
Identity Politics

Identity Politics (or Identitarian Politics) - A political style that focuses on personal characteristics, including, but not limited to, race, religion, atheism, sex, gender, ethnicity, ideology, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, culture, shared history, medical conditions, and other ways in which people differ from each other, and into which they may be classified or classify themselves.

Discrimination - Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the personal characteristics, including, but not limited to, race, religion, atheism, sex, gender, ethnicity, ideology, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, culture, shared history, medical conditions, and other.

Does “Identity Politics” not sound like “Discrimination?” Identity Politics cares only for a singular person or group, is very divisive, and in many cases is racist, sexist, involves class discrimination, or lookism, and is a selfish, imperious display. A good example of this is the phrase “Black Lives Matter”; should it not be “All Lives Matter”? If you say “All Lives Matter” than you are, according to some people’s thinking, a racist, but if you say “Black Lives Matter” you are not. This is a Liberal mind set to divide the country because it is easier to control all Americans if they are fighting each other.

We should judge a person or group on their meritocracy, the accomplishments they make instead of race, religion, sex, gender, ethnicity, ideology, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, culture, shared history, medical conditions, and others. Many people and groups hate this idea because it would judge them on their accomplishments; this would make them loose their victim status. Think about it, everyone rated as a number, not identifying as any race, gender, political party, or economic status; judged on your merit and nothing else. The only people who would not like this would be the ones trying to control all American citizens and the American citizens who want everything given to them because they are too lazy to work for the American Dream! These same people believe you owe them a free ride just because and first responders are all bad until they need them.

I want America to get rid of all discrimination within our boarders; in fact, I want discrimination gone across the world. Whenever you use race, religion, sex, gender, ethnicity, ideology, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, culture, shared history, medical conditions, or others to decide if a person or group qualify or do not for assistance, you are discriminating. This is the way of the Liberals. They are the ones discriminating, while blaming everyone who disagrees with them of discrimination. Let us look at getting a business loan from our government. I have a white male friend, who started a business, when he did this; he put everything in his wife’s name. I asked him why he did this if she was going to have no part in his business. He informed me that by her being a minority female, she could get more in business grants where him being a white male, could only get 60% of what she received. This is discrimination. If you hate discrimination, no matter your race, you would have to agree. If you are OK with discrimination as long as it goes in your favor, you are a bigot.

Look at the Detroit mayor race where you had Mike Duggan and Coleman Young II who ran for mayor. Mike Duggan, who is white, is currently the mayor of a town predominantly black; none of this should be a factor. Coleman Young Sr., a former Detroit mayor and a notorious criminal, is the father of Coleman Young II, the challenger for mayor who is black; none of this should be a factor. Fox 2 news on a show called “Let It Rip” had four black high school seniors on to talk about the mayor’s race. When asked about the candidates, their responses where very foretelling. In one response, one young man said Dugan would be the best, he has helped the city so far and is doing a good job; the other stated Young because he was black. Young may be the best person but you should never vote for someone because of the color of their skin or gender. This is discrimination; I know the young man, even though it is, never meant it disrespectfully or discriminatory. This is how he, along with most living in big Liberal cities have been brainwashed to think. Only minorities can help minorities. This is why the top ten most violent, poor, and financially indebted cities are that way; you cannot vote for a non-Liberal, non –Democrat, or a non-establishment person; in some places you can’t even vote for a different race. This is the epitome of their problems and it is Identity Politics.

When you discriminate, your ignorance can hurt your group more than, if you had not. In Detroit, there are many outreach programs set up to help the downtown residents, who are mostly black and improvised, have a better chance at getting a job and making a better life. I am a geek, I teach Microsoft along with many other programs, which in many cases are requirements to get a decent job. I have volunteered at no less than five, and more like nine, of these community outreach programs to help give these people a helping hand to a better life. Do you know how many times I have been called to give this helping hand? I have been called ZERO times to help; the only thing I can figure out, they do not want my help because I look different from them; is that not stupid! I have the ability to give these people a hand up to make a better life for themselves and the organizers do not want my help because I look different. If you were drowning in water, would you take my hand? Of course, so why not when you are drowning due to lack of knowledge? This is discrimination.

Dick Durbin and Diane Feinstein gave nominee to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Amy Barret the majority of her questions on her beliefs as a Catholic, not on her ability as a judge. They were giving her a religious test during her questioning which is illegal by the law, but when have Liberals ever followed the law. What would happen if a Conservative Congressman questioned a Liberal nominee on their religion of abortion? I say this because Dick Durbin and Diane Feinstein real question is what is her stance on abortion? This was a trap set to find a way to oppose a great judge who has always followed the letter of the law as written, never being an activist judge. We do have problems with activist judges; they need removed when found trying to make law instead of interpret the law. They are using their position to pervert the legal system for political reasons, which is classic example of Identity Politics and the reason Americans do not trust our justice system.

In America, one of our greatest legacies has been our ability to have people identify as whatever they wanted, agree to disagree, and then go have a drink after work. In the 1970s and 1980s, if you had an identity group pop up which used “Identity Politics” like the KKK, Black Panthers, Earth Liberation Force, or others, the acid they spewed didn’t go very far because Americans from all walks of life would say it was wrong. The groups were still able to preach their hate but they were in check until about 1988 when the New Black Panthers, who now had Civil Rights lawyers on their side, used the law to spew and spread their hate and they started to divide the country. This was the foothold that Identity Politics needed.

Slavery was a dark time in our history, which we cannot change. People have distorted this part of our history for political reasons, not accuracy, which I will show you. Three items you need to take from this. First, you cannot change what has happened in our past. Second, no living American, born in America has ever been a slave or slave owner as relating to America before September 22 1862, and the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Third, most Americans do not even know the true history of the abomination of slavery in America; many do not want to because it goes against their agenda. Before I go any further, if you do not want to know the truth, stop reading.

Much of the hostility we see today is America’s past slavery and perceived oppression, stoked by people (Example-Al Sharpton, etc.) using race, to produce racial tensions, for them to make a living. They are distorting the past and present, to push an agenda, and it is destroying many American minorities who are living in the past instead of the present or striving for the future. Many will say that I do not understand but on my dad’s side, many were slaves; Irish and Indian slaves. Every race, including whites, were slaves in America, but the group with the highest slave population was not blacks (24,000), but Native Americans (51,000). The biggest suppliers of slaves to the world, including America, was the Arab slave traders, not European. The first person to partition to be a slave owner in the new America was Anthony Johnson (1600–1670), a black Angolan, who was a freed black indentured slave. Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, selling their captives or prisoners of war to buyers. Slave traders bought these captives, being not of the African King’s tribe, considered these people as “other”, along with tribal criminals. Sense then, Identity Politics has been dividing our country. It stokes the flames of racism from all groups, which is not good for the melting pot. Every American citizen has the ability and opportunity to succeed no matter his or her race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or other. If you do not succeed, it is because you are lazy or failed; lazy I cannot do anything about. However, if you fail, get up a try again; eventually you will succeed as long as you do not give up. 

Below are quotes.

“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” - John F. Kennedy

“A good and bright future depends on learning from the past without dwelling on it. Our country and we have made mistakes in the past, which we cannot change; if you dwell on them, you will never be able to have joy in the present or future.” - Sargent G.

“Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.” - Dale Turner

“When you forgive, you in no way change the past, but you sure do change the future.” - Bernard Meltzer

“To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it, it is over. It can hurt you no more.” - Mandy Hale

“Letting yesterday affect today will only destroy the excitement of tomorrow.” - Michelle Cruz-Rosado

“Rehashing thoughts of painful events from the past or imagining negative events of the future is self-abuse and can be more destructive than physical harm.” - Maddy Malhotra

“Why should you live in the past when the present already has everything that you need to start a new beginning?” - Edmond Mbiaka

“You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday.” - Charles Kettering

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