
PC Allowing Home Grown Islamic Terrorism and Funding It

First, we need to get back to reality and away from Political Correctness (PC) because people are dying every day because of it; the sad part is this is preventable. I could talk about the deaths from the Illegal Aliens in our country caused by PC. I could talk about the deaths from the FDA and Pharmaceutical companies not allowing cures into the US because they make more money off treatments than cures. What I am going to talk about is Home Grown Islamic Terrorism and how PC has allowed these murders to make our government and justice system a laughing stock. 

Before I get started I would like to recognize Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen cut ties with Qatar over Qatar’s support of terrorism. My next question is why do they allow and condone terrorism and human rights violations in their own countries. Child brides, genital mutilation, LGBT killings, violation of female rights, even condoning murders through honor killings, and the refusal to allow any other religion in their countries (minus Egypt). On top of this, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen shut down news outlets if they utter a word against the government or shows the truth about their country. Why do I tell you this? I tell you this because this is why Radical Islam exists, to do their dirty work. Every one of them support CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) which the FBI has identified as a supporter of terrorism in America.

President Barack Obama directed the FBI to work with Muslim leaders to suppress jihadi attacks. He appointed Mohamed Elibiary, a Muslim rights activist, to the Homeland Security Advisory Council who lobbied to reduce the FBI’s role in countering Islamic terrorism. To no surprise of people using common since, the White House’s “Countering Violent Extremism” program” failed. The FBI also had a graph which showed 35 Islamic Terrorist Training camps in the US. In 2008, an FBI report was given detailing many Muslim Domestic Terrorist Sites but under the Obama administration it was removed and Islamic surveillance was stopped. All of the people under surveillance had contact with known Islamic Terrorist overseas including the Orlando shooter. There are good Muslim people who just want to live in peace. Unfortunately, the Muslim community no matter where you go as a whole refuse to assimilate into the country and culture they go to eventually making a subculture where these Radical Muslims have safety. When we try and find them, PC says it isn’t random and you were profiling and discriminating. Common Since tells you Islamic Terrorist are Islamic so the only group you need to look at is Islamic groups.

The PC crowed is killing our justice system and safety by allowing PC to rule. Take the “Tell of Two Judges” (true story), one judge refused to let a Muslim lady testify in court unless she took off her hijab. The Muslim lady refused and refused to rise as the judge enter and left the court. For her disrespect and falsifying a police report, she was given six months in jail. The second Muslim lady when pulled over for vehicle violations, was confronted by the police and asked to remove her hijab and refused. She refused saying only her husband and Allah can tell her to remove her hijab cussing the cop and calling him a racist. She then stated he didn’t have the right to stop her, he wasn’t Muslim. The police officer trying to deescalate the situation wrote her a ticket and left. When it went to court, the judge stated, I can’t tell if this was her on the video or not because I cannot see her face and dismissed the case. So you are insensitive if you ask them to remove their hijab yet they get away with the crime because you can’t see their face; PC at its best. But let’s see how many Terrorist attacks after 911 in the US are home grown.

The latest Islamic Terror attack in London England in which ISIS claims responsibility was carried out by a group of men radicalized by Ahmad Musa Jibril, a Dearborn Michigan Salafi cleric. Yes, you heard me correct. In 2004 he was convicted on 42 charges including fraud, so why is he out of jail? PC, he is a cleric but not only a cleric, a Salafi cleric which supports ISIS 100%. The problem is you have Liberal PC idiots supporting people like Terrorist Apologist Linda Sarsour, a Radical US Muslim who calls for the destruction of America. Side Note, to all you in the LGBT community, do you really want to support people who support the one group of people who want you DEAD? Ms. Sarsour 100% supports terrorism, and was the commencement speaker at The City University of New York CUNY; great role model CUNY….Not! Muslim Countries are without a doubt the most bigoted places on earth. Several Muslim countries will not allow Jews to enter, yet Ms. Sarsour acts like these countries are the victim. Ms. Sarsour has been directly linked to terrorist organizations. She claims Trump is full of hate and divisiveness but the real hate and divisiveness comes from Islam and the countries who support terrorism.

Our PC bias media is also putting us into danger by their disinformation and flat out lies to push their Liberal agenda. MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts says President Trump is trying to provoke a terrorist attack on U.S. soil; hey Thomas, they have been doing terrorist attacks on the US since the Revolutionary war; don't you remember the Barbary Pirates? The Liberal NBC Nightly News stated, “We aren't relaying president's retweet, as the info is unconfirmed” yet anything President Obama said was taken as gospel and automatically considered confirmed. Can you say Hypocrites? Our PC bias media is so desperate, CNN was caught staging an Anti-ISIS Muslim protest, printing the signs and using the same people for two different protest; I wonder if they were paid. Many in the PC bias media were upset when President Trump criticized London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, who said that there was “no reason to be alarmed” following the London attacks. Your people just died and there is “no reason to be alarmed”? Think about that a minute. That is definitely a reason to be alarmed wouldn’t you say? You have these PC bias media people telling you “No attacker in the US was an immigrant” which is a flat out lie. Just since 2015, we have had 19 Radical Muslim attacks on American soil with 11 of the attackers being Home Grown and 8 being Refugees or immigrants. Not counting 911, we have had 174 people killed and 490 wounded by Radical Islam; this isn’t counting all the honor killings within the US.

In total since 1972, we have had no less than 3228 people murdered and 1848 people wounded by Radical Islamic Terrorist not counting all the honor killings. Overall in the US, 40% of these terrorist are coming from oversees both legal and illegal. The Liberal Left, PC Crowd, and Bias Media keep lying to the American public about these facts because it doesn’t go along with their agenda. You need to ask yourself a question, do you want America to be safe?

These Liberal PC Crowd are saying it is Pam Geller’s fault that 2 Home Grown Terrorist tried to kill her, that’s like saying it’s a ladies fault for being raped because of the way she dressed. They tried to kill her because of their ideology which says it is legal to kill an infidel or anyone else who insults anything they believe. In the eye of Islam, anyone who disrespected their prophet is to be killed. The irony here is Islam disrespects every prophet and deity out there. They disrespect Brahma, Buddha, Jesus, Vishnu, God, Coatlicue, Odin, and Jehovah and yet no one is to disrespect their prophet. They disrespect our laws, judges, police, and adhere to barbaric practice outlawed in the US. They bypass our laws and courts setting up illegal Sharia Courts while still practicing Child Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Stoning of Christians, and yes, Honor killings in the US. The Liberal PC crowd is the ones enabling all of this, the practicing Child Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Stoning of Christians, Honor killings, and the attacks we are suffering in the US.

Liberal, both Democrat and Republican prevent the protection of America and hide the truth about Radical Islam. I can’t believe we have idiots in our country who still vote the Liberal PC Politicians into office; especially New York and California. New York and California are the two states who have lost the most from PC leaders and their policies yet they still keep putting them back into office. Einstein once stated that insanity was doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Think about that the next time your friend, family member, or first responder is killed due to a PC policies. The only one to blame is yourself.

What do you think?

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