
Things That Really Make You Think

  1. When did the American Flag become offensive in America?
  2. How can Americans be racist when we are not any single race?
  3. How can an unacceptable word be OK for one group or race to use and not another, is that not called discrimination or racism?
  4. How can the media purposely cover up stories, make up stories, and work with a political party, then say they are journalist?
  5. How can people like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) be against killing animals but for killing an innocent baby in its mother’s womb?
  6. How can you call a judge honorable who protects pedophiles?
  7. Why is over half the UN Human Rights Commission, Human Rights violators?
  8. How can municipalities use the police for making money instead of protecting the people?
  9. Where did the hate come from where we cannot talk, accept either your view or nothing?
  10. After vetoing a bill to do land management, cutting firebreaks and clearing underbrush, how can you blame the president for the fire?
  11. How can municipalities protect Criminal Illegals who cause death and pain to their citizens?
  12. Why would any president elect a racist, sexist judge to be on the Supreme Court?
  13. When your religion tells you to lie to people not of your religion, how can we trust you?
  14. Why do we allow foreign terrorist organization, the FBI identified, to remain in the US?
  15. Why do people elect politicians who refuse to protect our country?
  16. Why do we pay politicians if they will not read a bill before voting on it?
  17. How can a member of congress say, “The evidence does not matter” and remain in congress?
  18. How can you believe taking a gun from a law-abiding citizen helps protect him from the criminal?
  19. How can you have a wall and guards protecting your house, but to have one at our border is racist?
  20. How can a Member of Congress admit to attempting a “Politically Assassination”, using the “Wrap Up Smear”, be allowed to stay in office?
  21. How can a member of congress call for a physical attack on another political party stay in office?
  22. With 535 members of congress, how can their 373 criminal acts go unnoticed, including 84 DUIs, 29 assaults, and 14 drug related charges? Where are you MAD and NOW?
  23. How can congress have a slush fund to pay of people members of congress have for sexual assaulted but they refuse to release the offenders names.
  24. How can you have a member of congress say we need to get rid of the US Constitution, which they have sworn an oath to defend, stay in office?
  25. How can you say, “All are created equal” when you have politicians committing treason everyday with no consequence?
What do you think?

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