
Liberals and Islam

Not counting the 911 Islamic Terrorist attacks, Islamic Terrorist attacks within the US show 14.3% of people le have died in conservative states and 85.7% of people have died in Liberal States. The reason for this difference is conservatives protects citizens and their rights, Liberal do not. In the US, you can see the same result with the top 10 most violent cities and top 10 cities in financial trouble; all ran by Liberals. Liberals running your schools, your collages, your cities, your state, and your country have a record of not protecting their students, citizens, or military. President Obama’s ROE (Rules of Engagement), which are the president’s military direction to the troops on how they engage the enemy, caused 307% more military casualties then under President Bush. President Obama’s yearly average was over 216 US military KIAs, President Bush was 70.5, and so far this year; President Trump has 15 KIAs. The Liberal President Obama’s, who refused to listen to the military leaders, set forth his ROE causing many unneeded military deaths, to prevent offending the enemy and Islamic community.

I wrote in September about “Practicing to Perfect Jihad” and stated, “This is what we have been seeing not only in Europe, but also in America with the solo Islamic Jihad attacks. Intelligence organizations have discovered that Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook allow western Jihadi terrorist organizations to have unfettered access. The Jihadist on these social media websites spread and teach Jihad, passing out their Tactics Techniques and Procedures and Lesson Learned to help the next Jihadist group make their attacks even more efficient.” I pointed out the FBI identified CAIR (Council on American–Islamic Relations) as a Terrorist Organization for funding terrorist, so why are they allowed to remain in the US? The French searched 260 Mosques, shutting 160 down, that is 61.53% of the Mosques searched had “War Fighting Weapons”, this means machine guns, explosives, and RPGs (rocket propelled Grenades). How many Mosques would close if we searched all 3,200 Mosques in the US? Politically Correct (PC) Liberals says mosques are worship places only. In the Islam beliefs, the mosque is the center of all Islamic functions and Beliefs. Unfortunately this includes their place to prepare for Jihad against all non-Muslims or as they say, infidels. We are the infidels!

The PC Liberals will never identify the truth of how Islam believes ALL in the LGBT community are to be treated; this is why Liberals cannot protect them.  Islam hates the LGBT community, this straight out of their mouths, not mine, for proof just look at the Pulse Night Club shooting. Liberal President Obama and AG Eric Holder to prevent offending the Islamic community, handcuffed the FBI and Law Enforcement, stopping them from investigating Omar Mateen, who was the Pulse Night Club shooter. The Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando could have prevented if the Liberals would not of turned our countries citizens safety into a social experiment.

Liberal President Obama and AG Lorretta Lynch let Sayfullo Saipov into the country under President Obama’s modified Diversity Visa Program. They once again ordered the FBI to stop another investigation on Sayfullo Saipov. He was not a US citizen, he was from Uzbekistan, which borders Afghanistan, and the FBI had found possible connections to terrorism. On October 31, 2017, Mr. Saipov drove a rented pickup truck through a crowded bike path for several blocks while yelling, “Allahu akbar (God is great), the phase terrorist use during a terrorist attack.” His rampage finally ended when he crashing into a yellow school bus and a NYPD officer shot him (good job). The NYPD later found a note in the vehicle claiming the Manhattan attack, which left. 8 dead 11 injured, was done for ISIS; I guess the FBI was right yet again. What I had warned you about months ago has happened again, unfortunately both these attacks combined yielded 57 people murdered from Liberal Political Correctness. Liberals enabled these Islamic Terrorist attacks due to their arrogance and idiocy just as their ROE enabled an extra 1,165 military members killed. All of these deaths were preventable but due to Political Correctness, the flagship of the Liberal party. Liberal leaders will not protect you.

The problem in the country with Islamic Terror is multi fold and our elected officials from both sides create much of the problems. President Obama’s modified Diversity Visa Program took away the merit-based program making it a lottery on one side (E-2) and a pay to get in on the other side (EB-5). The people coming in had no proper vetting performed, or tracked, if China can keep track of nearly 100 million visitor every year, why can we not keep track of 1 million. We did not learn from 911 to track all in the US who are not citizens or may be a threat. Instead, we have politicians like Hillary Clinton giving deals to the father (Khizr M. Khan), of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq to attack Candidate Trump. Candidate Trump fired back; pointing out Hillary Clinton’s State Department allowed Mr. Khan to start a business, as an immigration lawyer, through the modified Diversity Visa Program. Candidate Trump then pointed out the fact Mr. Khan was not picking out people to come here on their merit, but on if they could pay his price. Mr. Khan starting price was $500,000, after which receiving he donated a percentage to the Clinton Foundation, I wonder why. This is one of the problems.

The other problem is you must recognize and understand your enemy, make no mistake, Radical Islam is our enemy, and liberals refuse to do either. The Quran is one of the forces behind Radical Islam but the teaching of Sharia Law is probably the core reason. Six of the highest immigrants from Islamic countries come from Malaysia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine according to the Census Bureau. Of these immigrants to the US, Per Research center asked them questions about their faith. First, should Sharia Law apply to all people, even non-Muslim? The answer and average of these six countries was “Yes” by 52%. Second, should the law of the land be Sharia Law? The answer and average of these six countries was “Yes” by 83.8%. Third, is it right to execute anyone who leave the Muslim religion? The answer and average of these six countries was “Yes” by 75.2%. Fourth, is it right to execute anyone who is from the LGBT community? The answer and average of all-Islamic countries was “Yes” by 92.2%. Fifth, are women bound to males, in the family, with no rights under Sharia Law? “Yes” by 76.2%. This pole is questioning Muslims living in the US. If you want freedom, you cannot be for Sharia Law. Our politicians need to ban Sharia Law out right in the US immediately, and then you will not have the genital mutilation of 100 little girls by their relatives who are following Sharia Law. The majority of American Muslims do not believe in American Laws, American Laws “Do not apply to them”, only Sharia Law. This is a problem.

We must stop allowing the creation of sub-cultures, like the Islamic Religion sub-culture in America. This allows Muslims (or any group) to make and use their own rule of law voiding American law. This allows Sharia Law to thrive, which allows attacks on other faiths, the enslaving of women, Child Brides as young as eight years old, Genital Mutilation, attacks on the LGBT community, and Honor Killings. If you offend this moral idea, they will attack. If you do not believe me, just ask them. Muslim Amina Ali Ahra, 30, dressed in a burka, grabbed the American Flag off Dami Arno property and started beating her with it. Why, because Ms. Arno was flying an American flag to honor our troops for Memorial Day and it was offensive to Islam according to Ms. Ahra. Does this sound like a peaceful Muslim to you? In a public setting, in Dearborn Michigan, you can watch Muslims throwing stone at Christians walking by, is this not a hate crime? If you are Muslim and want to live in peace in America, following our laws, and treat EVERYONE with respect, welcome. If you are Muslim and want Sharia Law, want to disrespect everyone not like you, preach hate in your Mosque, and commit the atrocities mentioned above, LEAVE MY COUNTRY! This is what the politicians need to do, but this does not follow the Liberal agenda. Sense all the evidence in America is in plain sight and still ignored by the Liberals, you need to decide if you want to sell your freedom, and your kid’s freedom to back these politicians or back politicians who will make you safe; especially you in the LGBT community. Both the Liberal Democrat and Republican politicians need to go, they will destroy our country.

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