
Democrats Want to Remove the US Constitution

Liberal politicians, mostly Democrats, for a long time tried have tried to get rid of the US Constitution. The basic reason is they do not want exposed for what they are and what they are trying to do to our country. If you noticed in the televised coverage of President Trump and the Democratic leadership debating the looming government shut down, the first statement from Democratic Leadership was, “Can we please do this in private”. You see, the media was there broadcasting live and you could see both Mr. Schumer and Mrs. Pelosi did not want the public to see the truth. The other truth to see was how the media twisted, what broadcasted live, to try to twist it to say something different to support Democratic Leadership; media bias is real. Liberal Democratic Leadership have for a long time, been at the forefront of stifling free speech, the reason is because if the public learns the truth about Liberal politicians, the Democratic Party as it is today will cease to exist. Remember that every elected official swears an oath to Defend the US Constitution, unfortunately, ever Liberal politician is just giving lip service.

The 1st Amendment

Free Speech

The ability to express our views, no matter how enlightening or ignorant, is what allows us to enjoy freedom and prevents us from turning into subjects of a tyrannical government instead of having freedom as citizens. I can say any hateful thing I want and the US Constitution protects it. I can tell any of our leaders to go (you fill in the blank) _______ themselves without going to jail or being put to death as it is in many countries, they claim to be free but without free speech you are not truly free. Today, many American politicians are only in politics for their or their party’s interest, and not what is best for America or its citizens. In 1976, the Supreme Court in Buckley v. Valeo found there was no compelling governmental interest that would justify regulating speech, yet the Liberals try and try to do just that. I do not want you to believe me, below is their own words, and today, they do not even try to hide it.

In April 2012, Liberal Democrat, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi endorsed a bill, H.J. 78, to ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow Congress to regulate Free Speech. She, as all Liberals, want you only speaking what they believe, everything else is heresy.

In July 2014, Liberal Democrat Senator Dick Durbin, submitted a bill, S.J. Res. 19, to remove the Buckley v. Valeo ruling of the USA Supreme Court and make a Constitutional Amendment to remove a part of your Free Speech. There were 48 cosponsors, 46 Democrats, 2 independents. Remember you must have 2/3rds (67 votes) to pass a Constitutional Amendment; when voted on; there were 54 Yah (42 Democrats and 2 Independents) and 42 Nays (all Republicans). What I do not understand is why Democrats would vote people into office that want to remove their US Constitutional Rights.

In December 2018, California Democrat Ted Lieu admits on CNN that he hates this. Mr. Lieu stated, “I would love to be able to regulate the content of speech'” and admits it is only thwarted by the U.S. Constitution. The point is not that he admits the US Constitution stops him; the point is that he wanted to remove Free Speech. That is as un-American as it gets.

 January 2017, Liberal Democrat Representative Theodore Deutch, submitted a bill, H.J. Res. 31, to remove Free Speech again. There are 435 Representatives in the House which the bill had 140 cosponsors, 139 democrats and 1 lone Republican from New York. He is so arrogant that he says his beliefs strait up which should be a warning sign to the American people. When Liberals say all others have “Weaponized the First Amendment”, this is a precursor to it must be removed.

Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the Press does not mean the Press is free from ridicule or attacks. President Trump has been hard on the press, but when you look at the facts, he was right. He said they were in collusion with Democratic Party during the election and he was right. He said they were bias, skewing and making up false stories and again, he was right. I have also seen, sense President Trump’s election, the most unprofessional press in my lifetime, they have no manners, do not follow protocol, and try to attack the president at every turn. He fights back and the press wants to say he is trying to infringe on the “Freedom of the Press”. They forget, Liberal Democrat, President Obama who barred the media from events and only allowing photographs from the official White House photographer. They forget, President Obama targeted Fox News trying to shut them out, arguing that it was not a legitimate news organization because they would not capitulate to him. They forget, President Obama refuse to provide the Press with FOIA request, or if he did they were so redacted you had no information. His administration spent a record $36 million dollars of Tax Payer’s money fighting and denying over 500,000 FOIA request. They forget, President Obama pursued prosecution of Fox News reporter James Rosen’s private emails and sources. They forget, President Obama wiretapping the Associated Press in 2013.” They forget, President Obama attacking Major Garrett for asking why the administration was not trying to free Americans held by Iran, including Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian. Honestly, there are too many to talk about them all but you can definitely say the Liberal Democrats are against the free press.

Freedom of Religion

I like most people do not care if you are or are not religious, but the liberals in our country want to destroy you is you are religious, or at least if you are of a Christian faith or denomination. The call it Political Correctness or PC for short. It has made it a sin, or with secular people, a crime to practice or adhere to your Christian faith. The biggest problem is there are too many Liberal judges who want to make law, instead of intrepid law, which is what they swore an oath. Gay Liberal AG Alan McCullough used his position to fine an Organ baker, Sweet Cakes, who refused due to their religious beliefs, to make a gay couple a Wedding Cake. AG McCullough fining the small business a ridiculous $135,000 stating Religious Freedom does not matter. In 2015, the Liberal Oregon State Justice system upheld the ruling. In 2012, a Gay Couple purposely targeted the Masterpiece Cake shop owned by Jack Phillips because he was a Christian. Cakes are an expression, art, and Freedom of Speech; Jack Phillips said he would make any cake the gay couple wanted but not a Wedding Cake, but this was not good enough. In 2015, a Colorado Judge ruled Jack Phillips must make a Gay Wedding cake, no matter if it violated his religion. Of course, the Liberal ACLU who should be supporting the Constitutional rights of the Christian sided with the Gay couple. In June 2018, it made it to the US Supreme Court and the Baker, as it should have been, won the case. This also negated the $135,000 fine to the Organ baker, Sweet Cakes. Side note is people have tried this same tactic with Muslim bakers who refuse sighting their religion, but no AG has ever fined or took them to court. Can you say double standard? This type of attacks have also been levied on Christian flower shops, wedding planners, Churches, and teachers.

The 2nd Amendment

If you remember the first “Assault Weapons Band”, it was because of the attempted assignation of President Reagan by John Hinckley Jr. The ironic fact is the perpetrator used a 22 revolver, so why did the Liberal Democrats go after Assault Rifles? John Warnock Hinckley, Sr. was a rich staunch Democrat supported when his son, John Hinckley, Jr. tried to assassinate President Reagan. The US Constitution mandates the execution of ANY person who tries or succeeds in assassinating the President of the US. John Hinckley, Jr. avoids execution; is this because of his father’s donations? A bigger question is what does this have to do with President Reagan’s attempted assassination? Anytime there is a shooting, the Liberals come out against guns, even when assailants use knifes. Liberals like former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg demand Gun Control after “Knife Attack” at Ohio State University. Liberals use BAMN, their moto which mean “By Any Means Necessary” to get what they want instead of the truth. The attacker was an Islamic immigrant from Somali, did you notice they did not call for immigration fixes? I bet you remember the attack on Orlando’s Pulse nightclub in June 2016. Did you know the Liberal liars at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) immediately labeled as a “Right-Wing Conservative Terrorist” without any information; that is what Liberals do, remember, BAMN. I bet you did not know then-FBI chief James Comey stopped investigating into Omar Mateen at the request of the Obama administration. Omar Mateen murdered 49 people and wounded 53 in the Pulse nightclub attack. .The courts acquitted Noor Salman, the wife of Omar, who was involved, or at the lease new about the planned attack, because once again the FBI, because of Liberal politics, did not do their job. The SPLC finally admitted it was wrong when identifying the shooter as a “Right-Wing Conservative Terrorist” that it was a Radical Islamic, but it took them 2 years. This is just a couple of events but there are literally hundreds.

The 4th Amendment

The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and require a warrant by issued by a judge or magistrate, justified by probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and must particularly describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. The Liberal Obama administration admitted it used the Patriot Act, enacted to help protect the country, to spy on Americans, which violates the 4th Amendment. Paperwork shows they were even targeting then candidate Trump’s campaign for usable information. Think about that, it cannot get much worse except the Liberal IRS and EPA are worse. The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) released a report Tuesday detailing how, between 2012 and 2014, Liberal IRS investigators seized hundreds of bank accounts worth $17 million dollars from business owners based on nothing but a suspicious pattern of deposits, in many cases targeting gun shops and conservative storeowners. In 90% plus of the cases, there was no crime except by the IRS investigators for illegal interviews, not advising people of their rights, and improperly bargained (blackmailing) people to resolve cases. They never paid interest, which was robbing the small businesses again, some who went out of business because of the IRS’s illegal actions. Why did the orchestrators of these policies sent to jail? They should have been. The Liberal IRS and EPA, who are to be neutral, have been caught repeatedly targeting conservatives. Why are they not in jail?

It is no wonder the American Citizens do not trust the government. One thing President Trump said last night was, “we need to be completely transparent”, Liberal Pelosi and Schumer did not like that Idea. If you were completely transparent, it would be like turning the light at night and watching all the cockroaches scramble to get out of sight. I give you a challenge. There is a slush fund, set up by congress to pay off sexual assault complaints against congress, which congress refuses to release all names of all accused for the public to see. Both Democrats and Republicans claim to be for protecting women, make them prove it by posting the names.

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