
Do You Believe in Discrimination?

Discrimination: An act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction. The treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.

If you show a difference solely based on someone’s race, gender, religion, economic standing, political beliefs, ancestry, educational level, or even accent, you are discriminating. Everyone I know, even in some of the slightest ways, can fit this description. When people do this, many do not realize they are being bigoted, or refuse to admit their prejudice of dividing people using labels. To compound the problem, we have people who believe only one group can use certain words, if anyone else uses them they are a discriminating. With words classified as racist, sexist, derogatory, or discriminatory by any group, no one, including that group, should use that word. For you to use that word classified as racist, sexist, derogatory, or discriminatory, then rail against another for using the same word, shows you are discriminating yourself and have no “Merit”. Equality means all are equal to use the word or none can use the word; to do otherwise is to be a hypocrite.

 “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King Jr.

I believe 100% in what MLK said, that we all, no matter our race, gender, or any other label should only be judged on the content of our character. If we can have a Mulatto president in America, racism in most ranks, has been defeated. However, if MLK were alive today he would be greatly disappointed at what has become of his legacy. I hate people who are racist, sexist, and discriminate, especially the ones who claim to be fighting against discrimination yet uses these racist, sexist, derogatory, or discriminatory words because in their mind, it does not apply to them. There are hundreds of examples to use but I will use one of the most common ones to make my point.

Let us pull out the biggest one, the N-word and talk a second. The N-word, for many, is the worse word in the world. I cannot stand the word especially when you have Al Sharpton saying, “None of us can use the N-word” yet Al Sharpton himself uses the N-word and tells people to “Kill Cr@ckers”. I guess sense he works for MSNBC and they have no problem with his racist language, they support Racism. Another Hypocrite is Jesse Jackson. Jesse Jackson two years after calling for people not to use the N-Word is heard here using the N-word. Both of these men say they are against racism and for equality, but what they are really for is “Racial Allegiance”. This, in itself, is racist, and if you are a Black Citizen, by going against their “Racial Allegiance”, you are called an “Uncle Tom”, which is a derogatory term itself. The truth is both of these people, who I will never call reverends, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stoke the fires of racist hate to make a living at the expense of the Black Community. Let us look up another area: Music.

I believe music can be the ultimate way to express yourself. I wish I could listen to one new song by a Rap Artist that every other word was not F*ck or the N-word; do you not have enough brainpower to write lyrics and leave these words out? I also see that the conflict comes in once again when these Black artist use words the N-word, then gets mad if a white person sings the song; this is just plain ignorance at the highest level. Do not write the words in the lyrics if you are going to be offended. Artist Kendrick Lamar shows his racism when he berates a white fan, who was called to sing his song containing the N-word, and sang it. You leave no doubt of your racist beliefs when you put a racist word in your song and have a negative reaction when a fan of a different color sings it? Yes it is racist, unfortunately this type of racism is taught in our schools and colleges.

The University of Michigan, Ryerson University, Washington State College, and UCLA, just to name a few, want a “White Free Zone”; is that not called “Segregation”? So if you are going to have a “White Free Zone”, you also need a “Spanish Free Zone”, “Asian Free Zone”, “Male Free Zone”, “Female Free Zone”, “Religious Free Zone”, and a “Non-Religious Free Zone” otherwise you are a “Bigot” which the people filing for these zones are “Racist Bigot”! You have schools giving people admission not on the basis of their merit, but because of the skin color or immigration status, this is racist and bigoted as well. If you can have a Fraternity, which main rule for admission is based on race, gender, or political belief, isn’t that bigoted? When you have a school choose who and how cannot speak at their school based on political belief, they are bigoted. When you have a racist professor teaching “White Privilege”, that shows the total ignorance of the Liberal professors teaching our kids. I worked in the fields (literally) from the age of six until I left for the military; where was my “White Privilege”? To take ANY group of people and classify all of them by their race is the epitome of being a racist.

The Black Caucus has 39 members, of the 39 members, only one Republican has been allowed to join. I am not trying to pick on the Black Caucus, the Spanish Caucus has ZERO Republicans; I am trying to point out some disturbing facts. If the Black Caucus were for all Blacks in the country, would they not want to have all representatives of Blacks from all sides. Not if they care more about pushing a self-serving agenda then helping people of their own race. Many of the Members of the Black Caucus do an injustice for their people, they just like many of the White Congressional members, only care for their own pockets and demand “Racial Allegiance” no matter how much they hurt and damage their own people. If you look at the poor Inner City Society, most are Blacks who use lower wage jobs to lift themselves out of the lower class into the middle class. However, the Liberal Politicians, who are demanding their “Racial Allegiance”, are the same ones bringing in Illegal Aliens who are taking these jobs. The Liberal Politicians do not care about the black race, they have their votes, and they want to get the legal and illegal Latino votes. Therefore, I ask, is the Black Caucus, who 100% supports Illegal Aliens, helping the Inner City Community, especially the Black community or are they harming them by supporting another group over American citizens? If the Black and Latino Caucuses believe in equality and do not believe in segregation, why are you dividing not only the Congress, but also the American people?

If you have thought on the subject, I would love to hear them.

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