have anyone applying of a particular race then you can’t get the people. Also, does this mean everywhere its 95% white that 95% of the police force should be white? Both way are discriminatory, the best person, no matter of race or gender, is who should be picked for the job.)

Ending the police use of military equipment

(If the equipment saves police lives or helps them bust criminals, it should remain in place. I do believe in many large cities the police need to get back to protect and SERVE instead of targeting people they may not like. There is problems in many big city police forces, many dealing with crimes the police commit, like DUIs, assault, and intimidation being covered up by higher up which is called the “Blue Line” you don’t cross. I back the police 100% except in these type of situations or for example, the Fresno Deputy Police Chief busted for Drug Charges, the Miami Garden’s Police Chief busted for prostitution, or the 3 New York Police Commanders busted for vast corruption. I would say 95% of cops are good but there are bad cops and the cops need to police their own back yard as well.)

Unfortunately, BLM incites violence and glorifies Assata Shakur, a convicted cop killer and domestic terrorist as a hero using her writings and materials to train other BLM personnel. Assata Shakur was a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army, both groups identified by the FBI as domestic terrorist.

A phrase was used on a Facebook by a BLM co-founder posting was “Melanin”. The medical dictionary defines Melanin as: “The pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color. Dark-skinned people have more melanin in their skin than light-skinned people. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes. It provides some protection again skin damage from the sun, and the melanocytes increase their production of melanin in response to sun exposure. Freckles, which occur in people of all races, are small, concentrated areas of increased melanin production.” When researched, it has no connection to mental aptitude or intelligence of a person, in other words how intelligent you are has absolutely nothing to do with skin color.

The co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, Yusra Khogali, stated, “White ppl are genetically defect of blackness.” “Melanin is directly linked to the strength of neuro systems affecting capacities like intelligence, memory, and creativity.” What would happen if I was a “White Lives Matter” co-founder and made the same statement but in reverse about Black people? The News Media would be all over me in a heartbeat; where is the bias News Media? Where are the politicians, or maybe even the Congressional Black Caucus denouncing this racist statement? Where are the boycotts against all BLM rallies for making racist statements? If BLM is a non-racist group, why haven’t they themselves asked or forced Yusra Khogali to leave? These statements by BLM’s Yusra Khogali is not only racist but is not founded in any type of creditable science. This is as bad as when people tried to use Genesis 9:25 or Song of Solomon 1:5-6 to say blacks where an inferior to whites; both are equally idiotic racist statements.

BLM New York representative Autumn Marie stated “All Lives Matter” slogan is “racist and anti-American.” Doesn’t this sound racist to you? Here are some more BLM quotes.

“White bitches can’t be raped, they can be attacked but not raped. Rape requires institutional power over an individual.” Jamarcus Jackson

“Knowing the white genocide is coming makes life in America bearable.” negradamus

There are hundreds of more, some even worse. All are racist.

Saying only one race matters is racist. All lives matters including Blue Lives. The reason the police in some big city communities are looked at as the enemy is because those communities are ran by criminals. In many cases the only parent the children may have in these communities is the gang members. Parents are either working 2 or 3 jobs, trying to make ends meet or druggies, alcoholics, or entitlement receivers who don’t get entitlements because they need them, but because they are too lazy to work or be a good parent.

How do you fix the problem? First, the community has to want to change because no one can force anyone to change. The need to realize that no one can make you inferior or a lesser person without your permission. Second, hate, violence, and blaming someone else will never get you out of your current situation, only hard work will. I served a long time in the military for the right of people to protest, but when just about every BLM event turns into destroying other people’s property, you have just lost all legitimacy. Police use to walk the communities to let people know you are there for them, it needs to start back. Community should include the police as family and the police need to do likewise; not roaming “preachers” who preach nothing but hate and incite violence. If BLM want to say they are not violent and racist, the next time thugs start to riot at a BLM protest, you BLM must shut them down, if you do, you might be able to gain some credibility; if you don’t, then everything I pointed out here about you is true. The choice is yours, help with the solution or be just another problem.

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