
What is the Real Russia Connection?

For a year, I have heard nothing on the news sites except for President Trump colluded with the Russians to fix the election. All the bias Liberal news media showed was this talking point repeatedly and that they had to expose anyone who was colluding with the Russians. Now a find, a real Russian connection, it was trying to manipulate the election, but it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC, not President Trump, and the bias Liberal Media refuses to cover it. Their refusal to cover the Hillary Clinton Russia Scandal is why the American People do not trust the media anymore. The media does not report the truth; it reports a political party’s talking points and pushes their agenda.Now
Former Democratic National Committee interim chair Donna Brazile exposes illegalities of Hillary and still nothing.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) chief John Koskinen, a stanch Liberal Democrat appointed by President Obama, finally admits the IRS was targeting conservatives and the Tea Party. Is this not election tampering? The FBI, when Mr. Robert Mueller headed it, soft-pedaled an investigation highly embarrassing to Mrs. Clinton as well as the Obama Russia reset policy. This same Mueller is now investigating President Trump. This shows the FBI was either thoroughly incompetent or corrupt. Sense James Comey was caught purposely leaking information to try and hinder or damage President Trumps agenda it looks possible that the FBI made have acted in very political ways. Is soft-pedaling an investigation, starting another knowingly on false information, and leaking information by the FBI not election tampering? In 2010, President Obama’s Justice Department put a gag order on former FBI informant involved in a high-profile Russia bribery case. The informant can now provide information and documents on the Obama-era Moscow’s uranium deals (if he lives that long). He can speak about the Uranium One and Clinton Foundation involvement in corruption and bribery in the uranium market on. They put gag order in place in front of the 2012 elections. Is this not election tampering? Just so, you know, yes, all these are election tampering.

Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and Democratic Operative James Clapper said it does not matter who paid for the Trump dossier. Yes it does, an independent investigation launched against the President based on falsified information is the reason. Top Democrats deny knowing about Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Marc Elias paying the Russians to pay Fusion GPS, a known producer of fictitious documents, to produce the Trump dossier.  He may have had a part in the dossier; this also begs to ask if President then candidate trump was being wiretapped by Clapper to benefit Hillary. We know of a denied request from the Obama administration in June 2016, was there an accepted one after that? This could explain leaked information on a meeting between two people and neither did the leaking. 

The Trump dossier, indirectly paid for by the Clinton Foundation, at the request of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta and former Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but they say they knew nothing. Do you really believe the leaders of the DNC do not know where their money is going? I do not believe them either. This is how dishonest and lawless Liberal Democrats are, even to the point of committing murder. The DNC servers were hacked, and damaging information was leaked. Iit is a Federal mandate the FBI and CIA investigate and inspect the servers for terroristic acts both foreign (CIA) and domestic (FBI). The DNC refused to give up the servers stating they would have a third party look into it. Shortly after, DNC Staffer Seth Rich who we now know was the hacker and the source of the leak was murdered. Do you really think this was a coincidence?

Democratic Politicians refuse to talk about the Podesta Group, which Russia funds, who lobby Democratic Politicians for Russia’s interest. Would this be Russian collusion? California Congressman Brad Sherman (D) said, “President Trump should be impeached for obstructing justice.” This because President Trump fired the person leaking classified documents to both the Democrats and media, which was FBI Director James Comey. Is Mr. Comey’s actions not called Treason?

Treason- The offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

Yes, according to Webster’s Dictionary this is Treason. The other side of this is the way the DNC and Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier violated Campaign Finance Laws. This Hillary Clinton dossier would count as Treason just as James Comey so where are the charges.

Let us step back and look at the real Russian Collusion. Robert Mueller was FBI Director and withheld evidence, even from Congress and the Intelligence committee on the sale of 20% of the US uranium. The evidence showed Russian officials were engaged in a bribery scheme aimed at growing their atomic energy business inside the United States. While this was happening  Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech, Uranium One’s chair donated $2.35 million to Hillary Clinton’s campaign not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, and the Clinton Foundation received $250 million from foreign entities. Of course the Clinton Foundation gave political donations to Hillary Clintons presidential run. Would this not be a pay-off for 20% of our uranium? Injecting $250 million into a presidential campaign by a foreign government, is this not collusion? Foreign entities cannot donate to elections.

Let us take a quick look at just a short few congress people and what they should have received and what they did receive. 
  • Anthony Weiner (D-NY) convicted of 'sexting' a 15-year-old girl and made to sign the sexual offenders register. (2017). 15 to 20 years sentence, he gets 21 months. 
  • Corrine Brown (D-FL) convicted on 18 felony counts of wire and tax fraud, conspiracy, lying to federal investigators, and other corruption charges. (2017) Law states up to 20 years per charge. Sentencing is in November, bet she gets less than 5 years. 
  • Chaka Fattah (D-PA) convicted on 23 counts of racketeering, fraud, and other corruption charges. (2016) Law states up to 20 years per charge. Sentenced to 10 years. 
  • Dennis Hastert (R-IL) Speaker of the United States House of Representatives pleaded guilty in court for illegally structuring bank transactions related to payment of $3.5 million to quash allegations of sexual misconduct with a student when he was a high school teacher and coach decades ago. (2016) Law states up to 15 years. Sentenced to 18 months. 
  • Michael Grimm (R-NY) pleaded guilty of felony tax evasion. This was the fourth count in a 20-count indictment brought against him for improper use of campaign funds. (2015) Law states up to 20 years per charge. Sentenced to 7 months. 
  • Rick Renzi (R-AZ) found guilty on 17 of 32 counts against him June 12, 2013, including wire fraud, conspiracy, extortion, racketeering, money laundering and making false statements to insurance regulators. (2013) Law states up to 20 years per charge. Sentenced to 3 years. 
  • Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) originally charged with felonies including trying to buy President Obama’s seat, pleaded guilty February 20, 2013, to one count of wire and mail fraud in connection with his misuse of $750,000 in campaign funds. Law states up to 20 years per charge; Jackson sentenced to two and one-half years. (2013) 
  • Laura Richardson (D-CA) found guilty on seven counts of violating US House rules by improperly using her staff to campaign for her, destroying the evidence and tampering with witness testimony. Law states up to 13 years per charge; she paid $10,000. fine (2012) 
  • Ted Kennedy (D-MA) in 1969 left Mary Jo Kopechne to suffocate after wrecking his car and waited until the next morning to call the authorities. Mary Jo Kopechne was pregnant with Ted’s baby even though he was married to Joan Bennett. At the least Kennedy should have been charged with manslaughter, instead he was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and given 2 months in jail suspended of course.
None of these sentences is the same as the common every day citizen would have received; they are much lighter because they are politicians. We are a country of laws and no one, not even a politician should be above the law. The entire above are bad but there is a much bigger picture, which is worse. The corrupt politicians are putting our National Security at risk for self-benefit instead of what is best for our country. When any politician or celebrity commits a crime, their punishment should be the same as any common person. Just as we know Harvey Weinstein and others have preyed on many in Hollywood, our politicians have been preying on the American people. We need to expose all corruption within all parties of our politicians; they are bleeding the working class of America. Only we as Americans can stop it and we can only stop it if we come together as one.

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