
The Violent Liberal Left

I hate mean violent people like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler, who were the responsible for the highest number of human deaths in history. All were Communist/Socialist; Mao was responsible for 78 million deaths, 14.1% of China’s population, Stalin was responsible for 62 million deaths, 44% of surrounding Russia controlled areas including 12.6% of Russia overall population, and Hitler was responsible for 17 million deaths, together they were responsible for 157 million deaths, including 10.1% of Germany’s population. To accomplish this, they first disarmed the people while simultaneously removing the people’s right by destroying the peoples Constitution. During this move, they will attack, sometimes killing opposition using organized mobs to do their bidding. Second, they cut all lines of communication and counter information from the opposition claiming they are lies or hate. They do all this through secondary groups so they can deny involvement in the violence until it was too late.

In America, as we watched, some tried this, but they were not successful. The easiest one to remember is when the Liberal Democratic Party, after losing their fight to keep slavery, created the KKK (White Racist Group) to keep the blacks and Republicans in their place and out of the south. In 1866, the white southern Democrats founded Ku Klux Klan (KKK), in resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies. From the KKK, to mobs based on race and not on race, the Democratic Party has been the masters at creating violent mobs for decades. In the 1960s, it Liberals tried again but disguised it as a protest of the Vietnam War. If Liberal Democrats were against our soldiers dying, why was their leadership, President Lyndon B. Johnson, garnered more military casualties, by his dangerous Rules of Engagement? Why were these same Liberal Democrats, who said they cared about the military, spitting in their faces when they came back from war? The truth is it was all “Smoking Mirrors”, they never did, and still do not care for the military, minorities, or Law Enforcement.

If the Liberal Left was not violent, why do they set up and support anarchist groups like the Weather Underground, Workers' Solidarity Alliance, Crimeth Inc., Bash Back, and Earth Liberation Front, just to name a few. All are or were violent anarchist groups, trying to tear down the government and the US Constitution. Today there is a new generation of anarchist, they are violent haters and once again, backed by the Liberals. The New Black Panthers (Black Racist Group), Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and LaRaza, all have only one purpose, to destroy America and its Constitution. Does this sound familiar? From these groups shouting “all whites, business people, conservatives, police, and non-Spanish people” need to die, to actually killing them as we saw a BLM follower do in Dallas Texas, they are controlled and funded by the Liberal Democrats.

What could get worse you ask, the second part was the, “they cut all lines of communication and counter information from the opposition claiming they are lies or hate.” Google, Facebook, and Twitter are all ran by Liberal Democrat who hate anything and everything contrary to what they want. The media and social media sites are complicit, even today, in these types of acts, refusing to point out the truth. Facebook, Google, and Twitter, have all, along with several other social media sites, been caught blocking, removing, and all around censoring conservative, minority, and political sites who do not push the same hate filled agenda as the Liberals, they have even blocked Republican Congressional Candidates sites. They go after anyone who is not willing to tow the Liberal line, especially conservative minorities. A conservative minority is sacrilegious to Liberals, which is ironic because Liberals do not believe in God; they believe they are God. They actually go after anyone different, not just conservative minorities and conservatives. They blocked a Libertarian site as well, any site that challenges them even if you are a previous Congressman like Ron Paul. The News Agency Infowars was ban because Liberals did not like what Alex Jones was saying, now, a far left Liberal, Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat from Connecticut, thinks censoring the press is OK if they offend a political group, which is against the constitution. I do not care much for Alex Jones, but they blocked all of Infowars reporters, not just him. Why have they not blocked HBO, MSNBC, and CNN? Alex Jones is not even within the top ten reporters spouting disinformation, lies, and hate. The top three were HBO, MSNBC, and CNN. They have not shut down HBO because of Bill Maher, they have not shut down MSNBC because of Chris Matthews, and they have not shut down CNN because of the worse person about accuracy, who puts out more disinformation then the Chinese government, Joy Behar; double standard, I would say so.

Back to my original question, “Who is the truly violent ones?” I have not seen a report of a conservative or conservative group attacking anyone in mass numbers, but the Liberals look like they have cornered the market on it. I do not care what anyone says, if you truly want to know the truth about Liberals, you can tell the truth by their actions.

On July 7, 2016, in Dallas, Texas, five police officers were murdered, and nine others wounded by Liberal left-wing activist and member of Black Lives Matter (BLM), Micah Xavier Johnson, who ambushed the officers working BLM protest.

On June 14, 2017, in Alexandria, Virginia, Republican Majority Whip, Steve Scalise of Louisiana, was shot while practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity, by Liberal Democrat left-wing activist James Hodgkinson

On November 7, 2017, in Bowling Green, Kentucky, Senator Rand Paul was jumped from behind and beat by neighbor Rene A. Boucher, a Liberal Democrat.

I can show you literally hundreds of they, but can you find a conservative doing the same; only at a ratio of 100 Liberals to one Conservative. The Liberals have cornered most inner city minorities into an entitlement giving Economic Slavery, which results in what we see in Chicago today, mass murders of minorities because the Liberals in charge do not care. This is created violence at its best, and the top ten most violent cities per capita in order are Detroit-Democrat Mayor, St. Louis-Democrat Mayor, Oakland-Democrat Mayor, Memphis-Democrat Mayor, Birmingham-Democrat Mayor, Atlanta -Democrat Mayor, Baltimore-Democrat Mayor, Stockton-Democrat Mayor, Cleveland-Democrat Mayor, and Buffalo, yes you guessed it-Democrat Mayor. The city with the most out right murders, not caring about population, in Chicago and yes, once again it is ran by a Liberal Democrat. What they do not tell you is that of the 77 different neighborhoods in Chicago, 92% of all murders occur in 18 poor, mostly minority communities; this is why the Liberals do not care.  

So I ask you again, “Who instigates the violence, creates groups to carry out violence, funds the violence, tries to prevent the truth from getting out about violence, and refuses to protect all American citizens from the violence?” It is the Liberal Democratic Party.

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