
Voter Fraud, is it Real or False?

President Donald Trump stated, “In many places, like California, the same person votes many times. You probably heard about that. They always like to say 'oh that's a conspiracy theory.' Not a conspiracy theory, folks. Trump stated there were between 20 and 30 million illegal votes. Is this true, like many Republicans say or false as many Democrats say? First, we need to see if there really is voter fraud. To do this we need to see the voter rolls from each state to cross-reference them to see if people are voting in different districts and/or other states. Anyone who is a true American, and believes in our country and supports a fair voting system would want to know if there was voter fraud. The only people who would not want to know, or want to truth exposed, are the ones who the fraud helps, or are the ones committing the voter fraud. Before we go any further, we need to point out some idiocies people try to pass as fact. If you must have an ID to get any entitlements, how can it be racist to ask for IDs to vote? It is not, but that would stop many of the people voting in more than one district or state. You must have a picture ID to get into either the Democrat or Republican convention, so why do voters not need an ID to vote? Therefore, you need an ID to get entitlements, go to a convention, get a plane ticket, get insurance, get a job, and most anything else important, so quit with the Racist claiming BS. Without checking IDs, this would open a pathway, to easily, commit voter fraud.

First, we would need American citizens to register to vote in more than one district or state. The Pew Research Center found in 2012 that approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state. This is off a review of 29 states, if you average it across the US, it would be 4.84 million who could vote in more than one state or 94,902 per state and DC. If they did or do, this would be voter fraud, but how could we possibly get to President Trumps 20 to 30 million illegal votes?

A better way to commit voter fraud is to have “Ghost Voters” or dead people vote because it, if investigated, usually ends up at a dead end. According to the National Review, California has had 1,736,556 verified ghost (dead) voters who have registered and cast a vote in 2016 after their death. California is also one of the states who refuses to turn over their voter registration. The state of Delaware showed as much as 18.5% (177,959) of dead people registered and who voted in the 2016 election after they died; think about that. If you look at other states audited, you would find Colorado with 159,373 known “Ghost” votes, Florida with 100,752 known “Ghost” votes, Iowa with 31,077 known “Ghost” votes, Michigan with 225,235 known “Ghost” votes, New Hampshire with 8,213 known “Ghost” votes, North Carolina with 189,721 known “Ghost” votes, and Virginia with 89,979 known “Ghost” votes. If you add just this part up, you end up with 2,718,865 dead people we know voted in eight states. If you average these eight and apply it across for all states, it is easily possible to have 17,332,764 dead people voting across the US. If you factor in the 4.84 million registered in two or more states, you have a possible illegal vote sum of 22,172,764 million. This is not counting the people who registered to vote within the state in multiple districts. President Trumps 20 to 30 million illegal votes may fall short in reality.

We have not talked about voter fraud from foreigners, both legal and illegal. Voting by foreigners is voter fraud and the people who enable it commit treason against the United States according to the US Constitution. California, on the books, has 144% of their people population registered to vote. What does that mean? It means, of the 39.5 million US citizens in California, 56.9 million people registered to vote; it will leave you with 17.4 million illegally registered voters in California alone. Remove the 94,828 double registered people and 1,736,556 verified dead people voting from the 17.4 million extra voters, it will leave you with 15,568,616. With the Illegal Alien population estimated at 7.9%, even though we know California, Texas, Florida, and New York have much higher concentration than 7.9%, at 7.9% that would give California 3.2 million Illegal Aliens. If you look at Legal Aliens, non-citizen, the number in California is 6,965,000, which combined with the 3.2 million Illegal Aliens, give you another possible 10,165,000 illegal voters just in California. This would still leave you with 5,403,616 illegally registered voters; I think they would be the multiple district voters within the state. Just using California for an example, we can find up to a possible 17.4 million illegal registered voters. This is only one state, think about that.

The bad news is DC is worse with 154% of their population registered to vote, or 374,745 voters illegally registered, and yes, they refuse to turn over their voter registration. New Mexico was the worse with 162% of their population registered to vote, or 1,294,560 voters illegally registered, and once again, they refuse to turn over their voter registration.

4,840,000 double state registries.
17,332,764 Ghost voters
10,165,000 possible foreign voters
17,400,000 illegally registered voters in California alone.

This gives you 32,337,764 possible illegal voters. By the research of the Pew Research Center, The National Review, and many others smarter than me, there could be as many as 36,606,892 million illegal votes in the 2016 Federal election.

We have not talked about one more area, absentee ballot fraud. In St. Louis, in the 2016 primary you had Democratic establishment candidate Penny Hubbard, challenged by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist, Bruce Franks Jr.  Mr. Franks was leading until a week before the election when a massive amount of absentee ballots came in. The Democratic establishment political machine used absentee-ballot fraud to steal a Democratic primary for their candidate, Penny Hubbard and away from 31-year-old BLM activist. Mr. Franks pointed out the inconsistences to a judge who ordered a new vote. Mr. Franks won with 71% of the vote. If you remember, the Democratic establishment political machine tried to do the same thing in the 2000 presidential race. Miami-Dade, a stanch Liberal Democratic county rejected 15,596 Military absentee ballots without even opening them because the Democratic establishment political machine knew the military votes 3 to 1 for the Republican Party. In 15 other counties, with the highest rate of discarded Military absentee ballots stating, “Unable to read”, there were more than 1,700 ballots on which a voter's choice for president could be easily determined.

I do not like BLM but it is up to the people to choose who they want to represent them, not a political group. Bigger than his win, this shows voter fraud is alive and well. How would he loose by 2 points but in a retake win by 42 points. This raises an interesting point because where they caught illegal votes; they went 66-74 percent of the time to the Democratic establishment. Mr. Franks’ political race shows without voter fraud the establishment personnel do not have a chance. This race was not even close and congrats to Mr. Franks for fighting the establishment. The Democratic establishment hurts minorities more than any other organization in America. The Republican establishment hurt Americans as well. Many will disagree, especially from the Democratic side but look not at what they say, but what they have done for you. Nothing! Another question to ask yourself is, “If I must have a picture ID to get into either the Democrat or Republican convention, get entitlements, get on a plane, get insurance, get a job, and most anything else important, why are Liberal Democratic so against what would help stop voter fraud?” Maybe because, it is the only way Liberals can win.

Please let me know what you think.

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