
Republican Liberals Just as Stupid as Democrat Liberals

Our politicians need to quit lying, making up falsities, and playing identity politics; this happens on both sides. President Trump came up with a tax plan that when I read it sounded good, but off the bat without even reading it Democrats called it a catastrophe; is that like the catastrophe you voted in without reading? No matter which side comes up with a plan, it should be supported on its merit and if it is the best for the country. To show the ignorance and brain washing Liberals are doing at our collages, I will show you two tapes I found from Campus Reform.

Campus Reform showed Liberal college students, whom despised President Trump, his tax plan, which they had bashed, until Campus Reform said the tax plan was Bernie Sanders. Before this they asked student about what President Obama did (apology tour, stimulus package, relax law suite regulations) in his first 100 days in office but accredited it to President Trump. They hated it and I even heard them use the word “impeachment”, why did they not say that with President Obama’s name attached if it was so bad? Liberals Democrats push an agenda not good for our country and lie at every step when the brainwashing does not work; but Liberal Republicans or establishment Republicans are just as bad.

US Representative (R-NY) King says the new President Trump Tax Bill will hurt his middle class people from New York. He then turns around and tells the interviewer that the New York middle class, the police, firefighters, and teachers will be hurt because they make $300k a year, which is the group that lost some exemptions. Did he just say people making $300k are middle-income families? According to the Census Bureau and a study by the Pew Research Center, the Upper Middle Class ends at an income of over $150,000 dollars a year. The median or average income across the US, according to the Census Bureau, was $59,039 in 2016. Let us look at the facts.

The median or average police officer’s pay, according to the Census Bureau, in the US is $58,320; the highest is Santa Clara, California at a median or average of $118,920. The median or average firefighter’s pay, according to the Census Bureau, in the US is $41,799; the highest is Oakland California at a median or average of $80,700. The median or average teacher’s pay, according to the Census Bureau, in the US is $57,200; the highest is Anchorage Alaska at a median or average of $82,020. How are any of these people making $300k a year? Two from any group would not make $300k. It is just like when US Representative Nancy Pelosi said, “If we did not past the $825 Billion dollar stimulus package 500 million Americans would lose their jobs”. Mrs. Pelosi, the total US population is only 323 million. This was a lie just like none of the police, firefighters, or teachers US Representative (R-NY) King pointed out fall into the people making $300k a year, he is protecting his friends.

You have people like Senator Lindsey Graham, an establishment republican who lied about what President Trump stated. I hate all racist groups from the KKK to the New Black Panthers but like it or not, and I do not, they have freedom of speech to spew their hate. The incident in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned violent when anti-white supremacist protesters (who I support 100% until they use violence) started throwing rocks at the KKK, neo-Nazis & white supremacists people. At this point James Alex Fields Jr. took his car and ran over the anti-white supremacist killing Heather Heyer and injuring 19 other people. Graham falsely stated that President Trump said, “There is moral equivalency between the KKK, neo-Nazis & white supremacists and people like Ms. Heyer,” which was false. What President Trump said was they were both responsible for the violence, which is true. Ask yourself, “If the anti-white supremacist protesters had not started throwing rocks, would Heather Heyer still be alive?” The answer is most likely yes. A political Establishment Liberal Republican Senator once again lied. The ironic piece is he is my senator who I have voted for every time. I can guarantee you I will never vote for him again.

The establishment politicians cover for other establishment politicians because they have control of everything. If you buck the system or you are not an establishment person, the establishment, both Democrat and Republican, will take you out by any means necessary. To show you, let us look at two politicians, Roy Moore and Senator Bob Menendez, and their treatment by the establishment.

Roy Moore ran against establishment pick Luther Strange. For 50 years, Moore has had an unblemished record, but he spit in the face of the establishment, now he must pay. The establishment must take him down, they wait till 30 days before the election, giving Moore no time to defend himself, and says he harassed women 40 years ago (knowing this is a trigger issue), which cannot be proven or disproved. The first accuser turned out to be a Hillary Clinton campaign operative; go figure, so they had to find others, none of which can show paths crossing with Moore. Ask yourself, why did they wait until 30 days before the election? It is tactical planning for character assassination; no time to defend yourself, no time to vet the accusers, and when dealing with a known trigger, sexual harassment, you are guilt even if proven innocent. The establishment wants to ensure this non-establishment person has no chance so the Republican establishment, Mitch McConnell for one, says he believes the women, though he himself has not vetted them. Establishment Republican McConnell would rather have an establishment Democrat in office than a non-establishment Republican. Let us Lie Detector them all and see who blinks first, I bet it is not Moore.

Flip the coin and you have Establishment Democrat from New Jersey, Senator Bob Menendez, who has close ties to Bill Clinton. While married, before being selected to replace Jon Corzine, Menendez had sexual relations with an aid; sounds familiar. The establishment still put him in office knowing he was a sexual predator. When wealthy Jeffery Epstein, a registered sex offender and pimp, was busted for pimping underage girls, linking Menendez to underage prostitutes, lawyers also ran across Bill Clinton’s emails and telephone number a minimum of 21 times. Menendez was caught having sex with underage prostitutes and is currently on trial for corruption and bribery charges yet no Democratic or Republican has ask him to step down or said a word like they have against Moore. Senator Menendez has been caught red handed as a sexual predator, along with, as we know, Bill Clinton.

We have one establishment senator, Menendez, guilty without a doubt and none of the establishment politicians or news media says a thing, there is no outcry. Why? You have another, Moore, caught in what looks to be a political character assassination attempt and all the establishment politicians come out in droves. Can the corrupt establishment politicians be any more obvious? These people, establishment Democrats and Republicans, are destroying our country. On the Republican side it includes, but is not limited to, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Bob Cocker, Mark Kirk, and Dean Heller, none of which can tell the truth. On the Democratic side, it is just as bad with establishment members Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Barbra Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and Patrick Leahy. I hand honorable mentions to US Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Eleanor Holmes Norton from the Democrats and Chris Gibson, Charlie Dent, Michael Grimm from the republican who are not a senators, but give them a race for their money when it comes to lying, making false statements, and robbing the American people. These politicians are the swamp who have been raping our country, our states, and the American people for decades. They need removed!

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