
The Truth About Our Politicians

Our politicians at this time in America’s history are the most corrupt seen in our 242-year history. In the beginning, we had several political parties who sole purpose was protecting our country against all threats, foreign and domestic, they just had differing opinions on how to accomplish this feat. One group wanted to isolate America from all other places and be completely self-reliant. Another group wanted to make treaties with everyone, no matter the cost, to bribe their enemies to leave them alone. In addition, there was several groups in-between. No matter how differing their views, they would always sit down and have an honest debate, sometimes heated, with no name calling, no lying about the facts, no hiding the facts, and no third parties torpedoing other’s reputations just to win an argument or election; that was until Liberalism and The Establishment showed up.

Today the biggest threat to our country is not the Democrat or Republican parties, but The Establishment and Liberals within these parties. The people of America spoke the last presidential election and elected Donald Trump, a non-establishment person who truthfully is not Democrat or Republican, but an arrogant annoying American. Both the Democratic and Republican party, from the Never Trumpers to Maxine Waters who is probably hands down the worse Congressperson in History, target Trump in any way they can. Both the Democratic and Republican establishments want him gone and are working together to ensure it happens. If we had an honest media, they would be exposing this, but as dishonest as the politicians are, in many cases the media is worse. What do us as Americans do? What do we do as a citizen when we have racist and sexist US Supreme Court Justices? What do we do when the heads of the CIA, FBI, EPA, IRS, DIA, and NSA are all pawns of The Establishment, politicalized when they are supposed to be completely devoid of a political allegiance? Why do many of these traitors to their country want the 2nd Amendment gone, because then, we will be void of the ability to do anything and turned from citizens to subjects. You will no longer have any US Constitutional right.

What we need to do is get rid of the outright establishment people like Mitch McConnell, Maxine Waters, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Elizabeth Warren, Marco Rubio, Cory Booker, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Dean Heller, Jamie Raskin, Lisa Murkowski, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Lindsey Graham, and Chuck Schumer just to name a few. We need all candidates who love America to start running as Independents so we can break up this establishment hold. We need to get these people out of office, the people who always vote for more for themselves but never to help the country. Like it or not, we do need LEGAL immigration to pick crops and do other jobs. Like it or not, according to the FBI statistics, 40% of all crime is committed by 3.5 percent of the population which is Illegal Aliens. We do need a wall but at the same time, we need to fix our Legal Immigration policies to expedite the workers we need. We need to keep our military strong and at the same time STOP the pork spending by both parties. If a US Congress person commits a crime, they need to be treated just like the common folk and sentenced accordingly, no more double standard.

With this pass budget bill, President Trump failed the American people; he should have vetoed the bill or did a Line Item Veto. President Trumps 19 areas he wanted to cut due to duplication or they are not needed any more, were all funded at or given more money; they are listed below.

African Development Foundation, Appalachian Regional Commission, Chemical Safety Board, Corporation for National and Community Service, Corporation for Public Broadcasting (NPR and PBS), Delta Regional Authority, Denali Commission, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Institute of Peace, Interagency Council on Homelessness, Inter-American Foundation, Legal Services Corporation, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, Northern Border Regional Commission, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, U.S. Trade and Development Agency, and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

You cannot blame this one on the Democrats because the Republicans wrote the Bill. President Trump should have been vetoed the bill on this point alone. This was the Republican and Democrat establishments thumbing their nose at not only President Trump, but also the American people and we, as the American people, need to put both the Democrat and Republican establishment politicians out of office. We need a turnover rate of 90% of all politicians in congress having both sides replaced by Independents. We need people reporting everything on the activist and corrupt judges, no matter which party put them in on the bench, so we can get them removed. Maybe then, we can get our country back.

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