
The Truth About Democrats and American Minorities

Immediately after the end of the Civil War, democrats did not want to allow minorities to have any power or equality in the southern states. Bitter over the Confederacy’s loss, many white Southern Democrats continue their discrimination of minorities, restricting the rights of former slaves, and terrorizing Republicans for being on the side of minorities. In 1872, the Louisiana Governor’s Race ended up won by a Republican, the Democrats with their “White League”, founders of the “Ku Klux Klan” was not having any of it. In 1872, the hatred from the previously slave owning Democrats toward the Republican-dominated federal government and minorities exploded. Fearing that local Democrats with their “White League” might try to seize control, the Grant Parish and an all-black militia took control of the local courthouse in April 1873. On April 13, some 150 former Confederate soldiers, Ku Klux Klan members, and the White League showed up at the courthouse and murdered between 60 and 150 of the all-black militia. The 150 blacks murdered, not counting the Republicans, is known today as the Colfax County Massacre. The massacre was reported across the country with 97 men being arrested, but with Democrats in nearly every judgeship, only nine were charged of violating the Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871, none was charged with murder.

At the same time the Ku Klux Klan and the White League where murdering people in Louisiana, the Red Shirts, a white supremacist paramilitary groups belonging to the Democratic party, set up shop in Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Louisiana. The Red Shirts, a Democratic Party private terror unit, adopted red shirts to make themselves more visible to enhance in the terrorism of Republicans and minorities starting in the 1875. Rich Democrats controlling the state legislature of these states, drafted bills to disfranchised minorities, poor whites, all other political groups, and the US Constitution. These Rich Democrats established poll taxes, literacy tests, and any other barriers they could to suppress minorities and poor whites.

On 5 February 1917, Democratic controls House and Democratic controlled Senate passes the Immigration Act of 1917, also known as the Asiatic Barred Zone Act, over the president’s veto. The Immigration Act of 1917 intent was to keep “undesirables” out of the country, with primary targets being minorities.

On 19 February 1942, Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the internment of Japanese Americans citizens, violating their US Constitutional Rights. On 14 April 1945, White House Correspondents’ Association Denies Black Reporter Access to FDR Funeral.

On 17 May 1954, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower pushed a case to the US Supreme Court where it declares Racial Segregation of Public Schools Unconstitutional.

On 10 June 1954, Democratic Governors from several southern states had a meeting in Richmond Virginia; their plan was to find a way to thwart the US Supreme Court order to desegregate schools.

On 12 March 1956, Democrat Senator Harry Byrd of Virginia rallied 101 of the 128 Southern State Congressmen to believe the United States Supreme Court's 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education was an overreach of power. The document was known as "The Southern Manifesto on Integration."

In 1957, Arkansas Democrat Governor Orval Faubus used the Arkansas National Guard to block the integration of minorities into public schools.  

In 1960, newly elected Georgia Democrat Governor Ernest Vandiver Jr. threatened to withhold all funding from any integrated school. Vandiver being a staunch opponent of integration, with his candidacy motto being "No, not one," referring to the number of black children that should be allowed to attend schools alongside white children.

In 1963, Alabama Democrat Governor George Wallace, after a stand to not integrate was forced to integrate. Tuskegee High School scheduled first day of integrated classes, Alabama Governor George Wallace ordered the school closed siting safety. The school reopened 1 week later, within a week all 175 white students had left to go to a Alabama State sponsored private white school set up by Alabama’s Democratic Governor. Alabama’s Democratic Governor did this in order to avoid school integration.

Democrat President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) was as prejudice as you can get, listen to LBJ’s 27 May 1964 call with Democrat Senator Richard Russell. While in Congress, LBJ repeatedly voted against protecting black Americans from lynching and he tried to cripple the C.R.A. of 1957 before sending it to Eisenhower. If you keep following this his trail you will see that where he is quoted as saying, "I'll have those n*****s voting Democrat for two-hundred years" The source of the “200 years” quote is Ronald Kessler’s 1995 book Inside the White House. Kessler got the quote from Robert MacMillan, an Air Force One steward who said LBJ uttered this comment to two governors during a conversation on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. With no protest over the remarks in the book and his racist history, this is probably a true quote.  

On 12 June 1967, the right leaning US Supreme Court struck down all state laws banning Interracial Marriage.

On 24 February 1994, Democratic Principle Hulond Humphries, of Randolph County High School in Wedowee, Alabama, threatened to cancel the high school prom if any interracial couples attended. Mr. Humphries, who later won a Democratic Primary, threat and remarks polarized the community.

On 16 March 1995, Mississippi Ratifies Thirteenth Amendment 130 Years After its Adoption. Why did it take so long? Republican Governor Kirk Fordice was the first Republican governor elected sense 1874 and is the one who ratified it in Mississippi. If the Liberal Democrats really cared about minorities, would they have not ratified it within the 130 year of dominating the office?

This stuff just keeps going on and on and sense LBJ, minorities and the poor have fallen victim to LBJs and the Liberal’s trap of economic slavery. Liberal have their votes by giving minorities and the poor entitlement, but the other side of the coin is it keeps the chains of poverty on their communities. Unless you step out and stand on your own two feet, take responsibility for your actions as well as your situation, you will never break free of this Liberal’s trap. These same Liberals and their policies are running our large cities into the ground, running our education system into the ground, making our communities unsafe, and running our country into the ground. Ask yourself, do you want to stand on your own two feet and be proud of what you have accomplished, or stay in poverty knowing you will never be nothing more than a Liberal puppet?

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