
They are not Treated the Same

It is so idiotic that political attacks and posturing remain when people are at risk of sexual attacks. The “Stopping of Sexual Predators” should be every politician and media’s main goal, yet we have both the media and our politicians undermining the fight for their agendas and political gains. Should not the agendas and political grand standing stop when it is a subject like sexual attacks. Should not the media give accolades or exposure to all involved?

You have two congressional representatives working to prevent, expose, and end Sexual misconduct within our lawmakers; they are Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) and Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.); both have only been in the US Congress sense 2013. The Congressmen who have been there for decades are the problem; they believe the US Congress is theirs to run the way they want. The ones who have been there for decades and new about these abuses and did nothing are the ones who need to go to ensure effective change. Several politicians in the party of the accused have asked they stay until after voting; this is disgusting and shows these politicians do not care about the victims, only the votes they can get. One female Congresswoman came out and said one of the accused was too much of an “Icon” to remove. Therefore, you think a “Sexual Predator” is an “Icon” and a good “Role Model”, maybe if he kept his “Icon” in his pants; he would still be there to be a Role Model. These politicians do this because they have been in office way too long and care more for their pocket book and party then the American people; these politicians all have 15 or more years in the US Congress. We need to put term limits on the US Congress and remove the top 23 Senators and top 96 Representatives, who have 15 years or more in office. The US Congress was never set up to be a career, but into a career, it has become. They are the ones who fostered the Sexual Predator environment and did not say a word. They are the ones who now want
Sexual Predator back for voting.

The US Congress works for the US Citizens yet the Congressional Complaint Office refuses to release data on the 264 known harassment settlements. Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) plans legislation to unseal congressional records of taxpayer money used to pay for sexual harassment settlements. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), plans legislation to make members of Congress personally liable for harassment settlements against them. These are two Congressmen from opposing parties stepping up to do what is right. Unfortunately some places we go thinking these “Fact Sites” are accurate turn out not to be. I have said for years that Snopes, a fact checking site, had errored on many occasions and refused to fix the information when it is leaning their way. A Snopes Question was “Did Congress Use a 'Slush Fund' to pay $17 Million to Women They Sexually Harassed?” which we know is true yet Snopes has it marked “False”; wrong again.

To fix this problem we need to be brutally honest about the problem. A dog does not change its spots so if they were sexually assaulting people in the past that behavior will not change in the present. If you come to me and say a Congressman, whom you work for, sexually assaulted you, your credibility is higher, and more believed then if you work for his opponent. We have watched as many who are guilty go down for sexually assaulted (rightfully so), and many who are innocent, but blamed for sexually assaulted, go down (should not happen) right beside them. Unfortunately, you are automatically guilty if anyone accuses you even if there is zero evidence.

Here are some tattletale signs of being truthful or lying. If there is a history of complaints against an individual for several years, more than likely the person is guilty because as I said, a dog do not change its spots. When you see postings and ads wanting to pay people for dirt on a candidate, it is 100% a political hit piece. When there are pictures or video showing you committing the act, you are 100% guilty. If everything comes out right before an election but not in the primary from an outside source, it is most likely false and a political hit piece especially if the winner of the primary was not an establishment candidate. What is worse is our politicians in some cases know their opponent is innocent but do not have the integrity or class to say so because “Winning at any cost” is their moto. A way we can fix this is by using a Lie Detector. If you have an accuser, ask them to take a lie detector test to give them more credibility and ask the accused to do the same. The answer will come out quickly and more times than not without even taking the test. If you find the accuser purposely for money, power, revenge, notoriety or political reasons lied, they need to go to jail; they have damaged the true victims more than they have damaged the political candidate they unlawfully targeted. If you are curious, below is a list of all the accused from both parties that I could find.

Democrats (47)

Al Franken, Allan Howe, Andrea Ramsey, Anthony D. Weiner, Antonio Villaraigosa, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, Bob Filner, Bob Wise, Bobby Scott, Brock Adams, Chuck Robb, Dan Schoen, Daniel Inouye, David Paterson, David Wu, Eliot Spitzer, Eric Massa, Fred Richmond, Gary Condit, Gary Hart, Gavin Newsom, Gerry Studds, Gus Savage, Ira Silverstein, Jim McGreevey, John Andrew Young, John Conyers, John Edwards, John Young, Kwame Kilpatrick, Marc Dann, Matt Dababneh, Mel Reynolds, Neil Goldschmidt, Paul E. Patton, Paul J. Morrison, Paul Rosenthal, Raul Bocanegra, Roosevelt Dobbins, Ruben Kihuen, Sam Adams, Steve Lebsock, Teddy Kennedy, Tim Mahoney, Tony Mendoza, and Wayne Hays

Republicans (11)

Blake Farenthold, Bob Packwood, Dan Johnson, Dennis Hastert, Don Shooter, Donald Trump, George H.W. Bush, Mark Foley, Roy Moore, Trent Franks, and Wesley Goodman.

Do you want to guess which group is trying to block the 264 known harassment settlements from public released? Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) and Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) shows there are good on both sides, the politicians who think other politicians, where they have irrefutable proof they are sexual predators, should not resign shows the bad. If you really want to see the good and the bad, of all the non-politicians who have been listed as a sexual predators, how many politicians gave back the sexual predators campaign contributions?

My feelings about Sexual Assault.

Let me know what you think. If I missed anyone, send me his or her name and if confirmed, I will update the list.

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