
Europe’s Islamic Problems, a Preview of American’s Islamic Problem

Not all who follow Islam is bad, but those who are bad needs to be gotten rid of because one day, if left unchecked, the bad may become your ruler. The Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan is known as the “9/11 20th terrorist and has visited, to show support, terrorist in jail as tracked by MI5 and MI6. The Mayor of London, the same Sadiq Khan has now launched Sharia Law in London, which is against UK laws. Now in England there is Muslim grooming of non-Muslim females for Muslim males as sex toys. With the hub in London, 29 people, kidnapped and groomed over 700 female victims for sexual and physical abuse. The 29 perpetrators are Amere Singh Dhaliwal, Irfan Ahmed, Zahid Hassan, Mohammed Kammer, Mohammed Aslam, Abdul Rehman, Raj Singh Barsran, Nahman Mohammed, Zubair Ahmed, Hamzha Saleem, Mansoor Akhtar, Mohammed Asaf Akram, Wiqas Mahmud, Nasarat Hussain, Sajid Hussain, Mohammed Irfraz, Faisal Nadeem, Mohammed Azeem, Zulquarnian Dogar, Manzoor Hassan, Niaz Ahmed, Mohammed Imran Ibrar, Asif Bashir, Everton la Bastide, Saqib Raheel, Usman Khalid, Aleem Javaid, Mrs Naveeda Habib, and Mrs Shahnaz Malik. Do you notice anything in common? The 29 caught are charged with rape (many victims below the age of 13), human trafficking, sexual exploitation of minors, forcible drugging of a person, and many others crimes. To try to save face, the UK government has tried to force a Blackout on the reporting on the Muslim grooming. The UK Legal System has went as far as jailing a reporter, Tommy Robinson, for what reason you ask, for reporting the truth. Now the UK government has order to black out on everything about UK journalist Tommy Robinson in an attempt to bully reporters and hiding the Grooming incident. This has ignited massive protests around the world.

The UK government can spin this debacle and say it is for national security, but the truth is they are try to save face from their bad policies; kind of like Liberals do in the US. The UK government can spin this grooming and say it is a few rough Muslims, but this is a required part of their culture. For example, there is a staggering rate of forced Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and suspected Honor Killings in Europe. This happens because it is an allowed sub-culture and ignored. According to UNICEF, there has been over 200 million forced FGM in the world but many say it cannot happen in America. The police arrested two Islamic doctors, Fakhruddin Attar and Jumana Nagarwala, near Dearborn for performing, at last reported account, over 100 FGM in the US; it is happening in America! In the US we have around one million doctors, of these doctors about 5% are Islamic doctors, which leaves you with 50 thousand Islamic doctors. If we follow what our Intelligence community tells us, 15%  of the Islamic people follow Sharia Law strictly, it would lead to have 7,500 Radical Islamic doctors in the US. If each of these Radical Islamic doctors perform 50 FGM it would add up to 375,000 FGM procedures in the US. With a population of 3.3 million Muslims in the US, it would equal 11.4 percent of Muslim women forced to have this procedure. Radical Imams issue the mandate for FGM citing Sharia Law, and the Quran. This does not count the people who are not doctors performing this procedure fallowing Sharia Law in other places then a medical facility. Could it be a US problem now? This does not even touch on Honor Killings, which is nothing but murder. In many American Muslim communities, when the Police, Corner, and the Judges are all Muslim, they can easily cover up these murders. Look at Dearborn Michigan, where they started stoning Christians in a public place and the police took the Muslims side.

In France, where guns are banned, when attacked by Jihadist, France raided all Islamic mosques, closing 160 or 7% of them for having RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades), Belt Driven Machine Guns, Grenades, and Explosives to make Suicide Bomber Vest and IED (Improvised Explosive Devices); in short, for having war making devices. We have more Mosques then France, were any of them searched after 911, Boston Bombing, The Pulse Night club shooting, the Shoe Bomber, or any other of the hundreds other Islamic attacks in the US? No, our government has failed us. If the Islamic community want to be true Americans, they would not have a problem with lawenforcement searching their mosques if for no other reason, to gain our trust; if they refuse; they probably have something to hide. The main purpose of Radical Islam is to control everyone, this is accomplished through fear and the enforcement of Sharia Law even where it is illegal; the law of the land does not matter to them. As I showed you, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has now launched Sharia Law in London, which is against UK laws. In the US, we have many judges using Shariah Law in the courtroom, which is against US law. The Truth about Sharia Law has been well documented, even in the US, but in political correct circles, for showing the truth and saying the truth, you will be called a racist or Islamophobic. I am not against the Islamic people, I have many Muslim friends, but I am against FGM, Honor Killings, Terrorism, and the refusal to integrate with the American culture, in sense making a sub-culture, while circumventing which is dangerous to the primary culture.

Some European countries have learned their lesson and the Netherlands, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy has banned face covering. These coverings are for control of lesser beings in the Islamic world, women. No matter what anyone says, it is to control women, degrade women, and make women a lesser people. It takes the women’s control of their body and even their life out of their hands because in the Islamic religion, they are slaves and possessions, not real people. Another reason for the unmasking, is many Islamic Women commit crimes, say they, for religious purposes, cannot remove their covering, just to show up in court to say, “Prove it was me.” They are using people’s compassion and respect for their religion to circumvent our laws. This puts the police and all other citizens in danger. The last reason is that terrorist use burkas to disguise themselves as women to carry out attacks and sneak into countries. Many other countries are thinking of banning Islam all together to keep their country, culture, other religions, and citizens safe. So what does this have to do with America?

As you read about the UK Muslims “Grooming” young girls for sex toys, the same thing is happening in our back yard in not only they Muslim culture but also the Illegal culture, especially with MS13. MS13 slogan is “Kill, Rape, and Control” and eat the hearts of the people they murder. Who, you ask, could defend these “Animals”. Liberal politicians like Nancy Pelosi once again, because MS13 are a major part of one of their major voting blocs, Illegals. Here is the other side. As I pointed out earlier, 7% of the mosques in France had illegal war making devices hidden in their mosques to protect them from search; it did not work in France but it did in America.

The 7% of Islamic mosques fronting for Terrorist in Europe, the percentage is probably the same in America. These mosques will have RPGs, Belt Driven Machine Guns, Grenades, and Explosives to make Suicide Bomber Vest and IED; war making devices and Liberal politicians ignore it because this is many of their donors. The European people are at the mercy of their governments because they have no Second Amendment, when the terrorist come to attack, they die. This is what happens when you are a subject and not a citizen; tyranny is allowed to run free, just ask UK journalist Tommy Robinson. You need to be scared when your government starts arresting reporters like in the UK or spying on reporters like President Obama did here in America. You need to be terrified when our government deems everything classified to protect their backsides. The American people should have access to most every part of our government, except those that are truly “National Security” or legal clandestine operations.

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