
Islamic Terrorism within Our Borders

We have had many Islamic Imams within our country openly supporting terrorism and the annihilation of all Jews, the LBGT community, and any who do not follow their religion or beliefs. So where is the mainstream media? Why are they not covering this? Is this once again political correct Liberals putting the American people and America at risk for a political agenda? Do we have to have these Radicals walk into a school and open fire killing or blowing up hundreds of our children before anyone will do anything? Of course, if that did happen the Liberals would blame the gun instead of the root cause, which is Islam. Congressional testimony suggests radical Imams control 80% of the Mosques in the United States. We already have Muslims and Jihadist Training Camps in America, which the FBI pointed out. Islamic Imams in America are calling for the death of Americans and I see no politician wanting to touch the subject. Let us look.

Imam Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar from Iran was allowed a Visa by the Obama administration to come and preach his hate at the Husseini Islamic Center in Orlando. The focus of this sermon was all LGBT people must be executed. A few days later, after his 12 June 2016 sermon, Omar Mateen, a devout Muslim, attacked and killed 49 people and wounded 58 others in a Jihad terrorist attack at the Pulse, a LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Can you see the connection, our government cannot. Let us see what has happened over the last year.

19 May 2017 - Virginia Imam Shaker Elsayed endorsed the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), ordering it as an edict and defying US Law from his pulpit.

24 May 2017 – Hartford CT, Imam Abdul Hannan was arrested for illegally bring Radical Muslims into the U.S. Imam Abdul Hannan and Hafiz Abdul Hannan were associates of convicted immigration smuggler and jihadist preacher Muhammad Khalil.

2 Jun 2017 - Queens NY Islamic activist Sekou Odinga called for all minorities to arm for their self-defense and liberation.

9 Jun 2017 – Dearborn MI Cleric Ahmad Musa Jibril was directly behind the terrorist attacks carried out in London.

14 Jul 2017 - California Imam Ammar Shahin calls for the extermination of all Jews, he has also called for the overthrow of the US Government, removal of Democracy, and the US Constitution because they are idols replacing them with Sharia Law.

14 Jul 2017 – Connecticut Imam Zaid Shakir declares the US Constitution is inferior to Sharia Law and must be ignored and disbanded so Sharia Law can take over.

21 Jul 2017 - California Imam Ammar Shahin wants the death penalty mandated for all in the LGBT community.

11 Aug 2017 - South Carolina Imam Muhammad Adly: A Woman is her husband's prisoner and must obey him; men are better than women.

8 Dec 2017 - North Carolina Imam Abdullah Khadra calls for the killing of all Jews from his pulpit.

8 Dec 2017 - Houston Texas Imam Raed Saleh Al-Rousant stated, the Muslims will kill the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind the stones and the trees, [which] will say, “Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him”. This is the promise of Allah."

The hatred of these teaching is alive and well on our campuses, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a good example, which is one of the most hate filled anti-Sematic groups on earth. The SJP were caught fiscally supporting Hamas, a Terrorist Group, which means they are literally a domestic terrorist organization. They should be banned from campuses like the KKK. We need to protect America and all its occupants from these radicals. Do you agree?

Please let me know what you think.

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